It's not total bullshit.
My VR legs are pretty solid (had VR for years now, which is an amazing thing to think about), but the only things that have given me issues are games with analogue stick turning. So yeah, I wouldn't say it's totally bullshit...
But it's not like they don't let you use analogue turning in games that use the DS4. So...
I've got to stop looking at my own experiences as the whole, you're right. Developing for VR must be incredibly frustrating. It's like the WORST parts of developing for PC back in the day with a myriad of graphics cards, cpu considerations, and ram limitations. Only in VR, if your game isn't optimized correctly, you can make a certain segment of your audience incredibly ill.
It's tough trying to plan a business strategy for growing the platform when you can't pin down consistent reasons for an uncomfortable experience. I guess that all I can hope for are a myriad of control and comfort options on each game. Personally, I've been extremely lucky as only one game has ever made me sick (Minecraft pre patch on GEAR). I've had a ball with nearly everything on PSVR, but the lack of the option for NAV controller integration remains a little concerning.
I get it...sort of.
SONY is a mainstream company looking for a wide audience, and they'll need to make an interface and experience that reaches as broadly accessible as possible.
In an ideal world, each game will allow every option, and developers will QC accordingly. Play with MOVE, play without move, play with teleport or w/o, play with comfort turn or w/o, play with DS4, or without. Play with MOVE and NAV control.
I'm worried that companies will have to make choices that kill the experience by only making wave-based shooters, or making player-locked positions, or teleport-only games.
There's SO MUCH riding on RE7. IF it works (sales wise), the message with it's options and FPS freedom frees other DEVS to try it too. If it fails, it's the message that PSVR cannot handle experiences like those seen on VIVE and RIFT, which would make me consider abandoning the hardware....