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PlayStation Network Thread (Vita/PS4/PS3) | February 2015

EU PSN still gets Plus discounts


everybody play Yakuza 4


Isn't the DLC supposed to be really expensive?

Wait what, that ava! Since two days I've been meaning to ask where Shizuka's at. :O

Reminds me of the days when my roommate painted the wall facing our entry door in a totally different colour and it took me 2 weeks to notice.

And here's hoping that Brandish releases today.

Won't happen, right?


Yggdra isn't trash, but it's massively marred by dozens of missable, consumable items where collection order matters. The game almost feels designed to force you to use a guide if you want anything, it's incredibly annoying and I otherwise love the combat system. Also it all but forces you to savescum since checking towns and shit is as often bad as it is good. Not a big fan of "leveling" the cards either, makes you stick to the same old same ol, even more so than characters.

Yes, I hate the missables, which is an issue with every Sting game I've played (and plenty of other jrpgs). And yes, the card system is confusing/odd. But... that battle system in Yggdra. It's near perfect. I wish someone would take that and evolve it.

I don't mind accidentally grinding too much (as long as you're brought down to earth a couple maps later) nearly as much as ending up stuck with completely useless party members or saved into a near-impossible situation because you're under leveled. I wonder if equipment gating or relative XP might help prevent excessive grinding while still allowing replaying of anything.

It's a really difficult problem to solve. I remember one game (Betrayal at Krondor, maybe?) that gave no battle experience, but rather gave you experience per 'mission'/'chapter'. Removed the grinding altogether, though that has it's own issues, obviously. Relative XP is also nice; rats really shouldn't keep giving exp after you kill 100.

Useless party members is easily solved by giving all members (even ones not on battlefield) equal experience. Anything else will result in exactly what you take issue with, some being 'left behind' unless you take care to level everyone, which is most often just a waste of time in rpgs.

Then there's something like Xcom, which forces you to level a larger team -- you can only send so many 'party members' out, and some might be injured/on other jobs. I wish a rpg or srpg did this... where you are more of a 'general' leading multiple squads on multiple missions.

Lots of things sound good on paper - like only giving characters exp in something if they use said skill, but end up resulting in grind fests where you repeatedly use some stupid skill just to level it (fftactics, I'm looking at you).

I hope someone will clarify if PS+ discounts will still be a thing going forward soon. It's a big part of the value of PS+. At least most people in the blog comments seem to be thining the same thing.

I think it'll pass. I wouldn't read too much into it.
Just played a bit of Criminal Girls and wow they weren't kidding with the steam censorship. They might as well have just taken that part out of the game.


Really hope PS+ discounts continue being the thing. PS+ often pays for itself with those discounts or close enough. It's certainly a big part of it for me, second only to the free games of course. If PS+ was only the multiplayer I'd never have subbed

Yes, I hate the missables, which is an issue with every Sting game I've played (and plenty of other jrpgs). And yes, the card system is confusing/odd. But... that battle system in Yggdra. It's near perfect. I wish someone would take that and evolve it.

It's a really difficult problem to solve. I remember one game (Betrayal at Krondor, maybe?) that gave no battle experience, but rather gave you experience per 'mission'/'chapter'. Removed the grinding altogether, though that has it's own issues, obviously. Relative XP is also nice; rats really shouldn't keep giving exp after you kill 100.

Useless party members is easily solved by giving all members (even ones not on battlefield) equal experience. Anything else will result in exactly what you take issue with, some being 'left behind' unless you take care to level everyone, which is most often just a waste of time in rpgs.

Then there's something like Xcom, which forces you to level a larger team -- you can only send so many 'party members' out, and some might be injured/on other jobs. I wish a rpg or srpg did this... where you are more of a 'general' leading multiple squads on multiple missions.

Lots of things sound good on paper - like only giving characters exp in something if they use said skill, but end up resulting in grind fests where you repeatedly use some stupid skill just to level it (fftactics, I'm looking at you).

Not sure why RPGs continue to not give everyone equal experience...Pokemon finally got it right at least. In theory, XP only for participating characters means you have to use everyone equally, right?! Well no, in practice it means most people just focus on their favs and everyone else is left in the dirt, OR horrible grinding ensues.

Also just because you mentioned it, localized XP (skill, weapon etc) is terrible. Worst change they made in Disgaea D2 by far was bringing back weapon levels, even if they did add the cheat shop to make it suck less. Cheat shop is amazing BTW, NIS is the master of sensible grinding.


Nope :( I searched for a 1K replacement model but i couldn't find one so i will be ordering a 2K model tomorrow!

ah! the 2K with all its upgrades is still solid!
what are you playing these days anyway! man I hope Kiwami comes out sooner :/

no luck with eBay or such?


Apotheon feels wonky at first, but then you get used to the controls and things work! Same could be said about Kick and Fennick too, ha.

Played the demo of Life is Strange. I like it. Do we know how often the chapers will be released? I might wait for a bunch (or all) to be out before jumping in.
edit: one each six weeks. Hnnng.
Apotheon feels wonky at first, but then you get used to the controls and things work! Same could be said about Kick and Fennick too, ha.

Played the demo of Life is Strange. I like it. Do we know how often the chapers will be released? I might wait for a bunch (or all) to be out before jumping in.

Episode 2 is out in March. I could guess it will be every other month since the first came out in January.
64GB no.2 arrived, currently installing all of my PSP/PS1 games on it. Hopefully they fit! It is going to take all day to download.

I also realized the Download Queue has a hard limit on how many games you can put in it.
I think it's been around $2 during the holidays or something, but $5 is not a bad deal either.

Hmm... well... I think I can pass on it again. It goes on sale pretty often and the last few sales have hit me pretty hard (in the wallet) anyway. I also don't know when I'd get around to it...

Thank you!
64GB no.2 arrived, currently installing all of my PSP/PS1 games on it. Hopefully they fit! It is going to take all day to download.

I also realized the Download Queue has a hard limit on how many games you can put in it.

yikes @ two 64GB's

Vita's download queue has a limit too. I think like 12 or something? Other notifications in the notification area don't count towards it, but it'll stop you right quick if you're trying to do a ton of DLC for one game.
yikes @ two 64GB's

Vita's download queue has a limit too. I think like 12 or something? Other notifications in the notification area don't count towards it, but it'll stop you right quick if you're trying to do a ton of DLC for one game.

It's easy enough to initiate the downloads via the web store, it lets you do 40 at once I think, I'm downloading them one at a time.

The download list on Vita itself is useless though, especially for tiny DLC items..


I lost a bunch of forbidden games and forbidden DLC to that download queue limit. RIP Patapon DLC. At least I can still play the saves without the DLC, some games on PS3 won't
A lot of games like Crash Team Racing and Crash Bandicoot that aren't licensed for Vita in the US.. I lost a bunch when I migrated cards.

You done fucked up.

I think I'm going to use my old 32GB along with my 64GB, I've already deleted two big Vita games from my Vita.

I went on a big delete spree the other day too. I should move all the PSP/PS1 stuff to the 32GB card and just accept the great divide.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I hope someone will clarify if PS+ discounts will still be a thing going forward soon. It's a big part of the value of PS+. At least most people in the blog comments seem to be thining the same thing.

I gave up Plus in protest of having to pay to play online, even though I still don't own a PS4. This was actually what made it hard, not the instant game collection so I feel better now knowing that the sales have been fading away.


I went on a big delete spree the other day too. I should move all the PSP/PS1 stuff to the 32GB card and just accept the great divide.

That's the thing, I only have Vita games, no PSP or PSOne titles whatsoever. Also, I only have on my memory card DD-only games, I always buy physical when there's the option. I hope we get a 128GB memory card with the Vita-3000.
That's the thing, I only have Vita games, no PSP or PSOne titles whatsoever. Also, I only have on my memory card DD-only games, I always buy physical when there's the option. I hope we get a 128GB memory card with the Vita-3000.

256GB or bust. You should get some PSP/PS1 games, so many classics that are wonderful to play on Vita.


Just finished Game of Thrones ep 2 and I'm loving where the story is going but man does this game run like crap on the PS4. It kept stuttering, skipping frames and even freezing. It was really jarring after playing something so beautiful as Life is Strange just a few days ago. I wish Telltale cared more about the quality of their games.
Just finished Game of Thrones ep 2 and I'm loving where the story is going but man does this game run like crap on the PS4. It kept stuttering, skipping frames and even freezing. It was really jarring after playing something so beautiful as Life is Strange just a few days ago. I wish Telltale cared more about the quality of their games.

Agree with you on the first point, loving the story. I had no issues whatsoever with episode 2, while I had some with episode 1. It seems to be very hit and miss with Telltales games uh.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Aeternoblade is awful, by the way. Avoid. The demo is good enough but the final product is pretty abysmal.


Played the two Vita PS+ games this month for a while (Kick and Fennick and Rogue Legacy) and they were quite fun :).

I really enjoyed what I played of Kick and Fennick so far :D. Great visuals style, tight controls, really fun gimmick (the lack of a jump button and relying on your movement with the gun reminds me a lot of Bionic Commando for some reason.....guess I'm thinking of the gun being this games equivalent of the Bionic Arm?). The design for Kick is....meh at best (he just looks.....off at parts in the game :l) but I like the look for Fennick :). I really enjoy the game so far and I'm glad it launched through PS+; means more people will give it a shot :D.

I played Rogue Legacy as well and sadly it didn't grab me nearly as much as Kick and Fennick :(. I mean, I love the art style, the controls are great, and I love the fact your experience, level and loot carry over after each run (something I really, really wished Bending of Issac and Splunky did X(; I enjoyed both games a lot, but that made it really hard to keep playing them....dying and dying over and over again X(). I just don't like dying a lot in games I guess :l. Considering I find this more fair then the other rouge-likes I played, I'm sure that I will be playing this for a loong time, so I am happy this landed on Plus :D.

Also....I know I'm a bit behind with the thread, but Sony is seriously going to scrap the PS+ only discounts? That was one of the best parts of the platform for me, as with the discount, I was pushed into getting a TON of games for my Vita and PS3..... I think they must mean that this week they wont be doing that, but I really hope they continue the practice :(. Xbox Live Gold has discounts for years, so I don't see the excuse Sony will pull with them scrapping the PS+ discounts in the future (they can't pull the "you're paying for online and PS+ games now, discounts aren't needed anymore :D!" when Microsoft still has discounts for Gold members for many years at this point :l).


I gave up Plus in protest of having to pay to play online, even though I still don't own a PS4. This was actually what made it hard, not the instant game collection so I feel better now knowing that the sales have been fading away.

I wouldn't really call a couple weeks without significant sales 'fading away'. I'm sure it's just a lull... we had some great ps+ sales/discounts not very long ago, and I'm sure they'll be back. IIRC this same conversation has happened a couple times before when there weren't significant discounts for a week or three.

Also....I know I'm a bit behind with the thread, but Sony is seriously going to scrap the PS+ only discounts?

Unlikely in my opinion. It's just like when we have a bad month of ps+ and people start claiming 'see, now that ps+ is required ps+ will never get good games again'. I'll start worrying in a month or so. Until then, it's too early to really know (or even get worried).

Just paid for Transistor even though it was listed as free. Kinda quickly pressed a few buttons and then did a double take.

Guess I'm off to Google to figure this out :|

Edit: Nope. Had the driveclub season pass sitting my cart. Wanted that anyway haha


I wouldn't really call a couple weeks without significant sales 'fading away'. I'm sure it's just a lull... we had some great ps+ sales/discounts not very long ago, and I'm sure they'll be back. IIRC this same conversation has happened a couple times before when there weren't significant discounts for a week or three.

Unlikely in my opinion. It's just like when we have a bad month of ps+ and people start claiming 'see, now that ps+ is required ps+ will never get good games again'. I'll start worrying in a month or so. Until then, it's too early to really know (or even get worried).

Okay, thanks for clearing that up for me autoduelist :). I shouldn't overreact like that; Sony is always-up and down with PSN sometimes (one month can have killer sales while the next month has 'meh' ones).


I'm enjoying the game I mentioned before, the game is quite nice, even though it feels pretty simple. So far, so good.
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