Guys, guys, guys: SPORTS BAR VR IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Learn from me: It initially looks like you can't get past step 2/5 of the tutorial where it tells you where to stand. Step 1 has a clearly defined end to it which then moves you on to step 2. Step 2 doesn't have that, though, so I was stepping in and out of the circle a gazillion times thinking I was doing something wrong or the game was fucked. Turns out that you have to manually move that screen on. To do this, select the menu with triangle on one of your moves and then point at the arrow and hit the T button to move on.)
It's so much fun just messing around with pool balls and throwing darts. The air hockey is awesome. Didn't actually play a proper game of pool as mucking about was so much fun.
Regarding the tracking issues I'd heard about, I didn't have any as long as I didn't turn 180 degrees from the camera. There's a thing called 'Hulk Mode' which allows you to turn without moving in real life. I suggest doing this if you're having trouble lining stuff up.
I tried to put my hand on the table so often. Instinct.
(Learn from me: It initially looks like you can't get past step 2/5 of the tutorial where it tells you where to stand. Step 1 has a clearly defined end to it which then moves you on to step 2. Step 2 doesn't have that, though, so I was stepping in and out of the circle a gazillion times thinking I was doing something wrong or the game was fucked. Turns out that you have to manually move that screen on. To do this, select the menu with triangle on one of your moves and then point at the arrow and hit the T button to move on.)
It's so much fun just messing around with pool balls and throwing darts. The air hockey is awesome. Didn't actually play a proper game of pool as mucking about was so much fun.
Regarding the tracking issues I'd heard about, I didn't have any as long as I didn't turn 180 degrees from the camera. There's a thing called 'Hulk Mode' which allows you to turn without moving in real life. I suggest doing this if you're having trouble lining stuff up.
I tried to put my hand on the table so often. Instinct.