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Pokémon Community Thread 2: "This is the Real Power of Johto..."


That's an awfully weird belly button

And relax only floatzels seem to have it

It's the mental image that disturbs me more than anything.

PK Gaming

hey yall

anyone have a decent natured Taillow they'd be willing to part with? I'm right smack dab in the middle of my bw2 run and i need a cool flying type.

Stage On

Ash is basically confirmed to lose to Kotetsu in the League.

What a terrible League this has been. I'd prefer Tobias over that.

Urg if that's true this will have been one of the worst leagues ever.

Kotetsu is an utter spazz :(

At least losing to two legendaries made Ash look like a badass.

Stage On

You know despite being a very big Ash fan I even I wouldn't mind if they replaced him in the anime as long as they actually gave him a good send off by letting him win a major victory so that I had a sense of closure to his story.

But that would actually require people able to write well... *sigh*
You know despite being a very big Ash fan I even I wouldn't mind if they replaced him in the anime as long as they actually gave him a good send off by letting him win a major victory so that I had a sense of closure to his story.

But that would actually require people able to write well... *sigh*

So... would Ash and Zekrom vs. N and Reshiram qualify? >:D


Looking through my games, here is my team for every game I have:

Red & Blue: Venusaur, Beedrill, Gyarados, Mr. Mime, Flareon, Gengar

Yellow: Pikachu, Gyarados, Venusaur, Dugtrio, Gengar, Rapidash

Crystal: Meganium, Poliwrath, Golem, Alakazam, Gyarados, Gengar

Ruby: Blaziken, Beautifly, Linoone, Gyarados, Cacturne, Starmie

Leaf Green: Venusaur, Gyarados, Clefable, Ninetails, Jolteon, Dodrio

Platinum: Infernape, Gyarados, Garchomp, Salamence, Vileplume, Glaceon

White: Serperior, Lucario, Chandelure, Mamoswine, Gyarados, Hydreigon

White 2: Garchomp, Gyarados, Jolteon, Roserade, Skarmory, Zoroark

Stage On

Geeze Mike do you raise a fresh Gyarados from scratch for each game?

I mean I know I'm guilty of using the same Pokemon more then once having raised at least a couple of Snorlax and others so I shouldn't judge but still....

I try to keep repeats low in order to have more viable high level mons to use in the future.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I've raised an alakazam in every gen besides five at least once.

Gardevoir is also a perennial since gen three.

Hell I had a team in Platinum that was all fighting and psychic. Infernape, Machamp, Gallade, Gardevoir, Alakazam.


No Scrubs
I remember I used a Gallade for the battle tower for a while, thing was pure beast. After a swords dance everything got at most 2 shot. I still have it I think, I need to figure out how to transfer guys over from SS/HG to B/W 2.

Stage On

Uh Ash's BW team is the weakest he's had since Johto.

I wish just once they'd let him bring back his reserves and totally roll one of his rivals after they troll him about being weak one too many times.

So much potential to be epic squandered


No Scrubs
Uh Ash's BW team is the weakest he's had since Johto.

I wish just once they'd let him bring back his reserves and totally roll one of his rivals after they troll him about being weak one too many times.

So much potential to be epic squandered

We usually have to wait for the Leagues to get that kind of epic. It would be hilarious overkill to even bring a few of his reserves to a rival fight. Tauros or Kingler could wreck most of his rivals alone.

Stage On

We usually have to wait for the Leagues to get that kind of epic. It would be hilarious overkill to even bring a few of his reserves to a rival fight. Tauros or Kingler could wreck most of his rivals alone.

Well there is a reason the Johto and Sinnoh leagues rock. Heck even most of the original league was better then the shit they've given us this time around.
Uh Ash's BW team is the weakest he's had since Johto.

I wish just once they'd let him bring back his reserves and totally roll one of his rivals after they troll him about being weak one too many times.

So much potential to be epic squandered

It's pretty much of a combination that things need to evolve and that he should use his reserves from this gen more. Out of the stuff he got this gen, I doubt Oshawott nor Scraggy will ever evolve, but the rest of the stuff he caught this gen should get more use and evolve.

Though with how the anime usually goes, I expect that at least Boldore and Palpitoad will evolve before they get shelved at the farm probably after non use and one miracle battle.

Stage On

. Out of the stuff he got this gen, I doubt Oshawott nor Scraggy will ever evolve,


Ash needs an evolved water starter to go with his evolved Grass and Fire starters he has in reserve. I really wanted that one to be Oshawott but Kotetsu pretty much stole any chance of that every happening away :(

And gosh darn it would have been amazing for Scraggy to evolve.

What was the point of expanding his team if he hardly uses them? Sinnoh was better because at least while his team was small almost all of them reached their full potential

Ash needs an evolved water starter to go with his evolved Grass and Fire starters he has in reserve. I really wanted that one to be Oshawott but Kotetsu pretty much stole any chance of that every happening away :(

And gosh darn it would have been amazing for Scraggy to evolve.

What was the point of expanding his team if he hardly uses them? Sinnoh was better because at least while his team was small almost all of them reached their full potential

Being too popular is a curse. Look at Dawn's Piplup.

And unless Axew evolves, I doubt Scraggy will evolve since the show is really playing their friendship.

Yeah, it was silly. When it was revealed that Ash would be rotating his team this gen, it was pretty cool. Fast forward to now and half his team is basically neglected. Sure it was cool that Unfezant and Leavanny evolved but how often do you even see them?

Stage On

Urg I hate Dawn's Piplup sooo much. Such an obnoxious screen time hogger.

Axew is starting to fall into that category as well after they wasted an entire league episode on it being lost rather then getting an amazing battle instead.

I don't get why Scraggy couldn't evolve and still be friends with Axew. Or Oshawott couldn't keep it's funny personality if it evolved.

It's funny how the rotation thing at first seemed like they where taking a step forward with Ash's character but they used the concept so poorly they actually ended up taking two steps backwards instead which resulted in regressing him.

Such a long running series should NOT be regressing like this. I mean Detective Conan is just as massively long and yet it mostly manages to keep moving it's characters forwards even if the rate at which it does so is super slow.

Just because the show is meant to be primarily for little kids is no excuse for it to be at such crappy levels, especially after years and years of slow and steady improvement.

Advanced Generation was a huge step up over the Original Series in terms of quality. Diamond and Pearl was mostly another step up after that, well other then how Mary Sue Dawn was....

The fact they pretty much hit the reset button is pretty much unforgivable. They've made the show so boring that I'm not even quite sure why I'm still bothering to watch anymore at this point.

The Gym battles aren't exciting anymore, the League which is supposed to be the climax of the entire saga is a total mess. I'm not even sure the inclusion of Team Plasma at this point can redeem Best Wishes at this point.

I'd even argue that it's managed to surpass Johto levels of fail and that has long considered to be the lowest point of the series due to the sheer number of fillers it had. But at least Johto had an amazing League to cap things off with. Ash vs Gary is one of the most memorable battles in the entire series after all.

While Johto was too slow paced Best Wishes is almost too fast leaving no room for proper development.

What happened to this series? Did the Writers from Diamond and Pearl get replaced or Something? I want a competent Ash that actually felt like an advanced level trainer he was supposed to be rather then the loser he has descended into


i watched the first episode of Pokemon the other day and it was fuckin' adorable, no wonder i liked this show so much as a kid

You know despite being a very big Ash fan I even I wouldn't mind if they replaced him in the anime as long as they actually gave him a good send off by letting him win a major victory so that I had a sense of closure to his story.

But that would actually require people able to write well... *sigh*

he should win a league tournament and leave the anime for a season, then come back magically grown up and take over Brock's position.


No Scrubs
i watched the first episode of Pokemon the other day and it was fuckin' adorable, no wonder i liked this show so much as a kid

he should win a league tournament and leave the anime for a season, then come back magically grown up and take over Brock's position.

No way, if he comes back he should be banging Misty. Have the new protagonist be their kid or something.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Anyone else find it weird that Red is the only recognized playable Champion that you can fight against? Fuck you GameFreak, I want to fight Ethan/Lyra/Kris/Brendan/May/Dawn/Lucas/Hilbert/Hilda too!


Anyone else find it weird that Red is the only recognized playable Champion that you can fight against? Fuck you GameFreak, I want to fight Ethan/Lyra/Kris/Brendan/May/Dawn/Lucas/Hilbert/Hilda too!

Hilbert/hilda...tho not champion but sorta champions since they beat n who beat alder before you got there, are the only ones that may happen since they're looking for N for some silly reason. :D
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