It's really good, waaaay better than la mulana at least, maybe it's my fault but in la mulana i never knew where to go or what to do...
It's a metroidvania heavy on rpg elements(stats, loots, magic, pets etc), there are challenges and quests, backtraking is almost absent, one thing that i really appreciate in unepic is that unlike other games(even some deep rpgs) different kinds of weapon are really different and every enemy is weak against one weapon type and resistant to the others, if you use the wrong kind of weapon against an enemy you will do a very small damage, so you have to choose what weapon abilities to grow, i also appreciate that there's no need to grind because it's well balanced imo, another good thing is that the references are not just some videogames references pointlessly put there just to do fanservice, but they are also based on movies, comics etc and often well used in dialogues.
One bad thing is that at least in the beginning environments look the same, but after some progress there's more variety.