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PlayStation Network Thread | April 2016

Well, I have plenty of positive things to say after twenty hours, even if I'm not done yet. I'll still wait for the embargo date before spilling any beans.

Understood. Even though his gameplay is from only 90mins of game time, and his ranting sounds a bit obnoxious, some of the stuff he talks about does worry me a bit. The game really does seem a bit too streamlined. Unless it opens up quite a bit after the first few hours of course.


Understood. Even though his gameplay is from only 90mins of game time, and his ranting sounds a bit obnoxious, some of the stuff he talks about does worry me a bit. The game really does seem a bit too streamlined. Unless it opens up quite a bit after the first few hours of course.

I'm not sure I'll watch his videos to tell you when he's telling the truth and when it's just his opinion, but if you have some bullet points about things you're worried after watching his video, you can share those and I'll address each one.


my wallet is suffering between this month and the next i have plenty to buy for my Vita:

Already bought this month:
Megaman Legends 2
Skullgirls 2nd encore

Will Buy:
Stranger of Sword City
Axiom Verge

Probably (only 3 of this list idk which ones):

Ray Gigant
Last Blade 2 (releasing in may!)
Rocketbirds 2
Estival Vs limited edition or Atelier escha Limited edition
XCom or Aegis of Earth

Then in june:

I still have to buy Persona Dancing all night(ill probably buy it after buying Odin Sphere)

This is for sure a pretty demanding undead console
I'm not sure I'll watch his videos to tell you when he's telling the truth and when it's just his opinion, but if you have some bullet points about things you're worried after watching his video, you can share those and I'll address each one.
Hmm okay let's see some of the stuff he mentioned, off the top of my head:

- Maps already laid out from the beginning, including enemy positions.
- Battles are REALLY easy.
- Mash attack to win leads to brainless battles.
- Loot is not existent, it's acquired through gem menu system, so in the world you don't get item drops, you get gems.
- No replayability (enemies don't respawn in map after being taken down).
- No button to skip cutscenes (I never skip them anyway, so not a problem here but it was something he mentioned).
- Rhythm mini-game to activate a special attack (I think it looked fine).

I'd say the first 3 worry me a bit because they could potentially lead to something he kept mentioning: it'll bore you. The other 4, meh. I don't replay games, I don't skip cutscenes and the rhythm thing, although it may get old after a while, looked fine to me. But on a fundamental level, those 3 things that worry me are potentially what can make or break a game for me: actual gameplay. I'm all for easier games that don't consume too much of my time, if I wanted something more hardcore I'd get SotSC anyway. But I don't want to just "hold X to win" for 40hrs either :(


I wanted to review Ray Gigant but really don't have the time right now. Hope it's good, love the sense of scale in combat it shows
I wanted to review Ray Gigant but really don't have the time right now. Hope it's good, love the sense of scale in combat it shows

That's a shame, I was hoping to read some more reviews from people who tend to like those types of games because Ray Gigant is one of the few titles that I am "on the fence" about. I love the sense of scale, and DRPGs can be fun, BUT when a DRPG drags I find it excruciating.


US got an even shorter end of the stick this time with Scamco. If you import you can't even get a free game. Oh well, it's a 2011 game that you probably already played so it might not be that big of a deal. Even if I'm gonna get it, I'm not even sure I'm gonna ever play it.


I'll just import the European version of Rage Burst and get the American version of Resurrection once it goes on sale for 5 bucks. Bamco is pretty fast at discounting their games so no big deal. Still hoping for an Asian version of Resurrection but it feels unlikely at this point.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
RG from what I've heard, so this is a hot take among hot takes, is that it is too stripped down like OA or DG and that its real hook is in the visuals. Basically the dungeon crawl version of something like Muramasa.


I'm still not convinced that getting GE2 for Vita on US will net me GER for free. It's all so weirdly worded.
It's worded to make it sound that, Vita-wise, you can only get GER for free if you buy GE2 in EMEA+Australia. So probably no.


Is there any confirmation on a flash sale today?

Nothing beyond inductive reasoning. It has happened every month on this Friday for the past two years with the exception of certain major holidays, therefore it is very likely to happen this Friday again. I feel confident.


Also, at first I was happy about that God Eater news. But then I remembered I'm on an US account. >.<
Nothing beyond inductive reasoning. It has happened every month on this Friday for the past two years with the exception of certain major holidays, therefore it is very likely to happen this Friday again. I feel confident.

That would be awesome, hoping to pick up a few games.


Yup we are gonna to go digital or shut up. Or we could always get the PS4 version, but this sort of game just always felt better on a smaller screen.

I'm not sure if it feels better on a small screen/handheld. I had my fair share of trouble with Freedom Wars for example.


Flash Sale is currently going live. Your usual games though.

So far The Swapper, Mousecraft, and Lone Survivor for 70-80% off.

Li Kao

Hmm, I could see myself playing a hunting game but I have a question: is Freedom Wars online infrastructure still up ? I seem to remember something about a change on that front but maybe I'm not remembering correctly.

Or Toukiden Kiwami maybe. What is the best platform to play it ? I'm hesitating between Vita and PC.

Or I could abandon all social life and finally play Persona 4, but I'm torn between the superior Golden and the authentic original version. Yeah, OCD...
Hmm, I could see myself playing a hunting game but I have a question: is Freedom Wars online infrastructure still up ? I seem to remember something about a change on that front but maybe I'm not remembering correctly.

Or Toukiden Kiwami maybe. What is the best platform to play it ? I'm hesitating between Vita and PC.

Or I could abandon all social life and finally play Persona 4, but I'm torn between the superior Golden and the authentic original version. Yeah, OCD...

Freedom wars is great, and I had no problems finding rooms last night or having people join my rooms. I'm sure its not as hopping as it was during launch but there are still people online because of it being a PS+ game a bit ago. I haven't played Kiwami so I can't say how the online is for that.

Any time spent playing P4G is time well spent. That is always a good call.
Alien Isolation bundle is $14.79. I'm guessing that's a flash sale item. And a few indie titles that have been on sale millions of times before.
I really hope that's not it.
I'm not sure if it feels better on a small screen/handheld. I had my fair share of trouble with Freedom Wars for example.

Truth be told, I was all about the Vita's small screen but the drought has kinda made me learn to love my TV screen and PS4. There's also that funny thing that I've mentioned here before, that every time I play on my Vita I fall asleep lol. I know it's not because I'm bored. I can't really put my finger on why it happens, other than because my preferred way to play on a handheld is by laying down.


Hmm okay let's see some of the stuff he mentioned, off the top of my head:

- Maps already laid out from the beginning, including enemy positions.
- Battles are REALLY easy.
- Mash attack to win leads to brainless battles.
- Loot is not existent, it's acquired through gem menu system, so in the world you don't get item drops, you get gems.
- No replayability (enemies don't respawn in map after being taken down).
- No button to skip cutscenes (I never skip them anyway, so not a problem here but it was something he mentioned).
- Rhythm mini-game to activate a special attack (I think it looked fine).

I'd say the first 3 worry me a bit because they could potentially lead to something he kept mentioning: it'll bore you. The other 4, meh. I don't replay games, I don't skip cutscenes and the rhythm thing, although it may get old after a while, looked fine to me. But on a fundamental level, those 3 things that worry me are potentially what can make or break a game for me: actual gameplay. I'm all for easier games that don't consume too much of my time, if I wanted something more hardcore I'd get SotSC anyway. But I don't want to just "hold X to win" for 40hrs either :(

I'm playing through at the moment (I'm not quite done yet) because I decided if I bought the thing, I really should ¬_¬
(I'd imported it, but just after it arrived they announced the English release and I kind of put it to one side). As I'm playing the Japanese version, I'm not bound by embargos, so I can try and answer a few of these :)

1. Maps already laid out from the beginning, including enemy positions.
Enemy positions, chests, and main enemies are visible from the outset. The actual maps aren't.
Somehow I had no screens that would illustrate this at all, so I loaded up a save and stitched some maps together.
As you can see, it's not really all that revealing.

2. Battles are REALLY easy.
... Honestly, they kind of are, but it's an interesting system and I kind of want to write about it a bit. I'll edit it in or post it once I'm done.

3. Mash attack to win leads to brainless battles.
Kind of, but I'll talk about this in the thing about the battle system it will take me a bit to write.

4. Loot is not existent, it's acquired through gem menu system, so in the world you don't get item drops, you get gems.
Entirely true. You gain resources by fighting/opening chests, and these resources are then "spent" on the character trees.
The yellow stuff is how the character levels up (and what stat you want to focus on). The blue stuff is commands. The red stuff on the left is the item tree for the weaponry/armour/accessories/food they have the ability to create and use. You level it up using the Materia Gems you find, and my Ichiya has levelled (most of) his weapon tree up to 15, which at this stage in the game is the highest they go. To turn this into actual equipment you then have to spend Breed Gems.
So if Ichiya has items that look like this:
And I go and spend a Breed Gem on his highest weaponry class, I can get a new and better weapon, like so:
The same goes for other armour and accessories and so forth, and you might create some items with higher defense and others with higher hit or evasion or something, so you can then choose which you prefer to use.

5. No replayability (enemies don't respawn in map after being taken down).
You can respawn enemies by using the save crystals at the end of dungeons. Alternatively you can respawn enemies by exiting the dungeon and entering again. The dungeon is also repopulated during intermissions, sometimes with additional chests.

6. No button to skip cutscenes (I never skip them anyway, so not a problem here but it was something he mentioned).
True. If you hold down X/O though it will zip through the text pretty damn fast.

7. Rhythm mini-game to activate a special attack (I think it looked fine).
Yes, this is a thing.
As you battle enemies a meter on the right side of the screen increases (and during boss battles it increases each turn). When you have 50 or more on the meter you can press R to use Slash Beat Mode, where you play a rhythm mini-game that does damage to the enemy at the end of it. At 50-99 it will use 50 on the meter, at 100 you can choose to use a 50 or 100 meter version of it.
Using it is entirely optional, but worth it if you need a damage boost - even if you're terrible at SBM it tends to do quite a lot of damage. I go back and forth on whether I want to use it or not tbh.
It also bumps you out of Parasite mode if you're in it (again, this will get mentioned with the battle system stuff when I post it).


I'm at work and couldn't elaborate on the subject now, but since Ephidel made the post, what s/he said is pretty accurate.


Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles is just above $2 in the flash sale and contains two timeless classics and a decent remake of one of them. Please buy and enjoy it.


And now a gigantic (yes, you can groan) block of text nobody will ever want to read about Ray Gigant's battle system.

So. It really tries to do something new. I'm not entirely sure it pulls it off all that well but I do think it deserves some points for trying, and it does have a few interesting results.

Normally your health is important. In Ray Gigant, not so much. It even regenerates to full after every battle unless you go and get your characters knocked out.

In Ray Gigant what matters is AP. Everything revolves around the AP gauge.
Or, erm, the Active gauge, which I will continually refer to as the AP gauge because that's what it is. Anyway, that thing on the left.

You gain AP by either regenerating it during battles by opting to do that instead of attacking or, alternatively, by getting AP bonuses for ending battles within a certain amount of turns (turn 1 gets you 25AP, turn 2 gets you 20AP, and so on).

Everything your characters do costs a certain amount of AP, and your characters share a gauge that maxes out at 100. If you start a battle with a lot of AP you essentially have free reign to do what you want, whereas if you start one with low AP you have to be picker about your choices.
(And if you retreat from battle the gauge drops to zero).
Your character has a whole slew of skills, spells, and items they can use, but all of them have an AP cost. This means you have to weigh up what you actually want to achieve from the battle.
You have two sets of "tactics" available, which is a set of three moves tied to the square, triangle, and circle buttons. You have to assign the skills to them in advance but you have access to both "sets" in battle and can mix them freely.

Every "turn" each character can use up to five of their moves.

The AP gauge is the limiter.

You could set everyone up with their best attacks or heals but those are expensive, and depending on what your AP gauge looks like you could end up in battles where none of them are actually usable and characters are stuck getting hit by enemies while they attempt to regenerate AP.

Alternatively you could opt to give each character a balanced skill-set that would allow them all to act in a variety of situations, or you could front-load one heavy hitter with a load of big moves and assign cheapo moves to the other characters to give them something to do.

Additionally some moves don't play well with others -- the two freebie moves for example become the sole move for their turn (there's one for gaining AP and one for self-healing).

It's definitely an interesting idea, but in practice you tend to end up using the same moves over and over again, or relying heavily on one character.

I confess that in regular battles with Kyle I kind of defaulted to

[Not Kyle][Regen AP] [Kyle][Attack x5!] [Not Kyle][Regen AP]

Which... isn't the most interesting thing to do, but tended to work more often than not, and tended to keep the AP gauge at a relatively stable level.

Sometimes it does switch things up on you to stop you acting quite so brainlessly because some characters do lousy damage to certain enemy types with their base skill and would need to use a more specialised one to do anything (or, alternatively, to spend their time backing up another character who CAN damage that enemy) but that's about it.

Also, there are different types of battle. In battles with Blue enemy icons all actions cost half their usual AP. It's great, you can go crazy with all those skills you never use... or you can just spam your regular attack five times on each character which will kill almost everything. Yeah. If you want to be boring, you can.
With Yellow enemy icons all actions cost their regular AP. Whatever.
The Red ones are the interesting ones, because then all actions cost double, which makes it a lot trickier to decide what you want to do. You have to be more careful, and weigh your options a little more.

Sometimes you can just choose to avoid enemies, but on other occasions you have to battle them to progress, so if you've left yourself with low AP it can be trickier (and if you do skip a load of enemies you'll have less resources to spend on your character trees so will end up with worse gear).
Also, later in the game the kind of traps that would normally damage your health in other dungeon crawlers do damage to your AP instead, which is kind of cool.

Now the other way of mixing things up is the Parasite mode, which... actually, I enjoy using far too much.
You have a "Drive" percentage that rises every turn, and when it hits max all your moves start costing health instead of AP.

It's far more fun, because then you have to balance everything against your health instead. Do you use all those skills and leave yourself low on health? Do you mix it in with heals (that cost health to recover health x_x) to try and keep your characters topped up. Which characters do you do that with? Are some of them slower than others?

... unfortunately it's never quite as tricky as it could have been. Each set of characters has at least one who can play healer to top everyone up, and as long as you're paying even a little bit of attention it's relatively easy to keep things balanced on that front.

Even so, I honestly enjoy parasite mode a whole lot, and it's great fun for boss battles where if you balance things right you can just keep going and going.

That said, if you don't balance things properly you can box yourself into a corner with it, because if you aren't careful your characters can just keel over and die because you've blown all your health and don't have enough left to use any more skills, or left yourself too low so an enemy can finish you off :p

Also, the Blue/Yellow/Red Enemy system applies to Parasite mode too, so if you're against a red enemy everything will cost twice as much health and that can be nasty - if you're particularly unlucky/un-careful you can leave yourself without enough health to do ANYTHING except retreat unless you have enough points on your SBM gauge to bail yourself out that way (because activating slash beat mode clears parasite mode and resets the drive gauge).

The main disappointing thing is that for the most part Boss battles aren't actually more challenging. They're just longer by virtue of the bosses having more health.
They do look cool though.

So. Erm. Yes.
It tries a lot of interesting things, but if you don't really want to engage with them you can do really boring things with it because most of the interesting things don't actually NEED to be done, which is a shame.

So far (I'm on Chapter 17) I have to say that yes, the game has been easy. That hasn't stopped it from being enjoyable, but it is a little disappointing that it hasn't provided more of a challenge.

The thing is, I might have actively broken my ability to determine some of how difficult it is because I compulsively grind, and I went out of my way to reset dungeons to get more gems so I could buy out my characters command trees and boost their weapons/armour. So maybe if I hadn't done all of that it might have been a bit trickier? Maybe?
(But I kind of suspect not).

That said, it isn't without challenge.
Chapter 11 did have me busting out some paper to map on because one of the dungeon floors was driving me nuts, and Chapter 17 (where I am now) is the first time the game has actually sent me running out of a dungeon with my tail between my legs after I got very sloppy and severely overestimated my party. I'm sure it will be fine once I switch up some skills equipment, but it does mean that I'll at least have to think about it a bit ;)

Also, not entirely battle related really, but the music throughout the game is really, really excellent
(And sometimes the 'talking' during battles sounds really, really creepy x_x)
Thanks for the impressions Ephidel, I can see both the good AND the bad. At least I know what I am getting into. Seems like a very interesting game with several undercooked ideas. I can forgive this if the plot is good though. How's the plot so far? (no spoilers pls lol)
Ray Gigant is most definitely the easiest DRPG in the market, that's for sure.

I'd say that's more than enough reason for me to go ahead and give it a pass. Demon Gaze was far too easy to me, to the point where I kept wanting to quit because outside of a handful of bosses, it just wasn't fun. Anything even easier than that doesn't sound like a good time at all. Then again I'm sure RG wouldn't be too terrible with starting people off on the genre.


Thanks for the impressions Ephidel, I can see both the good AND the bad. At least I know what I am getting into. Seems like a very interesting game with several undercooked ideas. I can forgive this if the plot is good though. How's the plot so far? (no spoilers pls lol)
Honestly, I don't really feel particularly qualified to answer that because my Japanese is really, really lousy (by which I mean it's barely there) so I'm basically coasting along based on what I'm inferring.

It starts off a bit awkwardly because in order to explain the mechanics to the player they kind of make Ichiya dumb as bricks, so he kind of ends up as one of those "running on enthusiasm" protags where everyone falls in around him because he's special and it grates a little (or it did for me, anyway), but I did think it got better after that.

Each set of characters gives a slightly different perspective of what's going on because they all have their own supporting casts with their own aims and motives. It means that while the overall aim might be the same (fighting Gigants) there's always this sort of undercurrent of 'so what's going on here?'
It kind of feels more character than plot based (or maybe it's just that I'm just more interested in seeing the characters interact with each other)

And I'm reading that looking at how vague and wishy-washy it was kind of want to apologise. A lot. Hopefully someone else will be able to field that question properly :|

I'm looking forward to playing it again in English to get a better handle on things anyway ;)


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Easier than DG?!?

Game is not hard at all as long as you have invested enough into your weapons and such. Esp for the MCs in the game as once they get a particular weapon type that works against all of the enemy types you can pretty much just roflstomp anything for the most part. Getting up to that point can be a slight chore. As some maps are better than others at collecting resources due to the enemy layout. Since its possible to skip over these maps if you advance in the story, makes how long it would take to get what you need take longer also. Which is why when you find a good grinding point might as well keep at it till you get bored. As the game in general does not have any sort of balancing with the drops as all the resources are the same through the whole title.

Heres general overall impressions from clearing the game / plat trophy.

This title overall was ok, am glad I bought it and went through the title, though its not exactly something Id recommend to everyone.

The main draw of this title would be the characters and story, also it has fantastic music. The dungeon designs are fairly interesting with some of the layouts.

Combat is a bit odd. Generally early on with the 3 different scenarios its fairly easy with little to no thought put into the fights mainly due to being able to use just a single character to generally blast your way through the enemy types. That changes up near the end of the game though, which is explained below. The early Gigants and boss enemies in the dungeons are not much trouble either as long as your equipment is leveled up. Your characters should be the proper level anyways, due to picking up all the treasure points, which sometimes contain the yellow gems that you use to lv up your characters.

*Spoilers about final dungeon info with gameplay
The final dungeon area is a bit different as it mixes up things, so you will be switching around a bit with the skills you use. Even more so if you did not go over-leveling your equipment. Its where the combat gets a little more interesting due to that. But its not much harder, thought its not as if you can just constantly use the same commands / auto-battle due to your TP being used up. Also the various enemy resistances prevents just a single character dominating things unlike the 3 character scenarios. Even with the use of parasite mode you still need to be cautions not to drop your life so far down in the first round that you can take damage and die in the second if the enemy goes first. Those special skills most def become your main way of attacking in general over the standard attacks also.

Not sure in regards to my game time as Ive left it idle a lot.

Getting the Platinum Trophy for this game is fairly easy as its mostly advancing the story, other stuff is related to filling out the skill trees or getting a specific item in the item tree to X level. But nothing that would cause all that much stress to do.

Good Points
  • Characters & artwork
  • Story is decent
  • Excellent music
  • Interesting dungeon designs with layout.
  • TP system for combat is interesting

Bad Points
  • Combat can be considered easy for 70% of the game. The other 30% is discussed in the spoiler section above.
  • 3 command system (+3 when you unlock the 2nd command bar) feels a little limiting even with 6 commands, though was an interesting attempt to do something different.
  • Harvesting resources feels like a chore.
  • Resource drop rates is poor with certain resources.
  • System to gain new equipment feels flawed, too many useless items.
  • Weight system is mostly meaningless due to more actions performed = more weight loss. Which keeps certain characters at either + or - weight due to being under / overused.

Overall though, while I enjoyed my time with the title, its not something that was to my preference in terms of game design. As for me personally it seemed to sit in an odd middle where as its not a game for the core DRPG fan because of the simplified mechanics and how gaining new equipment works, nor is it designed to be something for the casual fan either, due to the grinding for resources. The SBM system also along with the designs of the 3 transformed characters just does not seem to fit with the game world either part of that has to do with them using 3 different artists. At least the SBM system can give players a way to end boss fights a lot faster.

With my personal feelings on the title aside though, if one is a fan of Experience Inc and want to check out their latest title where they had tried various new things in terms of gameplay design feel free to check it out if it makes it to the West.

Just completed the game as well. Overall I liked it quite a bit by the end, after getting a little bored during the middle sections. The game is definitely very easy, and I made it even easier on myself by grinding what turned out to be way too many resources since I wanted to make sure I'd have enough for all the trophies.

Standouts to me are the character and enemy animation, dungeon art design, story/characters, and maybe most of all, the music. The soundtrack starts out amazing, and it kind of tones it down from there for the second and third stories but remains one of Experience's best throughout the game.

The things that I think didn't quite work out are the AP system and the skill trees. Both are really good ideas, and were still a nice change of pace from their other games, but the AP system is too restricted by only have 6 available actions (usually a couple of which are reserved for waiting or snacking) and the skill trees are largely superficial. I hardly ever used most of the weapons/shields/accessories because a handful of them are obviously the better choices. Similarly with a lot of the skills, many of them didn't get much or any use because they weren't very AP-efficient.

I was feeling kind of down on the game during the 2nd and 3rd chapters, but by spending that time gathering enough resources that I didn't have to worry about them for the rest of the game, I ended up having a really good time with the last few dungeons. They make good use (maybe too much use in some cases) of the typical warp, slide, and switch tiles. Still pretty easy, but definitely a step up from the rest of the game.

Definitely would like to see the animation stuff work its way into Experience's other upcoming games, and even the AP/skill systems if they can make them more interesting to use.
Honestly, I don't really feel particularly qualified to answer that because my Japanese is really, really lousy (by which I mean it's barely there) so I'm basically coasting along based on what I'm inferring.

It starts off a bit awkwardly because in order to explain the mechanics to the player they kind of make Ichiya dumb as bricks, so he kind of ends up as one of those "running on enthusiasm" protags where everyone falls in around him because he's special and it grates a little (or it did for me, anyway), but I did think it got better after that.

Each set of characters gives a slightly different perspective of what's going on because they all have their own supporting casts with their own aims and motives. It means that while the overall aim might be the same (fighting Gigants) there's always this sort of undercurrent of 'so what's going on here?'
It kind of feels more character than plot based (or maybe it's just that I'm just more interested in seeing the characters interact with each other)

And I'm reading that looking at how vague and wishy-washy it was kind of want to apologise. A lot. Hopefully someone else will be able to field that question properly :|

I'm looking forward to playing it again in English to get a better handle on things anyway ;)

Not at all this is great info. I'm still a bit undecided so the more info the better. SotSC seems like a bit too much for me right now, definitely not in the mood for a hardcore DRPG. At the same time RG seems like the complete opposite, which can also be bad in my eyes. Wish they had a happy medium, I'd be all over the two

Game is not hard at all as long as you have invested enough into your weapons and such. Esp for the MCs in the game as once they get a particular weapon type that works against all of the enemy types you can pretty much just roflstomp anything for the most part. Getting up to that point can be a slight chore. As some maps are better than others at collecting resources due to the enemy layout. Since its possible to skip over these maps if you advance in the story, makes how long it would take to get what you need take longer also. Which is why when you find a good grinding point might as well keep at it till you get bored. As the game in general does not have any sort of balancing with the drops as all the resources are the same through the whole title.

This is good info as well ^^


Seems like Hatoful Boyfriend has been removed from the Spring sale and is full price again.
Was close to buying it but won't now.


And now a gigantic (yes, you can groan) block of text nobody will ever want to read about Ray Gigant's battle system.

Well, this commits two major crimes for me:
1) I absolutely hate any sort of 'shared' action bar for a party. I don't want to be able to move the same character 5 time if everyone else stands still [like I've seen], and I don't want what Jack does to affect what Jane can do [this game]. I could get over that, maybe, if done really, really well.

2) if it's easier than DG, it's far too easy. Is there a difficultly selection? I know switching to hard made Mind Zero at least have some interesting combat.

Speaking of MZ, the system sounds a bit like MZs, where you needed to keep switching forms to balance healing health, mp, and a MZ specific third stat bar. On hard, that actually made this create some tense battles, since you needed to be in human (fragile) form in order to recharge your more battle ready demon form. So you had 3 party members constantly switching, and you needed to manage that so you didn't have a glass team get wiped out at any given time.

Here, it sounds like you're doing a similar balancing act, ensuring you go into battles 'prepared' with enough points to spend... but without difficulty it sort of ruins it. I also dislike the shared action points [as stated earlier].

Darn. I wanted this to be a day 1 purchase. I really, really wanted it to knock it out of the park.

Can't wait for SoSC... have that preordered. I'll wait for this to hit <10.


Between an easy and accessible Ray Gigant and a hard and cryptic Stranger of Sword City, there are options for anyone to grab at least one of these EXP DRPGs this year.


Just wondering; what games in the flash sale are worth buying (for Vita)? Own the Castlevana game already but interested in the other games on sale. Any suggestions would be most appreciated :).
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