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Pokémon Community Thread 2: "This is the Real Power of Johto..."

Everyone needs an Oshawott avatar.

Give me ten good reasons why I shouldn't do it.

1. Kid Icarus: Uprising

2. You'll have everything the DSi XL has with the added bonus of compatibility with future titles

3. Virtual Console GBC, NES + GBA games

4. Shantae and the Pirate's Curse

5. Super Mario 3D Land

6. The 3DS XL has larger screens than its DSi counterpart while remaining slightly more compat

7. Activity Log

8. Swapnote

9. Friends List

10. Pokémon Generation VI
Eh, it's better to get a 3DS XL, so you can have the benefits of having a DS *and* be prepared when (sudden game that looks awesome) comes around. After all, never is a long time. And, unlike (most of) its brethren, 3DS is almost perfectly backwards compatible.
1. Kid Icarus: Uprising

2. You'll have everything the DSi XL has with the added bonus of compatibility with future titles

3. Virtual Console GBC, NES + GBA games

4. Shantae and the Pirate's Curse

5. Super Mario 3D Land

6. The 3DS XL has larger screens than its DSi counterpart while remaining slightly more compat

7. Activity Log

8. Swapnote

9. Friends List

10. Pokémon Generation VI

1. Don't want to play it.
2. What future titles? There is nothing in 2013 I want.
3. Digital stuff can burn, hard copies are for me.
4. Eh, that's not enough
5. Played it, beat it, done with it
6. DSXL is cheaper
7. Don't care about it/never used it
8. See point 7
9. See point 8
10. Won't see it until 2014 hopefully

Eh, it's better to get a 3DS XL, so you can have the benefits of having a DS *and* be prepared when (sudden game that looks awesome) comes around. After all, never is a long time. And, unlike its brethren, 3DS is almost perfectly backwards compatible.

It can be had for cheap when/if that time comes. Otherwise, the portable games I do have and enjoy can be played on a DSXL.
Doesn't interest me enough to plunk money down on it. I need at least 7-8 great games for me to stick with it. I've been lucky to find a handful and so far it's only been 3D Land and Mario Kart 7. 3DS hasn't provided that for me so it's gone. Plenty of other games to keep me busy.

I also don't see what's wrong with that, I don't like a lot of popular games.
Doesn't interest me enough to plunk money down on it. I need at least 7-8 great games for me to stick with it. I've been lucky to find a handful and so far it's only been 3D Land and Mario Kart 7. 3DS hasn't provided that for me so it's gone. Plenty of other games to keep me busy.

I also don't see what's wrong with that, I don't like a lot of popular games.

There's nothing wrong with that; I was just making a joke.

But surely, amidst the dozens of quality games out/on the horizon for the 3DS right now, there are at least 7 games that interest you? Paper Mario? Luigi's Mansion? Animal Crossing? Cave Story 3D? Pushmo? Kingdom Hearts 3D? Fire Emblem? Castlevania? Ace Attorney 5? Shin Megami Tensei 4? Resident Evil: Revelations? Persona 3DS? Unchained Blades?

What kind of stuff are you into?
There's nothing wrong with that; I was just making a joke.

But surely, amidst the dozens of quality games out/on the horizon for the 3DS right now, there are at least 7 games that interest you? Paper Mario? Luigi's Mansion? Animal Crossing? Cave Story 3D? Pushmo? Kingdom Hearts 3D? Fire Emblem? Castlevania? Ace Attorney 5? Shin Megami Tensei 4? Resident Evil: Revelations? Persona 3DS? Unchained Blades?

What kind of stuff are you into?

Good games. :3
Doesn't interest me enough to plunk money down on it. I need at least 7-8 great games for me to stick with it. I've been lucky to find a handful and so far it's only been 3D Land and Mario Kart 7. 3DS hasn't provided that for me so it's gone. Plenty of other games to keep me busy.

I also don't see what's wrong with that, I don't like a lot of popular games.

Paper Mario?

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
I'll get a 3DS eventually.

I mean fuck, if you like Pokemon enough to post here you're probably going to need one come Gen 6.

That is unless apple buys out nintendo tomorrow and the next pokemon will be on ios and won't be compatible with any previous gens a la gen 3 fuck you gen 3.

Stage On

How the heck was your 3ds collecting dust when mine is my most used system to the point I'm questioning if I should cancel my Wii U preorder or not.

Seriously just the fact it's going to have Pokemon on it in like a year is a good enough version to have one, let alone the fact you can play all your ds games on it.


I'll get a 3DS eventually.

I mean fuck, if you like Pokemon enough to post here you're probably going to need one come Gen 6.

That is unless apple buys out nintendo tomorrow and the next pokemon will be on ios and won't be compatible with any previous gens a la gen 3 fuck you gen 3.

gen 3... what a shitty gen

almost as shitty as black 2
How the heck was your 3ds collecting dust when mine is my most used system to the point I'm questioning if I should cancel my Wii U preorder or not.

Seriously just the fact it's going to have Pokemon on it in like a year is a good enough version to have one, let alone the fact you can play all your ds games on it.
People have different tastes. Also, some people aren't sold on a gimmick like 3D.
gen 3... what a shitty gen

almost as shitty as black 2

Probably the lack of good fighting/dark types, MIRITE?
People have different tastes. Also, some people aren't sold on a gimmick like 3D.

I despise 3D. I think it's a useless gimmicky fad that should die as soon as possible, as it does nothing but syphon a few extra dollars out of the wallets of the poor saps who are suckered into paying extra for it.

And yet I love the 3DS. I play every game with 3D off at all times, unless it's necessary. The system was sold on more than a stupid gimmick.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
The 3DS is the thing the play the nintendo games.

More specifically the pokmans and the marios.

That's really all I need to get one.

Then again I don't play a lot of games anyways so I'm used to "dust collecting"

Stage On

People have different tastes. Also, some people aren't sold on a gimmick like 3D.

Ha I work at a movie theater and I'll tell you right now I want 3d to die a hot fiery death, especially those stupid glasses.

I never bought the 3ds for the silly gimmick I bought it for the games since it's guaranteed to gets ones I love like Pokemon.
I bought a 3DS to ensure that I'll be able to enjoy 3DS games later on, since I know that DSi's drying up anyway.

I have no regrets.

On another topic, is Haxorus having too much flab?
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