Will Bound by flame not release on Xbone ?
Will Bound by flame not release on Xbone ?
PS3/PS4/360/PC I believe!
Lol perhaps, but I do have a hard time believing XBO will do under 20 million (which, I guess if 5th gen's size was adjusted to match last gen, and assuming any drop-off for this gen is negligible, would put Saturn at something like 20 million).It's more like Saturn and PS1 all over again. Even the price announcements were similar.
The thing that really needs to be done on this list is match up the names on either column with the italic exclusives at the bottom.
Tomb Raider..........|...........Tomb Raider
.................................|...........Don't Starve
Whattaj000keYou probably aren't serious with this image but I agree with it.
I'd rather have Titanfall than all those other small indie games. Titanfall probably outsold all of them put together. If you want to use a "quantity vs quality" argument I'll use one here as well.
that he is; an unapologetic shill, wearing his fanboyism on his sleeve.Whattaj000ke
Pity Microsoft didn't use that philosophy when it came to choosing memory architecture for their console...You probably aren't serious with this image but I agree with it.
I'd rather have Titanfall than all those other small indie games. Titanfall probably outsold all of them put together. If you want to use a "quantity vs quality" argument I'll use one here as well.
I almost agreed with the entirety of your post. Almost.
I not only got a vita for the exclusives, but also for all of the indie games i prefer playing on the go, rather than on my PC, and remote play.
Also, i'm happy for the PS4 sales, and my next game will be Child of Light.
Would you mind correcting the spelling of "Wolfenstein" on each list? Very informative pic, but that's bugging me a bit.
there you go![]()
PS3/PS4/360/PC I believe!
like Tropico 5
being PC bound and PS4/360 later
Thanks !
I just took a look at wikipedia and noticed Xbone isn't listed, but I'm wondering why ... I mean, I don't think Sony paid for a next gen exclusive of games like Bound by Flame, Tropico, etc ...
Thanks !
I just took a look at wikipedia and noticed Xbone isn't listed, but I'm wondering why ... I mean, I don't think Sony paid for a next gen exclusive of games like Bound by Flame, Tropico, etc ...
Thanks !
I just took a look at wikipedia and noticed Xbone isn't listed, but I'm wondering why ... I mean, I don't think Sony paid for a next gen exclusive of games like Bound by Flame, Tropico, etc ...
Thanks !
I just took a look at wikipedia and noticed Xbone isn't listed, but I'm wondering why ... I mean, I don't think Sony paid for a next gen exclusive of games like Bound by Flame, Tropico, etc ...
old - http://i.imgur.com/gT5kpTb.png
Nice list. Good work.
I think it's likely to get even more lopsided as PS4 pulls further ahead, and more developers decide farting around with MS and their eSRAM just isn't worth their time, given the smaller, highly localized user base. Not to mention all of the VR stuff XBone won't be getting a taste of at all.
I mentioned this earlier in the thread. The 360 has ~15m lead in the U.S. over PS3. PS3 made up that ground with ~7.5m lead in Japan, and ~7.5m lead elsewhere. Given that it took Sony ~7.5 years to generate those leads, they exceeded 360 sales by ~2m per year outside the U.S.Huh so even approximating it to 8.75 million, being fairly generous
That would represent about 10.8% of 360's WW Marketshare, with another 51% in the US, that leaves 38% for the rest of the world.
Judging by the one-sided sales elsewhere I'm wondering if MS is actually losing more WW than we release
I mentioned this earlier in the thread. The 360 has ~15m lead in the U.S. over PS3. PS3 made up that ground with ~7.5m lead in Japan, and ~7.5m lead elsewhere. Given that it took Sony ~7.5 years to generate those leads, they exceeded 360 sales by ~2m per year outside the U.S.
This gen so far, PS4 leads Xbox One in the U.S. by ~.4m, and in the rest of the world by ~2.2m. This means that in 4.5 months, PS4 outside the U.S. has already surpassed the lead PS3 was taking a year to accrue.
Microsoft is not only losing (by tight margins) in the U.S., they're falling behind in the rest of the world well over twice as fast as they did last gen. (Note, though, that their absolute sales worldwide are faster than 360...so far.)
Microsoft is not only losing (by tight margins) in the U.S., they're falling behind in the rest of the world well over twice as fast as they did last gen. (Note, though, that their absolute sales worldwide are faster than 360...so far.)
(Ja-Mr) HW Shipments (Unit: Million)
Code:HW Ja-Mr LTD 2001 PS2 4.21 10.04 2014 PS4 + 2.5 M ?? ~ 7.0 M ?? 2007 PS3 1.8 3.5 2006 360 1.7 3.2 2014 XBO ~ 1.1 ?? ~ 5.0 ??
- XBO and last gen consoles need price cuts ASAP.
- XBO looks DOA in cont EU.
- PS360 has already outsold the PS2+Xbox by 15 million units (US + EU markets). Sales in emerging markets should be a key driver over the next few years.
- PS4 is selling well, but Sony can't replicate what the PS2 did in JP + US.
JP Sales - First Eight Weeks
Code:HW Week 8 LTD 2000 PS2 74,350 1.4 m (Ap 2000, Famitsu) 2006 PS3 71,727 0.46 m (Dc 2006, Media Create) 2014 PS4 13,034 0.52 m (Ap 2014, Media Create)
The US market is still debatable, but the PS2 is headed for the stratosphere after Feb 2001.
US Sales
Code:HW March Ja - Mr March LTD 2001 PS2 0.55 m 1.03 m 2.13 m 2014 PS4 0.37 m 0.91 m 2.91 m 2007 PS3 0.13 m 0.50 m 1.19 m
That said, analysts expect the PS4 to sell 10 - 12 million units worldwide in 2014 (below PS3 slim)
Weak PS4 software sales (it's perfectly normal) . PS3 is still the breadwinner.
Sony - Game Software Sales (Q1 + Q2 + Q3) -> 283 million units
Sony - Game Software Sales FCT FY13 -> 360 million units
PS4's success is due to strong hardware, strong track record with PS1,2,3, all the big 3rd party titles and being cheaper than Xbox One while sharing 90% of the same titles. Other things like hype help. I bought mine knowing that the future for the machine was bright, not for any particular title. People can hold up a few exclusives on both consoles and act like they make a huge difference to the majority of consumers...they don't for the most part.
PS4 and XB1 are interchangeable for the majority of people, that's the reason why you've seen a lot of Xbox people jump ship the same way a lot of PS2 players bought Xbox 360. No matter how good Sony and MS's own exclusive titles are, with current games development costs, the majority of titles are multiplat and that's what people really look at - exclusives are a bonus for most and system sellers to few.
As long as MS's console costs more, Sony will have an advantage. When they are at price parity things will get more interesting in the US/UK markets. If Sony outsells (likely) or keeps pace (possible) with MS in US and UK then MS console marketshare will contract while Sony's gets a boost in comparison to last gen. We're already seeing this play out, It's up to MS to become more competitive and stem this trend, they will lose this gen based on units sold vs. Sony, the question is by how much.
Shills gonna shill
Vadernooooooo.gifNow deadpixel, you have much harder task. Add resolutions and framerates to that list.![]()
it really is that simple, I don't know why people try to make it more complicated. Although the price parity part is time sensitive. If they get the price on par too late, where mindshare has built up, then I don't see it closing the gap - people will be buying the 'better' machine which they see their friends playing, which they see in review footage etc.
Microsoft is far from finished. Ask Nintendo if they'd take Xbox One sales over the same period for the Wii U.
Microsoft's course of action is working. If DRM wasn't a talking point Microsoft might equal Sony's sales. I expect new IP from Microsoft throughout most of next year.
Speaking of sales.... PS4 has no games!
Imagine what would happen if PS4 gets some legit AAA games. That number could go up.HOLLA AT 20.5 MILLION UNITS IN YOUR MOUTH. Digest deez units... ALL 20.5 million of them.
There's so much crazy hyperbole in this thread with people drooling over the idea of microsodt being finished. Does anyone remember the ps3 early last gen and it's sales position compared to the 360? That console managed to recover despite the ridiculous price and the cell being a nightmare to make games for initially, with poor tools available. Competition is apways good and needed, why would any of you here want this to be a one man race.
There's so much crazy hyperbole in this thread with people drooling over the idea of microsodt being finished. Does anyone remember the ps3 early last gen and it's sales position compared to the 360? That console managed to recover despite the ridiculous price and the cell being a nightmare to make games for initially, with poor tools available. Competition is apways good and needed, why would any of you here want this to be a one man race.
Microsoft is far from finished. Ask Nintendo if they'd take Xbox One sales over the same period for the Wii U.
Microsoft's course of action is working. If DRM wasn't a talking point Microsoft might equal Sony's sales. I expect new IP from Microsoft throughout most of next year.
Speaking of sales.... PS4 has no games!
And people act like the XOne is dead.
What's to stop Microsoft from making an exclusive version of Office with Onedrive support baked in? They could add a free skype subscription, free office, and extra one drive storage for the life of the console. Microsoft is the sleeping giant posed to take consoles to the next level. Their new CEO loves pushing services so this is a realistic possibility.
the studio was announced to be part of ID@Xbox in February
with later confirmation that they are looking into bringing WarFrame to the XO marketplace
None of us would benefit from the demise of the XboxOne. However, I don't see Microsoft coming back as easily as Sony did last gen. They simply don't have much market share outside the US anymore. The UK was a pretty decent market for Microsoft last gen, nut their hold on that market weakened with the PS4.
That doesn't really make sense. They're buying the system for the system itself? And what do they do with it?
It's not always about being the cheapest option. There are enough consumers out there and we are early enough in the process that the best option can also be a strong influence.
Everyone assumes lay people are so stupid and full of whimsy. They're buying it because it is "shiny"?
You think Sony recovered easily last gen? It took them a product rebranding, several million dollars investment in first party studios and two to three years wait to see consumers coming back to them, especially with a press that has in its vast majority never again gone easy on them since 2006.
Compare that to Microsoft who easily could afford to throw a few million dollars into a "Get The Facts" propaganda campaign that was not only intended to make people aware of that the DRM policies were cancelled, but even to make the public forget it ever was on the table. Add to that the unconditional backing of the vast majority of the gaming press, which has been exposed by the double-standards of some shown in "resolutiongate", etc.
If anything, Microsoft has been having it too easy in comparison. All in all, I am glad that at least some consumers are smarter than that and keep punishing Microsoft for what they wanted to pull last year, just like they punished Sony for their PS3 bullshit early on.
They also purchased Sucker Punch, and a lot of Sony studios did grow a low and now have 2 or 3 internal teams. In addition to this, they also had 2nd/3rd party studios like Quantic Dream, ThatGameCompany, Housemarque, Ninja Theory, Queasy Games, Zingagi, Tarsier, Double 11 or Novarama working on Sony exclusive IPs.I am not sure where you are going with money spent but iirc they acquired 2 studios (MM ands evolution) last gen but closed 4 (bigbig, incognito, liverpool and zipper) and the fact that they spent money on making games is irrelevant. For what other reason do these studios exist?
And Sony really didn't "grow" the PS3 sales as from the start the PS3 was more popular overseas. They never really overcame the 360 in the preferred markets for a large amount of time.
Point is, damage that is done at the start of the generation may be lasting damage.
So with the perceptions of the consoles as they normally are and the sheer fact that this time around MS didn't have a year head start, they are going to be facing down the PS4, who has a larger first party stable behind it, noticeably improved version of MP titles, and has very positive popular opinion as driving force behind it.
If all MS needed to do was to throw money at the situation, they would have done that already. They certainly have alot to spare. But I am sure that it isn't as simple as you paint it and the idea that PR plus a large push on educating consumers could save them is what put them in this position in the first place.
At least... that is what it seems like to me. But then again, I wasn't beta tested in the future.
In retrospective, moving Watch Dogs from launch to end of May was such a great move that will more help Sony than MS. Just at the point when PS4 retail chain will stabilize, really big Sony-promoted game will come out.
Now deadpixel, you have much harder task. Add resolutions and framerates to that list.![]()
To be fair you'd also have to add whether AF is utilized in the game or not too.In retrospective, moving Watch Dogs from launch to end of May was such a great move that will more help Sony than MS. Just at the point when PS4 retail chain will stabilize, really big Sony-promoted game will come out.
Now deadpixel, you have much harder task. Add resolutions and framerates to that list.![]()
Octodad tomorrow
Child of light April 29th
MLB the Show 14 May 6
Transistor & Wolfenstein May 20
Watch Dogs May 27