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PlayStation VR Launch Thread: Welcome to The Real World

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PSVR is sooo cool. I have been watching the VR developments for years but hadn't jumped in yet. I still want a Vive but I'm waiting for the games to really pop and for that price I don't think I can jump into version 1 of the tech. But for PSVR I felt it was a good entry point and there were enough games to get me interested. Then the GB stream happened and I got nervous and cancelled my pre-order. But I've been watching threads like this and have been sitting on the fence. I decided to jump in and give it a shot. No technical issues like they had. Not sure why they had issues but it's been great for me. Also I didn't get eye strain from the hour and half session that I got from the 5 minute Eve Valkyrie Best Buy demo I did this summer. Not sure what changed.

Just off the demo disk it's got great stuff. Especially Thumper. And then I booted up Rex infinite. I've loved this game since I picked it up for PS2 and it's still amazing. And the added VR support is amazing.

The tech is still early of course but I can't wait to see where things go after a couple of iterations. As a long time gamer I see this in a similar way as to when games in 3D first started coming out and everyone was still learning. The engines were rough but the creativity was crazy fun. Just the depths water demo made me say wow several times.

Downloading Batman VR now. Talk about a dream come true. I get to be Batman!

And man I hope the battlefront VR demo is great. Another dream to be an x-wing pilot in VR


Really think so? Meh the lineup is weak. I will say the newness of vr in general helps crap games be better, but overall I'm starting to run a little low on content. Until dawn has been brilliant, thumper is good, but the vr isn't necessary. Drive club is a bust for me. I loveeeee what I've played of job simulator, but no way I pay 30 dollars for 4 jobs. Also job simulator would be god tier if the move tracking was better.

I'm lacking a fully fledged game for it. I think rigs was supposed to be the game, but I wasn't crazy about the demo. I will try again but the aiming was so lousy.

I see what you're saying but Headmaster and Tumble VR are great and ably supported by Batman, and the Playroom. Rez and Wayward Sky are really out of the top drawer though. Everyone knows what Rez is largely and it lived up to the expectation (area x exceeded them) for me, but Wayward Sky kinda came out of nowhere for me and has blown me away.
I was just trying this out at Best Buy. I had a problem where It seemed like things wouldn't focus. If I closed one eye everything looked clear, but otherwise most everything was blurry. Is this likely a set-up problem, a common problem, or a sign that my eyes just hate focusing on the images that close?


I was just trying this out at Best Buy. I had a problem where It seemed like things wouldn't focus. If I closed one eye everything looked clear, but otherwise most everything was blurry. Is this likely a set-up problem, a common problem, or a sign that my eyes just hate focusing on the images that close?

The distance between your eyes might be very different to how it was setup in the store. The software does allow you to customise this to yourself but it's buried away in a device setup menu.


I got over my VR sickness with rigs and now really enjoying it. Wow what a cool game. Seems quite difficult to get into online matches though...
The distance between your eyes might be very different to how it was setup in the store. The software does allow you to customise this to yourself but it's buried away in a device setup menu.

Awesome, thanks for the info! It seemed pretty neat otherwise, but I thought the batman demo I did was pretty lame.


Incredibly Naive
I was just trying this out at Best Buy. I had a problem where It seemed like things wouldn't focus. If I closed one eye everything looked clear, but otherwise most everything was blurry. Is this likely a set-up problem, a common problem, or a sign that my eyes just hate focusing on the images that close?

Likely a setup issue. The sweet spot is different for everyone. My gf has a little trouble getting everything in to place once in a while, but ive got it down to a science at this point.

I see what you're saying but Headmaster and Tumble VR are great and ably supported by Batman, and the Playroom. Rez and Wayward Sky are really out of the top drawer though. Everyone knows what Rez is largely and it lived up to the expectation (area x exceeded them) for me, but Wayward Sky kinda came out of nowhere for me and has blown me away.

Tumble is a lousy game imo and it's ancient. The move tech also isnt great for it given the weird flickering and judder. Headmaster I still have to try, but that more seems like a smaller time killer, which I'm cool with since vr makes stuff like that fun right now. Rez I wasn't blown away by, it was neat don't get me wrong but I've already experienced Rez and it's super short as ut us. Batman from all accounts is about an hour long. I looove playroom but that's more of a party game. I'll have to try wayward sky you're the second person to say it's great.

All that being said you kind of proved my point of view. I think the vast majority of the games are short experiences. The longer full fledged games are really dcvr and rigs, but I wasn't crazy about either. Don't get me wrong I still love my vr, I just think the content-while good for now since vr is still a new amazing experience- is meager overall. Can't wait for re7 and far point.


I got over my VR sickness with rigs and now really enjoying it. Wow what a cool game. Seems quite difficult to get into online matches though...

I bet online is gonna be filled with mid-match quits as people get sick.

I really want to like RIGS, but the demo made me feel awful... hopefully I can get used to it.


I bet online is gonna be filled with mid-match quits as people get sick.

I really want to like RIGS, but the demo made me feel awful... hopefully I can get used to it.

Yeah that's what i thought haha. I played for an hour or so online and only had 2 people drop out though!

I played it yesterday for around 30 minutes and it made me feel DREADFUL. I felt like i'd had 3 or 4 beers. My head was light and i couldn't concentrate on anything, and the world was swimming a little around me. Not a good feeling at all. Decided to try it again today - had another 20 minute session and felt a fine. Had a 6 hour ish break to go to work, then came home and played some more. Don't feel sick today

So i'd fully recommend you give your head a rest and try the demo again tomorrow. You might feel okay now that you're a bit more used to it
I bet online is gonna be filled with mid-match quits as people get sick.

I really want to like RIGS, but the demo made me feel awful... hopefully I can get used to it.

Haha agreed. I literally just did that on EVE Valkryie. Did a roll and felt real sick and closed my eyes and took off the headset and turned everything off.


I'm feeling like we are reaching a time and place where things will get hard to explain to our parents.

This is the future that people were scared of.

True indeed. But what are ya gonna do? Fear the digital word or jump behind the counter and jumbo-size virtual burritos to throw at floating robots? Yeah, that's what I thought.


Damn, my brother just got really fucked up from RIGS. He was just in the training area jumping around for a few minutes and he's been out of commission for 20+ minutes from it. He just went to go lay down.

Meanwhile, I'm blasting around in it having a great time on his brand new PSVR. Just played the first botmatch for the campaign and it was so fucking cool. I just feel awful that he's so physically ill from it that he had to leave the room and lay on a bed...


How is EVE Gunjack? I might bite for that price.

I bought it, works really well in VR. Uses headtracking to aim. You are essentially in a big stationary turret and playing sort of a VR space invaders. Very barebones but worth it for that price imo. It's small but good quality.
Fuck! I forgot to try Rez today at my buddy's place... I never played Rez before and always wanted to. VR must be insane with it!

It was my first experience with the game, though having known about it forever. It was crazy and really fun to play in VR. I still haven't played long enough to unlock Area X though, which I imagine is even better.
No motion sickness here! I certainly feel a sense of motion, especially the amazing first rollercoaster drop in Until Dawn. Everything is working so swimmingly well, and after hearing so many negatives maybe my expectations were tempered, but I am absolutely floored by everything. At this point, I would give every game I've played an A+ and I'm being totally serious. Been gaming since the Atari days and nothing prepared me for this. Game changing for sure. Maybe I'll do some more in-depth impressions, but really it is REALLY hard for me to be negative about anything, when I can fucking turn my head, look behind me, and have the robot spectators start cheering. It's almost an uncanny valley thing, and the only thing that makes me sick is that everyone can't experience this. Inviting everyone I know over, family, friends. Feels more like a new console launch than any console launch for me since N64.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
May I recommend the Eye distance calibration and increasing the the Headsets brightness
Guys, I am so excited. I spent two days with my GF just playing the demo disc and all of it's content and we are so satisfied. A couple of weeks ago I already preordered Driveclub for the discount price and today I impulse bought RIGS. And then we went back to the demo disc again just because we are still not done experiencing all these titles.

This is just the best gaming experience in decades, miles better than switching from PS3 to PS4.

I believe it is indeed the future of gaming right here, but that could also just be me.


How do you guys do the eye calibration? Is that from the menu? I can see brightness setting, but no calibration
I was just trying this out at Best Buy. I had a problem where It seemed like things wouldn't focus. If I closed one eye everything looked clear, but otherwise most everything was blurry. Is this likely a set-up problem, a common problem, or a sign that my eyes just hate focusing on the images that close?

I have the exact same issue. Everything seems out of focus, but closing one eye makes it look crystal clear. Really wish I could figure out what's causing that. I don't wear glasses and my normal vision is good
I know I'm probably LTTP at this point but go play PlayRoom VR people! Clearly a lot of love went into this and the platformer level makes me think what a Mario VR game could be.
The distance between your eyes might be very different to how it was setup in the store. The software does allow you to customise this to yourself but it's buried away in a device setup menu.

That doesn't seem to change anything. At least not really noticeable. I wonder if there's a way to force it to different calibrations, maybe I need a more extreme change


Had my first spell of feeling unwell at the end of the first day. Played part one of Scavenger Odyssey, didn't feel great afterwards but wasn't too sure.

But I was so confident, cocky even that VR couldn't make me sick, so I jumped into the Here They Lie demo. It was unpleasant, and after it I didn't feel right. I was nervous about getting sick as much as actually feeling sick, and had to chill out for a while. But I felt better within 30 minutes or so.

I might try these analogue controlled games again, but for now I think I'll focus on the more static/cockpit games.


I use bifocals glasses for distance and to read up close, does the PS VR let's you use the headset with glasses or can I take off my glasses and adjust the headset to my eyes?


I'm a little bummed out. So I'm in Brazil, my PSN account is Brazilian, I only download games, and have 125 games in my collection. I bought a PSVR in the states which my friend is bringing me soon. Problem is, most of these games are digital only and they won't be on the Brazilian PSN store for download until March next year when the PSVR comes out here ;(

There are four games on the store here now that can be played without VR: Thumper (will get), Rez Infinite (will get), Bound and 100 Ft Robot Golf. And in the states only a few games are available on disk on Amazon: Batman (bought it), Rush of Blood (bought it), Battlezone, RIgs, Eve, Worlds, and Drive Club. So no Super Hypercube for me until March. :sob sob


I use bifocals glasses for distance and to read up close, does the PS VR let's you use the headset with glasses or can I take off my glasses and adjust the headset to my eyes?

I can wear my glasses comfortably with the headset on.

i'm nearsighted but my prescription isn't very strong (-1.5 in each eye) and i don't see much difference between glasses on and off. maybe because i can move the lenses closer when my glasses are off but i'm not aware of any adjustments you can make in that regard.


Between Batman, Thumper, Rez, and Until dawn. This is worth every single penny. Dayum. Glad I didn't cancel my pre order..


I want to try PSVR already, but sadly it is not coming officially to Peru through Sony and the retailers bringing it see charging 2600 Soles, roughly $800. Fuck no lol.


I've been playing it off and on today and came away very impressed. The graphical fidelity was about what I expected, better in some games and worse in others but overall pretty good, all things considered. Definitely good enough to trick your brain that you are in the space. The first thing I did was the underwater demo in PS Worlds. It was a pretty good "Welcome to VR" thing since it eases you into it. I kept fighting the urge to hold on to the cage is it it was decending, so it was pretty immersive. :p

I've tried mostly demos, but I did complete Batman which is awesome, especially if you are a fan of the series. Once you settle in you really think you are there. I was looking at a postcard in game and accidentally dropped it and was able to catch it in mid air before it hit the ground. Sounds minor but it was as intuitive as reaching out trying to catch something, I just did it instinctually, pretty cool.

Playroom VR is a ton of fun. I played through each game with my son and we had a blast. Highly recommended if you want to play with others since most of the games require 2 players and above.

I've never been motion sick my entire life, and nothing I did in VR caused me to be. There's been a few times where it got wonky, like one time my son walked past me, obscuring the camera and the sensation felt like a stronger version of when the 3D "breaks" when you are playing a 3DS game with the 3D on but I was fine immediately after it happened. I'd say it played as it should the majority of the time although the motion control judder people have talked about with the Move controllers does happen.

Overall I'm pretty happy with it. I still have plenty to try as I haven't even played Rez Infinite or Eve Valkyrie.


May I recommend the Eye distance calibration and increasing the the Headsets brightness

Increase? For me it was at max? I considered turning it down!

is the image the headset gives us 3D? i guess i don't really get it. does it work like the 3DS?

Yes. Try a cockpit game and you'll really see the depth. Or try watching a video on vrideo and you'll see what 2d in vr looks like
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