The lack of any big name retail releases is a bit of a surprise, but not in itself a bad thing. All in all, this is quite a nice selection. 
Ether One - not a game that I've followed to any significant extent up until now, but after reasing up on it now I'm looking forward to this
Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition - a superb game, but a little disappointing to see included given that it's a re-release of a previous PS+ game (plus I already own it outright); I doubt that I'll revisit it, even with the DLC.
The Unfinished Swan - a very interesting little game, though in my case I've already bought and completed it.
Race the Sun - I've heard good things about it, but can't see myself wanting to send a lengthy time with it.
Murasaki Baby - very nice
Hohokum - interesting... I'd never have convinced myself to buy it, but the coverage at launch was intruiging and I'll certainly give this a shot where there's no additional cost!
Ether One - not a game that I've followed to any significant extent up until now, but after reasing up on it now I'm looking forward to this
Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition - a superb game, but a little disappointing to see included given that it's a re-release of a previous PS+ game (plus I already own it outright); I doubt that I'll revisit it, even with the DLC.
The Unfinished Swan - a very interesting little game, though in my case I've already bought and completed it.
Race the Sun - I've heard good things about it, but can't see myself wanting to send a lengthy time with it.
Murasaki Baby - very nice
Hohokum - interesting... I'd never have convinced myself to buy it, but the coverage at launch was intruiging and I'll certainly give this a shot where there's no additional cost!