Thanks to the recent Golden Week sale, I'm one bubble from having a full page of girl anime faces. Unless I count either Flying hamster, danganronpa, malicious or one piece as a face bubble then I've already reach it.
Heh, same here.Thanks to the recent Golden Week sale, I'm one bubble from having a full page of girl anime faces.
Yeah, right off the bat his gender was shown. Oh well I forgot to count Kat (Gravity Daze) so I've reached it already.The hamster is a dude. I've got over a page of female anime face now
Heh, same here.
Picked up banned game, shinoi versus, and bon appetit from the golden week sale. I regret nothing.
I made the Wall of Shame.
Should I feel accomplished?
Peace Walker Co-op is lots of fun!
One negative thing I have to say is that all the areas are really small though so far and I assume they could have made the HD version more "Open" so there wouldn't be loading screen every 100 meters, but I can live with it.
It is called the wall of shame
Yeah, but what if you have no shame?
Then it's just the wall of fame.
Well, I've got $5.58 in my PSN Wallet.
Help me decide what Golden Week sale thing to buy for my Vita.
Well, I've got $5.58 in my PSN Wallet.
Help me decide what Golden Week sale thing to buy for my Vita.
Well, I've got $5.58 in my PSN Wallet.
Help me decide what Golden Week sale thing to buy for my Vita.
Action rpg gamethinking if I should pick up Bon Appetit
what's that Trinity Souls game Tizoc was raving about?
Well that's Omega finished, can finally finish my review. I will probably be avoiding reviewing JRPGs wow that took a while
Y u no feeling it :'(But that means not buying any of:
Xenoblade (3DS)
Tricky month for me.
I'm planning to pick up a Wii U at the end of the month (without affecting my usual gaming budget), so my plan is to save my gaming budget for a Wii U game or two.
But that means not buying any of:
Steins; Gate
Omega Quintet
Xenoblade (3DS)
Project Mirai (3DS)
A-Train (3DS)
Not looking like a massive month for Sony, so this might be the one month I can manage it. I'm not picking up The Witcher 3 because I need to finish the second one, which means I need to start it. Which means I need to finish the first one. And I'd probably go PC anyway.
I already have Moe(ro) Chron pre-ordered and paid for.
I need to be strong.
Edit: And Brandish. Sigh.
Y u no feeling it :'(
Jokes aside I kinda understand why. I got the day at launch, 20 days ago. I have put something like 45hrs into it and I think I'm only about halfway done.
So far the most invested I've been in a game's world since P3P.
Y u no feeling it :'(
Actually, since you have a WiiU, why not play xenoblade on it? It should be better in pretty much every way on the wii.
Well, that would be a shame. Understandable, though. I won't go full hyperbole and praise your writing to hell and back, but I really liked your coverage of Omega Quintet. Just the good measure of coverage on the game's different sectors, gameplay, story etc... I feel you did a very good job of conveying how the game will play.
Kudos !
Is Neptunia U going to have any kind of story DLC?
You know what time it is.Names, you're not helping!
Please post when the review is live. I've also enjoyed your impressions and am on the fence.Thanks! I hope the formal review will be even better, but JRPGs do eat up a lot of time, can't believe I got it like 3 weeks early, focused on it and still didn't finish before release date though. I hope to keep doing impressions/reviews for games on my site though, just really need to get my butt in gear and actually produce content.
There's a theme forming with my Vita.
There's a theme forming with my Vita.
I see you are a boobs man
Getting a page full of anime girl faces is considered a rite of passage around these parts. Good work so far!
Finally bought and installed Demon Gaze and saw to my horror it has an anime girl bubble... What have I done...
I don't care that much but I don't like this icons or anime girls in general