VR Legs are definitely a thing!
- Demo( 1 minute into a match ): Whoah....slow down there. Ugh... ok let's try head aiming/turning. After 1 more minute... "fuck that i am out"
Could not pass $19 price error on GMG
- Day 1( 5 minutes in Training mode ): Oh this is fine... head turning is actually not bad. After 5 more minutes...
Chief: "It's time to stretch our legs! Follow me to the elevator!"
Me: Ugh....ok i will take it slow. Let's also adjust turning speed and deadzone in settings.
After 5 more minutes...
-Day 2
Ok...let's try to actually finish training mode ffs.
After 15 minutes of slow and methodical gathering and shooting orbs on lowest turning sensitivity...."this is actually fun but that's probably enough for today"
-Day 3
After ~40 minutes of practice arena orb hunting ( was able to up sensitivity a bit as well ) + first deathmatch with bots
-Day 4
After 1+ hour of jumping/strafing like a madman in practice arena + second match against bots
Really cool game. AI is really forgiving so far from what i have seen but i am still not ready to try MP yet
Same story with other games like Driveclub VR and even Batman Arkham VR( i had a few problems even with teleporting at first but they went away really fast and was able to 100% this amazing game )
Feel pretty good about upcoming RE7 right now. I hope they will update demo so people like me could practice a bit and get used to locomotion before full game release.
Anyone else noticed much more frequent night dreams after using the VR headset? Few times i even thought that i am in a helmet during a dream lol. I guess those VR experiences at least shook the stagnant brain activity i had for last few years if not something else.... which is really cool. I don't mind free VR stuff every night xD