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PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale |OT| Use Supers to Smash your Bros!


Sent Mik_Pad a message to see if he wants to partner up. If you read this Mik, check your messages!

I finished pre-ordering this digitally and I am so hyped right now.
Ok, check your PMs.

have anyone talked about tourney hours and days??
this is out here in dubai. will be the first ps3 game ive bought since dark souls! hope it reviews well, I loved smash bros so this should be a great party game experience


Unconfirmed Member
Is he a good character? I have to say I don't know much about him and I've never seen somebody ask for him

Gameplay wise potentially. His whole thing is being able to call down buildings and vehicles from the sky. Its pretty easy to think how that could be cool in this game.

Personality wise he seems to be as boring as can be. Generic video game character through and through. I don't really know for sure since i only played multiplayer. I think i know him, but he disagrees.
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Scrafty Cup!*


Games will be played with two teams of two players. The game mode will be first to five kill limit, and for the purpose of this tournament all items and stage hazards will be turned on. Once entry has closed on the 19th, matchups will be chosen at random. The bracket is single-elimination, so once you're out; you're out. Games will be played in a Best of 3 format, and photo proof of a team's victory (scoreboard) must be sent to the judge before said victory becomes official. Doctoring or editing of photos is strictly illegal, and will be punishable by disqualification. The time and date of your match must be agreed upon with your teammate and your oponnent beforehand so that the judge is aware of when the match will take place. Winner gets a cool thing!

*working title
Mink and JStein are gonna have ownership of something called the "Scrafty Cup"? If that's what you want Scrafty, if that's what you want.
He looks quite dry. I guess the powers to call down structures could be cool. Maybe he can set up platforms in the environment and blow them up when people jump on them. I guess a Starhawk super is a given too
Mink and JStein are gonna have ownership of something called the "Scrafty Cup"? If that's what you want Scrafty, if that's what you want.


We're still cool.

TheGrimHeaper said:
scrafty cup sounds like a kind of cheaply made cup

It's made out of aluminum and bubblegum.



Maybe we could think of another day what if comes the 20th and we dont like our picks? :O

Maybe something like itchypads lol!!

While I have no doubt on who I'm going to use, that is smart thinking :)

Haha that sounds good! Itchypads it is then!


As in "Heathcliff"
Alright! Mik_Pad and I are going to be Team inFAMOUS. We'll be an unstoppable Good & Evil Cole team!

2 vs 2 Teams
Time-is-Obsolete - Man is Obsolete and TimeEffect
ScraftyDesmond - Desmond and ScraftyDevil
Mink 'n' Stein - TheMink and JStein
Då Vikings's - Drencrom and Napalm_frank
BaHeathMut - Bahamut_24 and IntelliHeath (IntelliHeath)
SmithnCow - SmithnCo (smithnco) and KevinCow
The Jentlefriends - Jtir123 and J's brother
Toronto Bros. - AnkiRendan (AnkiRendan) and SSReborn (Klipz-Wish)
Tagg Your Sis - Tagg9 (Tagg7) and Tagg9's sister (SlyHobbes)
RazOr Chamber - Chamber and RazOmari
Itchypads - Mik_Pad and Kouichi

Looking for Partner
Acquiescence (?)
Lord Phol (LordPhol)
Baekshi (Sharingan_Itachi)

Here is my ideas, Chamzor, Razber, RazOr Chamber or Welcome to Razor Chamber. If you prefer Chamber and Raz then cool with me.


2 vs 2 Teams
Time-is-Obsolete - Man is Obsolete and TimeEffect
ScraftyDesmond - Desmond and ScraftyDevil
Mink 'n' Stein - TheMink and JStein
BaHeathMut - Bahamut_24 and IntelliHeath (IntelliHeath)
SmithnCow - SmithnCo (smithnco) and KevinCow
The Jentlefriends - Jtir123 and J's brother
Toronto Bros. - AnkiRendan (AnkiRendan) and SSReborn (Klipz-Wish)
Tagg Your Sis - Tagg9 (Tagg7) and Tagg9's sister (SlyHobbes)
Itchypads - Chamber and RazOmari
Team InFAMOUS - Mik_Pad and Kouichi

Looking for Partner
Acquiescence (?)
Lord Phol (LordPhol)
Baekshi (?)

Hey, don't forget:

Då Vikings's - Drencrom and Napalm_frank
Hm, I don't think it says. Just 1.6 MB which is for the preorder theme. No preload or anything.
That's annoying. I'd download it if I knew it was only 5 GB or so, otherwise I'll be importing it so I don't pay out the ass for Australian prices. And that ell take an extra week :(
Our team name is Toronto Bros. XD


Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Scrafty Cup!*


Games will be played with two teams of two players. The game mode will be first to five kill limit, and for the purpose of this tournament all items and stage hazards will be turned on. Once entry has closed on the 19th, matchups will be chosen at random. The bracket is single-elimination, so once you're out; you're out. Games will be played in a Best of 3 format, and photo proof of a team's victory (scoreboard) must be sent to the judge before said victory becomes official. Doctoring or editing of photos is strictly illegal, and will be punishable by disqualification. The time and date of your match must be agreed upon with your teammate and your oponnent beforehand so that the judge is aware of when the match will take place. Winner gets a cool thing!

*working title

No team stock elimination?
Great OT. Maybe you should add that the pre-order costumes seem to be GAME (or Playstation store) exclusive in the UK.

I'd like to put my name down for the tournament too but I could never get online in the beta and I'm just hoping I don't have the same problem with the full game.


2 vs 2 Teams
Time-is-Obsolete - Man is Obsolete and TimeEffect
ScraftyDesmond - Desmond and ScraftyDevil
Mink 'n' Stein - TheMink and JStein
BaHeathMut - Bahamut_24 and IntelliHeath (IntelliHeath)

Looking for Partner
Acquiescence (?)
SmithnCo (smithnco)
AnkiRendan (AnkiRendan)
SSReborn (Klipz-Wish)
Chamber (?)
Lord Phol (LordPhol)
Baekshi (?)

My PSN is Sharingan_Itachi

I would probably be using either Toro, or the Sack.
Is PSN letting you pre-load the game so it is ready to go exactly at midnight?

It wouldn't be fair if one member of the team got focused and eliminated early on leaving the other member at their enemy's mercy. Kill Limit works best for this type of tourney.

I disagree, it just adds another way to play the game and every strategy has a counter. No reason it shouldn't be included at least as an option for custom matches, not like it requires much time to implement. Plus they could of gave you even more options and split into a team shared pool of stock lives or individual stock lives on a team.
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