I think that link hasn't been updated with the new batch of games, probably cause some of the staff is in vacation for the holidays. Try searching for the items, that seems to work.
I am just seeing this can some one help me, Same on my os3 IGC shows last months games
Here's the links:
BL2 - https://store.sonyentertainmentnetw...ds-2/cid=EP1001-NPEB01144_00-BORDERLANDS2PSN1
BlazBlue - https://store.sonyentertainmentnetw...tend/cid=EP4293-PCSB00042_00-BBCSEXNGP0001000
Soul Sacrifice - https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#!/en-sa/cid=EP9000-PCSF00178_00-SOULSACRIFICEEU0
DmC - https://store.sonyentertainmentnetw...-cry/cid=EP0102-NPEB01020_00-DMCDEVILMAYCRY01
Also make sure your date setting is correct on your PS3. Sometimes they lock certain stuff (flash sales & updates that fall on a holiday) behind a date check in the NA Stores so I wouldn't be surprised if the other territories do something similar.