Unconfirmed Member
Just went back and read it all again and it still doesn't make sense, lol. Sweet Zelda collection, though (really!).This one...just follow the quotes backwards.
Just went back and read it all again and it still doesn't make sense, lol. Sweet Zelda collection, though (really!).This one...just follow the quotes backwards.
I really thought they would wait till Microsoft announces it first since Kaz mentioned they don`t want to go first.
$10 says he's in hiding because he went bald
PS4 startup screen.
Yeah it's a quickie.
Kaz's illegitimate forbidden love child.So who is this guy again?
Didn't the original release of the PS3 just come with composite AV cables?
Nope. The $599 model (with chrome trim) came with HDMI on launch day.
And they are still in their infancy -- and will remain so until I can get the pixel-level accuracy that I do with my mouse and keyboard. I do think both motion gaming and VR have a place but the technology isn't there yet. I have not been compelled.A 'step forward' in what sense? Motion controls are in their infancy this last generation; of course they're not as good as they may potentially become. That's a given. Things take time to develop. [That said, the Wiimote's pointer function was downright fantastic and a definite innovation that the industry wasted horribly.]
I saw some charts somewhere (there was a thread about it) and though mobile gaming and social gaming (not sure how much longer this one will be around) do constitute a large amount of profit for many companies -- traditional publishers are still dependent on traditional releases. F2P, episodic, etc. all constitute different approaches to delivering a quality product -- and these approaches will play a bigger role. But they are still delivering core content. Planetside 2 and TWD are solid games. If a company can balance casuals with the core -- that's fine. Microsoft, IMO, has not done that. Halo 4 is still on my backlog and I might give Gears a go because of PCF -- but I probably couldn't name a quality Kinect game that appeals to me. And, again, I don't care if Kinect is profitable for Microsoft -- I buy and play core titles -- even if I am a dying breed. I won't be complacent if that changes. They might benefit me (if it keeps the company alive) but they also may not. I don't live in a vacuum and I can understand change -- but I'm as fickle a person you will meet. For over half a decade I used FF exclusively -- until horrendous updates killed the performance of that browser. Last year I switched to Chrome and that was that. Same goes for my switch from Windows to Linux. I know what I want -- and if that means I'm not the target demographic then so be it. Lion for a day...But 'casuals' - good lord, do I hate that term - are what constitute the majority of money being fed into this industry due to their sheer volume. The reason companies are able to spend tremendous amounts on development is because they are generating revenue somewhere else, more often than not. Home, for example, generates a very healthy amount of revenue for Sony; Kinect has brought in substantial sums of cash into MS's X-Box Division. This gives the companies more flexibility in how they pursue other endeavors and goals that may - just may - benefit you.
And if it isn't utilized properly -- whose fault is it? The masses for not "getting it?" Or Nintendo? Or publishers? For me, that relegates it to the realm of gimmickry. And, again, I'm pointing out waggle nonsense specifically. OR is more important and more appealing to me than any form of motion control I've come across. Is six-axis an innovation?I'm not suggesting that 'innovation = market acceptance' by default. What I'm saying is that innovation is how this industry has evolved from the very beginning and allowed for its growth over the decades. Yes, I would call the controller innovative - but I imagine it will never be utilized adequately, just as the pointer on the Wiimote wasn't.
I agree -- that doesn't necessarily mean more motion controls. I've said this in other threads -- games will satisfy the core -- but multimedia functionality and OS-level features will define next-gen. They'll hook you with games but keep you with features X, X, and X. And for MS, that also means Kinect. For Sony, I hope it means something different.And the moment Sony attempts to conservatively fight against Microsoft, they will lose. Badly. They have to do something distinctive; they have to do something innovative that Microsoft cannot easily copy or recreate. Homogenization turns the battle into a war of costs and coffers - and Sony doesn't have an advantage in either.
XBox - 8 yearsI haven't been this hyped for a new reveal in... ever...
This gen has been long my friends. We're finally seeing the light.
I can't imagine what went through the mind of the person who created this gif.
Just went back and read it all again and it still doesn't make sense, lol. Sweet Zelda collection, though (really!).
I agree -- that doesn't necessarily mean more motion controls.
I've said this in other threads -- games will satisfy the core -- but multimedia functionality and OS-level features will define next-gen. They'll hook you with games but keep you with features X, X, and X. And for MS, that also means Kinect. For Sony, I hope it means something different.
Of course Sony will add that stupid health warning before the XMB. :-(
XBox - 8 years
Playstation - 7 years
Nintendo - 6 years
Last generation?
XBox - 4 years
Playstation - 6 years
Nintendo - 5 years
Yup, we've waited long enough. What used to be the longest console cycle, is now the shortest console cycle.
May this abomination never befall us again!
PS4 startup screen.
Yeah it's a quickie.
Then you better hope that Sony and MS don't' bleed too much due to the prices of these consoles.
PS4 startup screen.
Yeah it's a quickie.
Because by different and innovative I don't mean motion gaming?And what you're suggesting is that you want Sony to innovate, which is all I said in the first place. Why are you arguing with me and attempting to characterize my comments as some sort of Nintendo circlejerk?
I don't think I remember getting an HDMI cable. I think they were component.
4=PS4 6=Sony's 6th system
Sony is God!
Then you better hope that Sony and MS don't' bleed too much due to the prices of these consoles.