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PlayStation Network Thread | April 2015







SAO still beasting.
now that's confusing.
is it different between regions?

I just checked with a friend from the UK and a friend from the US (I'm Canadian, so technically it could be different) and it's the same for them as it is me.

Maybe it's different outside the major regions? I know you're kind of in an odd spot geographically (with regards to the Vita/PlayStation).


Look at ray gigant, doesn't it look uber awesome? :)

The character portraits are oddly amusing. SERIOUS SERIOUS KAWAIIIII SERIOUS HAPPY SERIOUS

Really loving the look of that one though, might be my first vita DRPG if they localize which hopefully they do
It wasn't developed by Experience though.
I really wanted to try it out, but it got so much negative feedback that I ended up not picking it up. I was actually pretty excited for it too /: At least they are doing something with the art style, I find it to be great, and I'm surprised that more games, specially turn based RPGs don't use it more often.


Looks better than I thought. I'll probably pick one up eventually.

Look at ray gigant, doesn't it look uber awesome? :)

Short distance fights:


Mid range fights:

Long range fights:


details on gematsu
Officially hyped for this now.
I can't wait for more details to be released


Persona 3 and 4 still have the best in-battle portraits.

There's something very stylish about those sideways portraits. Looks intense.


I like that you can see your character.

Yeah that's a nice plus over most DRPGs (that I've seen). It's kinda lame to just get a static image or portrait only in most of these games, I'll take even a roguelike chibi over that. Don't usually mind first-person but it's kinda weird with a party.


Yeah that's a nice plus over most DRPGs (that I've seen). It's kinda lame to just get a static image or portrait only in most of these games, I'll take even a roguelike chibi over that. Don't usually mind first-person but it's kinda weird with a party.

I guess that's one of the reason I couldn't get into DRPG before. It's not so bad now, but I always wish to see my characters whenever I'm playing one. 7th Dragon 2020 was pretty nice in that regard, but SEGA decided we were not worthy.

Li Kao

People irrationally hate on the super slim, but but it's perfectly fine. Smallest footprint of the three, whisper quiet at all times and newer, smaller, cooler guts. It's fine. And you can still get it new these days, unlink the first slim.

Yeah, unfortunately. Put me in the "my god, kill it with fire" group in regard to the super slim, but I can't for the life of me find a new slim online in France.
The slim was so elegant... fuck...


I'll admit that I've never seen a super slim in person, but I don't get all the hate for it. Smaller is better.

Fun fact: the slim is actually slightly larger than the original gen in terms of horizontal footprint. Kinda annoyed me when I got one.


When having super slim with vertical stand you have to change the bluray with your left hand which feels really odd to me.

Got lucky with IM@S G4U Vol. 1, looked at work that it was "Pre-orders Closed" but thought to give it a last look home and looks like someone cancelled their order or something, got mine in.
I wonder if these games have trophies..
I have the normal slim (which is awesome) and a buddy bought the super slim for his home theater. It's one of the cheapest looking and feeling electronic devices I've ever seen. Like a cheap toy PS3 that you buy for your kids to play around with. It's sad, since the slim PSX and PS2 models were fantastic.

If my PS3 died I wouldn't mind buying one because at this point it doesn't matter that much, but it's really really ugly and I'd have to hide it behind something.


Got lucky with IM@S G4U Vol. 1, looked at work that it was "Pre-orders Closed" but thought to give it a last look home and looks like someone cancelled their order or something, got mine in.
I wonder if these games have trophies..

They do. Something to do with having a photo session with every character.

I have volumes 1 and 2 (on digital). Kinda neat but I can't possibly imagine getting the full retail releases of those things, they're really barebones not-really-games.

EDIT: Wait, pre-orders? Not sure I'm talking about the same thing then...?


They do. Something to do with having a photo session with every character.

I have volumes 1 and 2 (on digital). Kinda neat but I can't possibly imagine getting the full retail releases of those things, they're really barebones not-really-games.

EDIT: Wait, pre-orders? Not sure I'm talking about the same thing then...?

IM@S Cinderella Girls G4U, should have mentioned that.
They're bundled with the blurays and the game.


Maybe it's different outside the major regions? I know you're kind of in an odd spot geographically (with regards to the Vita/PlayStation).

well.. it wouldnt be the first odd thing ive experienced with the Singapore PS Store. Lack of Playstation Headset app, most games titles having a "full game" label and the web store only having "newest titles" and "PS titles" for every platform.


Neo Member
Hey guys, does anyone know where to get the English retail release of Oreshika 2? I tried Play-Asia but it has gone out of stock. Thanks.
I'm glad to see people hyped for Ray Gigant, it'd be a shame if the game stayed in Japan.
It really would. I could totally see NISA bringing it, but this being a Bamco x Exp project, I'm not too sure if they would even be able to touch it. I think this one would come down to them.
Playing this month's PS+ games.


Aaru's Awakening - This game is real hard. More of a pure platformer than puzzle platformer. It will test your ability to press 4 different buttons with pinpoint timing. Unique but too difficult for me.


Never Alone - A lot like Valiant Hearts in that it is trying teach you stuff in a puzzle platformer but the puzzles aren't as interesting and there is a lot of real boring platforming and running away from stuff.


The 2-3 second respawn times in Aaru's Awakening really kill the game for me, you die way too often for it to be anything but Super Meat Boy instant respawns. Seems like the sort of game you could play really skillfully but I didn't have the patience to deal with the sudden death and respawn times. Only got like 5 or 6 levels in.


That wonderful feel when your PS3 has almost unlimited HDD space. I'm downloading every fucking thing I'm remotely interested in and I still haven't even got near half of the

Too bad it will take ages to download.
The 2-3 second respawn times in Aaru's Awakening really kill the game for me, you die way too often for it to be anything but Super Meat Boy instant respawns. Seems like the sort of game you could play really skillfully but I didn't have the patience to deal with the sudden death and respawn times. Only got like 5 or 6 levels in.

Yeah there are frequent checkpoints but not enough for the difficulty. Yeah trying to jump with L1, guide yourself with the left stick, while in the air aim with the right stick, press R1 an then at the right time press R2. Uhh no thanks.

The voice dialog is pretty unintentionally hilarious tho. It sounds like a developer got his kid to reluctantly read some sort of parody of video game story.
Time & Eternity was a Namco-published game as well and NISA brought it over.
Is that so? In that case, things are looking a lot brighter, seeing how they have brought Demon Gaze, Time & Eternity (which you say was Namco published), and now in June Operation Abyss. The connections to both Exp and Bamco are there, this is right around their alley. Now I'm even more excited. Vitacats, it's time to start preordering OA if you haven't already! :p


Yeah there are frequent checkpoints but not enough for the difficulty. Yeah trying to jump with L1, guide yourself with the left stick, while in the air aim with the right stick, press R1 an then at the right time press R2. Uhh no thanks.

The voice dialog is pretty unintentionally hilarious tho. It sounds like a developer got his kid to reluctantly read some sort of parody of video game story.

It's not really the frequency of the checkpoints, but how long you watching the "you died" loading thing with zero input at all. The controls are complicated but I don't think I'd have as much a problem with them if it didn't kill you so often. It could be really cool to speedrun without being hard to beat normally--Mighty Switch Force does this well.

Yeah the story stuff is weird, sounds like a little kid is reading it?

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
I thought Aaru's Awakening was amazing. Had an absolutely perfect difficulty curve and really well executed gameplay mechanics. My main complaint is that it's too short. I beat it in two sittings. Couldn't have been much longer than 2 hours.


Can't say much on how I feel like I am either missing fingers or over a hundred but damn aiming is slow lol and painful. Not very precise either.
Wouldn't increase in sensitivity mean less precise?

Sounds like you have it fixed, but I loveeee killzone movment and aiming.

I turn up sensitivity in every shooter -- from kz to counterstrike to whatever, it's vital you can turn faster than your opponent. Yes, this makes aiming 'harder' at first in terms of over-shooting your target, but after awhile you'll become used to the insane sensitivity and you'll be 100x faster/better for it.

2006 60GB Phat BC PS3 crew checking in and still running.

*knocks on wood*

My MGS phat died multiple deaths (hello garage project and heat sinks) before I sold it for parts and bought a slim. I miss it. But honestly, I'm happier now that i've rebought a dedicated PS2 for the garage tv anyway. my ps3 never played ps2 games, but i play ps2 games all the time on my ps2.

I'll ask the reasonable Vita fans that end up here a hard question: Do any of you really want clickable sticks on a system with the form factor of the Vita on a hypothetical next system? I think they would be a disaster. You could not comfortably use it on a stick that size while holding the system as you do. It works on something as big and thick as the Wii U gamepad because you can properly brace the thing.

L2/R2 of course makes all the sense in the world.

Well, the answer is 'maybe'. If Sony engineers can get it working well, then sure. If it feels like shit, then no. Also remember there are always 'outside the box' options -- for example, adding 2 small buttons somewhere ergonomic yet out of the way that serve as r3/l3 (obviously that would likely never happen, but the point is l3/r3 don't necessarily need to be clickable sticks).

just like, in theory, the extra two triggers could have been little buttons or triggers just past the vita triggers (that is, horizontally configured rather than vertically). that wouldnt be as nice as real vertically placed triggers imo, but if designed well could 'solve' the problem better than mapping to touch screen, especially since you can remap if necessary. (i'd prefer a more dual shock sized revision, personally, but i don't care about maximizing portability, i care about maximizing functionality and comfort).

Honestly, my biggest complaint about the vita is probably just that -- they should have learned from the lack of a second analog on the PSP that they should match the DS4 as closely as possible, especially since they knew remote play was coming. Obviously touchpad wouldn't be needed, since that could be mimic'd by the front or back, depending on what worked better.

I'd be happy if home consoles got rid of clickable sticks.

I used to agree. But it works really well in some games -- r3 to lock on / break lock on in bloodborne, for example, is perfect once you get used to it. I don't use the right analog to switch targets often -- instead, i unlock, dodge, relock to ensure I get the exact results i want.

Some implementations of using it to sprint also work, though it depends greatly on the game. (and only on/off, never hold)

Look at ray gigant, doesn't it look uber awesome? :)

It looks stellar.

I guess that's one of the reason I couldn't get into DRPG before. It's not so bad now, but I always wish to see my characters whenever I'm playing one. 7th Dragon 2020 was pretty nice in that regard, but SEGA decided we were not worthy.

I'm not sure I ever even thought about that. But i grew up on drpgs like bard's tale, so it wasn't even really an option back then.

The 2-3 second respawn times in Aaru's Awakening really kill the game for me, you die way too often for it to be anything but Super Meat Boy instant respawns. Seems like the sort of game you could play really skillfully but I didn't have the patience to deal with the sudden death and respawn times. Only got like 5 or 6 levels in.

It's shocking that some platforming/etc games don't respect the insta-respawn. I'm not talking about huge games like Bloodborne where it's obvious why resetting a level will take a bit of loading/processing, but if it's something like a platformer or a mobile port where 'perfect runs' and/or 'time trials' are rewarded/necessary then instant respawn is critical.

Bummer that Titan Souls doesn't seem great :( I was looking forward to it on Vita.

i've only heard good/great things about it.
Does anyone know anywhere else to get the EnglishAsian version of Oreshika on the Vita? I have an order with Playasia that I have a pretty good feeling they won't be able to fulfil and I'd rather order elsewhere, I've had no luck finding the game anywhere else though.


Does anyone know anywhere else to get the EnglishAsian version of Oreshika on the Vita? I have an order with Playasia that I have a pretty good feeling they won't be able to fulfil and I'd rather order elsewhere, I've had no luck finding the game anywhere else though.

Maybe eBay, there isn't a great alternative to Play-Asia when it comes to asian games.
Does anyone know anywhere else to get the EnglishAsian version of Oreshika on the Vita? I have an order with Playasia that I have a pretty good feeling they won't be able to fulfil and I'd rather order elsewhere, I've had no luck finding the game anywhere else though.

Buygame2 currently have it in stock as "less".

I've never used them before this game but was told by a few people that they're alright. Their whole system is a bit confusing to me (I got charged for the game straight away and I've never had a shipping notice e-mail, but I have been given a tracking number) so I can let you know if I actually get my order in the coming weeks, but I have a feeling this game has had a very limited print run, so you might want to try it now while you can.
Buygame2 currently have it in stock as "less".

I've never used them before this game but was told by a few people that they're alright. Their whole system is a bit confusing to me (I got charged for the game straight away and I've never had a shipping notice e-mail, but I have been given a tracking number) so I can let you know if I actually get my order in the coming weeks, but I have a feeling this game has had a very limited print run, so you might want to try it now while you can.

Thanks, I'll give that a look. I get the distinct feeling the game got a really low print run, eBay has it for £50 or there abouts and I'm not really all that stoked about paying that much for a game that retailed for half of that!
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