If they dropped it to another hundred less id still wait and save for a ps4. Im not loaded and I much prefer the exclusives in general and want the best too.
But I'm thinking from the average persons view and they see the price and its a decent deal. Amazon bestsellers also suggest at this moment its very popular.
What reaction would there be if somehow they got the xbox titan fall bundle to $399 in the us? Same as the Ps4 standalone console.
I don't think it matters. The PS4 already comes with free games with PS+ and Free to play games with no subscriptions. So for the cost conscious the PS4 is still the better deal.
Not everyone is into MP run and gun shooters so Titanfall does not appeal to everyone. There will always be people who look at price but not value and those who are brand loyal regardless.
Before the shit storm of last year anything could have happened but now people have had a year to see how things played out and do their research.
People buying their systems today know what they are getting for their $$$
We may see some game bundeling with skinned consoles later this year with the PS4 but I doubt we see a price drop, especially with sales numbers like this and who could blame them.