Not willing to format my vita just to play FF in 60hz. Don't really think I'll care anyway
Oh you'll care once you realize how slow as molasses these games are running :V
Not willing to format my vita just to play FF in 60hz. Don't really think I'll care anyway
It might be worth it for FFIX. That one is slow enoughNot willing to format my vita just to play FF in 60hz. Don't really think I'll care anyway
Oh you'll care once you realize how slow as molasses these games are running :V
Ignorance is bliss I guess. Once I get a Slim unit I will use one of my Vitas with a US account.
Any sales going on for US vita psn games?
Nice. Danganronpa is on sale in EU. You guys know what to do.
Every time I see Naruto Ultimate Impact, I think of how nice it would be to get a new Naruto game on the Vita.
The first game was 50% off around the time Danganronpa 2 was released, and why not go for the first now when it's on sale? It may even be a little exhausting playing the two back to back.Naughty of them to put Danganronpa 2 on sale before 1...
shame I didn't buy the 2:nd game before, now I don't know what to do. Maybe wait until both of them are on sale at the same time.
I need to stop going into threads about PS+, every time I do I come out with a longer ignore list
YepPSN sure is slow today...
Review threads are pretty bad as wellThese days, it is pretty much the outcome after almost every thread I read.
The Vita ones are the worst followed by the current console war ones.
So I just recently joined club Vita and I have a potentially ignorant couple of questions so please forgive me if this info is readily available elsewhere. First, do Final Fantasys VI-IX ever go on sale? I'm play through the mainline entries and 9.99 a pop adds up...
Second, and I know this isn't likely to go over well, who when where why how what can I do to make playing Spyro and Crash psone classics on my Vita a reality? I ponied up for a 64gb card so I'm ready for the long haul I just didn't realize such essentials weren't available yet. It would be like Sega launching an eShop with no Sonic...
Thanks for looking past my naivety and just helping a brother out.
I need to stop going into threads about PS+, every time I do I come out with a longer ignore list
Crash & Spyro are only playable on vita if you use a EU account
I am for better or worse a US PSN user. Re: FF I'm playing through Dawn of Souls on my GBA so I think I'll hold out for a sale while I'm still there. What's the sale look like in EU? For example, I got Vagrant Story for six bucks or something which is what I'm hoping the FF games go down to at least when on sale.
As for the Crash/Spyro debacle, it seems I missed my last window by a few weeks which really bummed me out.
So I just recently joined club Vita and I have a potentially ignorant couple of questions so please forgive me if this info is readily available elsewhere. First, do Final Fantasys VI-IX ever go on sale? I'm play through the mainline entries and 9.99 a pop adds up...
Second, and I know this isn't likely to go over well, who when where why how what can I do to make playing Spyro and Crash psone classics on my Vita a reality? I ponied up for a 64gb card so I'm ready for the long haul I just didn't realize such essentials weren't available yet. It would be like Sega launching an eShop with no Sonic...
Thanks for looking past my naivety and just helping a brother out.
These days, it is pretty much the outcome after almost every thread I read.
The Vita ones are the worst followed by the current console war ones.
Review threads are pretty bad as well
I barely go there..but I am pretty laid back and miss a lot of stuff.
But why?
They're ~6$ on EU PSN, but just wait for them to go on sale in the US. Shouldn't take that long
Thanks. The upfront investment in a 64gb card has me itchy to make the more gratifying smaller purchases but I will definitely try to stay strong knowing they do go on sale from time to time.
If there is some sort of petition or peaceful protest to get Crash and Spyro on US Vitas someone please send me a message so I can do my part for the cause.
Wish Fate/Extra had Fate/Zero characters instead of Fate/Stay Night characters, would've bought it in a heartbeat then.
Planning on getting:
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy IX
Vagrant Story
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Impact
Dissidia Final Fantasy (Don't really know if the dissidia games are good, I haven't played many FF games though)
SMT: Digital Devil Saga & SMT: Digital Devil Saga 2 (Don't have a ps3, but I'm assuming they'll be playable on PS4 at some point)
Rollers of the Realm is out this week, right? Any early impressions?
ThanksHaven't played Dissidia but if you should get it get Duodecim because it includes all the content from the first Dissidia as well.
Is the Vita version of Minecraft cross-buy with the PS4 version? Because the PS4 version showed up for free in the webstore, unless it's a trial?
The EU sale looks interesting, but I'm low on money and I need to renew my PS+ soon.
I've never played a naruto game, so I figured I would try the psp one. Didn't start reading the manga/watching the anime until this year, so never bothered with checking out the games before.
I was not comparing the gameplay, as you say they are different genres, but their structure, as i have already said typical fps/tps/action structure is a not so big sequence of unique big levels that the player crosses from a start to an end while both FW and Unit 13 have lots of missions made of a combination of an arena + enemies + objective.
Unit 13 is a good game, but it feels(is?) barebones, if it had more features like FW(especially a story, even a dumb one) it would have been received really differently and its developers would have had a different destiny.
Yeah it is freaking awesome. It is pretty much what I wanted it to be which was Puzzle Quest with pinball. Thought it would steeped in Japanese weirdness and story since it is published by Atlus but this was made in Canada. The story is just silly almost parody of middle earth stereotypes. Surprising has full voice acting. The actual pinball is super easy so far but I play a lot of virtual pinball. Noticeably missing is a nudge and I still instinctively jam the stick out of habit. Still waiting to see how repeating the play fields are. All of the pinball is objective based like kill all the guys, collect this many gold or get to this hole. You can switch between characters, which are different by attributes, by doing a pinball trap. You can add attributes to you character but it doesn't seem as worth it as buying a new character which essentially adds another ball. Still early but loving it so far.
EDIT: Should have mentioned I am playing on Vita and it runs super well and fast. Also it has an internal cross-save for PS4.
Are they actually different? I'm a sucker for games that actually bother to map things for remote play instead of just letting the defaults do their thing
Pretty much the same but it works well. L2/R2 are mapped or L/R, L1/R1 are mapped to the rear touch pad, and L3/L3 are mapped to the bottom corners. Works well for the most part, however it is a bit more difficult to drive on the Vita.
Is Neptunia worth the $30?
Oh right, basically TLOU's scheme then. I wish the bottom front corners thing was the default instead of the 4 panels on the back, 2 panels is much more manageable.
It works amazingly well. My only gripe would maybe be the lack of L2/R2 buttons. You see to attack you hold the R2. It isn't so bad, I mean all you do is hold your finger on the right corner of the touchscreen, it's not like you need to keep on tapping it. Visuals are amazing (aside from the beards LOL) and the game is massive.
There's something like 10 open world areas, I put 8 hours into the first one and only discovered around 30% of that area's map. Also did not advance in the story at all. This one is definitely a time sinker.
Looks like I wasn't specific enough. When I said L3/R3 were the bottom corners I meant the bottom front corners of the screen and not the touch pad
IMO yes, but you should go into it knowing it's a humorous game not a serious one. The combat system is good, but there are some gotchas, especially early game unfortunately. Lots of into in the OT thread. Single biggest thing to note is the optional dungeons are not really optional if you want to avoid grind, as playing them seems to be expected so you hit a high enough level to beat certain early chapter bosses.
Also the DLC characters are good and crazy cheap (3 of them $1 each)
It looks pretty good, native res I think, pretty solid 30 FPS except certain in-battle effects, dual audio, good localization though it has a fairly lacking amount of english voices and some VAs were replaced since Victory (for the worse). But the humor is good, lots of gaming references, combat is fun. Lasts about 20 hours I think? Maybe 30, it's been a while
Thanks! Definitely grabbing this after payday.
Thanks for the impressions. My main concern was its length.
Why is my PS4 not going in to rest mode properly? It's still making noise. No nothing is downloading. It's supposed to be silent in rest mode.
It's the trial
Just stumbled upon Ascension @8 in a market (used, without PSN pass). I said whatever, I don't play online and even if it goes free on PS+, I'll never manage to get the 70 fucking GBs of free space required to install it.
That said, I still have a copy of GOW3 sitting here, since 2012 I think. I'm dumb and buy a lot of games despite not having the time to play them -_-