PlayStation 4 Sales Surpass 7.0 Million Units (April 6th), 20.5M Software (April 13)



I really don't understand the appeal of the PS4 at this moment, the motivations of the buyers, but it was already the case for the very successful PS2, 14 years ago... Congrats Sony, I guess.

I think the PS4 has many strengths over the competition. Couple that with the fact that MS did a lot of PR damage last year, and its not surprising to me to see the PS4 selling as well as it is.

It basically would mean both consoles are continuing on their same current path of trajectory.

You guys get way to into this stuff... *shrug*

The point is Titanfall was being pushed as the next big thing and if it didn't manage to push any extra consoles it failed at what it was meant to do.


Xbone had a pretty decent boost in Feb, so I'm expecting that bone sales will surpass PS4 for March due to Titanfall. I mean, that's their ace in the hole for this time of year, if TF can't boost sales, then what hope is there?
Also MLB: the Show isn't on there.

This is NeoGAF. That's a sports game.

Seriously though. MLB: The Show gets overlooked here, but people should really consider that it could spur some sales. It's the only MLB game in town on next gen, and MLB fans are pretty hooked into technology these days. Last year, MLB fans clocked over 10M downloads of the MLB app, with 60% of those fans opening the app at least once a day. Approx. 3M fans subscribed to pay internet streaming service too.

Sony always does a good job promoting The Show on MLB broadcasts, and especially on the app and on the .tv pay service. When The Show hits PS4, the MLB fans will know it's the only next-gen console to play baseball games on.


Has Pachter made a prediction for march? He usually makes a prediction a few days prior to NPD. But I can't find his numbers.


if PS4 actually won march NPD....we need that kazified "fire everything!" star trek gif, seems apt for this situation.

I just made a gif if that does happen (heh it was only a matter of time before someone did a PS4 itprintsmoney.gif).


First time I've ever made a gif from scratch. Gotta get those skills.


Yup, the last two gens showed this and it's a big reason I went with PS4. Sony's committed to providing great exclusives for an entire gen (both existing and new IPs), MS comes on strong early on and fizzles out at the end where they milk their big IP's and and let 3rd party titles do the rest of the work. Can it change this gen with MS? Sure, but they need to show me that they're committed to great 1st party output for this whole gen (both existing and new IPs as well as building and supporting good 1st party teams). Sony's proven this to me for 2 gens, MS's track record here is not good. If you're buying a console for the long haul a few months into a new gen means nothing, what matters is the history of both companies and how they have delivered exclusive content over the long term in the past.

This and paywall for apps are my two big issues with Xbox one personally. The problem is, how long does it take for MS to persuade me that they are supporting with first party games foe the whole gen? Basically I have to wait until near the end of the generation, wheras I give Sony the benefit of the doubt based on their past record


I'm going to bed

Gonna need my rest

Can only mean PS4 outsold Xbox in NPD.

- if Xbox outsold PS4, that would be the anticipated result
- if it didn't, despite titanfall and huge bundling/price drops, that will create pandemonium on here.

I see it being possible. Sony were stocking strongly, infamous came out, sales of Xbox didn't seem huge despite the price cuts, titanfall software sales in Europe at least fell away like other games (not particularly long legs)

The only reason people seem to be giving for Xbox winning march is because MS were pinning so much on titanfall. Not a good reason for predictions IMO


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
So they are practically neck and neck in the US. If Microsoft completely flooded the market last month the Xbone could have over taken the PS4 LTD in the US. Although I'm not sure that would be bunker level news.

Considering the logical suspicion earlier in the thread is that we got this news ahead of NPD because Sony knows Xbox One sold more in March, I wouldn't see it as being worthy of the bunker photo either.

Either something else happened, or we are in for alternating posts of "holy shit!" vs. "no shit" depending on how much any particular forum member was aware of the small install base difference here to begin with.


Can only mean PS4 outsold Xbox in NPD.

- if Xbox outsold PS4, that would be the anticipated result
- if it didn't, despite titanfall and huge bundling/price drops, that will create pandemonium on here.

I see it being possible. Sony were stocking strongly, infamous came out, sales of Xbox didn't seem huge despite the price cuts, titanfall software sales in Europe at least fell away like other games (not particularly long legs)

The only reason people seem to be giving for Xbox winning march is because MS were pinning so much on titanfall. Not a good reason for predictions IMO

It's also possible that the XB1 has a pretty huge lead over PS4 for the month, maybe even so much that they are neck to neck LTD. (which is bunker worthy because the XB1 is 100 $ more and also the "weaker" hardware.)


It's also possible that the XB1 has a pretty huge lead over PS4 for the month, maybe even so much that they are neck to neck LTD. (which is bunker worthy because the XB1 is 100 $ more and also the "weaker" hardware.)

*in the usa

If the xbox doesnt overtake the ps4 now it never will.

Worldwide the war is over but ms can still eek out a market in the us and uk if titanfall brings them closer to the ps4 ltd there. If they dont pass it now...


Awesome for Sony, especially after last generation. This is a much better start for them.

Not sure if I'm sold on the PS4 though or any console for that matter. Third party exclusives are a thing of the past and with this generation utilizing PC architecture it's becoming a very common thing to hear the biggest titles being announced for the PC from the most unexpected developers, namely Japanese developers.

Hope we see Kaz this year at E3


What is the LTD for Xbox and PS4 in the US currently (as of last months NPD)?
From earlier in the thread:

LTD as of November 2013:

1) Wii U - 1.62 million (+0.48 million from PS4, +0.71 million from XBO)
2) PS4 - 1.14 million (+0.23 million from XBO)
3) XBO - 0.91 million

LTD as of December 2013:

1) Wii U - 2.10 million (+0.10 million from PS4, +0.28 million from XBO)
2) PS4 - 2.00 million (+0.18 million from XBO)
3) XBO - 1.82 million

LTD as of January 2014:

1) PS4 - 2.27 million (+0.12 million from Wii U, +0.31 million from XBO)
2) Wii U - 2.15 million (+0.19 million from XBO)
3) XBO - 1.96 million

LTD as of February 2014:

1) PS4 - 2.54 million (+0.31 million from Wii U, +0.32 million from XBO)
2) Wii U - 2.23 million (+0.01 million from XBO)
3) XBO - 2.22 million


It's also possible that the XB1 has a pretty huge lead over PS4 for the month, maybe even so much that they are neck to neck LTD. (which is bunker worthy because the XB1 is 100 $ more and also the "weaker" hardware.)
When you say LTD, we are talking about US right?

Then, for Xbone to even it out in the US, it would need to sell 300K more units than PS4. Let's assume that PS4 sold 300K units in March, Xbone would need to sell 600K to even it out. Do you think that Xbone sold anywhere near that?


Nothing! I said nothing!
I can't think what would cause a big surprise. In the NPD thread it looked like 50/50 as to who people thought were going to win this month but most had it close.

I could see a 150k lead for either of them happening quite easily as well. I had the XB1 ahead but only because I felt the supply constraint stuff has been overstated.

Anyway it's going to be interesting.


It's depressing as hell seeing the Dreamcast only reach 10 million. Such a terrific console deserved so much better.

I feel the same way about the Vita :(

So if MS can be about even with Sony in America by slashing their price it doesn't matter if they are outsold 2:1 worldwide? How convenient for them.

Their primary focus is to gain profit, if the Xbox division isn't reaping profits the investors will kill it or sell it off. Gaming is only a peripheral asset to Microsoft.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
Does Bish get leaks from friends or is he able to see the NPD now because he subscribes to it? How does one even become an NPD member? You pay or do you have to qualify?


When you say LTD, we are talking about US right?

Then, for Xbone to even it out in the US, it would need to sell 300K more units than PS4. Let's assume that PS4 sold 300K units in March, Xbone would need to sell 600K to even it out. Do you think that Xbone sold anywhere near that?

Yeah, sorry clearly US (Bunker pic from bish was referring to NPD today).
I don't think that the XB1 will be way higher than PS4. Just added one outcome to mrklaw's posts what would warrant a fallout which bish is suggesting with his pic (probably trolling GAF now).
I personally think PS4 and XB1 will be pretty close in their numbers for the month, maybe PS4 with some units sold more.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
When you say LTD, we are talking about US right?

Then, for Xbone to even it out in the US, it would need to sell 300K more units than PS4. Let's assume that PS4 sold 300K units in March, Xbone would need to sell 600K to even it out. Do you think that Xbone sold anywhere near that?

I'm not sure why it would be so surprsing if they did outpace PS4. Titanfall with an Xbox One for $449 is basically a $110 price cut four months into the lifespan of the system. If that didn't close the gap in the US, nothing will. It doesn't seem implausible enough (forgive the double negative) to me that calling it shocking would make much sense.

well that's good sony

now give those money to small / indie japanese teams instead of financing ND / guerrilla / other boring people
There doesn't seem to be much indication that giving the Japanese studios money will yield an actual game in any reasonable amount of time. /zing

Doc Evils


Sony's decision to release sales figures comes at an interesting time for the neck and neck state of next-gen console purchases. The PS4 only barely edged out Microsoft's Xbox One in February, with 258,000 Xbox One units sold that month. That pushed Microsoft ahead of Sony in hardware sales on a dollar basis due to the Xbox One's higher price tag.

And those figures didn't include the critically acclaimed game Titanfall, which was bundled with the Xbox One in the US in March in a startlingly low-cost $499 package that essentially netted buyers a free copy of the title. Microsoft and select regional retailers have both used Titanfall to aggressively push unit sales of the console, especially in markets like the UK.

The Titanfall bundle was originally priced in the UK at 400 pounds, the same price as the console on its own after a surprising region-specific price cut of 30 pounds. Then, just last week, British retailers slashed the price of the Titanfall bundle further, to 350 pounds. The PS4's price has remained firm at $399 in the US and 349 pounds in the UK.

What the hell am I reading?



Sony's decision to release sales figures comes at an interesting time for the neck and neck state of next-gen console purchases. The PS4 only barely edged out Microsoft's Xbox One in February, with 258,000 Xbox One units sold that month. That pushed Microsoft ahead of Sony in hardware sales on a dollar basis due to the Xbox One's higher price tag.

And those figures didn't include the critically acclaimed game Titanfall, which was bundled with the Xbox One in the US in March in a startlingly low-cost $499 package that essentially netted buyers a free copy of the title.

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