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PlayStation VR Launch Thread: Welcome to The Real World

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i kept rubbing the lenses because others were mentioning there being protective film on them you had to remove.

had to rub out the oily fingerprints...nooooo. always paranoid about scratching things even with microfiber cloth. i'm assuming you're supposed to launder then...otherwise you're just rubbing grime around eventually? heh
So you didn't have the protective film on the lenses either right? Yeah, I was super careful about trying something like that when I went and checked out my headset after that image was posted. Was comparing the angles and the image posted carefully as well just to make sure I wasn't missing something, but made sure to not go too far and end up damaging the lens or something.


i kept rubbing the lenses because others were mentioning there being protective film on them you had to remove.

had to rub out the oily fingerprints...nooooo. always paranoid about scratching things even with microfiber cloth. i'm assuming you're supposed to launder then...otherwise you're just rubbing grime around eventually? heh

If you do wash them use just soap flake powder or pure soap liquid. No fabric softener (leaves residue on the cloth) or whitening agents (leaves hard tiny crystals in the cloth).

Edit: microfibre cloths that is, not the lenses themselves, obviously.


So my uncle is coming over and it would be cool to let him try VR. Can't decide which experience to provide first. Any ideas?
do you, uh, have the HDMI cables in the back of the processor box in the right place?

I do but I will double check.

Edit: everything is in its right place. I'm gonna phone Sony. I'm so disappointed right now, I was looking forward to this for weeks. My most anticipated gaming related thing of the year and I think I'm part of the 0000000.1 percent who got a fucking faulty unit.
I must be one of the lucky ones. Had no issues setting up or calibrating. Experienced ZERO drift or lag or anything so far. It has been a 100% flawless experience for me, I'm so thrilled. Hope everyone still having issues can pinpoint the cause and get it all going smoothly soon.


i second kitchen demo. i also thought the descent (shark one) was really impressive

So you didn't have the protective film on the lenses either right? Yeah, I was super careful about trying something like that when I went and checked out my headset after that image was posted. Was comparing the angles and the image posted carefully as well just to make sure I wasn't missing something, but made sure to not go too far and end up damaging the lens or something.

yeah no film on mine either. i think the reflections of things in the lenses made it seem like there was something there but it was just my recessed lighting. i'm a bit paranoid with microfiber cloths in general as it seems impossible to not eventually scratch something as its pretty impracticable to always be washing them after every use to make sure any small particles that might scratch are gone.


Tried the rigs demo and felt really bad almost immediately, I jumped really high and as I was falling, it felt like I should be falling, but wasn't. Kind of like I had the spins. Had to take a long break after that.

I was supposed to remove the stickers from the lenses, right? It seems obvious, but they didn't look like the other stickers and they gave some resistance.


Unconfirmed Member
So I just spent like an hour or so playing through a few demos and experiences and I have to say that I'm really excited about VR! These are my impressions (I messed around with an Oculus Rift a few years ago, but other than that I had no experience with VR headsets):

Setup: Quick and relatively painless like others have been posting. There are cables going everywhere though. I would hope that if VR becomes a mainstay in gaming in the future, that it gets integrated into the consoles to cut down on everything.

Kitchen demo: I've been obsessed with the Resident Evil demos and once I found out it was getting PSVR support, I was 100% down for playing the game in VR. After the Kitchen demo, I'm maybe at like 15% wanting to play the game in VR. I think I'd have a god damn heart attack if I tried, haha. It's so damn immersive! I've watched Youtube reaction videos of the Kitchen demo like nonstop for the past week, so I knew everything that was going to happen before I tried it for myself, yet I found myself still moving away from the lady with the knife and flinching when she moved around me, haha.

Drive Club: Next up was trying out Drive Club. All in all I didn't get motion sick, but going up hills where there was a bit of a twist did make my stomach turn a bit. I bought the full game before all of the reviews dropped, but I think I'm going to keep it because I had a lot of fun driving and hopefully I can keep the no-motion sickness thing going.

EVE: Valkyrie: I also had bought the full game of EVE: Valkyrie before the reviews dropped and I'm definitely planning on holding on to it. I thought this demo was a lot of fun and the launch sequence was so damn awesome in VR! I used to fly for a living when I was in the military, so I didn't really think this one would make me sick and it didn't. Everything felt natural and the combat was fun! If there ends up being more flight / space flight sims & action games that support VR, I'll probably splurge and get a flightstick!

REZ: Infinite: This one was probably the closest game to making me sick, but I think it was due to using my head to aim and me looking around really rapidly. The game itself is cool as hell and all of the colors were awesome!

VR Playground (1-2: Platformer Game): Oh my god! This wasn't even on my RADAR. When I powered on my PSVR, I just happened to see the icon pop up on the PS4 homescreen, so I downloaded it to check it out. This was BY FAR the most fun I had with VR. This should have been a complete game a-la Super Mario 64 and it should've been a launch title. It was so much freaking fun! The platforming was good and I like the way that the 3rd person perspective is integrated into the game.

VR Playground (Luigi's Mansion type game): This stage was a lot of fun as well, but it would've been better if it carried over the 3rd person perspective like Luigi's Mansion or if you could move around in 1st person view. It was still a really fun experience though!

VR World: Ocean Descent: I ruined this one by watching a bunch of Youtube videos of it while I was waiting for my PSVR to arrive, but I still loved it. I couldn't stop looking around in wonder and I had a huge shit-eating grin on my face the whole time, haha. I'm gonna do some of the other dives though, because those I haven't seen and I'm excited to check them out!
Well this is kind of a bummer. I can't get the thing to focus for the life of me. Once the headset is on my head and adjusted, if I hold a finger below the screen and hold it slightly up toward the ceiling, everything is in focus, but as soon as I let go of that slight pressure, it's as if the headset leans down a bit and everything becomes wildly blurry. Haven't been able to figure out how to resolve this.
Well this is kind of a bummer. I can't get the thing to focus for the life of me. Once the headset is on my head and adjusted, if I hold a finger below the screen and hold it slightly up toward the ceiling, everything is in focus, but as soon as I let go of that slight pressure, it's as if the headset leans down a bit and everything becomes wildly blurry. Haven't been able to figure out how to resolve this.

Did you tighten the headset by turning the dial on the back? That should keep it held tight in the position you need to maintain focus. Not too tight obviously.


Well this is kind of a bummer. I can't get the thing to focus for the life of me. Once the headset is on my head and adjusted, if I hold a finger below the screen and hold it slightly up toward the ceiling, everything is in focus, but as soon as I let go of that slight pressure, it's as if the headset leans down a bit and everything becomes wildly blurry. Haven't been able to figure out how to resolve this.

If you can, try pulling the back band further down towards the back of your neck and ratcheting it quite tight, this should pull the front of the unit up.
Tried the rigs demo and felt really bad almost immediately, I jumped really high and as I was falling, it felt like I should be falling, but wasn't. Kind of like I had the spins. Had to take a long break after that.

I was supposed to remove the stickers from the lenses, right? It seems obvious, but they didn't look like the other stickers and they gave some resistance.

Lol I feel your pain!

Just imagine experiencing what you did while your screen was off center to the left about 1/4 of the way and the screen pulsated back and forth... AND the inputs of your Scuff DS4 were being delayed (as they can with the shit Scuff controllers - not the VRs fault)...
Ive NEVER had any VR nausea and i went from fine to wanting to uncontrollably vomit in 10 seconds. It. Was. Horrible.lol


Everything appears to be closer to me today. Like, for example, in the Playroom VR where you put the controller in the claw machine, it's right in front of me, whereas yesterday I had to stretch my arms a little.

What gives?

Sit forward a bit and hold Options. Then sit back how you normally do.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Well this is kind of a bummer. I can't get the thing to focus for the life of me. Once the headset is on my head and adjusted, if I hold a finger below the screen and hold it slightly up toward the ceiling, everything is in focus, but as soon as I let go of that slight pressure, it's as if the headset leans down a bit and everything becomes wildly blurry. Haven't been able to figure out how to resolve this.

biggest thing I noticed.. myself and everyone else moves the "scope" (screen) of the headset like it's independent of the entire HMD on your head. It's not. It's all one massive contraption. Move the ENTIRE HEADSET to the position the screen is in when your finger is just pressing the screen. Yes, this will move the straps and everything else on your head.

Just a suggestion.


From what I saw, I think the Kitchen demo has lots of potential to be expanded for first time viewers (be it friends, family, girlfriend/boyfriend, etc..), while the knowledgeable PSVR owner is the curator of that “perfect” experience.

Basically, before placing a headset, one should handcuff a person (you can get those pretty cheaply for a dollar or two), just to get that feeling what the game is about and drive home the overall idea of being handcuffed. It builds anticipation and further enhances the experience. So you start the game and let it go on for the player, but when the girl stabs the player in the leg. The person outside PSVR should sync a hit with a pointy object on the leg. There will probably be some wtf moments, you apologize laugh, hug, promise never to do it again, that it was one time onlys, etc.. and continue on… But when the hands come out from the back and touch the player’s face, the person outside also does the same. His/her hands should maybe also be watered a bit just to enhance the slimy experience.

That’s the real haptic VR. Can’t wait to get one and replicate these and further ideas on people. :D


Does anyone know for sure if you buy loading human episode one for 40 if you get the other episodes or is it actually 40 per episode? It seems crazy to me if that is the case. Thanks in advance.

Good question...I would guess its 40 for all the episodes but like how many will there be and all...I am going to look around and try and find out.Dont have VR yet but hat one looks interesting but no one is talking about it.


Finally, I have ascended to Virtual Reality heaven!



More than a member.
My Vr small box doesn't turn off when I put the PS4 in rest mode is that how it's supposed to be ?
I am one of the biggest supporters of VR. I believe in it 100%. I've had a Gear VR for the past year and I love it, despite it's flaws.

That said, there's a few things that are just really bugging me about my PSVR.

1. The fucking cable is driving me insane. The headset jack thing keeps bumping into me and with headphones plugged in, the headphones sometimes get ripped out of my ear due to the weight of the cable. This thing just feels poorly designed, with the weight of the dongle kind of weighing the cable down. Every time I feel the cable, it's immediately immersion breaking. Coming from wireless Gear VR maybe spoiled me. Any tips I can do to alleviate the cable issue?

2. Putting on the thing isn't as comfortable as I thought. The headstrap thing is kind of tight and puts your head in a vice grip. Even when I expand it it still isn't pleasant putting it on. Moving the headset in and out too is a great idea, but I try to push it all the way in for maximum FOV. This leads to smudging the lenses, and the rubber flaps hitting against my face. Anything less than this though leads to a FOV loss, and FUCKING LIGHT BLEED, which I can't stand.

3. FOV and Blurriness. I know this is something we have to live with for now until the tech gets better, but it's not even about resolution I think. Why is everything so god damn blurry? Gear VR resolution seems about the same but does not have this same level of blurriness.

4. Camera tracking is annoying too. I have lived without positional tracking on Gear VR just fine. I find the camera to be annoying. I'm constantly out of play area, or losing tracking. I feel like I can barely move in PSVR cause I don't wanna lose tracking ( or have that fucking cable hit me again)

Now, these might be things I can rectify. My gaming setup is a little messy, so maybe I gotta play around with the camera placement, and find a way to hold the cable somehow. It's not all negative, I quite enjoyed Battlezone, Thumper and Rez. I couldn't figure out wtf I was doing in Rigs, but I really want to give that another shot.

Either way, I don't think I will have buyers remorse because I really want to support VR, because I have no doubt that in 5-10 years, this will be the future of gaming and entertainment. Lightweight glasses, wireless, 8k resolution, ultra wide FOV, and incredible graphics. Maybe we just arent there yet. Anyway, I'd appreciate any tips you guys may have.


Everything appears to be closer to me today. Like, for example, in the Playroom VR where you put the controller in the claw machine, it's right in front of me, whereas yesterday I had to stretch my arms a little.

What gives?
Hold down options to reset the distance


After playing it most of the day at my buddy's house, I'm very happy to not own one for the current cost. Playing London Heist made me feel very sick with all the tracking issues. The game where you are on rails and firing the two guns was fine and even RIGS... but after a day of it I'm tired of it. The Playroom VR platformer, with the way you are the camera following the little dude you control, was making feel quite uncomfortable as well. Playing Drive club with a wheel wasn't feeling good either...

So happy it wasn't me to drop $800cdn on this... my buddy is absolutely in love with it but he did spend the money.


The post launch support looks slow and unexciting to me. I think they will need to price cut the bundles fairly quickly to keep these moving.

post launch for consoles are often quiet - publishers want things in the market at launch. This has more launch games than most full console launches.


Love PS VR so far. My very first VR experience, so it was quite mind blowing. Driveclub VR was my first game and it felt absolutely great. Made me feel a bit dizzy, didn't experience nausea but it was definitely a weird feeling. The Kitchen Demo was absolutely great for what it was, no doubt about it. A few minutes a go I loaded up PS VR Worlds and that alien "odyssey" demo absolutely destroyed me. I feel sick whenenver I move and turn... never had this kind of feeling before and I consider myself being pretty much immune to any kind of roller coaster experience. I feel very tired and kinda confused as of now and had to stop at this point. I think that's weird since I've seen a bunch of folks who couldn't cope with Driveclub VR but praised Scavenging Odyssey for not causing this issue.
Demos for titles like this are absolutely essential because I can't see myself playing that game until I get more used to VR.


Have had Rift and Vive since launch with hundreds of combined hours use, probably put 5 hours into PSVR today. Limited first impression is Vive (and Rift) are light years ahead in tracking, optics, and associated mechanisms. In displays PSVR has less SDE and visible pixel structure (presumably lack of pentile), but the colors are exaggerated, white balance seems off, and it has an overall poorly calibrated look to it (looks a lot like Vita 1000 actually). Vive and Rift both have insanely accurate displays, seemingly dead on ISF calibrations. Comfort and ergonomics I'd give to Rift. PSVR seems to dig the hair at your forehead and hairline into your scalp and causes frequent itching in prolonged sessions. It also has far few adjustment points than Rift, so achieving optimal quality and comfort are going to difficult if not impossible for a lot more facial types. Vive's semi-rigid occipital loop tends to hurt after longer sessions if it's tight, which it needs to be for maximum FOV and to keep it from shifting in all the moving about. Game visuals are the most striking difference. Highly (or even moderately) super sampled Rift and Vive games compared to most of the 10 or so PSVR demos I've tried is like comparing native 1080p to the lowest Sub-HD PS360 titles. PSVR looks like a Vaseline blur filter by comparison. In terms of line up, what the future holds for exclusives is an unknown I can't comment on.

I haven't used occulus or Vive. But from my experience last night I would describe it as sub HD or Vaseline like. What also weiried is when both vive and occulus was released is all the complaints about lense and screen quality. Yet most no one except the people that that have all three are complaining about PSvR. I guess you guys would be the ones to know.
You guys were not lying about the Playroom platformer.

That needs to be it's own game ASAP.

There is...for Rift. Its called Luckys Tale. Great game, but got a lot of hate for being a 3rd person platform game in VR. People called it a VR gimmick. An unoriginal Mario clone. Its fun, plays well, and VR worked well in that game. Just as it works well in Playroom. Playroom camera is a little less polished than Luckys though. Bring it on Sony! Dont be afraid.


was anyone else afraid of breaking their headset before they figured out what how to do all the adjustment. haha thought it was kind of weird that they didn't really have detailed physical documentation on putting the headset on and have to access it via software. but thats just me.

i tried the eve demo but i'm kind of not a fan of the full on cockpit. does the cockpit have any functional/gameplay reasons (gauges, etc.) that i didn't pick up on or is it just for "immersion"? does the core gameplay go beyond the shooting in the demo?


There is definitely something wrong with my DS4. It seems that the light cannot be tracked properly in several games (PSVR demo, PSVR Worlds, Playroom VR). Everytime I calibrate it it seems fine for minute or two but then it just goes sideways and in other direction while my hands are not moving at all. Not sure what is happening. Need to try out my other DS. Also I turned up my brightness level to standard.


There is...for Rift. Its called Luckys Tale. Great game, but got a lot of hate for being a 3rd person platform game in VR. People called it a VR gimmick. An unoriginal Mario clone. Its fun, plays well, and VR worked well in that game. Just as it works well in Playroom. Playroom camera is a little less polished than Luckys though. Bring it on Sony! Dont be afraid.

Lucky's tale struck me as much more a Crash / Banjo ripoff. It's indeed good but I'm not going to be buying in to Oculus.

I actually liked the layout of the playroom platformer a little better. It made me look around and really explore in 360 degrees a bit more. Some of that design is really clever.


How are you guys cleaning the lens?

That is a good question. I took the plastic off my lens but it left smudges in the glass(sticky smudge from plastic).. I'm afraid to use any type of cleaning product on the glass and cause permanent smudging or smearing. Any thoughts anyone?
The post launch support looks slow and unexciting to me. I think they will need to price cut the bundles fairly quickly to keep these moving.

Their launch lineup was better than most console launches. If anything, it was a near-perfect start (Would have been perfect if the tracking issue didn't exist for some).


Anybody else experiencing weird "residual VR after effects" after prolonged VR sessions?

I'm noticing that my eyes feel a little bit "off," as if they're not quite focusing on things the same way they did before a one hour or more VR session. I'm also getting a weird sensation of "detachment" from the world, as if I'm not quite all there. It's nothing that's actually impacting my ability to work or do things in the real world, but at the same time, it makes the real world feel less real, if that makes any sense.
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