What is empty cancelling/ That's when you press triangle to cancel your attack right?
What is empty cancelling/ That's when you press triangle to cancel your attack right?
What is empty cancelling/ That's when you press triangle to cancel your attack right?
Any tips for dante?
Rachet keeps throwing me. I was stuck in a throw loop until I lost most of my AP.
How would I get out of that?
Rolling in either direction doesn't work.
Delay getting up doesn't work.
Is teching possible?
What is empty cancelling/ That's when you press triangle to cancel your attack right?
Awesome. Time to practice!
Tell me how that goes, if ratchets takes some sort of priority for some reason/doesnt tech let me know. I havent tested it on him.
Tell me how that goes, if ratchets takes some sort of priority for some reason/doesnt tech let me know. I havent tested it on him.
You can tech ratchet's throw, it's pretty much the easiest one to tech![]()
You can tech ratchet's throw, it's pretty much the easiest one to tech![]()
You can tech ratchet's throw, it's pretty much the easiest one to tech![]()
I will never be good at this game.
I honestly play it like Smash Bros. unintentionally every time...
Sorry for the double post, but that was an absolutely brilliant game, SmithnCo. Probably the most intense I've ever played ^_^
Wish I could play more, but finals and uuuuuuuuughhhhhhhh
My hands were getting tired after that one, at least I manged one lucky cake super, lol.
Jak's AoE is pretty good, he'd probably be a lot better in other match types if they buffed his other projectiles, he's kinda like a short-range keepaway character, compared to Radec and others.
Jak doesn't need a buff.
Jak doesn't need a buff.
So GAF we ever going to have a ladder/Tournament? I think finals are almost over for most people.
Oh man, I think he does. Big time.
Host rage quiting is so annoying.
Oh man, I think he does. Big time.
Then you're not using him right.
Anybody have hit confirms for Parappa's level 1 yet?
There's an ongoing 2v2 tourney, but it's on hiatus right now.
Eventually, I think a 1v1 tourney would be cool.
can you do it off the mic pull?
You can dodge out of that.
Eh I'll go hop in training mode right now and figure something out then I guess haha
Would be greatly appreciated. There's a couple that are just too unlikely to pull off... for instance bouncing them off the wall into the lvl 1, and then another which only works on bigger characters such as ST.
So have we all come to a consensus on the worst supers yet?
Sir Dan's lvl 2. A competent player could easily dodge itSo have we all come to a consensus on the worst supers yet?
Oh jeez, how about Nariko's level 2? So horrible.
Sir Dan's lvl 2. A competent player could easily dodge it
I'm really considering about picking this up, but since i would like to play it mostly online...heres the question: are there a lot of people playing it/do you get games going quickly or is it a bit... dead?
Then you're not using him right.
Anybody have hit confirms for Parappa's level 1 yet?
Sir Dan's lvl 2. A competent player could easily dodge it
Is he the only character in the entire cast I'm not using right then? Because I can make decent headway with everyone else, even the likes of Sir Dan and Toro (he's my main). But Jak seems so crap in comparison he sticks out like a sore thumb. There's just no AP gain with any of his weapons.
So have we all come to a consensus on the worst supers yet?
Lets play I'll show you why he's fucking annoying![]()
So have we all come to a consensus on the worst supers yet?
Haven't played this game in a while... but how is Jak viable in any mode? His lvl 1 seems ridiculously hard to combo into, and his lvl 2 is telgraphed from a mile away.
Haven't played this game in a while... but how is Jak viable in any mode? His lvl 1 seems ridiculously hard to combo into, and his lvl 2 is telgraphed from a mile away.
Sweet Tooth's Level 2.
As I said to others play me and I'll show you. His level 1 is pretty much an SRK move