my fanservice tolerance is extremely high, but criminal girls? nooooooope
And you called your tolerance is extremely high?
In a serious note, I hate censorship no matter what, since I hate the idea of censorship themselves, not because of what they censor. The game isn't as bad as people make it out to be, either. It's just not for people who don't like to not have completely control over your party in DRPG. You don't have direct control, you just have the ability to give command. I do think they could make it better for the girls' AI. Not in a sense that the girls should be smarter on their own, but in how they should act based on their mood/affection. Currently it's feel somewhat mechanical, like "I have 90% chance to act like you told me, but then I decide to roll the 10% and doing nothing".
TOTP: I hope you all pre-ordered Firefly Diary and already bought Neptunia Rebirth 2.