PlayStation 4 Sales Surpass 7.0 Million Units (April 6th), 20.5M Software (April 13)


Not even a million a month, that does not carry them very far.

They should design a slim already, ramp up the production to 2M/month, get some insane deals on components and announce $299 at E3.

Then the war would be over and we could enjoy one console future.

well, in reality, $199 is where it is at... so if they drop down to $199 by E3, then they are winning war for realz.


Oh, time to update my graph:


I am using this graph to help my little brother understand what a slope is.

Not merely how to calculate it, but what it means (beyond how it looks). This is good stuff.

Jack cw

I don't understand how it can be so popular, do that many people really want to play Killzone and Infamous?

If you seriously think that "exclusives" are still the reason why people buy those systems, then you clearly missed the last two decades in gaming. The biggest guns and most sold games are multiplats. People want to play their FIFA, GTA, AC, CoD, BF etc. Exclusives help here but multiplats are driving the sales as well as word of mouth, especially since social networks spread the word like fire.


I don't understand how it can be so popular, do that many people really want to play Killzone and Infamous?

Because out there in the not Internet world gamers are mostly buying multiplat games , of which the PS4 has and will always have the best console version.

Exclusives are great for list wars but they're not the be all and end all.
If you seriously think that "exclusives" are still the reason why people buy those systems, then you clearly missed the last two decades in gaming. The biggest guns and most sold games are multiplats. People want to play their FIFA, GTA, AC, CoD, BF etc. Exclusives help here but multiplats are driving the sales as well as word of mouth, especially since social networks spread the word like fire.

Which is why May will interesting. Watch Dogs is supposed to be bundled with the PS4, and that title has a lot of mind share. Add to that MLB the Show comes to PS4 early that month as well, and there is a couple more reasons to buy a PS4. As an added bonus for owners Transistor comes out May 20th and might be the best game of the month.


I don't understand how it can be so popular, do that many people really want to play Killzone and Infamous?

It has the best console versions of the worlds most popular games - what's surprising about this? Assassins Creed, Call of Duty, FIFA are literally some of the worlds biggest selling games?

Really not sure why people think only exclusives matter, but as a consumer they are often an added bonus rather than the main deal. As it happens Sony's exclusives are far more to my taste than the Xbones, but that wasn't the primary motivator for my purchase.


Which is why May will interesting. Watch Dogs is supposed to be bundled with the PS4, and that title has a lot of mind share. Add to that MLB the Show comes to PS4 early that month as well, and there is a couple more reasons to buy a PS4. As an added bonus for owners Transistor comes out May 20th and might be the best game of the month.

I think Watch_Dogs is going to sell most of its copies on PS4.


Today's the day! And what a wonderful start to the day!

I wake up knowing it's NPD nuttiness. I know today is pay day. And THEN, when I looked in my bank account, I got like 70 extra bucks for some class action settlement on my bank over overdraft fees. I didn't even know there was a case!

Today is going to be a good day!


I guess 7 million announcement has nothing to do with NPD.

My bet is inFAMOUS > Titanfall in the TOP10.

I can't see that happening, would be mindblowing to me. inFamous sold 1 million WW recently, so say WW attach-ratio of 1:7, 2.5 million PS4:s in the US, about 350k infamous copies in the US. if attach-ratio of Titanfall in the US is same/close to what it was in the UK (1:4), it would make it about 550k sold in the US. And I got the impression it was a pretty big systemseller for the hardcore.

that'd just be crazy. Would also be surprised if PS4 outsold X1 in the NPD as well. I always got he feeling titanfall would "balance" the numbers.

Came for the sales figures, saw the bunker.......oh boy what does it mean?

Double rainbow!
It has the best console versions of the worlds most popular games - what's surprising about this? Assassins Creed, Call of Duty, FIFA are literally some of the worlds biggest selling games?

Really not sure why people think only exclusives matter, but as a consumer they are often an added bonus rather than the main deal. As it happens Sony's exclusives are far more to my taste than the Xbones, but that wasn't the primary motivator for my purchase.

And it has the most games, it has a wider variety then its competitor, it has "free" games given away each month, it has, more F2P games, more MMO's, more Indies along side what you said.

i wish people would stop trying to push the narrative that the PS4 doesn't have any games,or they only have killzone and infamous.

For £349/$399 it offers everything you need as a console player outside of titanfall, and thats why its selling.


If you seriously think that "exclusives" are still the reason why people buy those systems, then you clearly missed the last two decades in gaming. The biggest guns and most sold games are multiplats. People want to play their FIFA, GTA, AC, CoD, BF etc. Exclusives help here but multiplats are driving the sales as well as word of mouth, especially since social networks spread the word like fire.

Because out there in the not Internet world gamers are mostly buying multiplat games , of which the PS4 has and will always have the best console version.

Exclusives are great for list wars but they're not the be all and end all.

But they're all available on last gen consoles, I can't imagine that audience would be interested in investing all that money just to play the same game but in a slightly higher resolution and framerate.

I can understand the possibility of the PS4 becoming the best selling console gradually over time, but not the huge spike in sales at the start of it's life. What's causing the rush?


Junior Member
I don't understand how it can be so popular, do that many people really want to play Killzone and Infamous?

You act as if BF4,COD,AC,Madden,NBA2k,etc next gen style has no significant meaning to gamers thad have been playing games on a system 8 years long. ...seriously dude...wheres the logic in your thinking here, NO offense because we all have them brain farts but man come ON..there are two choices and one cost 100 dollars less and is quite a bit more powerful.

Yes i see why PS4 has sold 7 million so selling console to date, correct me if i am wrong. Peeps were tired and worn of these old last gen consoles..even my nephew kept asking me when the next xbox and playstation will come out and he's only 14 at the time when he asked me this.


I don't understand how it can be so popular, do that many people really want to play Killzone and Infamous?
Nah of course not, the 3 million sales were just from people who were watching playroom porn streaming and bought the games, not to play, but to keep Sony in business so that they wouldnt lose their playroom porn.

Everyone who's not an idiot knows that playroom streams is the PS4's only good exclusive.
PS4 seems to be really clicking well with consumers, even with a limited software offering. I think that sales will really ignite when the big Sony software hits (GT, Uncharted) along with other multiplatform games.


I can understand the possibility of the PS4 becoming the best selling console gradually over time, but not the huge spike in sales at the start of it's life. What's causing the rush?

The last generation went on for far too long. People were super eager to upgrade.

Regardless of whether you can get those games for last-gen, the majority now want to buy those games for their new and shiny platform in a better quality.
The last generation went on for far too long. People were super eager to upgrade.

Regardless of whether you can get those games for last-gen, the majority now want to buy those games for their new and shiny platform in a better quality.
Yeah, this. It's very clear that people in general were becoming sick of the old consoles. I did expect that cross gen games go really well on the new consoles but didn't expect that new gen sales will already surpass the old gen sales.


Wait, wernt the PS4 and Xbox One released in the same month?

But they're all available on last gen consoles, I can't imagine that audience would be interested in investing all that money just to play the same game but in a slightly higher resolution and framerate.

I can understand the possibility of the PS4 becoming the best selling console gradually over time, but not the huge spike in sales at the start of it's life. What's causing the rush?

You'd be surprised. My roommate and little brother (two very different age groups but the same type of gamer) only play FIFA and Assassin's Creed and they're dying for us to get a PS4. Why? Because graphics and TV ads. He doesn't even know what Infamous is, and couldn't give less of a shit about indies. That is the true mainstream, as can be confirmed by just about any sales chart. It's all about the multi plats. FIFA sells more than The Last of Us. Call of Duty's shittiest, most repetitive game (think Black Ops VIII) would still sell several times more than The Last Guardian if it were ever released.

This comes as a shock to people who visit this site, but the idea of having these massively popular games in higher quality is what appeals to buyers outside these woods. This, however, can push them towards either console. The not-so-slight pivot towards Sony is due, in my opinion, primarily to price, and subsequently to word-of-mouth concerning its superior hardware.


PS4 seems to be really clicking well with consumers, even with a limited software offering. I think that sales will really ignite when the big Sony software hits (GT, Uncharted) along with other multiplatform games.


How does it have a limited software offering?

Sorry for repeating myself, but it has the best console versions of the worlds biggest selling games. How is this limited?

You can pick one up now and have hundreds of hours of gameplay ahead of you with what's released already, across a whole range of genres. From the way people talk it's as if it comes with a lock that only lets you play Infamous...


  • It's the most powerful current-gen console
  • Cheapest between PS4 and XB1 (because your average consumer and dev thinks "lol Wii U")
  • Getting the best-version of multi-platform games on consoles (AssCreed, CollarDuty, BF, etc.)
  • Promise of future games
  • General goodwill from latter PS3 years

I don't understand how people are getting confused over it's success. It's very obvious.

Nailed it.

I would add the list of Indies is growing and growing.

Edit - as for the limited software offering, I think people forget what previous launch software offerings were like. They were pretty dreadful. The PS4 has plenty of games considering the point it's at in its lifecycle.


But they're all available on last gen consoles, I can't imagine that audience would be interested in investing all that money just to play the same game but in a slightly higher resolution and framerate.

I can understand the possibility of the PS4 becoming the best selling console gradually over time, but not the huge spike in sales at the start of it's life. What's causing the rush?

Don't know about others but I sure am bored playing on the same console with the same graphic level for the last 7 or so years.


I don't understand how it can be so popular, do that many people really want to play Killzone and Infamous?

They just want to play the best console versions of their multiplatform favorites on the more powerful hardware for $100 less, with no forced camera in the box. From the brand consumers have trusted for generations to deliver the goods.

What's so hard to understand?

I'd say Microsoft also has built a great brand in the Xbox, but they've really shot themselves in the foot once too often going into this generation, and it's hurting them.
Can we draw conclusions from the fact MS is so hesitant to release X1 sales data?

Of course, Microsoft has never been hesitant to crow about numbers, they're aren't because they know it can't stack up to the PS4.

Expect more Xbox family* PR tonight, and more Shipped numbers come the quarterly calls


They just want to play the best console versions of their multiplatform favorites on the more powerful hardware for $100 less, with no forced camera in the box. From the brand consumers have trusted for generations to deliver the goods.

What's so hard to understand?

I'd say Microsoft also has built a great brand in the Xbox, but they've really shot themselves in the foot once too often going into this generation, and it's hurting them.

I love how this has become the norm saying on here when a company has made bad decisions haha


Does this mean the Wii U is still second worldwide? If so would be funny to see it pull ahead of X1 with the release of Mario Kart.


Does this mean the Wii U is still second worldwide? If so would be funny to see it pull ahead of X1 with the release of Mario Kart.

Most probably, as I wrote in another thread I don't expect Xbone to reach WiiU numbers this year WORLDWIDE. The US is a different thing though.
what's next? "most console bundles including titanfall sold in march?"

"most consoles that have HDMI in sold in march"

"Most consoles sold by volume/weight in march"


Most probably, as I wrote in another thread I don't expect Xbone to reach WiiU numbers this year WORLDWIDE. The US is a different thing though.

It's close already isn't it? X1 has to be selling more briskly than the Wii U which is limping along. I'm going to guess they'll pass the U in the fall.
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