Welp, forgot to buy Diablo 3 PS4 last night so my desire to hit $100 plummeted. I think I'm happy about that, I'd rather have funds to last me for longer.
I think it's pretty good for what it is, though I don't particularly like the genre and the later levels have issues. But early on? Some interesting mechanics where you need to figure out how the controls change your environment in order to successfully 'beat' a level. [for example, the height of your jumping may affect the width of platforms, or your speed may control the height of a cliff). I can't say I've ever really seen a game incorporate such environmental control into the puzzles to this degree before, and I enjoyed 'solving' the early levels.
I wouldn't recommend it at full price -- I played it for free -- but at bargain discounts? If you like puzzle platformers, it's not terrible or anything.