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Playstation Store 11/19/09 – Peggle (US) | Metal Gear Solid (EU)


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I think Soul Reaver stands on its own well enough. Raziel does a fair enough job of introducing who Kain is and why you should care.


Anyone else having issues running Resident Evil 2 on the PSP? Runs fine on my PS3 but locks on the warning message on my PSP.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
ViolentP said:
Anyone else having issues running Resident Evil 2 on the PSP? Runs fine on my PS3 but locks on the warning message on my PSP.

Custom Firmware?


ViolentP said:
Anyone else having issues running Resident Evil 2 on the PSP? Runs fine on my PS3 but locks on the warning message on my PSP.
PSPgo with RE2 appears to work fine here.


So I listened to the PS Nation podcast and Torgo said that this next week looks like its going to be a good one, since it seems from his point of view that they are prepraring a lot of things for this Tuesday. I'm crossing my fingers. It would be smart of sony to do so, since its black friday is coming up, and people will be getting PSP's and PS3. It might also be the perfect time to release FFVIII since there wasnt a really big JRPG for the Sony platforms this years

Also big props, to the soul reaver hype in here. I had not played the original and Im definitely digging it though I find the controls to be somewhat clunky on the psp.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
ViolentP said:
Yeah, though all my other PSX purchases work fine.

Known issue. The POPS for 5.50-GEN-D is outdated. Wait a while.

Agent X

mozfan12 said:
So I listened to the PS Nation podcast and Torgo said that this next week looks like its going to be a good one, since it seems from his point of view that they are prepraring a lot of things for this Tuesday.

It's already shaping up to be a good update from what we know so far. Gravity Crash and Madden NFL Arcade are coming to PS3, along with Pinball Fantasies for PSP Minis.
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