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PlayStation VR Launch Thread: Welcome to The Real World

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I don't even turn my TV on when I play VR.

Same. I'm considering rearranging my play setup in consequence. Like, why bother if the camera is above or below the TV? I'll just put it on the wall, front and center. And then face TV to play on TV or the wall to play in VR.
Same. I'm considering rearranging my play setup in consequence. Like, why bother if the camera is above or below the TV? I'll just put it on the wall, front and center. And then face TV to play on TV or the wall to play in VR.

Yeah I now try to avoid being in the way of the TV when playing VR that way the family can still watch it, whilst I flail about like a jelly in the corner.


Are you guys happy that you bought this on launch? Still wondering if i should buy PSVR..

Not really, there's not an equation in this world where the software justifies the prize at the moment. It's a cool experience if you haven't tried VR anywhere, but you pay premium for being an early adopter.
I just bought RIGS and it's awesome but I'm getting wrecked by the AI :(

I'm usually good at FPSs and shooters but the AI in this game is running rings around me. I find it hard to get on top of the leaderboard for some reason. I guess I need to get more used to the movement.


Are you guys happy that you bought this on launch? Still wondering if i should buy PSVR..

Yes i am someone who rarely spends his money foe things where i know i wont get my money out of it, but this thing is incredible. The games at the Moment are good too. The line up is perfectly fine for the price. Also it's not a premium price like Oculus or Vive. It's worth every penny imo.


Hoping for RIGS to add (at least an option) for super fast bootup from PS4 OS into matchmaking. Downtime is the games biggest challenge.


Are you guys happy that you bought this on launch? Still wondering if i should buy PSVR..
I love it but I'm in constant fear that there's gonna be a content drought that makes me regret buying it. On the fence I guess? I love it when I'm using it but I'm very worried about the future.


Hoping for RIGS to add (at least an option) for super fast bootup from PS4 OS into matchmaking. Downtime is the games biggest challenge.

I like RIGS, but there's a lot of scope to improve the pace of it outside of matches. So many unskippable sequences.
i had some friends over yesterday and let them play some games with psvr.
everybody was amazed by it and one of them will buy it immediately when the next wave is out. it was so much fun to see them react to all the different experiences.
one of my friends is a huge batman fan so arkham vr blew his mind.
and everybody loved rush of blood, such an amazing game!

i love my psvr and i'm so happy to share those experiences with my friends and family!


Ugh... Reading that .hack thread makes me really hope someone tries to emulate a game in that style for PS VR. Like it's crazy that we have set ups that look identical to how that game showed VR back in like 2003 and yet no developer has stepped up to the plate to give us a game like it.

Like hell look at this at one of the G.U. Login screens.


The game even took place in 2016 ~ 2017. The stars have aligned, someone just needs to take up the mantle. :(


Are you guys happy that you bought this on launch? Still wondering if i should buy PSVR..

I'm enjoying it but I wouldn't recommend it to most. I'm not even sure what could be improved to change my mind. I don't think I want longer games. Maybe something with more narrative. I really wish they didn't reuse the move controllers.


I love it but I'm in constant fear that there's gonna be a content drought that makes me regret buying it. On the fence I guess? I love it when I'm using it but I'm very worried about the future.

Have you seen what releasing soon? I also feared that but realized fast that there are games weekly. Sales are good too so I guess more to come. :)
Had this since launch and have played Driveclub and Rigs, had major shimmering and drift at first. I moved the camera away from the T.V. and that stopped the shimmering, I found that disconnecting everything and then plugging everything back in making sure the headset is on a flat service facing the camera fixed my drift issues it's anecdotal but it worked for me and I remembered in the old days of I wanted to calibrate my phones gyro it had to be on a flat service.

Driveclub: Hated this at first pre-ordered this as I'm a season pass owner and it was cheap for a full game but man is it blurry! I'm starting to enjoy it now though but I would not call immersing in the slightest, it's nice having the situational awareness. Only buy if you're a massive racing fan and don't mind low resolution also try the free demo first.

Rigs: Going from Driveclub to this feels almost like a generation leap so clear and it takes its time to teach you the game which I like as FPS's are not really something I play. Now I suck at FPS's and have found the game very challenging but where I've always struggled is with aiming and remembering I'm in a 3D environment, not a problem now and I actually feel like I could get good at this game.

Overall really happy so far, no VR sickness at all yet which is strange as I get car sick when I'm a passenger. Going to get some more games soon will post impressions.


Seen a lot of talk of how smooth Ace Banana Move tracking is - probably just smoothing the readings a lot as you never really do anything intricate that is required in stuff like Batman or Job Simulator. Finding the sweet spot will be the challenge for devs, some level of smoothing and assist obviously helps for shooting gallery activities, but would ruin other more involved interactions.

I love it but I'm in constant fear that there's gonna be a content drought that makes me regret buying it. On the fence I guess? I love it when I'm using it but I'm very worried about the future.

I have no such concern. We're a few weeks in and there's already probably 3 times as much stuff I want to get stuck in to than free time I have to do that.

There's a massive VR dev community, PSVR already has the largest userbase for VR gaming - put those two together and rest easy.


Just I'm playing the tutorial of Tethered to the point where it said that I now know enough to play the game. I quit to the main menu and all the levels are still locked. I went back to the tutorial stage and it starts me back in the beginning. I'm assuming I should not have quit the way I did. However I did not see a save option either. Do you need to play each stage to completion without quitting?


Just I'm playing the tutorial of Tethered to the point where it said that I now know enough to play the game. I quit to the main menu and all the levels are still locked. I went back to the tutorial stage and it starts me back in the beginning. I'm assuming I should not have quit the way I did. However I did not see a save option either. Do you need to play each stage to completion without quitting?

From what I've read, you have to complete each stage in full. There's no method of saving mid level.


Seen a lot of talk of how smooth Ace Banana Move tracking is - probably just smoothing the readings a lot as you never really do anything intricate that is required in stuff like Batman or Job Simulator. Finding the sweet spot will be the challenge for devs, some level of smoothing and assist obviously helps for shooting gallery activities, but would ruin other more involved interactions.

That's possible, but it's also worth noting that the headset tracking is notably better as well. It's the only game in which I experience absolutely no World Wobble.

As a matter of fact, I can even play the game standing, walking around a larger space than Batman or Job Simulator allow, and the head tracking is still completely accurate. The same goes for another game from the same publisher, Mortal Blitz. It's technically a sitting game (sort of a very lame version of Time Crisis) but I can play it standing up in room scale.

You can't really "smooth out" movement in the HMD, I think, the way you can with the Move controllers, because if you disregard head movement (no matter how little), you run the risk of making the player sick.

In any case, I think I'm done with my testing. I'm going to suck it up and go back to enjoying the games, and hope a VR Firmware update fixes these issues.


yesterday, when trying to play Arkham VR i had the most egregious tracking issues, everything was wobbly, shaky.
I THINK that was after booting up from rest mode.

Fully restarting the PS4 - same setup, same lighting, same everything made tracking close to perfect again.

I'm hoping Sony's gonna maybe alleviate those issues with a firmware update.

Also, Arkham VR is well worth the money. Sure, the main 'campaign' can be completed in 1-2 hours, but doing a 'new game+' for riddler collectibles and destructables is actually a lot of fun.


when i was missing only 2 more "CCTV cameras / fuse boxes" for the final trophy, i knew they'd be in the sewer level ... a level i kinda rushed through because it got super scary at times.
That killer croc
... not just in the story level but also the hologram in the bat computer. It's actually
so big that you cannot spin it, like you can do with other holograms


Dammit all these impressions of Tethered & Windlands...must be strong...have already spent about $180aus on games fir this thing...


Considering how many money we are spending here in GAF for the damn VR games, I think this is a big success for a launch... lol

Now after Rush of Blood I will take a break (bought three games for 19,9€ each).

Will go back buying after some discounts... maybe... must resist... :O


GAF's Bob Woodward
Does anyone know if the HDMI cable that came with PSVR is 1.3+?

Re. some of my video cut-outs, Sony support is recommending trying such a cable, but are not very forthcoming about whether the one that came in the box matches that spec...


Does anyone know if the HDMI cable that came with PSVR is 1.3+?

Re. some of my video cut-outs, Sony support is recommending trying such a cable, but are not very forthcoming about whether the one that came in the box matches that spec...
What cable is recommended for PSVR?


I really like Windlands, but is anyone else like me and can only play with Comfort Turning? If I turn on regular turning, I eventually start to feel nauseous. Wish I could go the full control scheme experience.

Also, I did the leaderboard challenge thing where you pick up 10 orbs. I got them all but nothing happened. I thought maybe I had to leave to register but that just started the timer/count all over.


I really like Windlands, but is anyone else like me and can only play with Comfort Turning? If I turn on regular turning, I eventually start to feel nauseous. Wish I could go the full control scheme experience.

I'm fine with Windlands. Makes me think I'd be fine with Rigs for more than one game at a time now.


I really like Windlands, but is anyone else like me and can only play with Comfort Turning? If I turn on regular turning, I eventually start to feel nauseous. Wish I could go the full control scheme experience.

Yeah I'm struggling with it too and I'm fine with Rigs/Battlezone etc.


my girlfriend's gonna be away for the weekend - perfect time to give Tethered a shot.

I get super paranoid when i'm wearing the VR headset, always scared someone's gonna enter the room without me noticing. So knowing that i got the place for myself will give me an additional level of immersion.
It just struck me that essentially VR in general also essentially incorporates the wii style motion controls by default

I sort of hope we get more general motion control gaming experiences thanks to that, VR is at its strongest for me when it's tracking you 1:1 and it works really well

Sorry if this is a weird post, it just struck me how much for granted im taking that vr tech incorperates


GAF's Bob Woodward
What cable is recommended for PSVR?

I'd have assumed whatever is necessary is included in the box, but the way Sony support is saying 'make sure you are using a HDMI 1.3+ cable' is making me wonder what is included vs what is recommended. I guess 1.3+ is what's recommended, at least if you're having problems.

edit - Ah! I just heard back from Sony support on this:

The cable included with the PS VR is HDMI 1.3 or above as standard.

The cable connecting your PS VR Processing Unit to your TV does not need to be a HDMI 1.3 or above cable, however you can use a 1.3 or higher cable if you wish.

Maybe the cable I got with mine is dodgy though... might try a different one to check.


time to take my meds
I have a feeling after targets b2g1 sale and black friday, psvr attach rate is gonna boom.

I plan on having 10 psvr games by the end of the year. Thats more than 2/3rds of my entire ps4 collection over the last 3 years.

Every psvr game feels fresh and different. I want to try them all!


So I'm waiting to get home from work to play with the psvr again. Used it for the first time yesterday and it took me by surprise.

I was super hyped about VR a couple of months ago and it all died down a little after actually trying Vive in a shop some time ago. While the tech was awesome, it didn't click. I'm sure a lot had to do with what was demoed and it being in a shop.

But hell, yesterday was awesome. Being in these 3D worlds is so different from watching a screen. I've always been excited for the idea and now I believe it can actually become a crucial part of gaming and media in general.

The launch line-up is really great and that's what is needed for this thing.


Gold Member
Sadly, yes, there is no saving in the middle of a stage. Complete it or ir doesn't count.

What?? FUCKKKKK I left the tutorial after it said I was basically finished.

Anyway, Windlands is 100% knees weak mom spaghetti, I constantly have sweaty palms, especially during the sections where I walk across a small tree branch and I can slip off any second. But such a cool experience.

I really like Windlands, but is anyone else like me and can only play with Comfort Turning? If I turn on regular turning, I eventually start to feel nauseous. Wish I could go the full control scheme experience.

Nope, I use regular turning [with right thumbstick] but dialed down the sensitivity to about 15% to make it tolerable. Also no safety cages or any of that stuff. Maximum Spiderman mode.


Had my first really bad drifting experience in Battlezone last night, even with turning off the ps4/headset it started to happen again after just a couple minutes. It's incredibly frustrating to turnreboot the system off completely in the middle of a game, then have it not work again.

Sony really need to figure out a fix, or offer a gyro reset function (if that's the issue) in a system level menu without restarting each game.
I really like Windlands, but is anyone else like me and can only play with Comfort Turning? If I turn on regular turning, I eventually start to feel nauseous. Wish I could go the full control scheme experience.

Have you tried the Cage option, which gives like a fake cockpit view over you ?

Also do games with a cockpit like Battlezone make you sick ?
UntilDawn ROD:

um, the game seems really difficult on normal. I can't beat the ghost
woman with the birds (heart boss)
and I tried about 4-5 times and gave up

also, its also surprising with the scares. Jumped 3-4 times. VR is really great for horror hey. Outside of RE1/make - and the classic scenes the first time you experienced them (eg, dogs) - I haven't had a response to a game like I have in VR. just Ahhhhh.

Dammit all these impressions of Tethered & Windlands...must be strong...have already spent about $180aus on games fir this thing...

me too. Probably more. I haven't gone back to Dragon's Quest builders and can't be bothered with dead rising. It's all VR baby!
Arkham VR is awesome and well worth the price. I hope they make more like it.

Only problem is I put the camera on top on the TV for this game, but it seems like I'm a little too short (or it's a little too high) so my head isn't in the right place. Don't have any middle ground unfortunately.


Did better on the third level of Tethered. I'm getting A's for protecting my peeps but B's for weather usage and C's for light collecting. I'm guessing Light Collecting is more tied to time to completion.

Really enjoying it and discovering new uses for weather still.

Played Destiny in cinema mode last night too. Woah. Only thing I don't like is both voice and audio coming over the headphones, makes it hard to hear people. It's a little harder to play, but I think I may end up playing everything in Cinema mode from now on, it's amazing.
I just bought RIGS and it's awesome but I'm getting wrecked by the AI :(

I'm usually good at FPSs and shooters but the AI in this game is running rings around me. I find it hard to get on top of the leaderboard for some reason. I guess I need to get more used to the movement.
Once you can start paying for better teammates it will get easier.


Arkham VR is awesome and well worth the price. I hope they make more like it.

Only problem is I put the camera on top on the TV for this game, but it seems like I'm a little too short (or it's a little too high) so my head isn't in the right place. Don't have any middle ground unfortunately.

The camera position it's a bit of a problem... I found out that on top of the TV give mostly NO problems with the tracking, in particular when I have to use also Move controllers.

But, the camera doesn't fit perfectly on the TV, so it's not easy to give the angle I want and I need to change position of the sofa to be on the perfect stand for the screen...



Have you tried the Cage option, which gives like a fake cockpit view over you ?

Also do games with a cockpit like Battlezone make you sick ?
No other games make me sick, including Rigs. Well, the very first day I got PS VR, Bound made me feel a bit ill when switching views too rapidly, but it got better the 2nd day. I tried the cockpit but it just made things seem weird. However, I didn't realize there was a turn speed option somewhere, I'm going to try again with a significantly reduced turn speed today. For Rigs to work well for me, I increased the dead zone and the amount I have to turn my head to get full speed.


Another game I will never get 100% on. Get As for everything on every level? Oh boy...

Yeah, I become a mess every time night falls and the critters come out. I need to stay more organized during that part and not panic because I think it costs me a lot of time getting re-organized once the sun comes back up.

Have you figured out any good uses for the weather against the critters?
Hoping for RIGS to add (at least an option) for super fast bootup from PS4 OS into matchmaking. Downtime is the games biggest challenge.
Agreed. There are so many unskipable cutscenes and menus to get through which get even more tiring in VR because you can't look at your phone or whatever while you wait.
I just bought RIGS and it's awesome but I'm getting wrecked by the AI :(

I'm usually good at FPSs and shooters but the AI in this game is running rings around me. I find it hard to get on top of the leaderboard for some reason. I guess I need to get more used to the movement.

I'm also convinced in single player there are games you can't win. ( fuck you Dynamos ) especially in the tournaments mid seasons. Just take the L and move on.
UntilDawn ROD:

um, the game seems really difficult on normal. I can't beat the ghost
woman with the birds (heart boss)
and I tried about 4-5 times and gave up
You notice how
the fight doesn't start until you shoot the heart a bunch of times? Notice how those doors keep opening revealing the heart? That should give you a hint ;) Pew pew the heart a bunch and she will even skip some waves of birds if you do enough damage. Ignore 90% of the birds except the ones that will definitely hit you and focus the heart of the hotel.
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