Is it a good thing or a bad thing that when I looked at the rightmost handbook, I mistook Charmander as Iris?
So what do Zorua, Turtwig, Meowth, Chimchar, Zigzagoon, Totodile, Snivy, Torchic, Mudkip, Oshawott, Bulbasaur, Marill, Tepig, Treecko, Charmander, Pachirisu, Cyndaquil, Pikachu, Piplup, Squirtle, Axew, Jigglypuff, Togepi, Chikorita, and Pichu have in common?
eww less digimon more this
eww less digimon more this
So what do Zorua, Turtwig, Meowth, Chimchar, Zigzagoon, Totodile, Snivy, Torchic, Mudkip, Oshawott, Bulbasaur, Marill, Tepig, Treecko, Charmander, Pachirisu, Cyndaquil, Pikachu, Piplup, Squirtle, Axew, Jigglypuff, Togepi, Chikorita, and Pichu have in common?
I love the premise of this Farfetch'd evolution, and the filename is great: "Absurd." Absurd, the ronin Pokemon, with the wandering samurai's cloak, bowl-shaped hat, and a sheath and katana fashioned out of leeks... He could be a Fighting/Flying-type.eww less digimon more this
Fuse Lumineon with Seaking -- some sort of epic frilly fish with a horn!Lumineon is simply too outclassed by way too many other Water Pokemon to be of much use. No wonder nobody remembers it
That's a really cool idea -- an item that allows a first or second form access to the stats of their final form without evolving.I love that Farfetchd evolution, so cool.
I still dream that some-day they will introduce an item that stops Pokemon from evolving but lets them then get the stats of their respective evolutions at the respective levels. So something like a super-everstone.
I like so many Pokemon but not their evolutions. The original Pokemon is always smaller, cooler and cuter. ^^
That's a really cool idea -- an item that allows a first or second form access to the stats of their final form without evolving.![]()
Yeah, I'd be down for this. And of course, I'd love to see many final forms receives stat boosts, new abilities and moves themselves. Tail Glow on Ampharos, dammit!Not a bad idea, plus the evolved forms would still have an edge since they'd be able to equip a better item.
((Does Slaking have Entrainment? What about Regigigas? Archeops? Would be fun to inflict their abilities on others!))
The closest thing you can do that is have a dream world Durant with Truant use Entrainment on everything before dying.
((Does Slaking have Entrainment? What about Regigigas? Archeops? Would be fun to inflict their abilities on others!))
That sounds like fun.
Yay, there's a medarot 7 patch that fixes some issues available in Japan.
Also, tomorrow's 15 years to the day of when the first game launched.
It's not so great against human players since you can just switch out to another Pokémon, but it would be wonderful against the CPU. After giving the CPU Truant, they usually won't switch, so you can give one of your Pokémon Protect + Swords Dance/Nasty Plot/etc. and max your stats on the turns the CPU can't attack before going for the sweep.
Chet Rippo a CPU, confirmed.Don't ruin this for me.
Looks like I'll have to switch to Elektross for my electric mon in the White Forest run. I already made Lucario wear a balloon.
I wish that if a Pokemon had more then one ability you could select which one you wanted it to be born with. It would sure make breeding a lot faster.
I wish that if a Pokemon had more then one ability you could select which one you wanted it to be born with. It would sure make breeding a lot faster.
They changed it to getting whatever ability the mother has 80 percent of the time.
This along with everstone now working 100% of the time has reduced my average breeding time for single ability pokemon by about half and multiple ability pokemon by about eight times!
Now then... See these two muscle-bound love-birds? Yeah -- they need to FUSE:
Out of curiosity, do used hold items reset?
Wrong thread, or am I missing something?
Wrong thread, or am I missing something?
Cuteness overloads avatar isn't cute anymore, (It's more dignified now) run for the hills
Wrong thread, or am I missing something?
Hey, we should always be prepared to listen to those less fortunate than ourselves.
Reuniclus is a must.What are some really good sweepers I can put on my Trick Room team?
So far using Conkeldurr, Empoleon, and Dragonite.
Empoleon and Dragonite haven't done crap so I'm taking them out.
What are some really good sweepers I can put on my Trick Room team?
So far using Conkeldurr, Empoleon, and Dragonite.
Empoleon and Dragonite haven't done crap so I'm taking them out.
What are some really good sweepers I can put on my Trick Room team?
So far using Conkeldurr, Empoleon, and Dragonite.
Empoleon and Dragonite haven't done crap so I'm taking them out.