Woo, halfway through the thread in 4 months! By this rate, we'll need a new one before Gen VI hits next year!
How fast did we get with the first one?
Woo, halfway through the thread in 4 months! By this rate, we'll need a new one before Gen VI hits next year!
Hasn't been the same since Brock left.It's discrimination unless next season there is a character with a boob fetish.
Japan.Okay but seriously why does she have so many fetishes in a kid show?
It's understandable. Pokemon isn't on Simply The Most Desirable Handheld Ever Released.Pah! Vita people have gone through 6-7 threads now in like 10 months and I won't even mention the Halo thread.
Ban This Sick Filth Now.
Hey y'all. Hope you guys don't mind me asking this, since I didn't see a specific link to a Ruby thread in the OP:
I dug up a copy of Ruby in my room, want to take a crack at it, but I'm extremely ignorant on the franchise. Is there a page or two of general game advice out there somewhere? Not a whole walkthrough, I'm looking for a "if you know these things before starting your game, you'll have a better/easier time" sort of thing. Thanks!
Down with this sort of thing!
Pah! Vita people have gone through 6-7 threads now in like 10 months and I won't even mention the Halo thread.
why would she have a muscle fetish, that's so weird
Don't worry about your starter choice this time around - unlike earlier games the game is much more balanced. Just remember that what Attack stat is used depends purely on the attack's type itself in Gen III games, and if you went with Torchic, get it to be a Combusken before bothering with the first Gym.
The general rule regarding party layout for newer games apply here, too.
Don't be stingy with items, either. Try to avoid using direct contact moves on Pokémon with contact abilities.
Thanks, I appreciate the help. What is the "general rule regarding party layout"?
It took six months to reach page 200 last time.
Didn't realise we were going so fast this time.
Probably anything to not make her a Barry clone that's female.
Personally I loved her going crazy over Zoura
Yeah, all the little quirks that she has now in the anime makes her a much better character.
putting bug-infested games over better ones? troll
I'm on Victory Road atm. Having to carry HM slaves into that area is retarded.
Also, having to wait till endgame to get access to the Pokemon Daycare/breeding is stupid.
Pretty expensive for amon.shitty
R/S/Y introduced the world to Ludicolo and Swift Swim. Awful, awful overworld aside, I like it better than 5th gen honestly.
He obvious meant RSE for Ruby Sapphire and Emerald
3rd Gen's overworld is actually pretty good until you go beyond Lilycove and get inflicted with Ocean Madness.