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PlayStation Network Thread | July 2015


Why are you making things up? When did I say I didn't like Vita? How am I making you feel bad about owning a Vita? Wtf?

For the past few days I've been posting here (the SAO PS4 port, the discussion about that one Gaffer trading in his Wii U, the conversation right now), you didn't attack me, but was very bitter with any points I made.

I can understand if you don't like the Vita and even if you say you don't, you sure sound like you don't like it :l.

Sony fucked up and I will admit that too; I remember being negative whenever Sony was even brought up about the Vita last year. But I accepted reality about the console and I am happy with it.

If you don't have anything nice to say to us, then either re-phrase it into a strong discussion or not bother saying it at all.

Sorry if that sounded mean or harsh, but that is how I feel :l.


1 million downloads means nothing. I'm one of them. I put 5 minutes into the game. Zero money. If it was making money, they wouldn't have shut it down.

lol. Right, because every singly person played it for 5 minutes. /s Why are you trying to push it's failure on customers? Get over yourself. Common sense would tell us that the game failed because it was crap. Ran terribly, nothing new for veterans or newcomers. Support was there from the customers, for too long, I might add. Sony just failed to deliver on a good game.


Destiny Of Spirits was great, i always figured them shutting it down had to do with the removal of maps support, it was obviously a very sudden decision


Neo Member
For the past few days I've been posting here (the SAO PS4 port, the discussion about that one Gaffer trading in his Wii U, the conversation right now), you didn't attack me, but was very bitter with any points I made.

I can understand if you don't like the Vita and even if you say you don't, you sure sound like you don't like it :l.

Sony fucked up and I will admit that too; I remember being negative whenever Sony was even brought up about the Vita last year. But I accepted reality about the console and I am happy with it.

If you don't have anything nice to say to us, then either re-phrase it into a strong discussion or not bother saying it at all.

Sorry if that sounded mean or harsh, but that is how I feel :l.
I honestly can't believe you feel that about my disagreements. And I don't how you came to that conclusion about me not liking Vita. Whatever, even if I did like it, you wouldn't beleive.

So I'll just leave it at that.

Oh and I did be just going back and forth with that corporate apologist also. (Not to you RK128)


I honestly can't believe you feel that about my disagreements. And I don't how you came to that conclusion about me not liking Vita. Whatever, even if I did like it, you wouldn't beleive.

So I'll just leave it at that.

Okay, sorry about what I said then :l. Didn't mean to offend you or upset you.

I will leave my thoughts as such too.


lol. Right, because every singly person played it for 5 minutes. /s Why are you trying to push it's failure on customers? Get over yourself. Common sense would tell us that the game failed because it was crap. Ran terribly, nothing new for veterans or newcomers. Support was there from the customers, for too long, I might add. Sony just failed to deliver on a good game.

What does that have to do with the discussion?

I'm not claiming the game is good. I'm not claiming the game is bad. I never stated everyone only played for 5 minutes.

I am not assigning blame for it's failure. I am saying -why it got shut down-. It got shut down because people weren't paying. That is not "pushing it's failure on customers" because it's not "pushing failure" or trying to explain causation of said failure at all. WHY people weren't paying doesn't matter for that conversation. I don't care if it didn't make money because it was bad, or because it wasn't advertised, or because they mistakenly had all the text in Latin... the only thing that I am discussing is that it didn't make money, therefore they shut it down - and that people use that as a reason to complain about Sony or claim Vita is dead... when clearly, if enough people had actually cared about the game enough to spend money, it would still be thriving.

I don't agree or disagree with a single point you made -- I don't care how it ran, or how customer service was, or whether the game was crap. It's absolutely immaterial to the point I was making, and that you seem to think I disagree with any of it (or care about any of it, really) means we are discussing different things.

I only pointed out that I played it for 5 minutes because some suggested the number of downloads mattered --- but number of downloads has absolutely no bearing on the success a f2p game (other than potential) - only the amount of IAP sold matters. Again, it's not a particularly complex argument -- had people been actually playing and spending enough on DoS for it to be successful, Sony wouldn't have shut it down.

It bears repeating -- reactions are different from causation. We can discuss 'reaction', such as Sony shutting down PSM or DoS, w/o addressing causation [assigning blame, etc]. They are two separate issues, and conflating them only makes conversation more difficult. Saying Sony shut down PSM/DoS because they weren't making money is not 'blaming customers', it's not assigning any blame, just stating the obvious.
If you like niche Japanese games and want more localizations for Vita, PS3 and PS4, which I'm sure most of you here do, consider showing interest in Summon Night 5 if you haven't already.

There's a new interview with vireland and he mentions the Vita specifically. He also has a relationship with Bamco now soooo maybe we'll get God Eater after all :p

MAC: What about the Vita? Is it the system most likely for you to jump on or will consoles like the PS3 or PS4 more likely?

VI: We're actually looking at, negotiating for, or working on games for PS Vita, PS3 and PS4, so it's pretty likely you're going to see something from Gaijinworks on all those platforms. We're riding this PSP train to the bitter end, trying to rescue as many 'lost' or 'abandoned' PSP JRPGs as we can before that's impossible, but the curtain is coming down on that, so we've been working on the transition from a dead platform to merely a legacy platform, and then current platforms. You most-likely won't hear even an announcement about any of those until 2016, though.

He also mentions that support for CoH made SN5 possible, so consider supporting it even if it's not looking like an absolute must buy to you. I think it looks amazing personally.


If you like niche Japanese games and want more localizations for Vita, PS3 and PS4, which I'm sure most of you here do, consider showing interest in Summon Night 5 if you haven't already.

There's a new interview with vireland and he mentions the Vita specifically. He also has a relationship with Bamco now soooo maybe we'll get God Eater after all :p

He also mentions that support for CoH made SN5 possible, so consider supporting it even if it's not looking like an absolute must buy to you. I think it looks amazing personally.

Don't get your hopes up. First thing about Ireland is just that, don't ever get your hopes up.


What does that have to do with the discussion?

I'm not claiming the game is good. I'm not claiming the game is bad. I never stated everyone only played for 5 minutes.

The only thing I am commenting on is that it didn't make money, therefore it was shut down. I only pointed out that I played it for 5 minutes because some suggested the number of downloads mattered --- but number of downloads has absolutely no bearing on the success a f2p game (other than potential) - only the amount of IAP sold matters.

I don't care if it didn't make money because it was bad, or because it wasn't advertised, or because they mistakenly had all the text in Latin... the only thing that I am discussing is that it didn't make money, therefore they shut it down - and that people use that as a reason to complain about Sony or claim Vita is dead... when clearly, if enough people had actually cared about the game enough to spend money, it would still be thriving.

I was clearly discussing the support from customers the game had, which was good enough for Sony to make the game into something great. They didn't and the game was terrible, so people eventually stopped playing. Which you seem to not understand.

when clearly, if enough people had actually cared about the game enough to spend money, it would still be thriving.

I'm honestly not sure what you're trying to get at. Do you expect people to continue playing and supporting a game with minimal content that ran terribly? Or are you just trying to state why it failed? If so, you pointing out that it didn't make enough money is useless as that was the key point that made the game fail. It was the lack of support from Sony/developers. Really, I don't get what you are even arguing here.

I only pointed out that I played it for 5 minutes because some suggested the number of downloads mattered --- but number of downloads has absolutely no bearing on the success a f2p game (other than potential) - only the amount of IAP sold matters. Again, it's not a particularly complex argument -- had people been actually playing and spending enough on DoS for it to be successful, Sony wouldn't have shut it down.

So are you saying from among a million downloads, the game did not garner enough support? That it was running for the entire time purely on Sony's goodwill?

Edit: Let me put it simply. If a game was released that was complete garbage and did poorly, would you say that it failed because no one bought it? Or that if there was enough support, it would have thrived? Or instead, would you point to the fact that the game was terrible that it did poorly? Because you're doing the former right now.
Don't get your hopes up. First thing about Ireland is just that, don't ever get your hopes up.

I learned to not get my hopes up about anything Vita related but if he can get us PSP games in 2015 I'm sure we can get a forgotten Vita game or two in 2019/2020!


If I don't like most traditional fighting games but generally like the subgenre of boxing games, ufc games, etc.... is it worth picking up def jam and fight night for my vita?


I was clearly discussing the support from customers the game had, which was good enough for Sony to make the game into something great. They didn't and the game was terrible, so people eventually stopped playing. Which you seem to not understand.

No, I understand your point. It just has nothing to do with the post I wrote that you are responding to. Again, the reason for its failure has nothing to do with what I'm talking about. I'm perfectly fine agreeing with you that the game was terrible and that it was all Sonys fault (I don't know)... it just doesn't change anything I said nor meant.

I'm honestly not sure what you're trying to get at. Do you expect people to continue playing and supporting a game with minimal content that ran terribly? Or are you just trying to state why it failed? If so, you pointing out that it didn't make enough money is useless as that was the key point that made the game fail. It was the lack of support from Sony/developers. Really, I don't get what you are even arguing here.

What? Again, I'm not talking about why it failed. You are on a completely, totally, different page. Again, why it failed has nothing to do with what I was talking about - only that it failed.

So are you saying from among a million downloads, the game did not garner enough support? That it was running for the entire time purely on Sony's goodwill?

Clearly, it didn't garner enough support or else they'd be pumping out more content, not shutting it down.

Edit: Let me put it simply. If a game was released that was complete garbage and did poorly, would you say that it failed because no one bought it? Or that if there was enough support, it would have thrived? Or instead, would you point to the fact that the game was terrible that it did poorly? Because you're doing the former right now.

You are conflating two things, and it's making you misunderstand what I say.

A person can say "Sony shut down DoS because it wasn't making enough money."

And then, as a separate conversation, someone can ask "Why wasn't it making enough money?"... and we can discuss that. We can blame sony, we can blame the price of tea, we can blame hurricane Katrina, whatever. It's a separate discussion from why Sony shut it down. You seem to think I'm blaming customers... but I'm not.

I only said the beginning sentence. All this stuff about me blaming customers is in your head, I made no assertions as to what caused the failure. I frankly don't care why, and have no horses in that race. Again, I'm perfectly willing to accept your assertion that it was because the game was terrible -- it has no bearing on my original statement, and has nothing to do with what I was originally discussing.

In context, I was simply stating that in the original thread where DoS was announced to be shutting down, people used that to claim Sony was abandoning the Vita and that the Vita was dead. However, shutting down a failed F2P game has absolutely nothing to do with what Sony thinks about the Vita, it just means they are shutting down a F2P game, nothing more, nothing less.

I'm done with this discussion; it's pretty clear we are discussing two different things, and that you're trying to find something in what I'm writing that I'm not even remotely discussing, so there's really no point.
Sci Fi flash sale this weekend, via @Wario64



According to Reddit the Mexican store had a page for the flash sale as well, and these were there too, along with the ones in the above photo:

Crysis 1 and 2
Borderlands 1 and Borderlands: The Presequel
Mass Effect 1 and 3
Metal Gear Rising
Red Faction


Could you take your aggressive and whiny attitude somewhere else? Thanks

Haha, well damn.
Not that I'd disagree however.

I think I'm around the last dungeon of Tales Of Hearts R. Don't think I'll bother with any post-game stuff on that one, game just really started to drag and I'm only in it to see the conclusion for some characters. Game had some potential, but ultimately I'd rank it among the bottom-tier RPGs on the Vita, will have some more detailed thoughts on that when I'm done.

On the other hand I'm already looking forward to starting Oreshika afterwards.


I'm done with this discussion; it's pretty clear we are discussing two different things, and that you're trying to find something in what I'm writing that I'm not even remotely discussing, so there's really no point.

It's the same thing as AAA games. Sony stopped making them because we didn't buy them. It doesn't matter [to that statement... it can certainly be a different discussion, though] if we didn't buy them because we didn't want them, or they weren't advertised correctly, or because they had bad release dates, or because they sucked, or because they were too expensive, or because they were buggy, or because they were the wrong franchises, or because they were the wrong genre, or because they were in Latin... that's all causation. The only thing that matters, at this point, is that Sony isn't making more because we didn't buy them - it might be their fault that we didn't buy them, but that doesn't change that we didn't buy them, and that they decided (after multiple attempts) that it wasn't worth investing more in them. That's the bottom line.

Yeah, it's best you stop with this because you really don't seem to be getting it, especially when you started by replying that 1 million downloads means nothing. I'm discussing why it failed, which you seem to agree to, but then you jump ahead and say it got shut down due to lack of people playing it, which, while true, has zero bearing on why it failed, and I have no idea why you're trying to bring it into the discussion, It totally comes off as you trying to blame lack of support as the reason it failed, regardless of your intentions.


I think I'm around the last dungeon of Tales Of Hearts R. Don't think I'll bother with any post-game stuff on that one, game just really started to drag and I'm only in it to see the conclusion for some characters. Game had some potential, but ultimately I'd rank it among the bottom-tier RPGs on the Vita, will have some more detailed thoughts on that when I'm done.

On the other hand I'm already looking forward to starting Oreshika afterwards.

That's Tales of-games for you. They usually overstay their welcome and are about 20 hours too long.


Some good stuff in that list but I'll hold my tongue until the prices are out.

Neptunia is my favorite sci fi franchise

The tech aesthetic is legitimately one of my favorite parts.

IFI does seem to wedge into about every sale they can though.


Wow, this is the second time that a flash sale got leaked XD.

I wonder what games are going to be on sale here..... Ailens being on sale is awesome, as I heard great things about the game.

What do you mean 2nd? PSN Flash sales get leaked 90% of the time.


They rather frequently toss the flash sale banner into actual website rotation before the sale is up. It's pretty funny and it seems almost deliberate/they don't care.


Oh man, I can finally own Lumines on Vita now! Might give in and get Mass Effect 1 as well, haven't played that since it originally came out on 360.


That's Tales of-games for you. They usually overstay their welcome and are about 20 hours too long.

The problem with Hearts R, relative to most other games in the series, is that it's only about half as long and still manages to feel dragged out 20 hours before the end. :O


EDIT: full list if you prefer that to bad off-screen pics

Only PS3/Vita, apparently there is no PS4 list yet

I might get Rebirth 2 if its at a good price (10 bucks would be a fantastic price for it honestly :D) but otherwise.....I feel that I own everything that I would want in the flash sale.

That isn't a bad thing at all, considering how many games I own already XD, so once my backlog dyes down a bit, I wills start getting more games :).

But if Metal Gear Rising is a good price....that is a must own :D! One of the best games I played this year and I love the soundtrack of the game. Rules of nature XD!
EDIT: full list if you prefer that to bad off-screen pics

Only PS3/Vita, apparently there is no PS4 list yet

Hm, Resonance of Fate, MGR, and Noire are all interesting. Probably won't bite because they'd have to be sub $5 for me to buy them now, with my current backlog (and the fact that that can be had physically), but hey, who knows. Maybe the sale will actually be that good.
Nepnep 1 was $6 only a few weeks ago, so I'd imagine it won't get a big cut this time around.

And although I love sci-fi, I don't see anything else I want on that list, maybe except The Swapper but I haven't finished that on PC yet.

Are there any good story-based sci-fi games in that Vita list?
I might get Rebirth 2 if its at a good price (10 bucks would be a fantastic price for it honestly :D) but otherwise.....I feel that I own everything that I would want in the flash sale.

Seeing as I just picked up Rebirth 1 on sale recently, I also might pick up the 2nd one if it is a good sale.

Really wanted that Gradius Collection but it is PSP only. Sigh. Wonder what the chances of it getting updated so that it could be played on two 'legacy' systems instead of just one...

It's also funny to see how many Vita games on sale are ones I already got free via PS+ and I have only been a member for just under 18 months.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Seeing as I just picked up Rebirth 1 on sale recently, I also might pick up the 2nd one if it is a good sale.

Really wanted that Gradius Collection but it is PSP only. Sigh. Wonder what the chances of it getting updated so that it could be played on two 'legacy' systems instead of just one...

It's also funny to see how many Vita games on sale are ones I already got free via PS+ and I have only been a member for just under 18 months.

Gradius works via PS3 transfer.


If anyone is making the thread for the sale, please mention it in the thread title, that thing has never gone in sale in over 2 years.

Gradius PSP is Vita compatible but needs transf. from PS3 to Vita first.


If I had one... Alas, I was one of those folks who jumped from the 360 to the PS4.

Really been thinking about picking up a cheap PS3 somewhere just so I can download PSP games for transfer to my Vita.

Just get Gradius PSP, it won't go on sale again anytime soon.


VGP+ has been getting most imports, it's nice to have an alternative to Play-Asia, it's a shame their customer service is trash.

So it's still the same? I stopped using VGP because of their shitty customer service but that was years ago. Seems like nothing has changed.


If anyone is making the thread for the sale, please mention it in the thread title, that thing has never gone in sale in over 2 years.

Gradius PSP is Vita compatible but needs transf. from PS3 to Vita first.

I see that M2 handled the port, should be good. Might get it if the price is right.
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