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Playstation Meeting 2013 Thread: Go Fourth

PS+ was listed separately among all the apps. So either we can still access apps for "free" with their individual costs, or all of them will be part of the paid service that is sure to cover cloud and Ustream.
Play While Download, Sharing, etc. are all very nice so far, but they're about as exciting as Miiverse or Xbox Live right now.

The PS4 seems like a nice package. Show me the games.
Games games games gimme gimme gimme.

Watch, they have a trailer of FF13 Versus at the end haha.


Well, there is the issue of BC issue resloved. Of course hopefully they find a way of allowing you to play games you already own.... like put disc in tray, ps4 reads the game, gives you a 30 day streaming option, or something. Once it expires just put it back in the tray for another month.


Im sorry but thats ridiculous. What the hell do you want exactly? They are KILLING IT. Great social features, watching your friends gameplay stream, pause and resume like a handheld, stupid crazy good specs (8GB DDR5 WTF!)

No, Im sorry, but you aren't allowed to not be at the very least 'impressed'. This shit is amazing.


Nope, that's not fact, it's your opinion, I'm fucking bored to death right now, where the fuck is the software? Doing a little bit better what Wii U already does doesn't excite me at all. Instant demos are all right though.
Every time I'm playing Fire Emblem and reset the battle because a soldier just fell and I refuse to leave them behind? That's what Sony just did for Vita.
I'm kind of tuning out, now. Most of this stuff won't be available to me seeing as I live in New Zealand and we still access the Internet via a cup and string.
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