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PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale |OT| Use Supers to Smash your Bros!


love on your sleeve
Sure thing.

2 vs 2 Teams
Time-is-Obsolete - Man is Obsolete and TimeEffect
ScraftyDesmond - Desmond and ScraftyDevil
Mink 'n' Stein - TheMink and JStein
BaHeathMut - Bahamut_24 and IntelliHeath (IntelliHeath)
SmithnCow - SmithnCo (smithnco) and KevinCow
The Jentlefriends - Jtir123 and J's brother
Toronto Bros. - AnkiRendan (AnkiRendan) and SSReborn (Klipz-Wish)
Tagg Your Sis - Tagg9 (Tagg7) and Tagg9's sister (SlyHobbes)
Team InFAMOUS - Chamber and RazOmari
Itchypads - Mik_Pad and Kouichi
Då Viking'š - Drencom and Napalm_Frank
Gunny Balboa - Gunstarhero and KalBalboa

Mik and Kouichi are Team InFAMOUS. Raz and I are RazOr Chamber


Nevermind, I got up with my friend and there's no way he'll have the cash to get this around the time the tourney starts.

So I'll need a partner, anyone wanna join up with me?


Not gonna lie..I dig Zeke as a minion :D not sure who else is there though (not gonna look it up either lol no spoilers)
Sure thing.

2 vs 2 Teams
Time-is-Obsolete - Man is Obsolete and TimeEffect
ScraftyDesmond - Desmond and ScraftyDevil
Mink 'n' Stein - TheMink and JStein
BaHeathMut - Bahamut_24 and IntelliHeath (IntelliHeath)
SmithnCow - SmithnCo (smithnco) and KevinCow
The Jentlefriends - Jtir123 and J's brother
Toronto Bros. - AnkiRendan (AnkiRendan) and SSReborn (Klipz-Wish)
Tagg Your Sis - Tagg9 (Tagg7) and Tagg9's sister (SlyHobbes)
Team InFAMOUS - Chamber and RazOmari
Itchypads - Mik_Pad and Kouichi
Då Viking'š - Drencom and Napalm_Frank
Gunny Balboa - Gunstarhero and KalBalboa

I love the name. Also, i solved the avatar issue Kal. This finally kicked me in the butt enough to set one.


Man, sucks growing up with these characters and currently dont have a ps3 (still cant justify the expense for a console or HDTV while on my current college budget)

My Era of Playstation

PlayStation- My parents were always wary of getting us a console as kids, I understand now that they wanted us to get into books, but I always thought it was weird that everyone else had a Nintendo or SEGA and all I had was a Gameboy. Then one day one of my moms cousins came over and noticed we didnt have any sort of gaming system, she gave my parents $200 in Toys R' Us bucks and told my parents to get us one. So my dad, always one to test products, rented an N64 and a Playstation one weekend after the other. Mario 64 was amazing to me as a kid and my dad seemed to have a lot of fun. Then we rented a Playstaion. Lets just say we had to return the Playstation because we thought we had broken it, turns out we had just overheated it from playing too much Crash Bandicoot and Tomb Raider. And thus we wind up with a Playstation, with a copy of Crash Bandicoot, Street Racers, and Ship Wreckers as my families first console and games.

Sir Dan- Oh boy, one of THE games I played with my dad. Always thought the game was a little to creepy, but my and my dad bustled through it, dont know if we ever beat it, but i remember printing off many strategy guides that I would use to help my dad beat bosses and find treasures

Parappa the Rapper- remember playing the demo for Um Jammer Lammy tons of times, I never bought it, just thought how weird a simon says game was, then I played Guitar Hero and realized how much fun rhythm games could be

Heihachi- I remember playing Tekken 3 for many weekends with friends trying to unlock Dr. B and Gon...Paul god fisting through Tekken Force...only to be beat by Dr. B time after time at the end...never got Dr. B.

Hot Shots- A game I would play with my family all of the time, and boy did we play them. I think we owned only one actual Hot Shots golf game, but every year, without fail, my dad and I would rent the latest Hot Shots Golf game...and every year we got my sisters and my dad to play some incredibly competitive games of putt putt that would end in cheers, yelling, and some cursing from my dad

Spike- tried renting Ape Escape one time with my dad and we didnt have a dualshock...so my dad went out and bought one for me (thanks dad)...I remember thinking how weird two sticks were and it took me forever to figure out the controls, but once I did tons of fun was had....dad still remembers the "catching monkeys" game with the annoying noises and the weird controller...

Playstation 2- Again my dad. PS2 had been out for a few years, and the $300 price tag kept my parents away from it. I would always walk past the PS2 section at our local "Value Video" rental store and ask my dad if we could rent a PS2. It was always a no. It ended up becoming a joke for a few years, where I would skim through the PS2 games, ask to rent a PS2 after we got some movies, and of course the answer was always no. Then one night we are renting movies (it was something we did almost every Friday) we are at the cash register, and my dad says "Go grab some PS2 game to rent", my eyes light up. I run over and grab some games to rent, I honestly dont even remember what they were probably Tony Hawk, as I bring them up to register, I ask my dad "So dont we need to rent a PS2"..."No," and he just grinned... I excitedly race to the car where my sisters are sitting in the back seat where they waited while we got movies ....laughing...and holding a brand new PS2 with the game that finally got my Dad to buy it...ICO

Sweet Tooth- Oh man Twisted Metal Black, I remember I was having a hard time in karate class, I was working towards a green belt, failed a few of my tests and was pretty down, my dad was driving me home and he said to flip down the sun visor as it was getting toward sun down and the sun was in my eyes. I flipped it down and out fell a Greatest Hits copy of Twisted Metal Black... thanks dad

Dante- Another karate story. I had just earned a belt. Cant remember what color, but it was one of the higher ones. I was excited and had worked hard for it. By this time I was running a few of the classes, helping people with techniques and running people through drills...at the age of 13...haha...anyway...Im getting a ride home from my dad and there is a bag sitting on the floor from Funcoland....my eyes widen as I open the bag...a greatest hits copy of DMC1... I was so excited...my dad said "well I asked the guy at the desk if I should get DMC2, he said it sucked and to get you this instead"...thanks Funcoland guy...and thanks dad for another memory

Ratchet and Clank- Christmas was coming up, and guess what game had just been released, by none other than the guys who made one of my favorite games...Spyro....Holy Crap... I had poured over magazines looking at this new beast of a game...Spyro...in the future..with guns...damn I just had to have this....we were in the car heading home from church and my Christmas sense was tingling...bags were in the back...and that could mean only one thing...presents...that hadn't been hidden yet...as I peaked through the bags I heard my mom turn around and start yelling to leave those bags alone...and there at the bottom I saw it...a black bar that said PlayStation 2....and just below that...Ratchet and Clank

Jak And Daxter- Jak and Daxter had blown my prepubescent mind through the roof....an open world, before open world became common...graphics at least a billion times better than Crash Bandicoot...and it was a ton of fun....anyway Jak 2 was being released soon....I was pining for it...finally a game that had grown up with me....I mean how many games series went from E to T just as I had become a teenager?....CHristmas morning comes and first present I open is a brand spanking new copy of Jak 2...I pop it into the tray, my mom just as excited to see (she loved watching me play through the first one)....and the first cutscene plays...My mom- "Ooo he got mean didnt he? I liked him when he was cute and friendly"...damn right he did...damn right he did..Jak 2 is one of my favorite games

Kratos- haha...the one game my mom hated to watch and my dad thought was just trash...but I rented both God of War 1 and 2 and played them through in the dead of night when no one was awake so I wouldnt hear complaints about hogging the tv....but one family member was interested..my little sister...we would play the game at the same time on different saves, she playing on hers when I wasnt home and I on mine when she was a sleep....she blew through the games on easy and would make fun of me as I would get stuck on parts she said were a cinch...damn girl going through games on easy

Big Daddy- It was my freshman year of college...dad had stopped playing games all together, my PS2 was barely working and had been long replaced by a cheap DVD player....I was in my first year of college...scholarships were good, resulting in a little bit left over...my parents thought I needed a computer for college...it was my second build and the first time I had an actual top of the line GPU,.... an 8800...GTS...eh....but that didnt matter...fuck it I could finally play PC games again...my first game on my new computer...Bioshock....I had played the demo many times before on my older computer...an aging ATI 9800...and I was still amazed at the opening sequence as it chugged on at 10 frames a second....but with my brand spanking new 8800GTS I was seeing the opening at hi resolution and sorta 60 fps....blew my mind once again.... I brought my computer home for the holidays and I just had to show this new game to my dad...I loaded up the game... "Putting on Easy"..."okay Dad"....the opening sequence begins....and that was the last game my Dad finished

My Dad isnt dead or anything, but he is no longer interested in gaming. Im now in graduate school and I play primarily PC games (still on my trusty 8800GTS), still conscious about spending money on games (my steam list is big, but havent spent more than $20 on a game in years) and havent found the money to get an HD tv or a PS3...maybe Ill pick one up once the PS4 comes out and I have more time to spend on games instead of school, gf, and life.

Playstation All Stars may not have the perfect roster, I have plenty of memories that include certain furry, scaly, and twin pistol toting characters, but the characters included hold enough memories that makes the 10,12,16, and 23 year old inside me get excited as the game they've been waiting for for 13 years is finally coming out.

I love posts like this.
Since it's always great to see someone's history with a system or games.
Especially ones that involve family.


I happen to love my avatar :p
Only 4 more days everyone. It's so close we can taste it's gooey goodness


i don't even need an excuse to use this gif :3
I hate to seem like a negative nancy, but there is something about the game that's nagging me. Has there been any talk from the devs about how some characters may have better overall movesets, but be rendered more or less terrible by bad super 1s? I mean, I love third strike and all, but that's certainly not the part I'd like to bring over from it.


Resistance's San Francisco is in as a map. Does this almost confirm Nathan Hale as DLC?

What's the specualtion on DLC after Kat and Graves?


Aftershock LA
Since we're all sharing, I will too, Sophia from Golden Girls style!

Picture it: Milwaukee, WI, 1995. I was a strapping young 16 year old junior in high school, and this fancy new machine from the Walkman dudes called a "PlayStation" was the talk of my friends.

I was a skeptic, though. I grew up in the 80's with the NES and then the Sega Genesis in the late 80's, early 90's. I only new Sony from the Walkman, and didn't think they'd have the chops to bring it to my loves, Nintendo and Sega. I was a Sega fanboy, but I always had love for Nintendo and Mario. Me and my friends scoffed at the early PS1 titles, even after the console had released.

I got my first taste of the PlayStation playing one of the WWF games (I think it was WWF Superstars or Royal Rumble). It was one of those games like Mortal Kombat, where they captured the actors doing the moves. I also got my hands on Battle Arena Toshinden at a friends house. I had a good time, but I still wasn't sold.

And then I saw Final Fantasy VII. And Resident Evil. And Tomb Raider. And suddenly the N64 wasn't looking so impressive to me anymore. The PlayStation jumped to the top of my wish list. Sadly, I didn't get my very own PlayStation until 1997, when I finally landed my first job at age 18, and bought one for myself. FFVII was the first game I ever bought, along with Grand Theft Auto 1. I still own those original discs to this day. I have so many great memories of PS1. From staying up to 5 in the morning playing Vandal Hearts with my brother-in-law, to hanging on every moment of Metal Gear Solid, to capturing those pesky apes with my net in Ape Escape, and having nightmares for days after experiencing the horrors of Silent Hill. Too many amazing gaming moments to recount here, but the PS1 is still one of my favorite consoles of all time. Only bested by it's successor: The PlayStation 2.

The PlayStation 2 released when I was 21, and I waited a good 6-8 months before I got one. I was working at Barnes and Noble at the time, making about $300 every two weeks. I remember getting paid sometime in late April-early May, and having $325 to my name. I went to the EB Games and asked a buddy of mine if they had any PlayStation 2's left, since this was still during the time when stores were running out left and right. He said they had a few. Out of curiosity, I asked him how much it would be with tax. He told me it would come up to $324. I ran across the street to my bank, cashed my check, and dropped $324. Took my PS2 home that day. I had bills to pay, but dammit, I didn't care. I got my PS2 after months of longing!

I had already bought Smuggler's Run, and Zone of the Enders in anticipation that I'd be buying a PlayStation 2 at some point in the near future. I didn't realize how soon I would. I remember, with shaking hands, riding the bus home (still lived with my mom at the time), clutching the gigantic blue PS2 box to my chest, knowing that I didn't live in the best neighborhood, and the PS2 was a super hot commodity.

The first thing I do when I get home is pop in the MGS2 demo that came packed with ZoE. I love ZoE, but at the time, it was all about Snake's latest adventure. I remember being absolutely floored by the visuals and cinematography and camera work in that opening sequence. Then, the game segued seamlessly into gameplay, I stared for a bit, not realizing I could move Snake, moved him around...and the game froze. I restarted, went through the beginning, and it froze again. Popped in Smuggler's run, played for a second, and it froze. ZoE? Froze. Son. Of. A. Bitch. I took the system back to the store the next day, and swapped it out for a new one, still terrified that I'd be mugged on the bus on the way home. That second system served me for many years, from the first time I fell in love with Yorda and Ico, to driving a sword through the face of the God of War, Ares, himself, that PS2, with it's PS1 backwards compatibility, was the best gaming console I ever owned...Until I got my PS3 in 2007, when I was 27 years old.

I didn't get the PS3 on launch in 2006. I waited until February 2007, when I had a better job, and I worked hard to save up for it. I dropped $650 bones on that bitch, and didn't regret it one bit. I knew the Blu Ray player would be excellent to have (and would beat out HD DVD), and after the time I had with the PS2, I knew the PS3 wouldn't let me down. By this point, I was a fan of studios like Naughty Dog, Sucker Punch, Insomniac, Santa Monica, etc, and knew it was only a matter of time before they graced us with their PS3 presence, and graced us they did.

With my fully backwards compatible PS3, I have, in my opinion, the greatest gaming console of all time. I have a history of software from 3 console generations at my finger tips, and the games of this generation have done nothing but amaze me. Nintendo is what made me a gamer, when 6 year old Figboy gripped an NES controller in his hands for the first time and got sucked into the world of Super Mario Bros. But it was PlayStation that kept me a gamer. At a time when, in my teens, being cool had nothing to do with video games, but PlayStation made it ok to be a gamer. The games on PlayStation also felt like they grew up with me, spoke to me as a teenager and a young adult in a way that Nintendo's family friendly titles were no longer doing (but I still have a soft spot for the rotund Italian plumber, the green clad elf warrior, and the badass space bounty hunter).

PlayStation All Stars, even with it's roster of 20 (soon to be 22) characters, has managed to tickle every one of my fond memories of PlayStation in one way or another. From Spike and PaRappa repping the PS1, to Kratos and Ratchet, and Jak, and Sly repping the PS2, to Drake and Nariko and Radec repping the PS3, the game touches me in the same way that Super Smash Bros touches me as a long time Nintendo fan. I get that same, giddy, nostalgic wistfulness when I watch that PBR Attract Trailer.

To think that there is now one game that so succinctly, and effectively condenses 17 years of my PlayStation gaming into one fun, entertaining package, means a lot to me. I feel the same way about Smash Bros.

So, yeah, thank you, Superbot. I truly mean that. I know you don't need my approval, but this game touches my heart and my memories in a very meaningful way, and I appreciate the hard work you've put into this game, and from all of my time with it, you've done PlayStation proud, despite all the nit-picking and bitching, as a longtime, and hardcore PlayStation fan, you've done a stand up job, and I cannot wait to get my hands on the game again. Thank you.


I am sure he will be in it.

Got a stage, weapon, and even a enemy from Resistance.

Yeah Resitance has such a prescene in the game that a character not making it in as DLC would be weird. Though I would say a Chimera would be better than Nathan Hale 9or perhaps the chiemera version of him with the powers just to change things up)


Since we're all sharing, I will too, Sophia from Golden Girls style!

Picture it: Milwaukee, WI, 1995. I was a strapping young 16 year old junior in high school, and this fancy new machine from the Walkman dudes called a "PlayStation" was the talk of my friends.

I was a skeptic, though. I grew up in the 80's with the NES and then the Sega Genesis in the late 80's, early 90's. I only new Sony from the Walkman, and didn't think they'd have the chops to bring it to my loves, Nintendo and Sega. I was a Sega fanboy, but I always had love for Nintendo and Mario. Me and my friends scoffed at the early PS1 titles, even after the console had released.

I got my first taste of the PlayStation playing one of the WWF games (I think it was WWF Superstars or Royal Rumble). It was one of those games like Mortal Kombat, where they captured the actors doing the moves. I also got my hands on Battle Arena Toshinden at a friends house. I had a good time, but I still wasn't sold.

And then I saw Final Fantasy VII. And Resident Evil. And Tomb Raider. And suddenly the N64 wasn't looking so impressive to me anymore. The PlayStation jumped to the top of my wish list. Sadly, I didn't get my very own PlayStation until 1997, when I finally landed my first job at age 18, and bought one for myself. FFVII was the first game I ever bought, along with Grand Theft Auto 1. I still own those original discs to this day. I have so many great memories of PS1. From staying up to 5 in the morning playing Vandal Hearts with my brother-in-law, to hanging on every moment of Metal Gear Solid, to capturing those pesky apes with my net in Ape Escape, and having nightmares for days after experiencing the horrors of Silent Hill. Too many amazing gaming moments to recount here, but the PS1 is still one of my favorite consoles of all time. Only bested by it's successor: The PlayStation 2.

The PlayStation 2 released when I was 21, and I waited a good 6-8 months before I got one. I was working at Barnes and Noble at the time, making about $300 every two weeks. I remember getting paid sometime in late April-early May, and having $325 to my name. I went to the EB Games and asked a buddy of mine if they had any PlayStation 2's left, since this was still during the time when stores were running out left and right. He said they had a few. Out of curiosity, I asked him how much it would be with tax. He told me it would come up to $324. I ran across the street to my bank, cashed my check, and dropped $324. Took my PS2 home that day. I had bills to pay, but dammit, I didn't care. I got my PS2 after months of longing!

I had already bought Smuggler's Run, and Zone of the Enders in anticipation that I'd be buying a PlayStation 2 at some point in the near future. I didn't realize how soon I would. I remember, with shaking hands, riding the bus home (still lived with my mom at the time), clutching the gigantic blue PS2 box to my chest, knowing that I didn't live in the best neighborhood, and the PS2 was a super hot commodity.

The first thing I do when I get home is pop in the MGS2 demo that came packed with ZoE. I love ZoE, but at the time, it was all about Snake's latest adventure. I remember being absolutely floored by the visuals and cinematography and camera work in that opening sequence. Then, the game segued seamlessly into gameplay, I stared for a bit, not realizing I could move Snake, moved him around...and the game froze. I restarted, went through the beginning, and it froze again. Popped in Smuggler's run, played for a second, and it froze. ZoE? Froze. Son. Of. A. Bitch. I took the system back to the store the next day, and swapped it out for a new one, still terrified that I'd be mugged on the bus on the way home. That second system served me for many years, from the first time I fell in love with Yorda and Ico, to driving a sword through the face of the God of War, Ares, himself, that PS2, with it's PS1 backwards compatibility, was the best gaming console I ever owned...Until I got my PS3 in 2007, when I was 27 years old.

I didn't get the PS3 on launch in 2006. I waited until February 2007, when I had a better job, and I worked hard to save up for it. I dropped $650 bones on that bitch, and didn't regret it one bit. I knew the Blu Ray player would be excellent to have (and would beat out HD DVD), and after the time I had with the PS2, I knew the PS3 wouldn't let me down. By this point, I was a fan of studios like Naughty Dog, Sucker Punch, Insomniac, Santa Monica, etc, and knew it was only a matter of time before they graced us with their PS3 presence, and graced us they did.

With my fully backwards compatible PS3, I have, in my opinion, the greatest gaming console of all time. I have a history of software from 3 console generations at my finger tips, and the games of this generation have done nothing short but amaze me. Nintendo is what made me a gamer, when 6 year old Figboy gripped an NES controller in his hands for the first time and got sucked into the world of Super Mario Bros. But it was PlayStation that kept me a gamer. At a time when, in my teens, being cool had nothing to do with video games, but PlayStation made it ok to be a gamer. The games on PlayStation also felt like they grew up with me, spoke to me as a teenager and a young adult in a way that Nintendo's family friendly titles were no longer doing (but I still have a soft spot for the rotund Italian plumber, the green clad elf warrior, and the badass space bounty hunter).

PlayStation All Stars, even with it's roster of 20 (soon to be 22) characters, has managed to tickle every one of my fond memories of PlayStation in one way or another. From Spike and PaRappa repping the PS1, to Kratos and Ratchet, and Jak, and Sly repping the PS2, to Drake and Nariko and Radec repping the PS3, the game touches me in the same way that Super Smash Bros touches me as a long time Nintendo fan. I get that same, giddy, nostalgic wistfulness when I watch that PBR Attract Trailer.

To think that there is now one game that so succinctly, and effectively condenses 17 years of my PlayStation gaming into one fun, entertaining package, means a lot to me. I feel the same way about Smash Bros.

So, yeah, thank you, Superbot. I truly mean that. I know you don't need my approval, but this game touches my heart and my memories in a very meaningful way, and I appreciate the hard work you've put into this game, and from all of my time with it, you've done PlayStation proud, despite all the nit-picking and bitching, as a longtime, and hardcore PlayStation fan, you've done a stand up job, and I cannot wait to get my hands on the game again. Thank you.

A+++ Post would read again.
Anyway i'm loving these history stories with Playstation everyone has.
I'll post mine in a bit once I finalize it.

LOL. Hell yeah!

We can be the "Vanguards of the Verbose!" or maybe, "Team Verbose..."

I'm game.


Aftershock LA
A+++ Post would read again.
Anyway i'm loving these history stories with Playstation everyone has.
I'll post mine in a bit once I finalize it.

I'm game.

Thanks! Which character are you rocking?

I found out at the LA Beatdown that I'm pretty good with Ratchet, so he will be my first character, the Good Cole. I mained Kratos during the beta, but after playing with some of the other characters (Dante, Ratchet, Drake, Good Cole), I'm not looking to use him anytime soon.

Ratchet is pretty versatile, so I think he'd be good paired up with just about anyone. His tools are pretty effective. We could team up if you don't have a partner, but I'm generally not big on online play, and I plan to spend my first few days with the game solo, getting back into the groove and learning Ratchet and Good Cole.


Since we're all sharing, I will too, Sophia from Golden Girls style!


Thanks for sharing, man. Great story! I'll have to write out my own soon as well.

Oh no, that would be missing a perfect opportunity for comedy gold. I imagine Emmet being yelled at for supposedly stealing parts of her town in her made up quasi French and him being like WTF?

It was hinted on the blog that they wouldn't be rivals.


Thanks! Which character are you rocking?

I found out at the LA Beatdown that I'm pretty good with Ratchet, so he will be my first character, the Good Cole. I mained Kratos during the beta, but after playing with some of the other characters (Dante, Ratchet, Drake, Good Cole), I'm not looking to use him anytime soon.

Ratchet is pretty versatile, so I think he'd be good paired up with just about anyone. His tools are pretty effective. We could team up if you don't have a partner, but I'm generally not big on online play, and I plan to spend my first few days with the game solo, getting back into the groove and learning Ratchet and Good Cole.

This should work out fine.
With the tourney being the week after the games release, it lines it up perfectly with when i'll be back and able to play.
Letting you know now that I haven't been able to play the beta or anything yet. But i'm pretty quick to pick up in games and i've been watching so much and reading up on the games it's like i've played it at this point. I was thinking of going with Dante or Raiden (Since I like to jump in with Favorite characters as opposed to who works better) but after I get a lay of the land with all the characters i'll let you know. Since unlike brawl every character here I see myself playing as.


Aftershock LA
Nathan Hale = Soldier Cole

I'd love to have end of Resistance 2 Hale as a playable. Or maybe a stage hazard would be awesome.

In truth, I'd love to see a Chimera as a playable fighter. Since this thread needs more stuff we've talked about before in it, this is my personal top 8 list of DLC editions I'd love added to the game (bringing the roster up to 30). All first and second party (probably the easiest characters to land)

1) Ellen - Folklore - Her attacks would be a mix of the various Folks she captures.
2) Alundra - Alundra - He would use all of his tools and skills from his game. Very Link like, actually.
3) Jen Tate - Primal - This is a serious one. I love Jen. She's use her different forms to change her fighting style, and can summon Skree to help her in battle as well.
4) Lazarus Jones - Ghosthunter - Yes, he's human, but his arsenal would be his cool ghost capturing equipment, and he could utilize his astral projection powers in his supers.
5) Rau Utu or Tati - The Mark of Kri/Rise of the Kasai - Rau would be the anti Kratos. Tati would be the anti-Dante or Raiden. Rau is brute strength, Tati is lightning speed and agility.
6) Max or Monica - Dark Cloud 2 - Personally, I just want some Level 5 reps in the game. Jeanne D'Arc, Jaster Rogue, or Max and Monica.
7) Chimera - Resistance - Like the Helghast, I think the Chimera are pretty cool and iconic looking. I'd like to maybe see the Berserker, with some of the alt skins of the other species. The weapons of the Resistance series were always awesome, so that alone would make the Chimera a different beast from the other projectile users.
8) Gabe Logan - Syphon Filter - I don't think Gabe gets enough love, but to me, he's just as much PlayStation as Kratos, Ratchet, and Nate Drake. His gadgets and tools would also give him the chance for a really unique and fun combat style.

And those are my top choices. With their addition to the roster, I'd really geek out on a PlayStation nerd high.

If the third parties want to play:

1) Tifa Lockhart or Vivi
2) Tomba
3) Crash Bandicoot
4) Solid Snake/Big Boss/Old Snake/The Boss
5) Chris, Jill, Claire, or Leon
6) Amaterasu
7) Klonoa
8) Ubisoft wild card: The Prince of Persia. Screw Ezio or Connor, bring in the original acrobatic badass. Sands of Time version, with time altering abilities as supers, and have his alts be from the other PoP games (from Sands, through to PoP 2008).


Sorry im late but love the OT and title lol

Havn't had a chance to play it since the private beta but hopefully it's been getting better with each update over the few months.


2 vs 2 Teams
Time-is-Obsolete - Man is Obsolete and TimeEffect
ScraftyDesmond - Desmond and ScraftyDevil
Mink 'n' Stein - TheMink and JStein
BaHeathMut - Bahamut_24 and IntelliHeath (IntelliHeath)
SmithnCow - SmithnCo (smithnco) and KevinCow
The Jentlefriends - Jtir123 and J's brother
Toronto Bros. - AnkiRendan (AnkiRendan) and SSReborn (Klipz-Wish)
Tagg Your Sis - Tagg9 (Tagg7) and Tagg9's sister (SlyHobbes)
Team InFAMOUS - Chamber and RazOmari
Itchypads - Mik_Pad and Kouichi
Då Viking'š - Drencom and Napalm_Frank
Gunny Balboa - Gunstarhero and KalBalboa
Explosive Duo - B.O.O.M and Zephyrus

In Need of Partner
Lord Phol
Snapshot King

Partnership Pending
Tricky I Shadow and Oyashrio-Sama
Sponge and tribal24

Okay so since I couldn't sleep and I think IntelliHeath is gone for now I tried to update the tournament list. If there are any mistakes let me know and I will fix them
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