Or could it be a... You know... Zorua?
What's wrong with that?

Or could it be a... You know... Zorua?
The Zorua and the Houndoom.
The Revolution will not be Rotomized.
Hehe I like to write and I need to always push myself to be more creative. And my mind has a mind of its own.
I could use a Growlithe sidekick or two.
Pikachu and Arcanine art!
And Pikachu riding a Growlithe!
The Torterra have eyes.
I think I'm melting-ing-ing...
Am I a Turtwig?
Eyes! So many eyes!
So you do you convince a Turtwig that's convinced that he's a Haxorus?
so i'm trying to make a PWT team since i'm infuriated by the tournaments. I"m thinking i need a solid defensive lead that can scout a bit, and then two sweepers. problem is i don't know who to use for sweepers. i'm thinking my lead could be a regirock with protect, earthquake, rock slide, and stealth rock maybe. then maybe a crobat? and then a water/ground such as poison touch or water absorb seismitoad. any suggestions?
If you can't tell how am I supposed to? Use a reveal mirror?
When I use a move to boost a stat a few stages the stat can go past 999 right?
It's over nine.... nah on second thought that jokes too played out.
The official Medarot 7 website has announced alongside Saikyo JUMP, Rocket Company will be hosting WiFi events for the recently released game. The first runs November 2, through December 12 in Japan. This event has players face off against Level-99 variants of Metabee, and Rokusho. Participants will also get the opportunity to win the opposite starting model (say you buy Kabuto, you get a shot at earning Rokusho and vice versa) as well as a special medal. More post launch events are scheduled for early 2013, check back to Project Rising Beetle for more info.
PokéGAF isn't afraid of retreads!
That was Scrafty's and my first adventure together. Haha.
I don't think we'd interacted too many times before that. I only posted in the Community thread sporadically at the time, so we didn't get many chances to talk.
Meeeeeeeeeeeeeemoriiiiiiiiiiiiies, like the corner of my miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind...
EDIT: The Kingler and I.
KadabraHaxorus or Turtwig?
Cause its bad bad Throh and Sawk
Baddest men in the whole d*** town
Meaner than a Darmaritan, meaner than an Arcanine...
Yup, Boomer Kuwanger (from X1) and Gravity Beetle (from X3).Those look like bosses from one of the Mega Man X games. Is it? I never did play much of the X series.
Oh fuck!
Contrary Serperior with Leaf Strom.
Similar to my hacked Contrary Latios with Draco Meteor except legal.
What kind of team does Serperior fit into?
RNGaf I need your help!
I'm trying to RNG a shiny virizion on my friend's white 2, I manage to hit my seed but the target frame it's always off even if there are no moving NPC in the area. Does the ice created by kyurem or the waterfall in that route advance the PID? Because I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.![]()
Is it consistently off by the same amount or does it just seem random? I honestly don't know about the waterfall or ice though. Sorry!![]()
Arcanine's not mean or a junkyard dog. ;(
My brother named his dog Leroy Brown. True story.
My target is on frame 6 so I have to walk before advancing with the PID, so it's not consistent ugh :/
Maybe google will help me.
Can't you use a Chatot to advance the frame? That may be more useful and help you control your frame advances more easily.
Critic! And that dog better have been a junkyard dog.
Punch, kick, you know, you should know that
Throh Sawk is not having anything today
As we stand there totally punched out
We commence to make you...
Is there any point in keeping Pokedex 3D if I've got Pro?