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Pokémon Community Thread 2: "This is the Real Power of Johto..."

Stage On

My favorite gym Leader is Lt Surge because he's gar



AAAARGH I hate those damn shoes that reveals toes i would gladly burn them all, high heels are not a problem but when they look like this

they can burn too in the same fire :(
Elesa is amazing. How can anyone hate with all that swag? So much swag, from head to toe!


You totally want those toes in your mouth. Don't even try to deny, or it's Joltik up the poopchute for you!

Which doesn't sound so bad...

On another note, my fusion thread in Gaming Discussion has me drooling about the idea of a "Charizard [Blade Forme]" -- the result of Charizard and Haxorus fusing, forming a flame-breathing, winged, bladed Fire/Dragon-type with Levitate! Would make quite the badass cover Pokemon, but I wonder what his counterpart could be. Blastoise fused with...?


Elesa combines my secret guilty pleasure of Alizee/Hatsune Miku-esque popstardom (yea, fashion model, not singer, but still) and my love of Mareep wool and fuzzly-wuzzly Joltik. Also, flying squirrels and zebra are cool!

On another note... The topic of future Pokemon...

The following are the type combos that haven't been used yet, best as I can tell:

1. Bug/Dark
2. Bug/Dragon
3. Bug/Ice
4. Bug/Normal
5. Bug/Psychic
6. Dark/Electric
7. Dark/Normal
8. Dark/Psychic
9. Dragon/Fighting
10. Dragon/Grass
11. Dragon/Poison
12. Dragon/Rock
13. Dragon/Normal
14. Electric/Fighting
15. Electric/Normal
16. Electric/Poison
17. Electric/Psychic
18. Electric/Rock
19. Fighting/Flying
20. Fighting/Ghost
21. Fighting/Ground
22. Fighting/Ice
23. Fire/Grass
24. Fire/Ice
25. Fire/Normal
26. Fire/Poison
27. Fire/Water
28. Ghost/Grass
29. Ghost/Normal
30. Ghost/Psychic
31. Ghost/Rock
32. Ghost/Steel
33. Ground/Normal
34. Ice/Normal
35. Ice/Poison
36. Ice/Rock
37. Ice/Steel
38. Normal/Poison
39. Normal/Rock
40. Normal/Steel
41. Poison/Psychic
42. Poison/Rock
43. Poison/Steel

Now some ideas for some of them:

Pokemon based on a chili pepper (Fire/Grass); a leaking battery (Electric/Poison); mercury (Steel/Poison); petroleum (Fire/Poison); a lava lamp (Water/Fire, with Volt Absorb); dinosaur bones (Rock/Ghost); a T-Rex (Rock/Dragon); a jack-o-lantern (Grass/Ghost); a suit of armor (Steel/Ghost); a husky (Normal/Ice); a coyote (Normal/Dark); a mosquito (Bug/Dragon); a cockroach (Bug/Dark); a barreleye fish (Dark/Psychic); and a flamingo (Fighting/Flying).

Just to get the creative wheels turning! :)


No Scrubs
Elesa combines my secret guilty pleasure of Alizee/Hatsune Miku-esque popstardom (yea, fashion model, not singer, but still) and my love of Mareep wool and fuzzly-wuzzly Joltik. Also, flying squirrels and zebra are cool!

On another note... The topic of future Pokemon...

The following are the type combos that haven't been used yet, best as I can tell:

1. Bug/Dark
2. Bug/Dragon
3. Bug/Ice
4. Bug/Normal
5. Bug/Psychic
6. Dark/Electric
7. Dark/Normal
8. Dark/Psychic
9. Dragon/Fighting
10. Dragon/Grass
11. Dragon/Poison
12. Dragon/Rock
13. Dragon/Normal
14. Electric/Fighting
15. Electric/Normal
16. Electric/Poison
17. Electric/Psychic
18. Electric/Rock
19. Fighting/Flying
20. Fighting/Ghost
21. Fighting/Ground
22. Fighting/Ice
23. Fire/Grass
24. Fire/Ice
25. Fire/Normal
26. Fire/Poison
27. Fire/Water
28. Ghost/Grass
29. Ghost/Normal
30. Ghost/Psychic
31. Ghost/Rock
32. Ghost/Steel
33. Ground/Normal
34. Ice/Normal
35. Ice/Poison
36. Ice/Rock
37. Ice/Steel
38. Normal/Poison
39. Normal/Rock
40. Normal/Steel
41. Poison/Psychic
42. Poison/Rock
43. Poison/Steel

Now some ideas for some of them:

Pokemon based on a chili pepper (Fire/Grass); a leaking battery (Electric/Poison); mercury (Steel/Poison); petroleum (Fire/Poison); a lava lamp (Water/Fire, with Volt Absorb); dinosaur bones (Rock/Ghost); a T-Rex (Rock/Dragon); a jack-o-lantern (Grass/Ghost); a suit of armor (Steel/Ghost); a husky (Normal/Ice); a coyote (Normal/Dark); a mosquito (Bug/Dragon); a cockroach (Bug/Dark); a barreleye fish (Dark/Psychic); and a flamingo (Fighting/Flying).

Just to get the creative wheels turning! :)

We'll never get a flying/fighting type, the combination of moves is just too good. Even with a limited move pool it'd rip through everything.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
You know, the theme of Black and White is very good but at the same time the setting doesn't really lend a hand on it. They should've at least stuck with Japan or at least urban Japan, or maybe even China, since the duality theme doesn't make sense in a setting that mimics urban West.

Now that I think about it, what theme would fit an American setting anyway? Fuck yeah Unova?


OK, just thought up the cover fusions:

Blastoise [Armor Forme] -- Blastoise X Aggron, a Water/Steel-type -- Iron-clad Blastoise with a horned helmet, armor-plated shell and twice the cannons (two on each shoulder)

Charizard [Blade Forme] -- Charizard X Haxorus, a Fire/Dragon-type -- Winged, bladed dragon with sturdy, segmented skin

The Smogon community would call them Blastoise-A and Charizard-B, for short.

EDIT: Scrafty, what if Elesa and Captain Tanline had babies? :O
OK, just thought up the cover fusions:

Blastoise [Armor Forme] -- Blastoise X Aggron, a Water/Steel-type -- Iron-clad Blastoise with a horned helmet, armor-plated shell and twice the cannons (two on each shoulder)

Charizard [Blade Forme] -- Charizard X Haxorus, a Fire/Dragon-type -- Winged, bladed dragon with sturdy, segmented skin

The Smogon community would call them Blastoise-A and Charizard-B, for short.

Those sound really neat! Here, let me try:

Arcanine [Ruffian Forme], a Dark/Fire lizard dog that can breathe fire as well as deliver powerful kicks with its hind legs. It looks like Arcanine, but its fur forms a Mohawk-like crest on its head, and it wears protective, rubbery skin to protect itself from the elements.

EDIT: Scrafty, what if Elesa and Captain Tanline had babies? :O

I dunno, but it would be very classy.

OK, just thought up the cover fusions:

Blastoise [Armor Forme] -- Blastoise X Aggron, a Water/Steel-type -- Iron-clad Blastoise with a horned helmet, armor-plated shell and twice the cannons (two on each shoulder)

Charizard [Blade Forme] -- Charizard X Haxorus, a Fire/Dragon-type -- Winged, bladed dragon with sturdy, segmented skin

The Smogon community would call them Blastoise-A and Charizard-B, for short.

EDIT: Scrafty, what if Elesa and Captain Tanline had babies? :O

I for some reason prefer full form(e) names.

Oh god...

Stage On

We'll never get a flying/fighting type, the combination of moves is just too good. Even with a limited move pool it'd rip through everything.

Being weak to Electric types and Ice types plus psychic types would make it far from broken so I think it could still happen


The next set of legendaries should be Dragon/Grass and Dragon/Poison. The Dragon/Grass-type could be the "Life Pokemon," an abundant walking rainforest -- and the Dragon/Poison-type could be the "Pestilence Pokemon." In other words, a life and death duality ("pestilence" sounds nicer than death, is alliterative with "Pokemon" and jives well with Poison-types).
The next set of legendaries should be Dragon/Grass and Dragon/Poison. The Dragon/Grass-type could be the "Life Pokemon," an abundant walking rainforest -- and the Dragon/Poison-type could be the "Pestilence Pokemon." In other words, a life and death duality ("pestilence" sounds nicer than death, is alliterative with "Pokemon" and jives well with Poison-types).

But wouldn't this tilt badly against the Grass type dragon?


But wouldn't this tilt badly against the Grass type dragon?
Thematically or competitively? If you mean competitively, I don't think it's an issue since Groudon and Kyogre were a pair and Kyogre clearly has the type advantage. As for thematically, life vs. death, I'd say it's a sound duality: the cycle of life and death. Plus, imagine how wild they could look!
Grass types already have poor coverage for a lot of stuff as is. We're going to need something very substantial to make it work with that particular typing, though dishing out damage isn't the problem. It's the defences.


Grass types already have poor coverage for a lot of stuff as is. We're going to need something very substantial to make it work with that particular typing, though dishing out damage isn't the problem. It's the defences.
Then give it sky-high Defense and/or Special Defense stats, and/or an ability that works in its favor, I.E. something that converts Fire-type damage into HP, or perhaps an "Evergreen" ability that gives it Ice-type immunity (so it no longer has the 4X weakness). :)

Speaking of beneficial abilities, how about this for an idea?

A Water/Fire-type that has Volt Absorb. This aquatic creature resembles a lava lamp, with a transparent body containing undulating blobs of liquid fire. It scoots around the superheated water near hydro-thermal vents. Volt Absorb allows it to convert Electric-type attacks into HP -- a helpful feature for a Water-type to have, and fitting for a creature based on an electric appliance!


Floatzel......ehh I'll stick with buizel <3

and grass/dragon's ice weakness would be such a pain.
Here's the solution -- give the Grass/Dragon:

+ An ability called "Evergreen" -- IMMUNITY TO ICE-TYPE ATTACKS
+ High HP
+ High Def
+ High Sp. Def
+ HP-replenishing moves, being the "Life Pokemon" and all

BAM. Super-uber right there, folks.
Here's a line I made up:

Shrimpoon (Water/Steel)

Ability: Swift Swim/Quick Feet

Resembles a shrimp with a harpoon for a tail. It can shoot out the tip of its tail to hunt and spear prey.

Signature move: Spearhead (Steel, 90/95, has a chance to raise the user's attack)

Evolves at Level 42 into:

Floatallion (Water/Steel)

Ability: Swift Swim/Last Stand (Attack increases the lower HP gets to a maximum of 30% higher)

A massive shark resembling a dreadnought with several cannons on its back and a propellor on its tail. Its teeth are sharp as razors and it can reach top speeds of 60 mph.

Signature move: Torpedive (Water, 120/90, two-turn attack in which the user dives underwater one turn, and then hurtles towards the enemy at a breakneck speed)


Here's a line I made up:

Shrimpoon (Water/Steel)

Ability: Swift Swim/Quick Feet

Resembles a shrimp with a harpoon for a tail. It can shoot out the tip of its tail to hunt and spear prey.

Signature move: Spearhead (Steel, 90/95, has a chance to raise the user's attack)

Evolves at Level 42 into:

Floatallion (Water/Steel)

Ability: Swift Swim/Last Stand (Attack increases the lower HP gets to a maximum of 30% higher)

A massive shark resembling a dreadnought with several cannons on its back and a propellor on its tail. Its teeth are sharp as razors and it can reach top speeds of 60 mph.

Signature move: Torpedive (Water, 120/90, two-turn attack in which the user dives underwater one turn, and then hurtles towards the enemy at a breakneck speed)
These are great. :) I actually thought of a similar harpoon-themed Water/Steel-type, in the form of a narwhal or swordfish. Also, that dreadnought shark would make an awesome Sharpedo evolution -- it would simply be a matter of reconciling the three types. Perhaps a Dark/Steel-type with an ability that gives it a same-type attack bonus for Water-type moves? Pawniard and Bisharp are kind of lonely with their typing. ;)

On another note, Phalanx from Demon's Souls would've made the most amazing Steel/Poison-type ever. Shame they claimed the idea first!


Another idea: An Electric/Poison-type that resembles a broken battery, acid spilling from its mouth and pooling around it, the acid conducting electricity and creating tendrils. It has a new ability, "Splatter," which has a chance of poisoning when hit with a Physical Attack, and paralyzing when hit with a Special Attack.

And for the Poison/Dragon-type legendary, let's give it an ability called "Corrosion," which allows its Poison-type attacks to hit Steel-type Pokemon that would normally be immune to Poison!
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