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PlayStation VR Launch Thread: Welcome to The Real World

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I was very pleasantly surprised by Battlezone. It seemed to have some lukewarm impressions from others and didn't look that great in videos, but holy shit, being in that tank and blasting fools feels great.

edit: oh, it's a $60 title. why


There is...for Rift. Its called Luckys Tale. Great game, but got a lot of hate for being a 3rd person platform game in VR. People called it a VR gimmick. An unoriginal Mario clone. Its fun, plays well, and VR worked well in that game. Just as it works well in Playroom. Playroom camera is a little less polished than Luckys though. Bring it on Sony! Dont be afraid.

Lucky's Tales is a MUCH better game than Playroom's take. Feels more complete and higher production values.

Never got the hate it received. My bet is it was a casualty of VR platform wars (I'm a Vive owner)


Any know how to move the circle they want you to sit/stand in, in Job Simulator? Half the circle is behind a wall in my room.


I really wanted to get one of these for Christmas but I would only be able to get the headset and if I'm lucky a cheaper game like Driveclub or Until Dawn. However, I don't have any Move controllers (I have the camera though). Is this still perfectly playable with the DS4?

I'm still not sure yet though, I'm a little worried about how this thing will be supported software-wise. I want one though.
Any know how to move the circle they want you to sit/stand in, in Job Simulator? Half the circle is behind a wall in my room.

I had the same issue in Batman. I have a big couch in the way. Sitting doesn't work for me either - the key Alfred is trying to give me in the begging is in the middle of the couch and I can't freaking reach it!

I really wanted to get one of these for Christmas but I would only be able to get the headset and if I'm lucky a cheaper game like Driveclub or Until Dawn. However, I don't have any Move controllers (I have the camera though). Is this still perfectly playable with the DS4?

I'm still not sure yet though, I'm a little worried about how this thing will be supported software-wise. I want one though.
Driveclub is just fine with a controller. Until Dawn, however, you're gonna want some Moves. Using them as flashlights really adds to the immersion.
I feel like 80 to 90% of the time my PSVR is working great, but it's that other percentage where it kind of hits hard. Some examples:

Battlezone - If I'm sitting in the cockpit at the beginning, the display starts moving towards me and away. You don't notice it any further once you start playing because you're moving your head around but in the beginning you can see that happen.

EVE Valkyrie - Looking forward here didn't seem to have the same effect, but if I turn to the side like 90 to 110 degrees, I can see the side of the cockpit kind of doing the same thing

London Heist - Everything seemed great here until I got to the first shooting part behind the desk and that started to get weird with the desk jumping around a bit sometimes

Job Simulator - This one really surprised me because I figured a static location plus the calibration would help, but as I was standing in the cubicle, it really felt like I was on a boat and that the cubical itself was moving a bit like it was disconnected from the rest of the building. I didn't expect to get nausea from this game, but I definitely got it a bit because of that.

Batman - Mostly okay, but in the beginning when I was behind any type of desk, I got the same pulsing movement of the fixture.

Is this what people mean by tracking problems or is it something else? It's really jarring and really starts making you feel nausea.

I've tried this with my main ceiling lights on, I've tried this with them off and just the fan light on, I've tried it with no lights on, and for Batman at least, I tried it today in the morning with no lights on but the natural lighting.

I hope this problem is solvable because I feel like it's almost there working perfect but those problems really hit hard.


Has anyone tried to play Non-VR games on the headset like Bloodborne , Witcher etc.?

Is it even possible?

Yes, it looks like you're looking at a huge screen, but due to the resolution it's not really worth the novelty. All the text in the Witcher would be completely illegible.

Really depends on the game. I played Splunky last night for a while and it looked pretty good. Guess it depends on the art style. Realistic 3D games will probably suffer over sprite based 2D games when playing in cinematic mode on PSVR.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I've just realized that this morning after I tried PSVR, I put the PS4 in standby mode, turned the TV off... and forgot to turn the PSVR off. I just left the headset, and I can't even rememebr if the blue lights were glowing on it or not when I left for work. Does the unit turn itself off after some period of inactivity? Does the screen inside at least turn off?


Party Pooper
Trying to do video capture for my youtube channel is kind of a pain in the ass.

I've ended up having to visually estimate between gameplay and my PIP window based on my head movements.

Maybe it's just because it's consumer grade capture gear, but the latency is kinda nuts, or at least that's been the case with the demo disc where every game has different latency to deal with.


So is the headset itself capable of better resolutions? Like once PS Pro comes out will we see some games have better resolution? Or is it a hardware restriction within the headset itself?
I've just realized that this morning after I tried PSVR, I put the PS4 in standby mode, turned the TV off... and forgot to turn the PSVR off. I just left the headset, and I can't even rememebr if the blue lights were glowing on it or not when I left for work. Does the unit turn itself off after some period of inactivity? Does the screen inside at least turn off?

It turns off when you turn off the PS4.
Ok... so some dev out there if you're reading this... PLEASE do an online multiplayer 2v2 collection of "yard games" like Horseshoes, Cornhole, Beer Pong, Can Jam, Ladders, Volleyball, Boce Ball (sp?) etc.

Would. Be. Amazing! And so perfect for simple standing hand motion control.


Trying to do video capture for my youtube channel is kind of a pain in the ass.

I've ended up having to visually estimate between gameplay and my PIP window based on my head movements.

Maybe it's just because it's consumer grade capture gear, but the latency is kinda nuts, or at least that's been the case with the demo disc where every game has different latency to deal with.
Latency for what. Actually playing? Or the video going to the capture gear?
There is no stereoscopic effect in the PS4's media player right now. But those apps, Vrideo, Littlstar provide some free content.

I think Sony are waiting to see how lucrative selling VR video content is before they flip the switch on the media player.

That's moronic. There are free stereoscopic media players for iOS and android all over the place, can't be too hard for Sony to add it. Why wait?

Edit: I'm a moron. I see what you mean. Adding it to the media player means people can pirate it and if not they'll have a way to monetize that type of content.


3. FOV and Blurriness. I know this is something we have to live with for now until the tech gets better, but it's not even about resolution I think. Why is everything so god damn blurry? Gear VR resolution seems about the same but does not have this same level of blurriness.

Blurry has only been a real issue for me in driveclub, and I can deal with it 'cause the game is such intense fun.
Please tell me you took the protective stickers off the lenses, some people didn't!

I feel the detachment thing. The real world feels less real. Not sure how else to describe it either.

This is real. Was sat reading GAF, swaying my head, looking for depth behind the text.

Man, anyone else getting major distortion when moving their head around? like objects, and environments are warping slightly as I move my head.
I've noticed this very slightly on my Vive, but it's bugging me the hell out on PSVR

Only thing I can say is make sure you spin the clicker on the back and have it tight - vertical movement of the headset can cause really wobbly disting. can't be easy making one headset design fit everyone, but there's definitely things you can do to minimise the iffiness.
So is the headset itself capable of better resolutions? Like once PS Pro comes out will we see some games have better resolution? Or is it a hardware restriction within the headset itself?

The quality should be a ton better (Especially if they use some of the power to fix the jagged edges/AA and resolution).


So is the headset itself capable of better resolutions? Like once PS Pro comes out will we see some games have better resolution? Or is it a hardware restriction within the headset itself?
The headset's max resolution is 1080p. Just pure speculation, but I have a feeling most games aren't hitting that target (since some look better than others in terms of clarity), so games that get patched will look better on the Prov in terms of resolution/clarity and stuff like jaggies. But of course, 1080p is the limitation and simpler games that are already hitting may not see much of an improvement depending on just how they are running right now.


So is the headset itself capable of better resolutions? Like once PS Pro comes out will we see some games have better resolution? Or is it a hardware restriction within the headset itself?

Not possible of higher actual resolution, but downsampling can clean up the perceived resolution well if you have the horsepower - same with vive/OR


I had my first major encounter with motion sickness...I'd say it started around chapter 6 ( I think) in Scavengers Odyssey in VR Worlds. I really enjoyed it up until that point but there was so much zero gravity jumping and looking around that it caught up with me.
Not possible of higher actual resolution, but downsampling can clean up the perceived resolution well if you have the horsepower - same with vive/OR

I'm curious how much image quality improvement the Pro will have with Resident Evil 7. That demo was so jagged and shimmery. I'm kind of hoping it's a night and day visual quality.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Shit, I cancelled my pre-order as I wasn't sure there was enough to hook me for the asking price but this thread is making me consider picking one up...

You're a bad influence, GAF!

You'll love it. Best launch line up in my life for any console.

Do move controllers support vibrations in psvr? I have only tried yesterday shooting range from vr worlds demo with moves and first thing I noticed that there wasn't rumble feedback on fire from controllers...

Yes they do. They do alot in the Batman VR game.
Is there an easy way to set where a game thinks your "straight ahead" is? I find games center of view gradually drift off and to re center normally involves messing about with various in game menus. The ps4 menu confirm your position calibration seems to only affect the ps4 dashboard etc


I really want to try batman but have concerns about standing experiences after playing Job simulator. The tracking in that is woeful, and I can't really find a place to mount my camera above the Tv as the bezel is too thin and it's the old style camera also.

Any advice?


damn VR is legit, if that's the future of gaming, sign me up, front row.

my very first vr experience was today with the ocean demo and I had a huge grin on my face while moving my head around, like yep, this is it, this is the future.

could have tried morpheus at gdc '13 but didn't know that we have to queue up and get numbers beforehand, I went to the booth on the last day, only to discover that, fuck and I held out on the experience ever since, I believed Sony that they do it right so wait for the consumer version and today was the day.

At first I was a little disappointed by the resolution in the menu , it was a tad too low res for me but once ingame you don't really notice it any more and it's perfectly fine to show off vr.
however driveclub is really low res, often times I couldn't figure out in which direction the corner is going also the dashboard was really blurry, idk headset position should have been fine as I tried other games just before that.

also things on the border tend to get blurry, eg in cinema mode, I have to tilt my head and not just look at it within the corner of my eye. maybe I have to adjust the eye distance.

bought until dawn and it's really cool, wish we get a horror game in an old house where we can walk freely
, looking at you RE7.

also I'm really interested in the PRO now, if there are significant upgrades to VR I have to consider it, cause as I said DriveClub is a tad too low res.

My non gaming parents also think this is pretty fucking cool.

I for one am glad that I live in this generation, we joked about that we where too young to explore the world and too old to explore our solar system but this makes up for it, to see the birth of VR.


is responsible for the well-being of this island.
Really disappointed by the Job Simulator demo, was looking forward to it since I loved watching let's plays of it on YT (Vive), but man it is simply not the same with the move controllers. Also, something is fucky in this demo, I've tried it like 5 times and 3 out of those had severe issues like the whole world is shaking or moving with my head movement, ugh.


Is there an easy way to set where a game thinks your "straight ahead" is? I find games center of view gradually drift off and to re center normally involves messing about with various in game menus. The ps4 menu confirm your position calibration seems to only affect the ps4 dashboard etc
Hold down the options button.


I've just realized that this morning after I tried PSVR, I put the PS4 in standby mode, turned the TV off... and forgot to turn the PSVR off. I just left the headset, and I can't even rememebr if the blue lights were glowing on it or not when I left for work. Does the unit turn itself off after some period of inactivity? Does the screen inside at least turn off?

This is a known bug. The PU in some cases won't switch to red when the PS4 is turned off or put in rest mode. I have to manually hold down the power button on the headset so the PU unit will switch off. I also got an email from Sony asking talking to support about it and their fix is to turn off internet in rest mode, which is stupid as that's all I use rest mode for.
Really disappointed by the Job Simulator demo, was looking forward to it since I loved watching let's plays of it on YT (Vive), but man it is simply not the same with the move controllers. Also, something is fucky in this demo, I've tried it like 5 times and 3 out of those had severe issues like the whole world is shaking or moving with my head movement, ugh.
I had this too! So it's not just me. I hope there's a solution cuz I was really looking forward to this one.
Thanks for the suggestions earlier re: blurriness. I was able to get it to (what I assume is) the normal sharpness, had to get it further down the back of my head than I was at first.

Only tried a bit of Job Simulator so far. It mostly works well, though the tracking is an issue. For me, I have the overt huge problem of my TV and small VR-ready space right next to a series of windows, and I can't even get the calibration screen to stop saying "your room is too bright" lol. Tracking worked for a while but seemed to get wonky after about 20 minutes. Trying again once the sun's going down in a few hours (and I'll likely be investing in blackout curtains, which I've been meaning to do anyway).
Hold down the options button.

The games I've tried just seems to affect the controllers. For example just been playing Rush Of Blood and if I paused it, the cart would orientate itself completely differently. Holding options would just reset where my hands were, along with calibrating it in the options menu
Also things on the border tend to get blurry, eg in cinema mode, I have to tilt my head and not just look at it within the corner of my eye. maybe I have to adjust the eye distance.

It's the fish eye lenses, looking sideways with your eyes is like looking though a milk bottle. The sweet spot is straight ahead, so to look around you have to move your head. It's counter intuitive, but you soon get used to it.


Party Pooper
Latency for what. Actually playing? Or the video going to the capture gear?

for the capture gear, playing the game is 100% fine.

it's mainly because my gameplay feed and my facecam feed are two separate things, and my usual method of just syncing up the audio isn't getting the job done.
Am I the only one who was not impressed with Driveclub VR...like at all? Looked hideous and wasn't really fun at all. I only did the demo and havent opened up the disc yet...thinking about returning TBH


Junior Member
Holy shit at the arkham game. I've always loved the batman games and this one is now up their with just how emersive it is and might be my faverite batman game. You really feel like him and it's what I'm going to showcase all my friends from now on.

plus the kitchen becuase the reactions are to funny ;)
Anyone know if the RE7 Demo is or is going to be VR compatible? Played Kitchen last night and it scared the bejesus out of me, could go for some more of that! Didn't think to try the original demo though. If memory serves there were people playing the demo on PSVR at E3 but I haven't found any reference to it being compatible with the version we can get on PSN


Incredibly Naive
It's the fish eye lenses, looking sideways with your eyes is like looking though a milk bottle. The sweet spot is straight ahead, so to look around you have to move your head. It's counter intuitive, but you soon get used to it.

That's not why, fromy understanding they pack the pixels in the center of the screen and do less as it heads out, so it creates a better pixel density on your focal point. That's one of the reasons the sde is less prominent in psvr.
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