EDIT: Whoa, look at the Sea Angel:
Oooh. OK, dash that one. But the coconut crab, spider crab, piglet squid, barreleye and vampire squid HAVE to happen.Manaphy and Phione are based off of Sea Angels.
WHAT IS THIS? ADORABLE!We need a Pokémon based on this
:Ohow would you like one of those up your poopchute
also, i don't know what they're doing lol
Awww! <3
Awww! <3
I just want to floss those toes with a red panda's tail.![]()
Dat foot.
LOL, so true.UltimateIke said:If Neiteio were a Pokémon...
You just can't handle de-feet.well that's gross
There are a number of bat species that are fuzzy with pig snouts. What's neat about the Honduran bat is how they carve out plants to hold over themselves as a form of makeshift shelter. This naturally lends itself to a Grass/Flying-type or some other combination, where the bat Pokemon can actually shield (or glide?) with a leafy cutout over its head -- or perhaps its wings are plant matter and it shelters itself with them.I thought Woobats are the Honduran bats.
And Grass/Flying would be awesome.
And Hoppip, Skiploom and Jumpluff. But I think he knows this, and simply means Grass/Flying would be cool for a new (and presumably common) bat Pokemon.Tropius
I understand how it might seem that way at first, but I think there are a couple redeeming factors in that respect. Namely, design economy: Creating one shared fusion for, say, Plusle and Minun, instead of giving them each their own evolution, reduces redundancy, avoids wasted additions to the Pokedex, and restores the competitiveness of Pokemon lines that would otherwise terminate in mediocrity.Feels a gimmick thing.
They could also incorporate that into the story: Perhaps whatever was learned from the division of The Dragon into Reshi/Zek/Kyu -- and their subsequent reunion -- could inform the research of a scientist who then learns how to recombine other Pokemon. Perhaps it turns out that all Pokemon share some common DNA -- and certain species have strands particularly well-suited to one another. You're then tasked, at a point later in the game, with uncovering which Pokemon can combine.Honestly they should just keep it to Kyurem and Reshiram/Zekrom. It's the only Pokemon themed with that (Zek/Reshi being one pokemon with Kyu being the corpse/remains of their former self).
Hahaha, reminds me of this gem.
Is it possible to get Mr. Mime pre-E4 in Heart Gold?
Is it possible to get Mr. Mime pre-E4 in Heart Gold?
Mr. Mime should totally get an evolution called Master Mime.You mean you actually want a Mr. Mime?
Mr. Mime should totally get an evolution called Master Mime.
Also, I like feet, but I'm not ILikeFeet!
AWESOME!You mean like tis?
How about a fluffy alpaca Pokemon? It could be a pure Fire-type, with light orange wool that ALWAYS stays warm!I think we need some cute Pokémon to counteract all the horror that is unfolding~
ILikeFeet would be proud.Or one of you is ILikeFeet...