If anyone is browsing this thread, and are without a PSVR, I just want to give the heads up that I am selling mine. Give me a PM if you are interested 
Thanks for the reply. Even used in Japan is like 500 US I think because of no stock, so importing new would still be way cheaper.If importing from US price is not far away from used in Japan, just get a new one. There's a lot of discount for new PSVR in US almost every month.
But if used is really much cheaper and more convenient, I would say it's fine as long as the condition is really good. Since everyone sweat a lot in the headset and strapped the device onto their oily face, you might want to clean it thoroughly, good thing is you can easily peel off the rubber and wash it as clean as possible.
And this is probably the oiliest part of the rubber (which is part of the rubber from image above.
But the forehead part of the headset can't be removed easily, so just use a wet wipe or something.
*all images are from google
In other news, RIGS keeps being the most amazing game I have ever played (althought still makes me feel sick after a few hours)
Thanks for the info! Really glad Move support is coming.
I always prefer Move over DS4.
I thought Arizona Sunshine worked really well with Move. Upcoming Solus Project supporting 2 Move is wonderful.
We are only weeks away from letting you play the shipwreck section of Titanic VR.
I played London Heist, and while it was nice, it was also very short. On the other hand, Micky's Shooting Gallery was amazingsauce. Are there any more games like it? Or even London Heist.
In other news, RIGS keeps being the most amazing game I have ever played (althought still makes me feel sick after a few hours)
Titanic VR is coming along nicely.
Shipwreck section is only on PC but the final experience will be on PS VR.
Got a review code for Radial-G which is out tomorrow. Looking forward to blasting through it today.
It's out tomorrow? I thought it was the 19th?
I'm a big Wipeout fan and was disappointed there was no PSVR support in Omega Collection. Not sure whether to get Radial-G or wait for Redout (which is out later this year?)
It's out in the EU today. Here's my review for what it's worth. Online community seems to be dead from day one. https://www.flickeringmyth.com/2017/09/video-game-review-radial-g-racing-revolved/
Arizona Sunshine, Farpoint, Until Dawn Rush of Blood, etc etc etc...........
Has the RIGS online community grown since the first?
Just a DualShock4 will work, no Move support whatsoever. Should be ok, but you'll miss out on immersion and precise aiming. (No pun intended)can I use move controller and a DS4? Or something like that?
Thanks! I understand that Farpoint only works with the gun add-on. If I don't have it, can I use move controller and a DS4? Or something like that?
$40 for VR Karts? Seriously? What a cash grab.Two launch trailers today:
Bloody Zombies
VR Karts
Yeah, but no Pro support means I'll skip that one.Upcoming Solus Project supporting 2 Move is wonderful.
$40 for VR Karts? Seriously? What a cash grab.
Game is poorly rated, $15 on Steam, cheaper on GearVR, and I didn't like what I played of it. At all.
Rigs is fantastic. Such a shame Sony killed it
How did people like Dirt VR? Im a racing game fan, but as a new PSVR owner, have only tried the Driveclub demo. Luckily no motion sickness so far.
Its great. Well worth it. Going flat out in Finland with the 205 T16 is amazing.
Fast pace VR space action shooter...
.@stevecrse & @AndiSPunkt adjusting the player-height in virtual reality for the #psvr version of ChromaGun
Welcome to ChromaTecs test lab! Youre here to test our newest, state-of-the-art military-grade color-technology: The ChromaGun (patent pending)! Use it to try and solve our meticulously designed test chambers. The basic principle is as easy as applying it is complex: Exit the chambers via the exit doors. But be weary of the WorkerDroids in charge of maintaining the chambers. Theyre not exactly what you and I would call human friendly.
Use the ChromaGun to colorize walls and WorkerDroids to progress in the chambers. WorkerDroids are attracted to walls of the same color. Using that mechanic, try to reach the exit door of each chamber. Some doors are more complicated to use than others: They can only be opened using door triggers and only stay open as long as the triggers are occupied.
No unfortunatly we are still waiting to here back from sony , but the build is all done and dusted with aim support, so its q4 2017 atm
How many people here playing Sparc?
Just watched a review on YT that couldn't praise it enough, and now I'm super tempted.
So want to get into this game but unfortunately I got reports from people in my region that the game has high latency, which turned me off immediately. South East Asia.
EVE Valkyrie was unplayable for me, and from what I've heard, playing SPARC in SEA is similar experience where you throw a ball, it will take one sec for it to launch and some rubberbanding.
Although the dev said it works well for up to 500ms latency, connecting from SEA is around 200-300ms. Their main servers are in EU/US, not sure about oceanic but since it's launched there, most likely will work fine.
Yep. Same for me. Rocket League is frustrating with 200-300. This is basically my life in every online indie games. Either there's an Asia server with zero people, or its high latency.Disappointing. I can't play rocket league with 200-300, I can't imagine this being more playable when I'm directly interacting with the ball/game. But maybe they will expand their servers in future. Surprised they wouldn't have servers in Asia though.
Trophies are up for PixelJunk VR Dead Hungry, meaning it shouldn't be long until it launches.
Edit: trophies for Baskhead Training are up too.
It'll be released with a bakery update.
Anyone? pretty please? :|I started up Special Delivery for the first time and it didn't recognize my Aim controller. It seems to be either Move or DualShock4 now, what am I doing wrong?![]()
Anyone? pretty please? :|
Forgive them for they know not what they do.
Manifest 99
Weird PSVR game lol.
Storyline and gameplay elements intertwine to great effect. The story has a much deeper meaning than just a few travellers hitching a train ride – which VRFocus isn't going to spoil here – safe to say that's it pulls on the heart strings as a memorable VR experience. If you enjoy short VR animations then Manifest 99 is up there with some of the best. It provides a strong, engaging storyline with a nice level of controllability that's not often seen, great for VR enthusiasts as well as a prefect experience for VR first timers.
Only the Aim was connected.Did you started up the game with the Aim Controller connected already or did you turned in on in game?
GT Sport PSVR mode confirmed detail:
1:1 offline race (AI)
More than 135 cars and 27 new and classic tracks across Japan to American.
Seems like it's almost every single tracks and cars. There are some cars that are very similar, so I guess they decided to skip it? Otherwise, it's a pretty solid mode.
GT Sport PSVR mode confirmed detail:
1:1 offline race (AI)
More than 135 cars and 27 new and classic tracks across Japan to American.
Seems like it's almost every single tracks and cars. There are some cars that are very similar, so I guess they decided to skip it? Otherwise, it's a pretty solid mode.
Herocade is finally coming to EU stores on 26th September for 11.99.
It has been released. $5.99 (and I notice it's not listed on the first page here).
5/5 from VRFocus:
That's what I thought too. The footage someone posted of them playing in PSVR had more than one other car on the track.I thought we could race more than one car in GT PSVR.....