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PlayStation Network Thread | August 2015


The PS4 is the best UI I've used in a console. The idea of prioritizing recent apps fits perfectly with the usage pattern of a console, when I'm usually playing about 3-5 games at a time.

What consoles have you been playing?
The UI is the worst part of the console and something I cringe from everytime I have to use it...


If anyone was worried about the censorship in that banned game, it's actually really... uh... thoughtful? I've only seen one edit (assuming the other 3 are gonna be just as "good") but it's not stupid amateurish censorship, it's a well made edit that you wouldn't even notice unless you had the original picture to the side.


What consoles have you been playing?
The UI is the worst part of the console and something I cringe from everytime I have to use it...

I've used everything except the Xbox One and the PS4 is easily the best I've used. No folders is a slight annoyance but the PS3 was a million times worse even with folders and I hate the 360 dash. Vita has too much fluff between actual interactions and Wii U is okay I guess but a huge pain to do anything that isn't launch a game. The PS4 UI's speed alone beats out basically everything except the other next gen consoles instantly.


Well, in that case your opinion obviously weighs way more than mine. Still, if I think of all the problems, flaws and shortcomings I've encountered in PlayStation software, I find it hard to dismiss my take.
On the other hand, a shitty algorithm is not mutually exclusive with a lack of data for said algorithm, so we might both be right.

Oh, no doubt it could be both. There's a lot of money in recommendation systems because they're so hard to get right, and 'incorrect' recommendations tend to stand out and annoy, whereas good recommendations feel natural and aren't necessarily even consciously noticed.

I tend to give devs the benefit of the doubt, having been there.

I know people like to complain about Sony here but this is just so wrong. The state of the OS on their systems is quite impressive. The PS4 OS beats the Xbox One in every area you mentioned and it was built with a fraction of the resources. Same with Vita.

I really like the PS4's UI. I don't jump around from game to game much [which I'm guessing is true of most people] so it works well. It has some issues, though, but it definitely gets the job done.

The PS4 has Sony's worst UI experience, at least once you have more than a few games or apps installed. I'll take the Vita's UI or the XMB over the PS4's mess any day. Well except for speed, but that's largely a function of hardware power.

I've said it before in firmware patch threads, but I think this is just a result of the 'launch' firmware. At launch, you know your userbase won't own many games, so features like folders and other library management tools simply aren't needed... and so those features [correctly, imo] get cut to keep the launch firmware lean and mean. This is important because you don't want feature creep -- a good launch UI should be relatively bare bones so they can focus on getting it absolutely solid... feature creep in a large rollout can spell death. Every little unnecessary feature added takes time, lots of QA, and ultimately creates chances for bugs and the last thing you want is for the launch firmware to start crashing on release to the public due to some odd feature you didn't even really need to include.

The problem is... once you don't include it, getting it back on the 'priority list' can be hellish. The designers/devs might really want to do it, but you've got dozens of other voices clammering for other features. Something utilitarian like 'Folders' that only helps a relatively small percentage of super users simply doesn't sound sexy so it constantly gets pushed down the list since 'well, it works good enough for now', because marketing [or whoever] wants something new and shiny to promote.

The PS4 is the best UI I've used in a console. The idea of prioritizing recent apps fits perfectly with the usage pattern of a console, when I'm usually playing about 3-5 games at a time.

And there's why. Same here. I have a pretty large PS4 library, but I play one game at a time so the library isn't an annoyance. Which means I'm one more reason that something like 'folders' gets pushed down the priority list, even though everyone knows it's something that eventually needs to get done.

[note -- backend utilities/tools also get this treatment at priority meetings, which is why I'm sure the people that update the store need to use abacuses, duct tape, and some rubber bands every week to get it right. Putting dev resources on giving them better tools just keeps getting put off longer and longer... i've seen it at so many companies it makes me sick [IT generally wants to give them better tools, but there's no time when you're told to work on xyz].

Anyway, end rant. Just some insight into the world of IT departments at most/all major companies for those interested.


Atelier Sophie - new characters, images and details:





N° 2048

I'm so confused by the titles of these games.

What is the game before Dungeon Travelers 2: The Royal Library & The Monster Seal?

There's also:

To Heart 2: Dungeon Travelers <--is this the first one to Dungeon Travelers 2: The Royal Library & The Monster Seal?
I'm so confused by the titles of these games.

What is the game before Dungeon Travelers 2: The Royal Library & The Monster Seal?

Is it sequel?

  • To Heart 2 is the name of a Visual Novel(it's not a sequel just because of the 2 lol)
  • Then a DRPG spin-off of the VN called To Heart 2: Dungeon Travelers was released(you use the characters from the VN).
  • Lastly, DT2 was released, "It consists of the same gameplay and system but featured different characters. "

Basically DT2 is standalone game that no longer has any relation story wise to the VN or DT1, it's just has the same gameplay and system.

N° 2048

  • To Heart 2 is the name of a Visual Novel(it's not a sequel just because of the 2 lol)
  • Then a DRPG spin-off of the VN called To Heart 2: Dungeon Travelers was released(you use the characters from the VN).
  • Lastly, DT2 was released, "It consists of the same gameplay and system but featured different characters. "

Basically DT2 is standalone game that no longer has any relation story wise to the VN or DT1, it's just has the same gameplay and system.

Thank you so much!



Surprised that Zombi-U's PS4 port is releasing so soon....thought that was coming next month or October. Complements nicely with Revelations 2 Vita :D; PS4 owners can experience great FPS horror while Vita owners can experience classic RE horror on the go :).

That pixel-looking brawler looks cool, hope people that Adventures of Pip (as it looks like a very fun retro-platformer) and Banned Trailers launching next week is another surprise to me (thought that was coming the final week of august), so I hope that the game is a success too :).


  • To Heart 2 is the name of a Visual Novel(it's not a sequel just because of the 2 lol)
  • Then a DRPG spin-off of the VN called To Heart 2: Dungeon Travelers was released(you use the characters from the VN).
  • Lastly, DT2 was released, "It consists of the same gameplay and system but featured different characters. "
Basically DT2 is standalone game that no longer has any relation story wise to the VN or DT1, it's just has the same gameplay and system.
That's not confusing at all. Why would you end a game title with "2" if it's not a sequel? :/


Surprised that Zombi-U's PS4 port is releasing so soon....thought that was coming next month or October. Complements nicely with Revelations 2 Vita :D; PS4 owners can experience great FPS horror while Vita owners can experience classic RE horror on the go :).

That pixel-looking brawler looks cool, hope people that Adventures of Pip (as it looks like a very fun retro-platformer) and Banned Trailers launching next week is another surprise to me (thought that was coming the final week of august), so I hope that the game is a success too :).

I'll save Zombi for October or November :p.


I don't think the PS4 version will look much better, but those shots seem to have some bad JPEG compression going on I think. PS4 IQ should look a lot cleaner at least


She's awesome

Gust's games always have a art-style that really pops, so that running in 1080p on PS4 will be really nice to see :D!

My bet is that the screenshots are like you said, badly compressed JPEG's, so when the final game comes out, we can see the game at its best quality :).

.....Gotta try the Ateler series in the future (alongside getting Ar No Surge Plus, the three Dangrompa games, Trials of Cold Steel, and SAO: Lost Song....lots of games this fall XD!)


If we're lucky - October horror sale!

(it's August but for some reason I'm really looking forward it).

It was a fantastic game on the Wii U that really nailed the feeling of horror all the while being one of the very, very few games that used something with the GamePad (next to Rayman Legends).....its funny how the two games that really used the Pad are now being ported to consoles that don't have it XD.

So, you have every right to be so excited! New horror game that really is scary and looks nice to boot. I wonder if the PS4 version will have some Cross-Play system with the Vita (with the Vita 'being' the GamePad).....


I've used everything except the Xbox One and the PS4 is easily the best I've used. No folders is a slight annoyance but the PS3 was a million times worse even with folders and I hate the 360 dash. Vita has too much fluff between actual interactions and Wii U is okay I guess but a huge pain to do anything that isn't launch a game. The PS4 UI's speed alone beats out basically everything except the other next gen consoles instantly.

It would be much better with folders and ability to remove (or hide) items from the library (such as Bloodborne & Destiny Alpha as well as Fifa14 demo...)


It was a fantastic game on the Wii U that really nailed the feeling of horror all the while being one of the very, very few games that used something with the GamePad (next to Rayman Legends).....its funny how the two games that really used the Pad are now being ported to consoles that don't have it XD.

So, you have every right to be so excited! New horror game that really is scary and looks nice to boot. I wonder if the PS4 version will have some Cross-Play system with the Vita (with the Vita 'being' the GamePad).....

I meant the sale :p, but I'm looking forward to the game as well. Also looking forward to Corpse Party and SOMA. I hope they won't disappoint.

There won't be any crossplay with the Vita. They removed the multiplayer and the inventory will be the standard one, it just won't pause the game.


I meant the sale :p, but I'm looking forward to the game as well. Also looking forward to Corpse Party and SOMA. I hope they won't disappoint.

There won't be any crossplay with the Vita. They removed the multiplayer and the inventory will be the standard one, it just won't pause the game.

Corpse Party got a lot of phrase here on Gaf as a series and the latter I've heard great things about; you won't be disappointed buddy :D.

Shame about the lack of cross-play with the Vita on the PS4 version but it was a nice thought to think of :).


Still thinking of if I should buy Doom 3 BFG and Alice Madness Returns in the EU Summer sale.
Is Doom 1 & 2 a separate download from Doom 3 or do I have to install it as well?


Its hilarious at how some of you people get confused at the most simple things.
Thanks, this post really helped clear up my confusion.

What I'm getting from Mauricio_Magus/Basileus777 and Google is that the games went like this: To Heart (visual novel) -> To Heart 2 (visual novel) -> To Heart 2: Dungeon Travelers 1 (DRPG) -> Dungeon Travelers 2 (DRPG). I wonder why they dropped the To Heart name.
Its hilarious at how some of you people get confused at the most simple things.

What's the point of this other than to antagonize people? Not everyone is an expert in all Japanese gaming franchises like you are.

To Heart 2 -> To Heart 2: Dungeon Travelers -> Dungeon Travelers 2 is a naming scheme that Nintendo could have come up with, it's so bad.

Wow dude, I was confused. So I asked.

You really had to come and act all high and mighty?
Just ignore it, Parakeetman can be quite a dick sometimes


Still thinking of if I should buy Doom 3 BFG and Alice Madness Returns in the EU Summer sale.
Is Doom 1 & 2 a separate download from Doom 3 or do I have to install it as well?

From what I remember, Doom 1 and 2 are part of the 'collection' that is Doom 3 BFB; you select the game you want to play from the boot menu and go from there.

You should give Alice Madness Returns a shot as it also includes the original Alice game (though it feels weird on consoles for some reason :l). Just keep in mind that the game really drags on toward the end and that it gets a bit stale despite its warped in very twisted imagery.

Still has some of the best jumping control and combat I've ever experienced in a 3D Platformer; having that x4 double jump and hovering ability alongside some really tight combat that really reminds me of DmC or God of War :D.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
In general these days it seems companies dont bother to remove the number from titles any more unlike the older days where numbering would get all screwed up due to them changing things with the localization process.

Which is why you have a handful of 2nd (or 5 in the case of Summon Night) in a game series when the first never even made its way to the West. Not that it matters a lot of the time, since its not as if the stories were directly connected anyway. Though for Summon Night 5 you do see some characters who were from Summon Night 3 but thats more due to the game being in the same world, just a different timeline. (Then again with the SN series, there has always been character crossovers at times just as a bonus stuff for fans.)

Conception 2, Tears to Tiara 2, Summon Night 5, Dungeon Travelers 2, think there might be some others but cant remember at the moment.

Front Mission series is all out of wack. As the US had FM 3 & 4 on the PS / PS2, later FM 1 on the DS. So basically series skipped 1 & 2, jumped straight to 3 & 4 then passed over 5. Last one which was finally released was the DS version of 1. But thats way after the fact with the series being out of order.

Xseed was one example of a company who actually removed the numbering from a localized title for Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed (Originally Akiba's Trip 2). Which also works, since that game is pretty much stand alone from the previous title(s) on the PSP (original + extra content version) outside of the same setting. On top of doing an excellent job of working with Acquire to add more content for the title with the Western market in mind.
Still thinking of if I should buy Doom 3 BFG and Alice Madness Returns in the EU Summer sale.
Is Doom 1 & 2 a separate download from Doom 3 or do I have to install it as well?

Doom 3 BFG is fun for a while but gets repetitive. It is all one install for the 2D games.

Alice Madness Returns is super wonky. I didn't really like it. The original game included is real garbage.
Xseed was one example of a company who actually removed the numbering from a localized title for Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed (Originally Akiba's Trip 2). Which also works, since that game is pretty much stand alone from the previous title(s) on the PSP (original + extra content version) outside of the same setting. On top of doing an excellent job of working with Acquire to add more content for the title with the Western market in mind.

Interestingly, a lot of stores in Germany including amazon have the game listed as Akiba's Trip 2. Not exactly sure what happened there as the game doesn't have the 2 in the title here either.



Excited for Pure Hold’em. The VooFoo guys is my dream team for a poker game. Hopefully multiplayer doesn't die.

Adventures of Pip, The Bridge, and Curses ‘N Chaos look interesting. Will wait for reviews.

Resident Evil Revelations 2 Vita will be gotten in a price drop.

So many games. Soooo many games. I wish poker was coming to vita; i know i'd insta-buy it there, but... I'm not sure if i'd play it on my ps4.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Interestingly, a lot of stores in Germany including amazon have the game listed as Akiba's Trip 2. Not exactly sure what happened there as the game doesn't have the 2 in the title here either.


Listing error I suppose and no one changed to fix it. Weird considering there is no 2 in the title. Either that or it was the title they were originally given and didnt bother to fix it with the updated title. More than likely the 2nd thing.


Excited for Pure Hold’em. The VooFoo guys is my dream team for a poker game. Hopefully multiplayer doesn't die.

Adventures of Pip, The Bridge, and Curses ‘N Chaos look interesting. Will wait for reviews.

Resident Evil Revelations 2 Vita will be gotten in a price drop.

Adv. of Pip is great, if you like 2D Platformers like Shovel Knight you will likely like this game too.
Gameplay is top notch and it's among my GotY 2015 contenders.
I could do with some more Vita announcements. It's been a little quiet lately. I'm hoping PSX will deliver again (I really enjoyed last year's - Resident Evil; Banner Saga and Bastion were all cool, so I'm hoping for more).

Maybe Paris Games Week will have something like Gamescom always used to, as well.

I hope NISA hurry up and announce what they have planned for 2016 too!


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
I could do with some more Vita announcements. It's been a little quiet lately. I'm hoping PSX will deliver again (I really enjoyed last year's - Resident Evil; Banner Saga and Bastion were all cool, so I'm hoping for more).

Maybe Paris Games Week will have something like Gamescom always used to, as well.

I hope NISA hurry up and announce what they have planned for 2016 too!

Yeah will be interesting to see what the PSX 2015 has to offer for the fans. Considering that it feels like all of the largest bombs were dropped already at the E3. Do hope they show off more morpheus though.


TGS is in like 30 days time; there will def. be PSVita announcements, maybe even see some of Zero Escape 3 and Danganronpa 3...and DanganRonpa 1-2 HD on PS4 for dat DR3 PS4+Vita announcement @o@
TGS is in like 30 days time; there will def. be PSVita announcements, maybe even see some of Zero Escape 3 and Danganronpa 3...and DanganRonpa 1-2 HD on PS4 for dat DR3 PS4+Vita announcement @o@

There are Vita announcements for Japan practically every week. That's not what we're asking for here


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
TGS is in like 30 days time; there will def. be PSVita announcements, maybe even see some of Zero Escape 3 and Danganronpa 3...and DanganRonpa 1-2 HD on PS4 for dat DR3 PS4+Vita announcement @o@

That doesnt really help most folks in this thread considering how few people import things here.

At least there is more than enough currently out / coming out to keep folks busy till more localization announcements for 2016 are made.
Regarding import-friendly titles I hope we get some Miracle Girls Festival footage. I don't think there has been anything after the announcement
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