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PlayStation VR Launch Thread: Welcome to The Real World

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Incredibly Naive
I tried a bunch of things, and most were great. Thumper, Ocean descent, Until Dawn, Kitchen, all really incredible.

Batman looks great, but I noticed some pretty irritating tracking issues on it when I would look to a side, or lean in any direction. In fact, I've noticed that tracking in general wasn't as good as it was this morning, when I tried looking around in Playroom platformer which I played in the morning. I have no idea what happened. Even exiting Playroom, I noticed that the main PS4 UI was acting a bit twitchy in the VR which never happened before.

I worry that I messed things up when I calibrated the headset lights. Or maybe now that the room is darker in the evening, tracking doesn't work as well (which would be weird and counter intuitive). Is there a way to reset the headset lights calibration to a factory default?

Had some weird distortion tonight it was all wobbly. Got a little bit of sickness, but nothing too bad. Weird it feels like my screen is still doing it somewhat even after taking the headset off lol. I heard somewhere that a full power cycle makes a difference, like a ps4 waking up from rest mode doesn't do as well for whatever reason. Not sure if there's any truth to it, but it can't hurt I suppose.
Playroom VR platformer is legit. They need to turn it into a full game.
I'm glad it's being recieved so well because I still remember people raging on about how VR is apearently just a gimick for platformers back when Luckys tale got revealed.
VR actually adds a lot to platformers. Hell, it adds something to everything, I'd go so far as to say that it's the same kind of leap as going from black and white to colour tv.

I really need to try that thing.

Yeah. Wayward Sky is not a platformer but it convinced me of this too. And it's art style was perfect for virtually blocking any of the current tradeoffs of these headsets/power.


Playroom VR platformer is legit. They need to turn it into a full game.
I'm glad it's being recieved so well because I still remember people raging on about how VR is apearently just a gimick for platformers back when Luckys tale got revealed.
VR actually adds a lot to platformers.

So glad I randomly chose to play this first, that memory will stay with me for a long time.

My son loves the platformer. He's 5 and the only experience of platformers he has is Knack (a game he's played through on my save as Diamond Knack countless times, the game that got taught him how to use a controller age 2-3). Knack, in VR, would be immense - literally. On the TV you never really get a feel for how Knack grows in scale as he's always pretty much the same size on screen, just larger vs everything else. Having looked up at that green monster in Playroom (in the capsule room), we're both praying for Knack VR and a real chance to see BIG KNACK
haha like that ever has a chance of being a thing, we can dream!


Is there any other Resident Evil demo besides The Kitchen? I've thought that Beginning Hour supposed to work with VR but it only lunch in cinema mode (I'm sure that they have been showing it to public on some trade fairs)

//sorry if already explained


I'll also say this about job simulator. It's a real tease, because moving around and being able to grab and throw things is really incredible. It sucks that the move just dances around so much though. Are there any suggestions on how to make it work better? As I said about my ps3 experience with move, the drift and constant recalibration really killed it forme. Here it doesn't kill it for me because the headset tracks great, but the hand tracking issues are significant.

Try moving the camera (from below to above the tv or vice versa), getting closer to the camera or moving it closer to you, turning off the tv itself (in case light from that is reflecting on something), turning off room lights, make sure you don't have mirrors or reflective surfaces behind/near you, cover any obviously reflective surfaces.

I myself moved the camera from above to below the tv, turned off the tv and room lights and the tracking went from a move controller that was moving back and forth of its own accord on the VR screen (seemingly by 2 to 3 inches just like Giant Bomb had) to a move controller that was almost static (drifting a couple millimeters at most).


Incredibly Naive
Going to post this here as well- I had done the more in depth lights calibration through the setup menu, but I held off on doing the eye distance adjustment. I can't confirm it was that adjustment, but right after doing that I booted up rush of blood and was absolutely blown away by how much it popped. Again it had been a few hours since I had put it on, but my reaction was similar to the first time I booted it up and it was brand new all over again. I highly recommend giving it a shot if you haven't!

Is there any other Resident Evil demo besides The Kitchen? I've thought that Beginning Hour supposed to work with VR but it only lunch in cinema mode (I'm sure that they have been showing it to public on some trade fairs)

//sorry if already explained

No unfrotunately just kitchen for now. Yeah it's been shown at trade shows, but apparently that demo needs some serious tweaking for nausea purposes atm. I might be making this up, but I could've sworn they had hinted at bringing a patch to the demo to test it.


I can't believe how much I'm loving PSVR. I can't remember the last time I've tried something that feels like there's so much potential here. But I'm apprehensive also because I imagine it's hard to sell something that you have to try first, I can't see how you market this.
The Kitchen demo shows that PSVR is perfect for horror and I can't wait to see what comes. My not issues are the dual shock jitter but I'm working on improving that and I can't purchase the Driveclub season pass offer even though the season pass shows as purchased.


how are folk dealing with drifting in games? I press the options button (on some games) it doesn't seem to do anything - I exit the game - reset the view , go back in and it's still off...am I missing something? Is this just because they are demos - it's only happened for my son in rush (I had no issues) and my daughter for DC (again, I had no issues)


Incredibly Naive
Try moving the camera (from below to above the tv or vice versa), getting closer to the camera or moving it closer to you, turning off the tv itself (in case light from that is reflecting on something), turning off room lights, make sure you don't have mirrors or reflective surfaces behind/near you, cover any obviously reflective surfaces.

I myself moved the camera from above to below the tv, turned off the tv and room lights and the tracking went from a move controller that was moving back and forth of its own accord on the VR screen (seemingly by 2 to 3 inches just like Giant Bomb had) to a move controller that was almost static (drifting a couple millimeters at most).

I'll give that a try tomorrow thanks for the tips.

While I'm at it, is there an option like on the ps3 where you can disable something in the controllers that supposedly fixed drift for a ton of people?


how are folk dealing with drifting in games? I press the options button (on some games) it doesn't seem to do anything - I exit the game - reset the view , go back in and it's still off...am I missing something? Is this just because they are demos - it's only happened for my son in rush (I had no issues) and my daughter for DC (again, I had no issues)

What's drifting?
I just NEED a full game of that Playroom platformer. So amazing. Feels great to play and shows perfectly the potential for hidden things and new gameplay VR can bring to any genre. I wish I had figured out how to
move the propeller platform
though, must have missed something obvious.

Tracking is better on full setup (move) stuff when I remember I should move a little more slowly. Stops the drifting in and out mostly.


What the hell are these video apps. is it the headset resolution limitation or are these all just super shitty quality streams?


What's drifting?

In both examples they have (slowly) been turning more and more to the left to the point they are almost at right-angle to the TV - when my son was playing rush he was still aiming at the TV but was facing to the left of it.

I tried centering them and pressing the options button but no joy, the only way to resolve was restarting the demo (that I could see anyway)


Rigs is seriously the best launch game of this thing alongside Batman. My gosh, these two titles just kill it for me. Both have the amount of polish you'd expect from a AAA title.

Rigs in particular just does so well with the feeling of being an athlete in this futuristic league. And the touchdowns and such are just the best feeling ever.

I think the AI being pretty good has to do with it as well. Haven't played online yet but I can't wait!

I'm using right stick for turning with absolute max sensitivity and I'm surprised I'm fine. No sickness whatsoever.

The game just has so much to do, so many unlocks, challenges, etc

Don't let the tutorial put you off guys. Give Rigs even just an hour of your time and you'll end up loving it.

Have to agree with this.

RIGS is the best by a large margin for me. I've only been playing offline but I'm having such a good time.
I have not bought my PSVR yet and I am getting the Pro. I have not followed stuff very much over the last month or so, has Sony said what advantages using the Pro with PSVR entails?

I'm expecting at least native res (some games definitely look upscaled like DC) and much better AA, which honestly will be a massive improvement - and that's pretty much all they said.


Junior Member
The PSVR is a gaming revolution, and that's not hyperbole. This is the first time since I was a kid where I'm actually delighted by video games again. The Playroom VR platformer had me grinning from ear to ear. I want a full game like that! And SUPERHYPERCUBE is a masterpiece. I love this system. I can't wait for more titles to be released.


In both examples they have (slowly) been turning more and more to the left to the point they are almost at right-angle to the TV - when my son was playing rush he was still aiming at the TV but was facing to the left of it.

I tried centering them and pressing the options button but no joy, the only way to resolve was restarting the demo (that I could see anyway)

Okey so the 'virtual' screen is moving kinda?


how are folk dealing with drifting in games? I press the options button (on some games) it doesn't seem to do anything - I exit the game - reset the view , go back in and it's still off...am I missing something? Is this just because they are demos - it's only happened for my son in rush (I had no issues) and my daughter for DC (again, I had no issues)

Yeah I had that last night on VR Worlds. The centre shifted to my right and down a bit. I tried repositioning it on the PS home screen which was fine anyway. Had to just reboot the game in the end.
I actually find it more comfortable to play with the back of the HDM "halo" or what have you more at the top of the skull with the front visor angled downward over my face. For some reason tonight when I tried to wear it with the back strap at the base of my skull like you are supposed to, I started getting a little nauseous. Weird. It's probably cause I only had like 2 hours sleep last night.


Played the Heist game on VR Worlds and wow, the training room demo really doesn't do this game any justice. The gameplay sections are solid, but what really struck me was the sense of presence in the pub. It's hard to put it into words because there is no single wow- factor, but just a combination of incredible touches which by themselves are inconspicuous but when combined, made my real surroundings just completely fade away. I wasn't in my living room for those 5 minutes.

  • Picking up a virtual cigar, lighting it and puffing out smoke
  • The 360 audio when picking up the mobile phone off the table and holding it to my ear
  • The NPC's keeping eye contact with you, even when you move your head around.
  • Feeling like if I reached out I could touch things, leaning back when NPC's invaded my personal space.
  • Being able to put my face right down on the table and seeing all the blemishes in the woodwork.
I've never even been a fan of cut scenes, but being in them - and being able to interact within the narrative is a complete game-changer.

VR needs to be a thing, it needs to take off. I'm done with this medium if I have to wait another 10-15 years to play more stuff like this. I can't even imagine what the 2nd and 3rd gen experiences will be like. For folk still on the fence, I'd say jump in - even this first gen is the real deal and if you give a flying fuck about videogames, you should be part of this.
Fucking hell, you guys weren't kidding about Playroom VR's platformer, mind blowing, and so hard to describe why.

I haven't tried it yet. Playroom VR was the first game I tried, but I only played the mini bots thing before moving on to the demo disc. Looking forward to it, but struggling to find the time at the moment. I've been up until 1am on PSVR the last two nights, but there's still a load of content I haven't touched.

How is everyone dealing with the clutter? I've been unplugging the long cable from the PU and headset and coiling it up when I'm finished, then piling the headset and headphones on my subwoofer. I think I'm going to go ahead and get a glass mannequin head...
Fucking hell, you guys weren't kidding about Playroom VR's platformer, mind blowing, and so hard to describe why.

It reminds me of when I first played super Mario 64. It really needs to be expanded upon and made into a fully fledged game.

Anyone experienced a loss of the main screen while using vr yet? My son was playing and I was helping him by telling him what to do while watching the to screen. Not sure what happened but the to screen lost its image but i could still hear everything going on. I pressed the ps button to go back to the main menu and it was still the same. It only fixed when I restarted the console.
Only happened the once and I'm not sure if it's the tv, the console, the vr unit or the kinivo I'm using.


Had a barrel of fun with the family on the saloon shooter and ghost hunt game in playroom.

I did get annoyed at one point though when they were all shouting "there, in the window" thanks guys, there's only like 8 windows!

The eldest (8) loves it, I've been limiting her time to short bursts but she was absolutely amazed, the missus says she just can't handle it, although normal 3D can disorient her so no wonder VR does, I've tried convincing her to try it a few minutes at a time in different games but she's not interested.

I've played so much stuff but not bought a single game yet, although I'm tempted to get batman based on the things posted here.


Played the Heist game on VR Worlds and wow, the training room demo really doesn't do this game any justice. The gameplay sections are solid, but what really struck me was the sense of presence in the pub. It's hard to put it into words because there is no single wow- factor, but just a combination of incredible touches which by themselves are inconspicuous but when combined, made my real surroundings just completely fade away. I wasn't in my living room for those 5 minutes.

  • Picking up a virtual cigar, lighting it and puffing out smoke
  • The 360 audio when picking up the mobile phone off the table and holding it to my ear
  • The NPC's keeping eye contact with you, even when you move your head around.
  • Feeling like if I reached out I could touch things, leaning back when NPC's invaded my personal space.
  • Being able to put my face right down on the table and seeing all the blemishes in the woodwork.
I've never even been a fan of cut scenes, but being in them - and being able to interact within the narrative is a complete game-changer.

VR needs to be a thing, it needs to take off. I'm done with this medium if I have to wait another 10-15 years to play more stuff like this.

Absolutely agree, that pub scene and the van chase were mental. I was just picking stuff off the table and putting it in the bag to my right. Felt real. It has left me a bit spun out, looking at my real phone for instance.

In the van chase scene I opened the door and looked out behind us. Had a complete geek overload.


Played the Heist game on VR Worlds and wow, the training room demo really doesn't do this game any justice. The gameplay sections are solid, but what really struck me was the sense of presence in the pub. It's hard to put it into words because there is no single wow- factor, but just a combination of incredible touches which by themselves are inconspicuous but when combined, made my real surroundings just completely fade away. I wasn't in my living room for those 5 minutes.

  • Picking up a virtual cigar, lighting it and puffing out smoke
  • The 360 audio when picking up the mobile phone off the table and holding it to my ear
  • The NPC's keeping eye contact with you, even when you move your head around.
  • Feeling like if I reached out I could touch things, leaning back when NPC's invaded my personal space.
  • Being able to put my face right down on the table and seeing all the blemishes in the woodwork.
I've never even been a fan of cut scenes, but being in them - and being able to interact within the narrative is a complete game-changer.

VR needs to be a thing, it needs to take off. I'm done with this medium if I have to wait another 10-15 years to play more stuff like this. I can't even imagine what the 2nd and 3rd gen experiences will be like. For folk still on the fence, I'd say jump in - even this first gen is the real deal and if you give a flying fuck about videogames, you should be part of this.
Yep fantastic stuff want to see a whole game like this.


Playing Bound. It's incredible too.

It has made me think though - I want an old school style Tomb Raider with these camera and movement controls. That would be incredible.


Yes looking out the passenger door in the van (like actually opening) was like another "Mario 64" moment.

Btw is there an EVE Valkyrie OT yet?

EDIT: Some of the games from PSVR Worlds need to have expanded full games to continue the story. Especially Scavenger's Odyssey and The Heist. I guess The Deep whatever undersea thing could become a sort of Uncharted like tale.

They feel like those shorts that you watch that actually have interesting stories, but you know they arent going anywhere because their just shorts.
Ok the cat and mouse game is hilarious with two or more kids as mice.
The cat looked behind him and was like, whoa look at this kitchen! and the mice started running around grabbing all the cheese I was dying..


Ah CEX.. £500 for the headset. On the positive side they'll give you £420 cash for it. Didn't think stocks were that low to justify the markup


Ah CEX.. £500 for the headset. On the positive side they'll give you £420 cash for it. Didn't think stocks were that low to justify the markup

They always do it and hope people bite. XB1's were plentiful at launch but they still had a markup.


About £50?

I thought you can only use wired with the VR?

If you want the positional audio it does have to be wired and plug in to the little on/off box on the headset cable.

I'd find some good IEM's (in ear monitors) as my over the ear cans get hung up on the headet's band and feel really unweildy.


Any recommendations for reasonably priced headphones?

These free earphones are pants and keep falling out.

I'm using the Gold Wireless Headset with one of these:


It's awesome because the cable is of a perfect length so you don't even notice it, plus the headphones don't need battery when running 3D sound.

Highly recommended


If you want the positional audio it does have to be wired and plug in to the little on/off box on the headset cable.

I'd find some good IEM's (in ear monitors) as my over the ear cans get hung up on the headet's band and feel really unweildy.

How far away from the headset is this "little on/off box"?
I finally got around to trying Driveclub VR last night and its a mixed bag. The gameplay itself, car handling ect is great, just like the standard game but graphics really take a hit. Don't get me wrong, I knew running higher framerate and 3D, things would need to be toned down but its the lack of AA that really hurts it more than anything,

If the Pro patch can fix the AA with a higher native resolution + downsampling, then I think it will look pretty decent. I mean the cars look pretty good up close and inside them, its just as the view goes out everything becomes really jaggy and it makes it look a lot worse than it really is.

AA is a must for VR games, especially if they go for a realistic graphical style. I think this is where the Pro will benefit PSVR the most.


I'm using the Gold Wireless Headset with one of these:


It's awesome because the cable is of a perfect length so you don't even notice it, plus the headphones don't need battery when running 3D sound.

Highly recommended

As in PS official wireless headset? So you can use wireless wired too? Does that still give the 3D audio?

Sorry I'm a noob with headphone tech.
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