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PlayStation Network Thread | July 2015


I only saw the DLC up. Also, lol bandicoot.....

Someone make a thread about the Capcom games on sale please.
Or heck make a new thread about this US PSN sale and mention that GG Xrd and Capcom games are on sale in the thread title, here use this-
New US PSN sale includes Guitly Gear Xrd and Capcom fighters
Someone make a thread about the Capcom games on sale please.
Or heck make a new thread about this US PSN sale and mention that GG Xrd and Capcom games are on sale in the thread title, here use this-
New US PSN sale includes Guitly Gear Xrd and Capcom fighters

The sale isn't even live yet
EDIT: Prices are updating now it seems though.


Neo Member
All of your posts on this page are ridiculously negative and melodramatic. You're totally harshing the vibe in here.

I'm not being 'scammed' when I preorder something. That is the most ridiculous concept -- it assumes I'm too stupid to know there might be issues with a game, when in fact, Galax-z has been my number 1 want since the first reveal. I've had a $20 PSN card with galax-z sharpied onto it since before I had a ps4. So... no, I'm not being scammed. That's where I want my money to go, and it's an educated risk. If it turns out to be terrible, I'm still not being 'scammed'. I know the risks going in. Zero concern here.

As for this idea that the ports will never happen ever, that's just as much raw negativity with blinders on as anything else. Plenty of late vita ports happen -- heck, we just got Geometry Wars 3 last week. So please take some of your own advice and stop spreading negative assumptions.

re: exclusives. Leaving PC out of the exclusive debate has long been the standard. It's not always done, but it's done often enough that it's not a 'gotcha' if something is also coming to PC
Im just being realistic.

To me, paying ahead of time for a possible broken game and not working properly at launch that can't be returned is pretty much like what a scam would be.

Plenty of late port aren't on hold or cancelled. They were in development and confirmed to be coming.

Never heard of leaving out PC. That's ridiculous, it's a gaming platform.


Fairly standard; only my front row attacks usually. my academic is there for identifying (and has good skills later), my healer is a healer (though supposedly can wield some decent hammers that can hit later, and my mage usually is defending.

No worries, you're fine. Is your archer in the front row or something?

My archer is in the back row and currently incapable of attacking. I'll buy her a bow as soon as I can. I have her, a defensive mage and an offensive mage in the back row. My offensive mage doesn't seem to want to attack, but I think I just ran her out of Mana and forgot to heal (how do I tell what my MP is even? Everyone looked fully healed when I was at the healing station).

From the sound of your party I may have to reorganize mine. I was sort of planning on 5 attackers and a healer/support, I didn't bother looking at skills when I created though. Since money can buy experience I assume starting a new party/character a bit later on isn't a huge deal though? Sounds like worst-case my non-support back row characters may need a rethink.

Lol at Galak-z vita getting canceled. I ain't even mad anymore about this.

Let's just hope Axiom Verge releases someday.

Silver lining of Axiom Verge delay is part of it is due to monogame being ported to Vita I think, so other monogame games could be coming after it.
"No physical = no buy" on Vita is really beginning to frustrate me.

I love physical versions and will go out of my way to get one (i.e. importing) if a version exists elsewhere, but I'm not going to skip a release I want that's digital-only.

People who say this seem to be in complete denial about Vita's current situation in the west.
"No physical = no buy" on Vita is really beginning to frustrate me.

I love physical versions and will go out of my way to get one (i.e. importing) if a version exists elsewhere, but I'm not going to skip a release I want that's digital-only.

People who say this seem to be in complete denial about Vita's current situation in the west.

I'm not extreme like that, but I'm frustrated by cases where only one region gets physical copies or games that are digital only but priced like retail. Both situations are not fair. With the far higher margins on digital games a Vita title doesn't have to be 40€.

But I also don't think it's in everyone's responsibility to consider the market situation of the Vita when they decide to buy a game or not. I can undestand when people feel strongly about their collection or don't want to pay 40-60€ for a digital license.


"No physical = no buy" on Vita is really beginning to frustrate me.

I love physical versions and will go out of my way to get one (i.e. importing) if a version exists elsewhere, but I'm not going to skip a release I want that's digital-only.

People who say this seem to be in complete denial about Vita's current situation in the west.

I agree with you regarding physical releases; I mean, my Vita library is almost entirely digital (with only 7 out of my 230+ games being retail carts), so I don't mind getting things digitally.

I think people want physical copies of Vita games due to how small the memory management is for the console. If you don't own a 32/64GB memory card, you have to delete games, move them to PC/PS3, download, re-download, and so on just to manage your library.

It sucks that Sony didn't make Memory Cards cheaper....but complaining about that is like beating a dead horse :l.

So, that is why people really want physical copies for that and to fully 'own' their games. UMvC3 is a good example here; that got de-listed off of PSN for the Vita, so you cannot buy the game if you never bought it.....but you CAN still buy the retail copy. Sure, you miss out on Shuma-Gorath and Jill, but you get the full game. That is a example of retail being such a big thing; if something gets taken off, you can still buy the hard-copy of the game somewhere :).

But the sad reality is that the Vita is stuggling with sales and thus retail isn't the most profitable way to sell games for the console :(. That leads to digital being such an attractive platform for the console, leading to companies like Koei and Bandi Namco releasing their big projects for the Vita only on PSN in the US for example.

Its the lesser of two evils; we still get the games but we have to download them instead. At least physical is still an option if you don't mind importing at least :D.


My archer is in the back row and currently incapable of attacking. I'll buy her a bow as soon as I can. I have her, a defensive mage and an offensive mage in the back row. My offensive mage doesn't seem to want to attack, but I think I just ran her out of Mana and forgot to heal (how do I tell what my MP is even? Everyone looked fully healed when I was at the healing station).

From the sound of your party I may have to reorganize mine. I was sort of planning on 5 attackers and a healer/support, I didn't bother looking at skills when I created though. Since money can buy experience I assume starting a new party/character a bit later on isn't a huge deal though? Sounds like worst-case my non-support back row characters may need a rethink.

I'm sure you can beat the game with pretty much any part, though some will be more difficult than others.

I posted the recommended party earlier in this thread, but yes, I think you're making a mistake not having an academic - they identify items, unlock doors, and have some important skills later.

my party is:

samurai (aoe attacks) / knight (defense / tank) / monk (was assassin, could subtitute warrior or another samurai)

mage (late game damage) / healer / academic

I don't think there's really room for an archer in this game, though certainly you can have one if you want and I'm sure you can still beat the game.


Sounds like I'll be fine if I dump by archer for an academic then, that's easy enough. And saves me the 400g to buy a bow and arrow.
But I also don't think it's in everyone's responsibility to consider the market situation of the Vita when they decide to buy a game or not. I can undestand when people feel strongly about their collection or don't want to pay 40-60€ for a digital license.

I can completely understand not wanting to pay full price for a digital game. I'm in that camp. I've bought all the Ateliers for Vita on sale.

But lately I've just seen boycotting a game altogether because it's digital around, which is what gets me. It just strikes me as... well, I dunno. Like the person was never interested in the game, if that's all it takes.

From a memory management PoV, I'm struggling myself, but I don't get any less enjoyment from a title playing it as a digital download than playing on a retail cart version.

I think people want physical copies of Vita games due to how small the memory management is for the console. If you don't own a 32/64GB memory card, you have to delete games, move them to PC/PS3, download, re-download, and so on just to manage your library.

But the sad reality is that the Vita is stuggling with sales and thus retail isn't the most profitable way to sell games for the console :(. That leads to digital being such an attractive platform for the console, leading to companies like Koei and Bandi Namco releasing their big projects for the Vita only on PSN in the US for example.

Wanting Vita games physically isn't the problem. I'm a person who will go out of their way to let it be known that I want physical copies on social media, or import from elsewhere if need be (Asian-English copies have been a lifesaver on Vita for this. But if digital is my only choice, then digital it is - and if I wanted the game, that hurdle alone wouldn't stop me buying it.

As Yian says, it shouldn't really be Vita owner's job to monitor the market situation, but it seems like people expect miracles from a console which is by all accounts a massive commercial failure outside of arguably Asia.

I'm very grateful for the physical releases we do get and I suppose in a way "reward" publishers for doing this by pre-ordering, but I'm not going to "punish" another publisher for choosing digital only which is by all accounts is a very logical business choice (I suppose I kinda do punish by not buying day 1 digitally, but that's more because a digital-only game hasn't tickled by fancy enough to do that yet!)


I've been getting a very consistent crash on Vita - dragging game icon into a bubble seems like it will crash about 1 out of 4 or 5 times :S


I've been getting a very consistent crash on Vita - dragging game icon into a bubble seems like it will crash about 1 out of 4 or 5 times :S

I was having the same problem a few weeks ago, just gave up after like 3 crashes though..

I just dragged around 25 games into folders (psm organization) with no issue. Does vita have a rebuild database command? That might help you.


Thank you for saying that :). Sorry for making that stupid comment about not posting for a while before; you guys are a great community and I won't let things get to me.

Excited about the Digimon news, as I didn't expect another Digimon Story game to be announced for Vita....thought Bamco was focused on localizaing CS to the west. Still, if CS is a hit in the west (and between that pitition that many of us signed alongside their being a PS4 version, I think it will be :D), then that might give that game a higher shot at coming over.

And you bring up a great point about late Vita ports; they always happen and normally, the quality of the ports is solid (Ex: Don't Starve got a great Vita port, as did the recently released Geomentry Wars 3). Its a shame they don't happen alongside the PS4/PS3 version, but game development is tricky sometimes, so focusing on one platform first then releasing it on the other latter on once development finishes up, is completely resonable.
please bring more optimism to a place that attracts pessimism regarding this little console. the truth is actually not so bad for the Vita. I like to read your posts and I am as happy and positive as you regarding my Vita. It's been where I have expended most of my money. Having 3ds, and just recently a ps3 . it's just sad to see people complaining all the time about a dead console and spreading that super subjective point of view in which nothing is even regularly good if it isn't exactly a specific game they want or shape or color or amount of games.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
A great deal of future PSV localizations are only going to happen if the company (specifically Namco, but I expect others to do this too) makes a PS4 version as well. That one will get a retail release in the west while PS3/V will get a digital version. I fully expect this to happen a lot next year and possibly the year after.


A great deal of future PSV localizations are only going to happen if the company (specifically Namco, but I expect others to do this too) makes a PS4 version as well. That one will get a retail release in the west while PS3/V will get a digital version. I fully expect this to happen a lot next year and possibly the year after.
I can't complain about that if a Vita version is coming too. I actually do not care for ps4 version of games that are on Vita as I think indie games are games better played on a portable console. But that is just a personal preference.


please bring more optimism to a place that attracts pessimism regarding this little console. the truth is actually not so bad for the Vita. I like to read your posts and I am as happy and positive as you regarding my Vita. It's been where I have expended most of my money. Having 3ds, and just recently a ps3 . it's just sad to see people complaining all the time about a dead console and spreading that super subjective point of view in which nothing is even regularly good if it isn't exactly a specific game they want or shape or color or amount of games.

No problem incpdo :). Made up my mind a few post back that if people want to be negitive, let them :l.

The world is filled with joy and happiness, with people putting their heart and soul into making games fun :'). Iwata's passing made me look back on any negativity I had in gaming and.....now, that is completely gone. Sure, I may not like the direction some things gaming is going in, but games are fun and to live on his legacy, you keep smiling when you hold the controller and have fun :).

The Vita is a fantastic system, and we all will continue to show how much we love it to the rest of the world by talking about its games and buying the games we really enjoy :D.


"No physical = no buy" on Vita is really beginning to frustrate me.

I love physical versions and will go out of my way to get one (i.e. importing) if a version exists elsewhere, but I'm not going to skip a release I want that's digital-only.

People who say this seem to be in complete denial about Vita's current situation in the west.

I'll go out of my way to get an asian or european version if it's physical, but I'd never skip a game if it's DD-only, maybe just wait for a sale. I think Digimon will be the first title in awhile that I get DD since there will be nowhere with a physical english version.


First PLAY where the Vita is completely left out of the promotion.

Ayup :/ Got some decent games in the last few Plays so definitely disappointing. At least Spring Fever was good this year.

Psyched for Rapture though.

Ordered Dying Light because of the amount of praise Kinda Funny's Colin Moriarty gives it. Having looked it up, the game's reception was quite great and not too long ago it got a patch that upgraded the visuals too. Any folks here havy any opinions on it to share with me? I'm pretty hyped for it lol. Should arrive to my place before I finish work, so I plan on playing tonight.

Amazing, amazing game. Combat/story are mediocre but the parkour is easily the best of any game including Mirror's Edge. Once you get the grappling hook it's basically first person Spider Man. Currently fourth on my GOTyearsofar (behind Witcher, Bloodborne, and Rocket League).

The tag line is also kick ass if you're familiar with Edward Murrow. Lemme know if you want to co-op. Been meaning to go back to it. Also, look up the docket codes. Easy way to get some good weapons.


Neo Member
The world is filled with joy and happiness, with people putting their heart and soul into making games fun :').
Definitely, people behind Jak&Daxter port to Vita and among others a like put their heart and soul into making it great fun and release it to world.


After doing the repair database it happened again.

Was sorting out about 100+ files and on like the 70th or something drag it froze again.

Hopefully nothing wrong with my 64gb card -.-

It happens with random bubbles and files but the same exact spot... I reckon it's not the card...well I hope :p


Definitely, people behind Jak&Daxter port to Vita and among others a like put their heart and soul into making it great fun and release it to world.

Well, damn; you got me there XD!

The game was a hard game to port on Vita through :l; the original use PS1 parts inside the PS2 to make the game run and even the PS3 had a tough time running the games (they weren't full 1080p for example). So, it was a bad series of games to port to the Vita due to there developmental nature, and no less it being the 'first' of the Sony-produced collections.

Still, Jak 1 is playable on Vita and Jak 2 runs well enough. Its Jak 3 that runs the worse sadly :l.


Neo Member
Well, damn; you got me there XD!

The game was a hard game to port on Vita through :l; the original use PS1 parts inside the PS2 to make the game run and even the PS3 had a tough time running the games (they weren't full 1080p for example). So, it was a bad series of games to port to the Vita due to there developmental nature, and no less it being the 'first' of the Sony-produced collections.

Still, Jak 1 is playable on Vita and Jak 2 runs well enough. Its Jak 3 that runs the worse sadly :l.
Oh, is that the given excuse? Doesn't matter if it is first or last, they still did it even though they knew it. Wonder what excuse they had for Full Frontal Assault.


Oh, is that the given excuse? Doesn't matter if it is first or last, they still did it even though they knew it. Wonder what excuse they had for Full Frontal Assault.

I wasn't making an excuse for them; just explaining why the end product the way it was. It was a rushed port of the PS3 collection, not optimized for Vita hardware, leading it to suffer as a result. A bad port of a great collection of games, but we still have the PS2 and PS3 versions of the games to play.

Full Frontal Assault was the result of a similar case, but more so due to Insomniac not wanting/being able to produce the port. So, they got Idol Minds to make the port and.....it took them a while :l. And, the result of not putting their all into the port, we got one of the worst running and looking Sony games on the console. Thankfully, Insomniac and Sony made up for this with giving out the Dreadlock HD port (which itself wasn't the best) to FFA buyers.


After doing the repair database it happened again.

Was sorting out about 100+ files and on like the 70th or something drag it froze again.

Hopefully nothing wrong with my 64gb card -.-

It happens with random bubbles and files but the same exact spot... I reckon it's not the card...well I hope :p
Just a random idea, but could it be because you have too many icons?


After doing the repair database it happened again.

Was sorting out about 100+ files and on like the 70th or something drag it froze again.

Hopefully nothing wrong with my 64gb card -.-

It happens with random bubbles and files but the same exact spot... I reckon it's not the card...well I hope :p

I'm sorry your card is acting up that much :(.

I guess one thing you can do is just delete a few games. I mean, it sucks you might have to do that, but if it means your Vita won't crash, then I think its something to consider.

Do you own other Memory Cards? If so, maybe switch to that one for a few days so your 64GB card can rest. That sounds silly, but maybe your card needs a 'break' from being used or something :l.

Technology is very strange sometimes. For example, to make older TV's have better images, you just bang the top of the thing until it works XD. Bad way to fix tech, but just one example of technology being odd at times.

Hope this advice helps you somehow and that your Vita works well again soon.


Just a random idea, but could it be because you have too many icons?

It might be that it's because there's a lot (especially with all the new PSM stuff) ... but if it goes over the limit it hides the icons until you make some folders...

I'm sorry your card is acting up that much :(.

I guess one thing you can do is just delete a few games. I mean, it sucks you might have to do that, but if it means your Vita won't crash, then I think its something to consider.

Do you own other Memory Cards? If so, maybe switch to that one for a few days so your 64GB card can rest. That sounds silly, but maybe your card needs a 'break' from being used or something :l.

Technology is very strange sometimes. For example, to make older TV's have better images, you just bang the top of the thing until it works XD. Bad way to fix tech, but just one example of technology being odd at times.

Hope this advice helps you somehow and that your Vita works well again soon.

Hope so too...thanks :) I don't play it 24/7 anyway ha. Spent more time rearranging icons recently. I think I'll be able to delete some games now that they're downloaded...just need to back them up. I have another card I can try but not to test the issue, it's a smaller card.

Actually I have another vita attached to the same account on older firmware, going to give that a try.

I was having the same problem a few weeks ago, just gave up after like 3 crashes though..

You gave up on rearranging the icons because of the crashing?


You gave up on rearranging the icons because of the crashing?

It was just one icon from a game I had just bought that wasn't in a folder. Wasn't worth the hassle to try and put it in the folder if it just kept crashing.

Did finally work after that rebuild database thing.


Weird, I thought we had a Tears to Tiara II OT. I wish I could read impressions before pulling the trigger on the first PS3 game I buy in ages.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Weird, I thought we had a Tears to Tiara II OT. I wish I could read impressions before pulling the trigger on the first PS3 game I buy in ages.

You need large chunks of time to play, due to how story intensive it is. And the introduction is insanely long.

Outside of that its a decent game with fairly simple SRPG mechanics.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Is the story worth it compared to story-driven visual novels?

Some of the stuff is a bit overdone with the angsty main character, but asides from that I thought it was fairly good. Just get ready for a lot of screaming in general from the MC lol.

Lots of good characters in the game though, beautiful artwork also.

One thing I dont remember is if you were able to save in the middle of a story sequence or not. As there are other games which do allow for that but not sure if TtTII did. Otherwise you will need to get through the long story sections before being able to save. Highly unfortunate that the game was not on a portable system, since it really could have used that sort of resume function.


After doing the repair database it happened again.

Was sorting out about 100+ files and on like the 70th or something drag it froze again.

Hopefully nothing wrong with my 64gb card -.-

It happens with random bubbles and files but the same exact spot... I reckon it's not the card...well I hope :p

what do you mean by "but the same exact spot.".... are you saying there is one exact place (say, screen 4, 4th position, that you can't have something?

I doubt it's # of items. I have a flying shitton of bubbles.

EDIT == top o' page love shout goes to....
Natural Doctrine, Gladiator Begins (psp), Killzone Mercs, and Crimsonland


Sorry, I meant the exact moment I let go of an icon hovering over a folder. Which folder or screen doesn't matter, just had to do it all again after rebuilding database and it happened anyway. First time wasn't for absolutely ages. Second time it was a few icons in.


Sorry, I meant the exact moment I let go of an icon hovering over a folder. Which folder or screen doesn't matter, just had to do it all again after rebuilding database and it happened anyway. First time wasn't for absolutely ages. Second time it was a few icons in.

without knowing a damn thing about the vita internals, but a bit about general related issues, it sure sounds like something restore database should have fixed. moving bubbles around isn't actually 'moving' the actual files, so it's not like you're 'copying' a game to empty space on your card and experiencing errors.

Rather, moving bubbles is just modifying a tiny bit of data in the file system that tells the os where to show the bubble. That can get corrupted, sure, but rebuild database should fix that.

so.... um... yeah. no idea. personally? i'd rebuild again. also, put a piece of chocolate out on your vita shrine or something for good luck.
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