Who confirmed it is for PS3?
That FamousMortimer post? What's the background to this, is it legit?
That FamousMortimer post? What's the background to this, is it legit?
Who confirmed it is for PS3?
That FamousMortimer post? What's the background to this, is it legit?
Of course, of course the software would do better.
That's not what I was saying at all, what I am saying is that it will give the hardware a boost. (Meaning more sales for games in the future since the install base is larger).
Wii U suffered from the cyclical problem of having no games which led to poor hardware sales, which led to poor future software sales because the install base is small.
I'm not saying the PS4 is in trouble without Ratchet and Clank, but it certainly wouldn't hurt.
Following is a general post relating to 'games being announced for PS3 being a less than smart move'. Just speaking in general and not referencing anything specific.How it will be fruitful for Sony?
Increased hardware sales through 2014 and may help Sony jump out to an early lead.
Software sells systems, not exactly rocket science here.
How do we know its a PS3 game? Confirmation? Link?
If it really is a PS3 only game then fuck it, hype killed.
But do you think a Ratchet and Clank game would be the one to turn Vita's fortunes around? PS4 already has Knack too.
"PS3 has no games" wasn't a huge meme for no reason
The price/developing on the cell certainly didn't help, but it's not a binary either/or situation here. You want people to buy your console, you need games people want.
Okay? Read the reviews from ToD forward to ACiT. All of them repeat the exact same thing: We want new mechanics, new weapons, this is the same tried and true formula, need something fresh.
Then they develop something fresh, and it get's blasted for not being traditional R&C. That's what each and every one of those reviews will tell you, lol. Those scores for A4O and FFA are almost all lower because they complain very strongly about them not being "traditional" or not having the same "Ratchet feel" despite being very clear what they are from the gate.
I never think something is "reviewed wrong" but those reviews speak for themselves. They were good games.
No they were not. They were both poorly executed. When the reviewers said "We want something different" they didn't mean "We'll take anything different even if it sucks over the same thing again"
Who confirmed it is for PS3?
That FamousMortimer post? What's the background to this, is it legit?
Yeah I'm with you. Sony needs more exclusives for PS4 fast. As a wise girl once said, Pfff that's stupid, just as people choosing not to eat for the looks.<3
I'm not saying it makes sense for Insomniac, but that it would be beneficial for Sony. Which I'm assuming they are paying Insomniac royalties for exclusivity.
There was praise for the "Pixar quality" assets (apparently no one had played Kameo), not the image quality. If you looked deeper there were a lot of complaints about the blur and the letter boxing.
Gloriously shit. It was a clusterfuck of trying to appease a crowd who would rather play Call of Duty.
And do you know why its software release was so had little to none third party support. PS4 does not need to worry about that especially since a lot of Sony's first party are already working on PS4 titles.
No. It's all just speculation for now. We should know tomorrow.
Following is a general post relating to 'games being announced for PS3 being a less than smart move'. Just speaking in general and not referencing anything specific.
It's not like Sony hasn't planned several games for the PS4.
Killzone: Shadow Fall
Drive Club
Infamous: Second Son
These are all from first party teams. Three of them are there at launch, and the other one is coming within a few months from launch.
Naughty Dog are working on a PS4 game.
Guerilla Games has a second project in the works for the PS4.
Sony Santa Monica are working on a PS4 game.
Polyphony Digital are working on a PS4 Gran Turismo.
Team Ico has gone to PS4.
SCEJ has several titles planned for the PS4.
The list above doesn't include partnerships for exclusives like The Order: 1886 which is due to be released in 2014. There are seventeen or so studios within SCE. That's a lot of people.
Even if you don't include unannounced titles, which won't be unannounced for a great deal of time regardless, SCE has already announced 5 exclusives for the PS4 within the first year. They're all retail releases and not minor digital ones. There are more to be announced. The console isn't even released yet.
Even if, hypothetically speaking, PS3 is given a couple titles, it's not like the PS4 is going to be hurting. Not everything can be on the PS4 nor does it need to.
There is enough software coming to sell the PS4.
Agreed. And that's true for so many games considering multiple playthroughs are req'red for the Plat.The replayability ended after I Platinumed it.
Watching the reactions in this thread is really something.
Oh, a new Sony exclusive! Nice!
Oh, it's Ratchet mainline from Insomniac!? Awesome?
Wait, it could be PS3? Oh, it'll be garbage! Resistance 3 was piss!
A mainline Ratchet from Insomniac never disappoints, no matter what console it's on.
No they weren't.
I finished all three R&C games on the PS3, ACiT is in my top 5 of all PS3 games. It's a perfect mix of action, platforming and puzzling - and it's funny too boot. I actually was excited for A41, but then I played it. I didn't even finish the first level. I played for less than 30 minutes and never touched it again. What unremitting piece of crap. One of the worst games I ever played. It's a good thing I downloaded the game, if I'd bought it I'd have smashed the disk to pieces with a hammer and burned the case.
I warned them only disappointment awaits at the end of threads like these as soon as they started hyping up SSM's new IP.Watching the reactions in this thread is really something.
Oh, a new Sony exclusive! Nice!
Oh, it's Ratchet mainline from Insomniac!? Awesome!
Wait, it could be PS3? Oh, it'll be garbage! Resistance 3 was piss!
A mainline Ratchet from Insomniac never disappoints, no matter what console it's on.
Right and I agree with this, they have plenty for launch itself, I'm talking about past launch window when exclusives dry up.
As is, PS4 is in a much better stance than the Wii U was in terms of planned software coming.
So as I said it wouldn't be the end of the world if this game didn't come to PS4, but it certainly would help to have a franchise as popular as Ratchet and Clank on the system. There's a reason they made 11 Ratchet games so far.
They have 20 exclusives planned for the first year! How many more do they need?
Agreed. And that's true for so many games considering multiple playthroughs are req'red for the Plat.The replayability ended after I Platinumed it.
I'd the main team made this one, I'll be excited. I fucking loved A Crack In Time.
Watching the reactions in this thread is really something.
Oh, a new Sony exclusive! Nice!
Oh, it's Ratchet mainline from Insomniac!? Awesome!
Wait, it could be PS3? Oh, it'll be garbage! Resistance 3 was piss!
A mainline Ratchet from Insomniac never disappoints, no matter what console it's on.
Exclusives as in exclusive games or exclusives as in "we can call this Assassin's Creed DLC pack an exclusive and bump up this number right?"
I'm thinking more of the latter.
PR companies will do whatever and say whatever they think the public wants to hear when it's not the full truth.
Brian Allgeier is involved, probably as creative director. He has worked on every Ratchet from their Burbank studio, aka the first one up to A Crack in Time.
I have very high hopes, regardless of the platform. That really shouldn't "deflate" one's enthusiasm for it.
Exclusives as in exclusive games or exclusives as in "we can call this Assassin's Creed DLC pack an exclusive and bump up this number right?"
I'm thinking more of the latter.
PR companies will do whatever and say whatever they think the public wants to hear when it's not the full truth.
Exclusives as in exclusive games or exclusives as in "we can call this Assassin's Creed DLC pack an exclusive and bump up this number right?"
I'm thinking more of the latter.
PR companies will do whatever and say whatever they think the public wants to hear when it's not the full truth.