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PlayStation VR Launch Thread: Welcome to The Real World

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My only 2 downers so far are the image quality of the game displaying on the TV. Can barely read the text. Is it supposed to be like that? And all these cables! Are people planning on packing the headset cables away when they aren't using it?

Apart from that, it's overwhelmingly brilliant. It has that NEW console feeling more so than the feeling of going from PS3 to PS4.


I'm hoping we see more games running natively at 90hz or higher because the ghosting and double image from 60fps titles are driving me bananas.

Driveclub being the most noticeable offender.

It almost feels like playing with a slightly less severe form of Vive's reprojection system always on.


I love the driveclub demo personally. no issues with anything. Like I get the graphics aren't that great but I never played the regular drive club. So I can def see myself snatching this at a lower price. Too poor for 40 though. PSVR was my big splurge. haha

Loving the PSVR in general though. Super Hypercube is my fav game so far.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
My only 2 downers so far are the image quality of the game displaying on the TV. Can barely read the text. Is it supposed to be like that? And all these cables! Are people planning on packing the headset cables away when they aren't using it?

Apart from that, it's overwhelmingly brilliant. It has that NEW console feeling more so than the feeling of going from PS3 to PS4.

oh man, count me in on that downside... packing this thing away.. it's basically little plastic instruments nightmares all over again.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Really disappointed by the Job Simulator demo, was looking forward to it since I loved watching let's plays of it on YT (Vive), but man it is simply not the same with the move controllers. Also, something is fucky in this demo, I've tried it like 5 times and 3 out of those had severe issues like the whole world is shaking or moving with my head movement, ugh.

Actually felt sick after playing the demo :| This was on my list to purchase :( and ugh shaky as fuck. Moving my head in this one just didn't agree with me, what you felt /saw sums up my experience.

Not sure if it's just the demo though.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
screen (resolution aside) and lenses are objectively better in PSVR, thanks to sub-pixels and solid lenses. No godrays, screen (resolution aside) is definitely clearer, etc. but as you can see in my post, Vive and OR have noticeably better resolutions.

the best of all tech right now would be the OR/Vive resolution in the PS VR gear.
Do we know if the standard PS4 is using the best picture quality PSVR can produce?
Can PS4Pro yield better results?


Seriously, don't mess with people in VR, that's just ridiculous.

I don't get this sentiment. If a person is willing to go through a horror demo and putting a VR on his/her head that means there is willingness to experience something new, to get closer to the true horror experience. So why not get even closer, at least as close as possible. Unexpected feedback can be brutal. With VR the player is only expecting visuals, but not physical feedback. Of course person should beforehand be asked if he/she is ready for a true horror experience, and if there is a positive nod, then oh yeah, it's party time...

I don't know, I think that curated VR experiences can be out of this world.
Just imagine all the possibilities. No haptic gloves could ever recreate what a knowledgeable and a little bit deranged person could do with syncing physical and olfactory senses coupled with VR visuals.
The headset's max resolution is 1080p. Just pure speculation, but I have a feeling most games aren't hitting that target (since some look better than others in terms of clarity), so games that get patched will look better on the Prov in terms of resolution/clarity and stuff like jaggies. But of course, 1080p is the limitation and simpler games that are already hitting may not see much of an improvement depending on just how they are running right now.

Will be interesting to see what Digital Foundry find when they start looking at VR games, to see things like native resolution, because some games definitely look better / clearer than others. Same when the Pro is out and what difference that makes to the IQ too.


Do we know if the standard PS4 is using the best picture quality PSVR can produce?
Can PS4Pro yield better results?

Well we know Farpoint will be pushing double the pixels on a Pro, so there's room for improvement on a title-by-title basis.
Has anyone tried The Brookhaven Experiment yet? I know it's pretty well reviewed on Vive, and it might be a bit different on PS4 because on Vive it makes full use of room scale stuff. I did see an article by the devs where they say they feel like they did a decent job of dealing with room scale stuff with the limitations of PlayStation VR. I don't get my bundle until tomorrow so I was curious if t was worth considering purchasing. Here is a link to the game on PSN:



Batman is fucking great. The Arkham games have always nailed making you feel like the Dark Knight and in that sense this is Rocksteady's best work yet. The tech they have used throughout the series to completely change a scene when you look away and turn back is so good, works a treat in VR. Some genuine jump scares.

Alumette was very cool, lovely art style and a proper heartbreaker of a story. The PSVR Worlds demo is neat as well, might have to pick that up. Kitchen absolutely scared the shite out of me.

I've bought Until Dawn but haven't played it yet and I think my next two purchases are going to be Job Simulator and Rez. Is there anything else worth picking up right now? Otherwise that should all see me through until Robinson and the Battlefront mission.


I just spent an hour in Job Simulator and holy fuck this is amazing. I can't believe how real it feels even after seeing endless videos and impressions and seeing people try to lean on virtual objects. It still fooled me multiple times. Sparks fly at me and I wince, shit like that. Amazing technology.


Please post impressions, thanks!

Okay so it uses 2 move controllers in VR and uses teleporting to move around. Also for turning you have to press the respective buttons on your move controllers where your thumb is located (if that makes any sense). The goal is to knock stuff over onto the floor in a room because you are a cat.

It's fucking awful though, it just does not feel good in VR. Movement is so weirdly constricted. Just wasted $5.
Okay so it uses 2 move controllers in VR and uses teleporting to move around. Also for turning you have to press the respective buttons on your move controllers where your thumb is located (if that makes any sense). The goal is to knock stuff over onto the floor in a room because you a cat.

It's fucking awful though, it just does not feel good in VR. Movement is so weirdly constricted. Just wasted $5.

That's a bummer. I can understand simplistic gameplay but no moving around is silly.
Well we know Farpoint will be pushing double the pixels on a Pro, so there's room for improvement on a title-by-title basis.

Looks like I'm buying a Pro now. Had no real interest, but if it's going to help improve at least the image quality with the PSVR, then I'm all aboard.


Incredibly Naive
so are half of the demos on the demo disc supposed to be Judy graphics you click on in order to buy the full game?

Lol Judy graphics. Anyways ihad the same question. I wanna try superhypercube and hustle kings. Whats the point of even having that on the disc?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Anybody else experiencing weird "residual VR after effects" after prolonged VR sessions?

I'm noticing that my eyes feel a little bit "off," as if they're not quite focusing on things the same way they did before a one hour or more VR session. I'm also getting a weird sensation of "detachment" from the world, as if I'm not quite all there. It's nothing that's actually impacting my ability to work or do things in the real world, but at the same time, it makes the real world feel less real, if that makes any sense.

I too am getting some of that today after 3 hours in PSVR. I only got 3 hours of sleep so I'm thinking it's just that.

I'm not sure what's happening to me. Is this normal? lol


Man the VR Media player sucks
Literally the only option it has is 360 degree video
No 3D or 180
I've used better VR media players using iOS with Cardboard that had dozens of options than Sony has with their official media player
Am I the only one who was not impressed with Driveclub VR...like at all? Looked hideous and wasn't really fun at all. I only did the demo and havent opened up the disc yet...thinking about returning TBH

Felt the same when i first tried it. Gave the full game a go though and have been really enjoying it, you kind of get used to the bluryness and start to appeciate it more. Multiplayer us really fun too, mics are on for everyone by default and very few people are in parities in vr so that adds to the fun too


Anyone else feel that the PSVR is too tight. I don't even have a big head. The loosening button doesn't seem to do much.

I did notice this. They seem to be tighter than the demo units I tried in BB and GS. I think you just gotta give it time. The strap is bound to loosen a little.


I too am getting some of that today after 3 hours in PSVR. I only got 3 hours of sleep so I'm thinking it's just that.

I'm not sure what's happening to me. Is this normal? lol

It's kind of odd how with things like Oculus, Vive, and PS VR, people can say, with an absolute straight face, "in VR," and this is being dead serious. You really do feel like you've been somewhere once you strap that headset on, and then you've "come back" once you take it off. It's not the same as throwing yourself down on the couch, and wandering around in Witcher III, even though the principle of "getting lost in the world" is the same.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
I bit the bullet and bought Harmonix VR last night. Had too much fun with the dance demo but that might've been because I was drunk.

Now I just need to find a way to get my music on there. Spotify has been my only means of music consumption for a LONG time and I don't have any mp3s:(


For now batman is miles ahead as my most impressive experience. Real sense of scale, intelligent use of move, excellent graphics, compelling universe and a few jump scares. It's an impressive package and I hope many games go this way on VR.

Also (spoiler)
that moment when crocodile jumps in trying to reach you !
damn !


I'm hoping we see more games running natively at 90hz or higher because the ghosting and double image from 60fps titles are driving me bananas.

Driveclub being the most noticeable offender.

It almost feels like playing with a slightly less severe form of Vive's reprojection system always on.

Word? Reprojection on the Vive blows. I can accept it, just not always on. Good to hear that DC isn't as bad as that.

I'm not sure what's happening to me. Is this normal? lol

For some people, yes. And it gets weirder too. Especially dreams or when you have nostalgia or a memory from something then stop and think, "wait, that didn't happen. That was VR!". Lol it's trippy.
Apart from that, it's overwhelmingly brilliant. It has that NEW console feeling more so than the feeling of going from PS3 to PS4.

You took the words right out of my mouth. I could hardly concentrate on my work today, still thinking about being in VR. Amazing stuff. I'll consider this a new console.
I don't see Hatsune Miku VR: Future Live season pass on the NA store. It's on the Japanese and Singapore PSN stores. It's also reported on many gaming sites when I search for it saying it's available for $39.99. Anyone found it?


Apart from that, it's overwhelmingly brilliant. It has that NEW console feeling more so than the feeling of going from PS3 to PS4.

You took the words right out of my mouth. I could hardly concentrate on my work today, still thinking about being in VR. Amazing stuff. I'll consider this a new console.

Yeah, best system launch lineup in years. I've spent so much money since Thursday :-/


Just played Rez (literally for the first time ever) and it blew my fucking mind.

And then after one hour of play I started Area X, I have no words.


I'm happy to see more people than not enjoying VR. Most impressions echo my sentiments the first time I used a Vive. I managed to snag a PSVR, and I'm quite pleased with it. Sony did a better job than I thought capable. (Mainly because of the PS4's limitations.)

I now own a Rift, rather than a Vive, and for the most part, I actually prefer the PSVR HMD. (Cleaner visuals with the optics used and the comfort.) As someone else put it, the resolution of a Rift/Vive HMD + the optics of the PSVR HMD would be sublime.

Anyway, just glad there's a lot of people loving VR. Exciting times ahead.


Seems like places are getting restocked. All of the best buys near me in los angeles have bundle stock for store pickup available now.


Incredibly Naive
Yeah, best system launch lineup in years. I've spent so much money since Thursday :-/

Really think so? Meh the lineup is weak. I will say the newness of vr in general helps crap games be better, but overall I'm starting to run a little low on content. Until dawn has been brilliant, thumper is good, but the vr isn't necessary. Drive club is a bust for me. I loveeeee what I've played of job simulator, but no way I pay 30 dollars for 4 jobs. Also job simulator would be god tier if the move tracking was better.

I'm lacking a fully fledged game for it. I think rigs was supposed to be the game, but I wasn't crazy about the demo. I will try again but the aiming was so lousy.
Is Loading human out in the Eu?
Can't seem to find it on there.

Is gunjack any good?
The low price is tempting me to try it,
But if it's utter crap I'de rather not.


So is the headset itself capable of better resolutions? Like once PS Pro comes out will we see some games have better resolution? Or is it a hardware restriction within the headset itself?

Have a look at Thumper. It's got REALLY clean image quality, and 90fps and definitely feels all the better for it. That's what the headset can pull off and it's really not bad at all. The Pro should help get more games closer to that level of image quality, thanks to super sampling.


Incredibly Naive
Have a look at Thumper. It's got REALLY clean image quality, and 90fps and definitely feels all the better for it. That's what the headset can pull off and it's really not bad at all. The Pro should help get more games closer to that level of image quality, thanks to super sampling.

Thumper looks RIDICULOUS in vr. The one thing I wish they had was a movable camera. In vr I feel too close to the beetle.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Word? Reprojection on the Vive blows. I can accept it, just not always on. Good to hear that DC isn't as bad as that.

For some people, yes. And it gets weirder too. Especially dreams or when you have nostalgia or a memory from something then stop and think, "wait, that didn't happen. That was VR!". Lol it's trippy.

I'm feeling like we are reaching a time and place where things will get hard to explain to our parents.

This is the future that people were scared of.


Got to introduce some family to PSVR tonight and they loved it. They aren't even into gaming normally but were blown away by how immersive it is. My nephew loved the playroom VR platform game. I'll not be surprised if the PSVR sells out for Christmas.

It has left me a bit weary this evening after a few hours on and off. It didn't help as I ended with Here They Lie and it made me feel disoriented. My highlight was the job simulator demo, hilarious. Nearly smashed my glass ceiling light when I threw a paper airplane though lol.
Got my PSVR earlier today, and man it really is an amazing thing. I'll admit that coming home with this thing I had a bit of buyers remorse, but after playing it that pretty much all went away.


Just played Rez (literally for the first time ever) and it blew my fucking mind.

And then after one hour of play I started Area X, I have no words.
Fuck! I forgot to try Rez today at my buddy's place... I never played Rez before and always wanted to. VR must be insane with it!
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