A Pretty Panda
fuckin' called it, man
Hey guys remember Medabots?
Yeah me neither.
Yeah me neither.
Who's your favorite Medabot, Takao?
Black 2 is amazing. Third best game in the entire series. Black 1 is fourth.
And the top two are?
And the top two are?
And the top two are?
Pokemon Puzzle League and Stadium 2
01. Pokémon Red/Blue
02. Pokémon Fire Red/Leaf Green
03. Pokémon Black Version 2/White Version 2
04. Pokémon Black/White
05. Pokémon Heart Gold/Soul Silver
06. Pokémon Yellow
07. Pokémon Platinum
08. Pokémon Diamond/Pearl
09. Pokémon Emerald
10. Pokémon Ruby
11. Pokémon Gold/Silver
That's a damn good answer, but no.
Code:01. Pokémon Red/Blue 02. Pokémon Fire Red/Leaf Green 03. Pokémon Black Version 2/White Version 2 04. Pokémon Black/White 05. Pokémon Heart Gold/Soul Silver 06. Pokémon Yellow 07. Pokémon Platinum 08. Pokémon Diamond/Pearl 09. Pokémon Emerald 10. Pokémon Ruby 11. Pokémon Gold/Silver
What madness is this?05. Pokémon Heart Gold/Soul Silver
09. Pokémon Emerald
G/S gave me Totodile
Johto's problem isn't with the Pokémon it added for me, it's how it feels. They sort of hit a slump there and didn't get out of it until the Gen 1 remakes. Since then their games have been somewhere between outstanding and great.
Whatchu talkin' bout, Man God?
Espeon and Dunsparce alone make up for every Gen II clunker.
Dunsparce is a Gen II clunker!
Whatchu talkin' bout, Man God?
Espeon and Dunsparce alone make up for every Gen II clunker.
OK, let's settle this toku style:
She's the captain (for some reason).....the yellow ranger actually does something useful?
There's just a good feeling you get when you play Kanto games.
I'm not a 151 only guy but man nostalgia's a powerful thing. Also not the only thing because goddamn do gold/silver/crystal not hold up at all.
Yep, I didn't forget Crystal, it doesn't make the top list at all because it doesn't have Mareep in it.
I could do this all day.
PGSM is the best Toku.
Yes, I went there.[/QUOTE]
Akibaranger says hi.
Akibaranger says hi.
I am to Sailor Moon as Chet Rippo is to K-on, so naturally I like PGSM the best.
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