PlayStation 4 Sales Surpass 7.0 Million Units (April 6th), 20.5M Software (April 13)


I think May will be really big for Sony. As of right now, a lot of the purchasers are the more dedicated gamers out there. When May hits and all the Joe and Josephine Averages start seeing a HD display of The Show 14 playing, it will make their jaws drop and wallets creak open for themselves and those pesky kids who have wanted one since October. While Titan Fall may be a good game, to the average person it looks like just another game where you shoot people. The Show is the only real baseball game on a console and identifiable with many more people in general. It also is obvious to even your grandmother that it looks great because they know what real baseball looks like.


From the reaction I'm assuming 7 million in this time frame for a launch device is seriously good. People were desperate for a new generation and Sony hit all the right notes.. If they continue to do so it'll be interesting to see where the PS4 ends up sales wise


But they're all available on last gen consoles, I can't imagine that audience would be interested in investing all that money just to play the same game but in a slightly higher resolution and framerate. .

You missed all the massive threads on every gaming site on 720p / 900p and resolution-gate ?

Maybe you under estimate the gaming public with their 1080P large TV's

I play COD in a 30 + clan I joined in UK (yes scoff) and every player was a 360 player who defected for the stronger console....

I know that does not resonate with some hip gamers on GAF, but don't under estimate the popularity of COD / FIFA / AC and BF4....
I think May will be really big for Sony. As of right now, a lot of the purchasers are the more dedicated gamers out there. When May hits and all the Joe and Josephine Averages start seeing a HD display of The Show 14 playing, it will make their jaws drop and wallets creak open for themselves and those pesky kids who have wanted one since October. While Titan Fall may be a good game, to the average person it looks like just another game where you shoot people. The Show is the only real baseball game on a console and identifiable with many more people in general. It also is obvious to even your grandmother that it looks great because they know what real baseball looks like.

Let's be honest, Watch Dogs is going to do a whole lot more for the PS4's prospects than MLB. I know a large contingent of NeoGAF likes to rag on it and Ubisoft for the whole downgrade affair, but there is an undeniable buzz surrounding the game, and its heavy affiliation with the PS4 ("exclusive content" and console bundles anyone?) will shift a ton of units.

But you're right though, May will be a good month for sales. And MLB will certainly help.
Wow this thread has been one hell of a read.

Firstly, congrats to Sony. The demand is still incredible.

Holy shit at bish making an appearance with his bunker. Looking forward to what these numbers will be later on. It will be about 11:30pm here in the UK when they hit (I think) so I might not sleep if the thread explodes lol.

To those who are still saying the PS4 has no games I have four words. Shut up, you're wrong.

That is all
I love how this has become the norm saying on here when a company has made bad decisions haha

It's a fairly common idiom to describe a self-defeating act, dating back a long time before NeoGAF and I'm sure was used here many times before that infamous post. I don't read that much into it when someone says it.


Wow this thread has been one hell of a read.

Firstly, congrats to Sony. The demand is still incredible.

Holy shit at bish making an appearance with his bunker. Looking forward to what these numbers will be latet on. It will be about 11:30pm here in the UK when they hit (I think) so I might not sleepbif the thread explodes lol.

To those whobare still saying the PS4 has no games I have four words. Shut up, you're wrong.

That is all
Bank holiday tomorrow, dude. Crack out the beers and enjoy!


I can't see that happening, would be mindblowing to me. inFamous sold 1 million WW recently, so say WW attach-ratio of 1:7, 2.5 million PS4:s in the US, about 350k infamous copies in the US. if attach-ratio of Titanfall in the US is same/close to what it was in the UK (1:4), it would make it about 550k sold in the US. And I got the impression it was a pretty big systemseller for the hardcore.

that'd just be crazy. Would also be surprised if PS4 outsold X1 in the NPD as well. I always got he feeling titanfall would "balance" the numbers.
You forgot the NPD TOP10 doesn't counts bundles like Xbone Titanfall... if 250k from these 550k are bundles then the TOP10 will show 350k inFAMOUS ahead 300k Titanfall.

Now PS4 outselling Xbone is not surprise anymore... I expected that today with NPD.

I don't understand how it can be so popular, do that many people really want to play Killzone and Infamous?
You know... there are others 50+ titles on PS4 instead Killzone and inFAMOUS.
The reason ps4 has become so popular has hardly anything to do with surpeior multiplats imo, price + strong brand idendity is doing the trick for casuals who just play fifa/cod
eh... i think it's barely gonna reach the Move

Morpheus will sell great. It might not outsell the move because when Morpheus takes off in sales so will the move.

However I think that due to price that will take a while. What will happen is that Morpheus will make the PS4 the aspirational console. Even though people might not be able to afford Morpheus right away, they will still want to own it. It will definitely have more pull for the PS4 than Kinect will have for the XB1. So when people have to decide between the two consoles they'll pick the PS4 in order to set themselves up to get Morpheus later.

The problem for Microsoft is that I really don't see any counter they can do against this. The only thing I can think of is if they go all out and buy up exclusives but even that won't be easy since the PS4 will have the larger install base. It is going to take a lot of money for a developer/publisher to go exclusive to the XB1. Hell it might be prohibitively expensive for MS to pay for a game to be the lead on the XB1.


Let's be honest, Watch Dogs is going to do a whole lot more for the PS4's prospects than MLB. I know a large contingent of NeoGAF likes to rag on it and Ubisoft for the whole downgrade affair, but there is an undeniable buzz surrounding the game, and its heavy affiliation with the PS4 ("exclusive content" and console bundles anyone?) will shift a ton of units.

But you're right though, May will be a good month for sales. And MLB will certainly help.

I understand that Watch Dogs will likely sell consoles, but I still think The Show has a much broader and identifiable appeal that will pull in largest segments of the population.

or let me put it this way... Grandma goes into Bestbuy to get Billy a present for his 12th birthday. Is she more likely to get little Billy a PS4 showing one of those shooting people in a city games or showing nearly real looking clean old baseball?


Grats Sony. Well deserved. You came into this gen with a vision, a plan, and you bloody executed. Chreers and may you sell many more.


Neo Member
So great numbers for PS4.

Here in the UK im yet to jump in will be PS4 when I do as been a fan for years.

But I think it needs a slight drop in price here. Whether the price drops are the retailers and not MS themselves at this point is irrelevant. The PS4 was cheaper, its not really anymore.

On amazon uk the standalone PS4 is 350 pounds and you can get xbox one and titanfall for same price. Yes weaker console but includes camera too. Looking at the bestsellers the titanfall bundle is outselling the PS4 by a fair bit. Can they keep giving away their biggest game and are they and retailers losing money, probably yes but to the customer in an xbox friendly country on amazon at least, its suddenly a brilliant deal.

Gamestop has the PS4 for 330 (add an ea game to that for 365) and infamous PS4 bundle for 370.

The xbox titanfall is 345 and titanfall bundle with ghosts is 370.

In the US Sony still have price advantage as far as I have checked.

Yes titanfall is a digital copy so no value there and yes the actual price of xbox ones is still officially higher but customers care not where these prices are cut and as of now the xbox seems better value and thats from a big ps fan. I'm not getting as PS4 until its price comes down a bit and I can pick up 'old' games for cheap, im a stingey bastard yes also still enjoying my PS3 for now.

But if I was Sony id want to remain the cheapest in the uk, important market, maybe an official price drop of 25 quid and then bundle infamous ss digital for 340. Or if the xbox price is just a temp promotion the can sony do one until it ends? But id do something as if amazon bestsellers is an indication then the xbox is more attractive than the ps4 at current pricing.

Thoughts on this anyone?
So great numbers for PS4.

Here in the UK im yet to jump in will be PS4 when I do as been a fan for years.

But I think it needs a slight drop in price here. Whether the price drops are the retailers and not MS themselves at this point is irrelevant. The PS4 was cheaper, its not really anymore.

On amazon uk the standalone PS4 is 350 pounds and you can get xbox one and titanfall for same price. Yes weaker console but includes camera too. Looking at the bestsellers the titanfall bundle is outselling the PS4 by a fair bit. Can they keep giving away their biggest game and are they and retailers losing money, probably yes but to the customer in an xbox friendly country on amazon at least, its suddenly a brilliant deal.

Gamestop has the PS4 for 330 (add an ea game to that for 365) and infamous PS4 bundle for 370.

The xbox titanfall is 345 and titanfall bundle with ghosts is 370.

In the US Sony still have price advantage as far as I have checked.

Yes titanfall is a digital copy so no value there and yes the actual price of xbox ones is still officially higher but customers care not where these prices are cut and as of now the xbox seems better value and thats from a big ps fan. I'm not getting as PS4 until its price comes down a bit and I can pick up 'old' games for cheap, im a stingey bastard yes also still enjoying my PS3 for now.

But if I was Sony id want to remain the cheapest in the uk, important market, maybe an official price drop of 25 quid and then bundle infamous ss digital for 340. Or if the xbox price is just a temp promotion the can sony do one until it ends? But id do something as if amazon bestsellers is an indication then the xbox is more attractive than the ps4 at current pricing.

Thoughts on this anyone?
If ps4 is still selling more xb1 we won't see a price drop. We will only see a price drop when xbox starts to sell more than ps4 in the UK.


Wow this thread has been one hell of a read.

Firstly, congrats to Sony. The demand is still incredible.

Holy shit at bish making an appearance with his bunker. Looking forward to what these numbers will be later on. It will be about 11:30pm here in the UK when they hit (I think) so I might not sleep if the thread explodes lol.

To those who are still saying the PS4 has no games I have four words. Shut up, you're wrong.

That is all

Bank holiday weekend mate, we'll (uk) be ready for tonight.
So great numbers for PS4.

Here in the UK im yet to jump in will be PS4 when I do as been a fan for years.

But I think it needs a slight drop in price here. Whether the price drops are the retailers and not MS themselves at this point is irrelevant. The PS4 was cheaper, its not really anymore.
In the US Sony still have price advantage as far as I have checked.
Yes titanfall is a digital copy so no value there and yes the actual price of xbox ones is still officially higher but customers care not where these prices are cut and as of now the xbox seems better value and thats from a big ps fan. I'm not getting as PS4 until its price comes down a bit and I can pick up 'old' games for cheap, im a stingey bastard yes also still enjoying my PS3 for now.

But if I was Sony id want to remain the cheapest in the uk, important market, maybe an official price drop of 25 quid and then bundle infamous ss digital for 340. Or if the xbox price is just a temp promotion the can sony do one until it ends? But id do something as if amazon bestsellers is an indication then the xbox is more attractive than the ps4 at current pricing.

Thoughts on this anyone?

Microsoft needs to do everything they can to get you to buy it. Looking at the value of upfront freebees is really short sighted. Drop in Price, game giveaway, money hatting exclusives.. If they get you to bite then you are locked in for the generation. Why else would someone buy this underpowered console.

People who think there is any value there at all are in for a rude awakening.


Neo Member
If ps4 is still selling more xb1 we won't see a price drop. We will only see a price drop when xbox starts to sell more than ps4 in the UK.

Well as of now the titanfall bundle is 2nd on amazon bestsellers and PS4 is 11th.

The price advantage here has not only been cut but its probably better value now, however they achieved it. Making big losses somewhere but going off amazon keeping hold or clawing back somewhat in this market.

wasn't there a company that did a npd similar thing for the uk?



That pushed Microsoft ahead of Sony in hardware sales on a dollar basis due to the Xbox One's higher price tag.

And those figures didn't include the critically acclaimed game Titanfall, which was bundled with the Xbox One in the US in March in a startlingly low-cost $499 package that essentially netted buyers a free copy of the title. Microsoft and select regional retailers have both used Titanfall to aggressively push unit sales of the console, especially in markets like the UK.

That's just too funny...

Wonder which one has sold more on an LEDs used basis?


You forgot the NPD TOP10 doesn't counts bundles like Xbone Titanfall... if 250k from these 550k are bundles then the TOP10 will show 350k inFAMOUS ahead 300k Titanfall.

Now PS4 outselling Xbone is not surprise anymore... I expected that today with NPD.

You know... there are others 50+ titles on PS4 instead Killzone and inFAMOUS.

Hmm, 250k in bundle sales out of say 300-350k (speculation) overall X1 sales is pretty huge. You're probably right though, I'm just going on pure impressions from how Titanfall was hyped. I'd think the 1:4 attach-ratio would be more towards people already owning the X1. Not sure how the UK sales were counted, if they don't count bundles as well.

If inFamous does outsell Titanfall, I take back my previous statement in the EU sales thread that infamous probably sold less than Sony/Sucker Punch would've wanted. If they beat Titanfall, I think that show it did pretty well.


So great numbers for PS4.

Here in the UK im yet to jump in will be PS4 when I do as been a fan for years.

But I think it needs a slight drop in price here. Whether the price drops are the retailers and not MS themselves at this point is irrelevant. The PS4 was cheaper, its not really anymore.

On amazon uk the standalone PS4 is 350 pounds and you can get xbox one and titanfall for same price. Yes weaker console but includes camera too. Looking at the bestsellers the titanfall bundle is outselling the PS4 by a fair bit. Can they keep giving away their biggest game and are they and retailers losing money, probably yes but to the customer in an xbox friendly country on amazon at least, its suddenly a brilliant deal.

Gamestop has the PS4 for 330 (add an ea game to that for 365) and infamous PS4 bundle for 370.

The xbox titanfall is 345 and titanfall bundle with ghosts is 370.

In the US Sony still have price advantage as far as I have checked.

Yes titanfall is a digital copy so no value there and yes the actual price of xbox ones is still officially higher but customers care not where these prices are cut and as of now the xbox seems better value and thats from a big ps fan. I'm not getting as PS4 until its price comes down a bit and I can pick up 'old' games for cheap, im a stingey bastard yes also still enjoying my PS3 for now.

But if I was Sony id want to remain the cheapest in the uk, important market, maybe an official price drop of 25 quid and then bundle infamous ss digital for 340. Or if the xbox price is just a temp promotion the can sony do one until it ends? But id do something as if amazon bestsellers is an indication then the xbox is more attractive than the ps4 at current pricing.

Thoughts on this anyone?

Amazon UK bestsellers is telling me the PS4 is the better selling console for the year.


Well as of now the titanfall bundle is 2nd on amazon bestsellers and PS4 is 11th.

The price advantage here has not only been cut but its probably better value now, however they achieved it. Making big losses somewhere but going off amazon keeping hold or clawing back somewhat in this market.

wasn't there a company that did a npd similar thing for the uk?

It's not really an indication of general trends to be honest, Xbox One has been consistently above ps4 for a week on Amazon, but that's just Amazon, I wouldn't take that on board as nationwide behaviour.
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