I'm having a great time with my PlayStation VR, but I've noticed that on some games, no matter what I do, my perspective is slightly to the left. I make sure I'm sitting straight ahead, and I've recalibrated things a few times, but in Driveclub and and Rez, when I go to reset my position, everything shifts to the left. Any advice?
How's the stock situation so far? Anecdotally they have stacks of both the $500 bundle and the headset alone at my local Target and Best Buy, both of which I've been to several times since launch. No change. I don't think this suggests anything dire as I would imagine that Sony manufactured a reasonable amount to avoid the artificial scarcity that Oculus and HTC contrived, but it is mildly worrisome.
Try resetting your ps4, center yourself to the left camera, and move closer (5ft away at least)
That was me.
Here's the thing:
Driveclub made me queasy, loopy and felt like I had vertigo after, no matter when I tried it.
So, what helped me play with minimal - no bother:
When the race is ready, you can adjust the camera with the DPad. I positioned it as high as it would go, then 2 soft clicks lower. I moved the seat as close to the wheel as it would go, then 2 soft clicks back.
This has helped me enjoy the game and feel little, to 0 nausea.
Also, as I approach weird turns, I look at the speedometer and dash screen for a reprieve of mental balance recalibration
I was going to hold off on PSVR, but thanks to the hype in this thread I picked up one of the Best Buy bundles after work tonight. I've only had time to go through a few of the demos, but, wow, the hype is true. Even with the lower than ideal resolution and blurriness, the sense of presence is real. I tried Ocean Descent first, and you really feel like you're in that cage. I loved that I could turn all the way around to the back.
Next I tried EVE Valkyrie, but I knew what to expect with that one since I had done the Best Buy demo of it a month or so ago. Disappointed that this demo was shorter than the one in the store.
After that I tried the Hatsune Miku demo from the store. This was a lot of fun and I even got a bit of a workout from swinging the controller around so much. This one I'll probably get the full version.
I finished my initial play session with the Rigs and DriveClub demos. Probably not a good idea to do these two back to back as Rigs made me a little uneasy and then DriveClub a little more. Since I was feeling a little queasy and small headache, I called it a night.
I had no idea what I was doing in Rigs, but it was cool being in this tall robot jumping around. When I was in the hanger, I was startled when the two other team members walked over since it gave the feeling of two people there with you. DriveClub was fun too, and I even managed to finish first in the race and I usually suck at racing games (please don't shatter my illusions and tell me the demo is super easy).
Overall I had a lot of fun and can see this as the future of gaming. The only drawback foe was that the headset was like a sweat box. Today was a 90+ degree day in my neck of SoCal so I think that was a big factor, but I was sweating quite a bit in the headset and had the lenses fog up on me once.
I got VR Worlds, Batman and VEV with my Best Buy bundle, so I'm looking forward to trying those out over the weekend. Hopefully things cool down so I won't be all...
You picked.the two worst games for VR sickness well two from the worst 4 for queasy feelings.So I finally tried VR Worlds today. London Heist was pretty neat although too brief.
Unfortunately I really got queasy playing that VR Luge game though. Enough so that after the first race, I had to quit and then turn the system off... Pretty much the same feeling I got as the Driveclub VR demo. Didn't think I was susceptible since I never get motion sick but here we are. At this point, I'm wondering if I should even keep this thing if I can't even play some of the games.
It's PSVR's killer app for me and my friend. A steal at just $20. It's like we own a bar now. The pool is perfect.Is Sportbar VR any good?
Thinking of buying new VR game
Which level is that? Spoiler tag, please, too.Level 5 in Rush of Blood is second only to P.T. as the most frightening thing I've ever played.
Ever since I got my hands on Bound last year I was sold. Then it came out at a bad time for me financially. Now, however, I'm glad I waited. I am so stoked to do a PS Pro and a PS VR run!Grabbed Bound and wow. The graphics in that game in VR are super clean. Like amazing really. Also the sense that you are right next to princess is something else. Incredible really.
Watching 4:3 shows on Netflix with the headset is incredible. I'm actually starting to prefer absorbing video content with the HMD versus my TV. Much less distractions and no black bars.
Any impressions of the full Harmonix VR music game? I thought the demo was cool for what it was. Chill music game with some good ideas. The painting part was esp very VR.
For $14.99 seems like it should be worth it.
Grabbed Bound and wow. The graphics in that game in VR are super clean. Like amazing really. Also the sense that you are right next to princess is something else. Incredible really.
May not be that long. Found another article about NextVR live streaming 10 upcoming concerts in VR. http://www.billboard.com/articles/news/7525661/citi-live-nation-nextvr-launching-virtual-reality-concert-series
NextVR says their app will be available on all major VR platforms by the end of this year.
Edit: http://www.technobuffalo.com/2015/12/18/next-vr-interview-the-future-of-live-tv-is-vr/
Yes, NextVR is definitely coming to PSVR. Concerts and live sporting events in 3D VR. Can't wait!
Sadly you don't, you have to take the picture and mess around with the targets on your eyes to get the value to change.
I'm very curious what eye distances other people have settled on...
I think so too. Even if they are pushing it as a 4K-machine morePretty sure sony made the pro specifically to support their vr vision.
Ahh that's how it works. Thanks!
Also I asked this the other day any nobody answered.
Has anyone played Bound in VR?
All a y'all need to check out Shinobi602's comments in this thread:
If it was anyone but him I'd call BS. Instead I've got a never ending hype explosion happening in my head about it.
Shinobi drops a huge hint there will be a WipEout Remaster soon...I would imagine that will include both Pro and VR modes..
Since people are talking about the possibility of a new Wipeout, I guess it's worth posting this
Firesprite = ex-Sony Liverpool.
Luge was the first game to make me feel a little nauseous. I wondered if it was because your character is lying down when you're not?
Man, I feel like Sony's cinematic mode is just terrible. I like how Samsung does their video playing way better. Even Netflix's Samsung Gear VR app is much better despite the terrible picture quality. Sony just feels like they slapped a screen close to your face.
Ahh that's how it works. Thanks!
Also I asked this the other day any nobody answered.
Has anyone played Bound in VR?
I'm having trouble getting Job Simulator to calibrate properly. The circle it asks me to stand in is too close so it can't see the move wants when I do the T pose. And I feel like I'm standing too far away from the terminal at the starting location.
My camera is on a wall mounted TV a little under 6 feet high and all lights are off.
The circle is too close but in game I feel like I'm standing too far away from whatever I'm supposed to interact with. The tracking is more finnicky when I have to each for stuff on the sides, like the coffee maker in the office level.Interesting. Mine and many other complaints are that it's too far back, but this is using a standard TV stand rather than wall mount. Maybe it was just hard to dial in a sweet spot for multiple setups.
Hopefully as it matures, the sweet spot can be calculated better.
I don't think my unit has this, or if it does, I haven't noticed yet. Will take a look with this in mind though.Has anyone noticed a pincushion effect when wearing the headset?
Here's an image to show what I mean:
And a real life example (taken with a camera):
The easiest way to see this in action with PSVR is to center your view on any object that is a vertical straight line, like the side of a building, a door, or even the edge of cinema mode where the screen ends. Then slowly turn your head away from it, while still keeping your eyes on the straight line. The line will slowly curve outward the further you turn your head away.
I see this issue no matter what I'm doing, regardless of the game or app, and even in cinema mode. I find it incredibly distracting and nausea inducing as it will make the entire image look like it's shifting around me anytime I turn my head in any direction.
I was really excited about PSVR, but this has kind of put a damper on things.
Is anyone else getting this at all?
I don't think my unit has this, or if it does, I haven't noticed yet. Will take a look with this in mind though.
Think this is something that could be solved by messing with the IPD settings?
Is anyone else getting this at all?
Is anyone else getting this at all?
Has anyone noticed a pincushion effect when wearing the headset?
Here's an image to show what I mean:
And a real life example (taken with a camera):
The easiest way to see this in action with PSVR is to center your view on any object that is a vertical straight line, like the side of a building, a door, or even the edge of cinema mode where the screen ends. Then slowly turn your head away from it, while still keeping your eyes on the straight line. The line will slowly curve outward the further you turn your head away.
I see this issue no matter what I'm doing, regardless of the game or app, and even in cinema mode. I find it incredibly distracting and nausea inducing as it will make the entire image look like it's shifting around me anytime I turn my head in any direction.
I was really excited about PSVR, but this has kind of put a damper on things.
Is anyone else getting this at all?
Yeah, I was about to say the IPD thing. Sounds like an eye convergance issue.
Is it the same in both eyes? I don't have this at all - I do however have a permanent very light left tilt on mine. Figured my head is just sideways.
Maybe you don't have it close enough to your eyes? I lift mine up at the back and cram it right into my face, also gets rid of that big space under the nose.
I don't think my unit has this, or if it does, I haven't noticed yet. Will take a look with this in mind though.
Think this is something that could be solved by messing with the IPD settings?
Yeah, I was about to say the IPD thing. Sounds like an eye convergance issue.
Everyone, as this is how the lenses work.
My only complaint is the camera. It's basically manual, so you have to keep moving the camera to keep up with the dancer. Cool experience, though.
I'm curious as to what eye to eye distances some of you are feeling comfortable with...
I was feeling good at 59 for a bit, then it felt strange and I jumped to 61. Then I got 60 after that. Those 3 have felt the best to me but it feels like some games are set differently than others.... The obvious one for me is Rez, which on its Photosensitivity warning screen in particular, always looks too big or something and strains my eyes to see it naturally.
Messing around in the eye distances settings, I am now at 57 which helps Rez look better but I feel I'm still not there......I really really really wish I could just change these numbers without taking a picture and guessing with the targets on the eyes.
Is there any update about the VR-mode in Trackmania Turbo?