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Pokémon Community Thread 2: "This is the Real Power of Johto..."


I really want a piglet squid! SQUEEEEEE ~

(OK, that was yeah.)

EDIT: Whoa, look at the Sea Angel:


Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I thought Woobats are the Honduran bats.

Also I thought that armadillo digger looked like a mix of Sandshrew and Sandslash lol


I thought Woobats are the Honduran bats.
There are a number of bat species that are fuzzy with pig snouts. What's neat about the Honduran bat is how they carve out plants to hold over themselves as a form of makeshift shelter. This naturally lends itself to a Grass/Flying-type or some other combination, where the bat Pokemon can actually shield (or glide?) with a leafy cutout over its head -- or perhaps its wings are plant matter and it shelters itself with them. :)

And then there are the crabs... The coconut crab (known to climb palm trees, knock down coconuts, drop to the ground and whack them open) and the spider crab (fearsome-looking but gentle creatures with 12-foot leg spans). Maybe they can have a shared pre-evo, like Clamperl --> Huntail or Gorebyss. The spider crab should have the longest legs in all of Pokemon!

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
And with the exception of maybe a certain build of Jumpluff they all suck. Which is sad because Tropius looks awesome but his only good stuff is a bulky HM slave.


By the way Boss Doggie, I know you said as a general rule of thumb you're not fond of fusions, but I hope the way I conceive them you see some merit.

- The devs would pick, say, 100 Pokemon, mainly ones where giving them an evolution to salvage their competitiveness would seem redundant (I.E. Plusle and Minun, etc), though they could pick some old favorites for fresh spins, as well (I.E. the final Kanto starters).

- You can't fuse Pokemon willy-nilly. Each fusion is created by one combination and one combination only, I.E. Plusle can ONLY fuse with Minun. Perhaps a professor could analyze your Pokemon's fusing potential and give you hints: "This Pokemon's DNA would work well with something large and yellow."

- Speaking of which, storywise this could be the result of further advancements in the DNA Splicer seen with Kyurem in B2/W2.

- Moving on, the fusions are listed under the pokedex number of their first component Pokemon, and share that Pokemon's name, with a distinguishing descriptor in brackets. In other words, they are essentially new formes. I.E. Plusle [Sum Forme].

- The bottom line is, fusions would simply be a new way to access new Pokemon formes, and it could be reversed, and storywise, future installments could feature new fusions on the plot device of "scientific advancement." All that work on Mewtwo and then Kyurem, finally being put to good use! And it's a way to provide shared strong "evolution" alternatives for Pokemon that might otherwise be weak.


Feels a gimmick thing.
I understand how it might seem that way at first, but I think there are a couple redeeming factors in that respect. Namely, design economy: Creating one shared fusion for, say, Plusle and Minun, instead of giving them each their own evolution, reduces redundancy, avoids wasted additions to the Pokedex, and restores the competitiveness of Pokemon lines that would otherwise terminate in mediocrity. :)

Those are the main benefits, and they're significant.

Now for some Pokemon, yes, it would serve primarily to generate marketing buzz. Imagine the reactions opening a Coro Coro and seeing a heavily armored Blastoise/Aggron hybrid, or a blade-covered, thick-skinned Charizard/Haxorus combo. People would go wild seeing fresh twists on old favorites. But there could be some real utility to even those Pokemon. And the reversable nature of the process means you can still get your old favorites back. (The game would simply remember what unique moves you gave the fusion, should you ever fuse back.) :)

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Honestly they should just keep it to Kyurem and Reshiram/Zekrom. It's the only Pokemon themed with that (Zek/Reshi being one pokemon with Kyu being the corpse/remains of their former self).


Honestly they should just keep it to Kyurem and Reshiram/Zekrom. It's the only Pokemon themed with that (Zek/Reshi being one pokemon with Kyu being the corpse/remains of their former self).
They could also incorporate that into the story: Perhaps whatever was learned from the division of The Dragon into Reshi/Zek/Kyu -- and their subsequent reunion -- could inform the research of a scientist who then learns how to recombine other Pokemon. Perhaps it turns out that all Pokemon share some common DNA -- and certain species have strands particularly well-suited to one another. You're then tasked, at a point later in the game, with uncovering which Pokemon can combine.

Say you present a Venusaur to the good doctor. He may look at its DNA and note a latent propensity for bioluminescence. He would then describe what kind of Pokemon might have DNA needed to "complete the link." Let's say it's Eelektross. The two fuse, Eelektross becoming vine-like power cables plugged into a giant bioluminescent flower bulb on Venusaur's back, and Venusaur assuming Eelektross' color and frills, dropping the Poison-type to become a Grass/Electric-type -- Venusaur [Neon Forme].

I don't know. I think it'd be hella exciting. And it could turn out the DNA splicing with Kyurem was just the start, the proverbial "splitting of the atom." :)

Just an idea!


I'm not sure about fusions, but I'd love it they introduced crossbreeding. Similar end result as the fusions and fits much better into the Pokemon world.

Breeding certain Pokemon together to create completely new species would be great.


You mean like tis?


But what about Jynx? Hmm...

Also, I want a Water-type gym leader with an Water/Steel-type narwhal, a Water/Psychic-type dolphin, and a Water/Ice-type spider crab.

And the spider crab should have like a 50-foot leg span!

(The coconut crab should be Bug/Fighting -- coconut crabs can't survive in water, and the Fighting allows it to crack/lob coconuts!)
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