Cute Dragon Here
*changes avatar to something that reminds himself of last year*
Angry Pumpkin Pokémon
Height, weight, flavour text, type.
Okay, so they're bringing Team Plasma (Colress, Ghetsis and Genesect) in the anime, N seems to be on good terms with Ash, N meets Reshiram (so I guess Ash gets Zekrom), Charizard is back, and all other stuff.
3 feet, 300lbs, Angry but cute pumpkin. He refuse to be near any 4th gen pokémon, grass/cute
At least I'm not a Turtwig right now.
But wouldn't you love Turtwig?
Actually Turtwig and his evolutions are the only 4th gen pokémon that i can stomach
But why only Turtwig then?
Ugh, looks like Team Rocket's gonna be in every episode again...
Ugh, looks like Team Rocket's gonna be in every episode again...
Ugh, looks like Team Rocket's gonna be in every episode again...
...I'm ok with this. Throw in their old motto and they'll be perfect.
Okay, so they're bringing Team Plasma (Colress, Ghetsis and Genesect) in the anime, N seems to be on good terms with Ash, N meets Reshiram (so I guess Ash gets Zekrom), Charizard is back, and all other stuff.
Eh, not necessarily. We know they have the balloon back, they're opposing Team Plasma and they (finally) have some new Pokemon in the form of Frillish and Amoonguss, but beyond that, we don't really know.Ugh, looks like Team Rocket's gonna be in every episode again...
Yeah, it's looking pretty likely.Mewtwo might appear in the N episodes too, since he has a merch (a stylus). The only ones who got a merch are the mons appearing in the episodes.
Eh, not necessarily. We know they have the balloon back, they're opposing Team Plasma and they (finally) have some new Pokemon in the form of Frillish and Amoonguss, but beyond that, we don't really know.
The balloon means every episode.
Just watch.
The balloon means every episode.
Just watch.
They'll appear in the inevitable fillers, but I'd hope they'd have the restraint to keep them away from the Plasma episodes if they're not part of the plot.
I hope that Charizard isn't Ash's.
Charizard sucks.
Well, Pansage is riding that Charizard.
N's voiced by Tomokazu Sugita's best friend, Nakamura Yuichi.
I'd pay big bucks for Ghetsis to be voiced by Sugita. :/
Can we talk for just a second about how good the Colress battle theme is?
Because it's good.
Really good.
Ugh, looks like Team Rocket's gonna be in every episode again...
Mewtwo might appear in the N episodes too, since he has a merch (a stylus). The only ones who got a merch are the mons appearing in the episodes.
I hope that Charizard isn't Ash's.
Charizard sucks.
Man Mewtwo vs Genesect would be utterly amazing.....
I think something in the universe would have probably divided by zero if Ash somehow wins it.
Cute or scary Pokémon?
I'm going to say scary for now because Deoxys is best Legendary.
He also has one of my favourite music tracks in the series.