A Pretty Panda
fuckin' called it, man
Totally putting a Feraligatr on my rain team.
Totally putting a Feraligatr on my rain team.
Totally putting a Feraligatr on my rain team.
What if I'm a Feraligatr?
Then you can't count more than 10.
Why would that be?
Not that it matters because Id probably end up eating you all
You don't have a vicious enough streak to eat anyone. Even if you try, a bug in your mind will cause you to freeze up and hug them instead.
Hugs? Mmmhmm
It'd be awkward, though.
That's because you've convinced yourself you're a Haxorus. Do I have to smack you really hard so you remember you're a Turtwig?
Why would that be?![]()
NPD Thread said:-Pokemon combined sold 867K. Black/White 1's opening month was 2.5 million. Heart Gold/Soul Silver was 1.78 million.
While sequels, they are still 'third games' - can't escape that.
We'll see about G6.
Some of us didn't discover the goodness of Platinum until much later.
Can't wait to see when all of you will finally discover how it sucks.
I've replayed it over 20 times so...maybe I'm not seeing it yet...=P
Look better.
You should look better. I'm sad your heart has grown cold to Sinnoh.
I'm certainly worn out, but I'm worn out of Pokemon itself lately. I guess it's natural after being with it nonstop since 1998 that I eventually would. Couldn't finish my HeartGold run either.
I still think the thread for BW2 moved pretty fast, I didn't expect it to be that popular, but I guess it doesn't compare to the original B/W threads, but I wasn't around then. Of course, that was a new region and new Pokemon.
Yea the Black and White 2 OT has slowed down quite a lot from just a month. I asked one time to see if anyone was around to help me evolve my Electabuzz to no avail.
Appreciate the gestures dudes. UltimateIke would you be willing to help me evolve my Electabuzz. I already have the evolution item just need a partner in crime to do it. BTW, has there been a good explanation of why trade evolutions exist?
Certainly! My friend code is 4213 1795 5994.
Thanks UltimateIke really appreciate it.
To promote the social aspect of the game.
Alternative answer: So the freaks with multiple systems/games can be happy.
Beef play me and I will lose to you.
Uh sure lemme set this thing up.
Ok I set up my profile and team and stuff how do I play you?
My username is ASHKETCHUM420
Says you're busy.
edit- like WHOA I can watch your battle and stuff
ggs Beef