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Playstation Meeting 2013 Thread: Go Fourth


Wow, this is turning to be the inverse 2006 E3 conference. Sony learned. They fucking learned.

It sure feels this way, contingent on price drop. Regardless of what it is, it needs to be dropped with style and panache in line with the conference so far (wrong button jacket excepted).


While 8 gigs of GDDR5 and letting someone play my game is nice, but I want games Sony. We knew the hardware for sometime now (Thanks VGleeks) the hype for that has died. Show me games.


I permanently banned my 6 year old daughter from using the PS4 for mistakenly sending grief reports as it's too hard to watch or talk to her
Awww sheeet, Sony ain't just dropping bombs, they're fucking carpet bombing the industry!
I am guessing they will ship with 1/3 of the social features they are talking about. Quite a bit of blue sky sounding stuff in this presentation on the software side.


Not that impressed so far.

Im sorry but thats ridiculous. What the hell do you want exactly? They are KILLING IT. Great social features, watching your friends gameplay stream, pause and resume like a handheld, stupid crazy good specs (8GB DDR5 WTF!)

No, Im sorry, but you aren't allowed to not be at the very least 'impressed'. This shit is amazing.

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