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Pokémon Community Thread 2: "This is the Real Power of Johto..."

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
We need a new take on the starter pokemon.

Make it a single Normal type, but as the game progresses you branch from an evolution (grass/fire/water), and later on for the third evolution it branches again for the second type (I guess flying/fighting).
We need a new take on the starter pokemon.

Make it a single Normal type, but as the game progresses you branch from an evolution (grass/fire/water), and later on for the third evolution it branches again for the second type (I guess flying/fighting).

Or make it more on the stats, with fitting moves. And make opponent Pokémon met in the game to fit so that types are not so important when it's more about physical, special, fixed, or status

Stage On

We need a new take on the starter pokemon.

Make it a single Normal type, but as the game progresses you branch from an evolution (grass/fire/water), and later on for the third evolution it branches again for the second type (I guess flying/fighting).

As long as the player has control over which branch to take and it isn't random I'd be ok with this


Fusions are, and always will be, a terrible idea.

The main series using them for Kyurem doesn't make it any less of a terrible idea.
I think that's close-minded and forgoes some of the major benefits, namely restoring competitiveness for twice the Pokemon with half the design work, since designing one shared fusion for two Pokemon is less costly/wasteful than creating two separate evolutions. Unless you're content to let 75 percent of the species in Pokemon terminate in medicority. As it stands, thoughtfully designed fusions are the most efficient and effective way to "power up" the end result of species like Plusle and Minun, Volbeat and Illumise, etc.


- The devs would pick, say, 100 Pokemon, mainly ones where giving them an evolution to salvage their competitiveness would seem redundant (I.E. Plusle and Minun, etc), though they could pick some old favorites for fresh spins, as well (I.E. the final Kanto starters).

- You can't fuse Pokemon willy-nilly. Each fusion is created by one combination and one combination only, I.E. Plusle can ONLY fuse with Minun. So they would design 50 fusions.

- Perhaps a professor could analyze your Pokemon's fusing potential and give you hints about the fusion partner: "This Pokemon's DNA would work well with something large and yellow."

- Speaking of which, storywise this could be the result of further advancements in the DNA Splicer seen with Kyurem in B2/W2.

- Moving on, the fusions are listed under the pokedex number of their first component Pokemon, and share that Pokemon's name, with a distinguishing descriptor in brackets. In other words, they are essentially new formes. I.E. Plusle [Sum Forme].

- The bottom line is, fusions would simply be a new way to access new Pokemon formes, and it could be reversed. And storywise, future installments could feature new fusions on the plot device of "scientific advancement." All that work on Mewtwo and then Kyurem, finally being put to good use! And it's a way to provide shared strong "evolution" alternatives for Pokemon that might otherwise be weak.

I'm amazed that no mod's picked up on it, frankly.
Are you suggesting -I- am ILikeFeet? Because I made jokes about liking feet? Really? You think he is the only one on the Internet like that? And I was posting here back when he was posting here, btw.

Or maybe you're referring to that one poster that, like ILikeFeet, has hand-illustrated black-and-white feet pics for his/her avatar?

Speaking of old Pokemon that need evolutions where is choking?

The eyes don't look very "Pokemon-esque," but with some tweaking it could work! :)


Well then I don't see any real reason not to try it.

Here's what one potential fusion might look like

Oh, that's cool. :) Personally, I'd like a Plusle [Sum Forme] with a form factor similar to Raichu, but with telltale elements (colors, patterns, etc) that show its roots in Plusle and Minun. And make him Electric/Psychic-type, with the premise that when Plusle and Minun fuse, their minds combine to unlock their latent psychic power. :O

Also, Pachirisu and Emolga -- both Electric squirrels -- could combine into a Raichu-esque flying squirrel that is Electric/Flying like Emolga. Call it Pachirisu [Sky Forme]. :)

Stage On

About the only thing I didn't like about Gen 5 was that it was entirely new Pokemon. I mean I like the new guys but their are a lot of old guys that could have used a new evolution.

I hope a good chunk of Gen 6 is used just for that giving life to old mons through new forms.
Unless you're content to let 75 percent of the species in Pokemon terminate in medicority.
I am more than happy with that. Not every Pokemon has to be a world beater.

I think fusion is a poor concept which doesn't fit with how the franchise as a whole has been presented, and is time and effort that'd be better used for actual new designs.

Sorry, just the way I feel.
I'm bored, so here are some starters I made up:

Breezard (Grass)

Resembles a small lizard with a cloud-like head that has a small sprout at the top (pretty much the most adorable thing you've ever seen). Learns Gust early on and has an access to a plethora of Flying- and Grass-type attacks. Evolves at Level 16 into:

Hurriguana (Grass/Flying)

A medium-sized bipedal lizard that stands in a hunched-over position similar to Druddigan. Has a propeller on the tip of its tail that allows it to hover short heights off of the ground or use it as a razor to cut opponents. Has a rather mean-looking face with a throat sack that can inflate with helium. Evolves at Level 38 into:

Tornadile (Grass/Flying)

A large (more than 6-foot-tall) humanoid reptile with a dragon-like head and a thin build. Has two whip-like tails that can rotate around its waist, giving his lower half the illusion of constantly being surrounded by a tornado.

Base stats: 65/90/80/125/70/110 (Total: 530)

Signature move: Tornado (Grass-type, Special, 100/90). Has a chance to raise the user's Speed

Puplume (Fire)

A small red Pomeranian-like dog with a plume of fire on its head. It spews volcanic ash when upset and warm embers when happy. Learns many Fire and Ground moves. Evolves at Level 18 into:

Spitzfire (Fire/Ground)

A German Spitz-like dog with a small volcano beginning to form on its back. Rather stout, and looks intimidating while remaining adorable. Has black and red fur that glows when it uses a move. Evolves at Level 34 into:

Magmakita (Fire/Ground)

A large dog with a volcano for a torso. Resembles an Akita Inu, but with larger lower fangs and a bigger size overall. Capable of creating volcanic plasma storms around the mouth of its volcano.

Base stats: 105/115/95/65/100/50

Signature move: Plasma Burst (Electric, Physical, 85/100). Has a chance to paralyze.

Beluguard (Water)

A small beluga whale with a shield on its back. Not very strong, but capable of withstanding several hits. Learns many status and stat-effecting moves early on. Evolves at level 14 into:

Narwall (Water/Psychic)

A whale with a sword-like tooth and an armored carapace. Stronger than Beluguard, but still not as powerful as its peers. Evolves at Level 36 into:

Orcane (Water/Psychic)

A purple-and-white Orca whale that protects itself using magical powers. Has a long, robe-like layer of skin on top of thick armor, and has a spike in the shape of a wizard's hat on its head.

Base stats: 140/40/120/90/120/20

Signature move: Barrier Crash (Psychic, Special, 60/95). Raises either the user's Defense or Special Defense

Man God

Non-Canon Member
It's even worse when you bring the wrong grass type to kill them. Some of them are crazy defensive or special defensive and a lot of them have grass killing moves.


I am more than happy with that. Not every Pokemon has to be a world beater.

I think fusion is a poor concept which doesn't fit with how the franchise as a whole has been presented, and is time and effort that'd be better used for actual new designs.

Sorry, just the way I feel.
Just to be clear, the fusions would be completely new designs -- they wouldn't be a simple 50/50 mix of elements from previous Pokemon. For all intents and purposes, they would be equivalent to new evolutions in terms of originality of design; they would just be made such that one can see how the two Pokemon fused led to the new one, and they would power up twice as many Pokemons with half as many designs.

For example, why give evolutions to both Tauros and Bouffalant when you could have one shared fusion resembling a bulky buffalo/bison, with some telltale elements from Tauros and Bouffalant but otherwise its own, original design?

But in general, if Gen 6 is an "expansion" generation like Gen 4 and Gen 2, adding new evolutions to old Pokemon, I think the following might be in order (let's say there are 150 new Pokemon overall, 40 of which are evolutions of old Pokemon):

GENERATION I (Evolutions: 9X):
+ Arbok
+ Rapidash
+ Farfetch’d
+ Marowak
+ Weezing
+ Mr. Mime
+ Jinx
+ Eevee (2X)

+ Sudowoodo
+ Girafarig
+ Dunsparce
+ Qwilfish
+ Shuckle
+ Magcargo
+ Corsola
+ Delibird
+ Houndoom
+ Donphan
+ Stantler
+ Smeargle

+ Sableye
+ Mawile
+ Torkoal
+ Chimecho
+ Banette
+ Absol
+ Luvdisc

+ Chatot
+ Spiritomb
+ Carnivine

+ Swoobat
+ Basculin
+ Maractus
+ Sigilyph
+ Alomomola
+ Beheeyem
+ Cryogonal
+ Stunfisk
+ Mienshao
+ Druddigon

I would just say that if they make a substantial number of evolutions to old Pokemon, they should make these evolutions appear in the wild, and then you'd have to breed to get the old Pokemon. This adds more value to breeding in Gen 6 from a "filling out the pokedex" standpoint, and it also allows for even more exciting "new Pokemon" encounters as you walk around in the grass, caves and water. :)

My ideal would be 110 all-new species, 40 new evolutions to old Pokemon, and 50 alternate "fusion formes." So design 200 new Pokemon in all (but only add ~150 new number-wise to the Pokedex).

Also, an Arbok evo should totally be called Adnokana, as in "anaconda" spelled backwards (like Arbok as "cobra" and Ekans as "snake").

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I think gen 6 is going to be a lot like gen four and two with a lot of second and third evos and alternate evos for pokemon with stunted growth.


The only Pokemon from Gen I that deserves an evolution is Pinsir. I wish Magneton would be given a different split evolution too...Magnezone looks horrible.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
the problem with gen four is that they didn't go far enough.

Hopefully the game will be close to another 150 new Pokémon. I'd like a split of 100 brand new ones and the rest bringing the 50 or so hardest cases up to snuff with a second or third evo.

Stage On

the problem with gen four is that they didn't go far enough.

Hopefully the game will be close to another 150 new Pokémon. I'd like a split of 100 brand new ones and the rest bringing the 50 or so hardest cases up to snuff with a second or third evo.

That's about the ratio I'm looking for as well. Too many old guys getting new forms doesn't leave enough room for totally brand new guys


I think gen 6 is going to be a lot like gen four and two with a lot of second and third evos and alternate evos for pokemon with stunted growth.

The only Pokemon from Gen I that deserves an evolution is Pinsir. I wish Magneton would be given a different split evolution too...Magnezone looks horrible.
Man, I love Magnezone -- he completely redeemed that line in my eyes. Whereas Magneton was just three Magnemites linked together, Magnezone combined them all into a bulky UFO that actually looks powerful. He has this cool "floating fortress" look to him. Me likey!

And like I said, in this ideal Gen VI were fusions exist, I'd like: 100 all-new species; 40 new evolutions to old Pokemon; and 50 fusions from old Pokemon. So in effect, 140 old Pokemon would get new "evolutions," and 200 new creatures would be made in all. Pushing the envelope of what's plausible, but how cool would that be...

Man God

Non-Canon Member
There's a lot of redundant pokemon in gen five that could have gone to evos of old pokemon, but I'm glad they stuck to the whole new continent, completely fresh dex idea for once. They chickened out the last time they had a fresh start in gen three.
Man, I love Magnezone -- he completely redeemed that line in my eyes. Whereas Magneton was just three Magnemites linked together, Magnezone combined them all into a bulky UFO that actually looks powerful. He has this cool "floating fortress" look to him. Me likey!

Came to post something along these lines, glad to see you've beaten me to it.
Gen 2 needs a ton of evos, so many kind of shitty pokemon in there.


Came to post something along these lines, glad to see you've beaten me to it.
Gen 2 needs a ton of evos, so many kind of shitty pokemon in there.
As per my list earlier, Gen 2 has the most in need of evolutions. Even with me taking into account my mad fusion fantasies, I still see lots of Gen 2 Pokemon that could use just regular ol' evolutions:

+ Sudowoodo
+ Girafarig
+ Dunsparce
+ Qwilfish
+ Shuckle
+ Magcargo
+ Corsola
+ Delibird
+ Houndoom
+ Donphan
+ Stantler
+ Smeargle

A Girafarig evo that looks like a long-necked giraffe... Some sort of bulky cave creature with a massive drill-tail for Dunsparce... A full-blown coral reef for Corsola... A giant elephant (with monster truck treads!) for Donphan... A two-headed Cerberus-style Houndoom... The list goes on and on.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Came to post something along these lines, glad to see you've beaten me to it.
Gen 2 needs a ton of evos, so many kind of shitty pokemon in there.

Noctowl being chief among them. Sunflora, Furrett, Ariados/Ledian, Donphan, Xatu, Sudowoodo, Granbull, Lanturn (too good already), Foretress, Dunsparce, Qwilfish, Delibird, Marcargo, Corsola.


Gah, so many Pokemon in need of evolutions. Again, this is why fusion would be helpful. Take two Pokemon in need of an evolution, given them a shared powerful fusion.

ANOTHER IDEA: Special hold items that function like Soul Dew on Latios and Latias, boosting stats like, say, Spc. Attk and Spc. Def by 50 percent. But they would only work with select Pokemon, and those select Pokemon would be middle-of-the-road Pokemon like Noctowl, Ampharos, etc. It would be another way to make some Pokemon competitive again without resorting to evolutions or even fusions.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
A lightball for one of the stats (not two, gotta give pikachu some love here) would be great on second evo pokemon.

Stage On

I suggested a Dragonite/Tyranitar fusion in the other thread; The Adder is working on his, and Diggeh posted his version! Awesome!

I don't know, it seems silly to give two Pokemon that are already that powerful and useful a fusion.

I'd rather reserve it mostly for weaker dudes to give them a way to be more competitive then to make ubers more uber


I don't know, it seems silly to give two Pokemon that are already that powerful and useful a fusion.

I'd rather reserve it mostly for weaker dudes to give them a way to be more competitive then to make ubers more uber
I think the primary use of fusions would be to "power up" weak/average yet similar Pokemon, like Plusle and Minun, Volbeat and Illumize, Taurus and Bouffalant, etc. But from a sheer "wow, cool" standpoint, I think some popular final forms like Venusaur, Blastoise, Charizard, etc, could be mixed with other Pokemon for alternate typings, etc, via fusion.

A Dragon/Rock-type Dragonite [Tyrant Forme] (Dragonite X Tyranitar) would be one such Pokemon, and since the process is reversible, you could get back your Dragonite and Tyranitar at any time. :)

I like that design, by the way, but I'm not sure I'd advocate the fused Pokemon having the same color scheme as either of its component Pokemon. Cool stuff, though. :)
Fusions aren't going to happen either way, so it may as well be something cool.

You guys are free to dream about Dunsparce x Corsola fusions though! :p

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I don't know, it seems silly to give two Pokemon that are already that powerful and useful a fusion.

I'd rather reserve it mostly for weaker dudes to give them a way to be more competitive then to make ubers more uber

This is exactly why I don't want fusions anywhere near the game because people will demand getting their great pokemon even better while they'll ignore the bad ones. When good pokemon get better it makes the bad ones even worse in comparison.

I was actually toying with a Ratio system last night where pokemon got more abilities based on their stat total, movepool and type combinations. Great pokemon would only have one ability but bad ones would have multiple ones and even some game changing ones like the ability to use two items or what have you.


Fusions aren't going to happen either way, so it may as well be something cool.

You guys are free to dream about Dunsparce x Corsola fusions though! :p
That would actually be badass, since one is made of rock and the other has a drill... :O

This is exactly why I don't want fusions anywhere near the game because people will demand getting their great pokemon even better while they'll ignore the bad ones. When good pokemon get better it makes the bad ones even worse in comparison.
I think a balance could be struck so the fusions don't overwhelm.

I was actually toying with a Ratio system last night where pokemon got more abilities based on their stat total, movepool and type combinations. Great pokemon would only have one ability but bad ones would have multiple ones and even some game changing ones like the ability to use two items or what have you.
I also like this idea, although I don't think it needs to exist separate from fusions. I do like the idea of average Pokemon like Ampharos getting multiple abilities, though. One new ability could even allow a Pokemon to hold two items instead of one, which when combined with the Soul Dew-style hold item I suggested earlier, would bump many Pokemon up a tier.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
You kidding?

I can fix Ampharos with one move. No need for stat changes or ratio adjustments or anything radical. Just one sensible move that he should have for obvious reasons.


You kidding?

I can fix Ampharos with one move. No need for stat changes or ratio adjustments or anything radical. Just one sensible move that he should have for obvious reasons.
I haven't put much thought into Ampharos in particular (despite loving his whole line). Which move are you thinking of? Currently, Ampharos is in Smogon's Never Used tier...
A giant elephant (with monster truck treads!) for Donphan
Sounds like something i'd find in Space Station Silicon Valley.

Noctowl being chief among them. Sunflora, Furrett, Ariados/Ledian, Donphan, Xatu, Sudowoodo, Granbull, Lanturn (too good already), Foretress, Dunsparce, Qwilfish, Delibird, Marcargo, Corsola.

I'd kill for a good Owl Pokemon.
But i'd sooner see Qwilfish and Delibird get evos first, especially Qwilfish.


tail glow.
Increases Spc. Attk by three stages per use, right? Damn. But his speed stat could still use fixing. Maybe also give Ampharos the Speed Boost ability? Now you're talking!

Also, it's funny Ampharos doesn't have Tail Glow when his pokedex says his tail can be used as a beacon for distant shores, lol.
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