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Pokémon Community Thread 2: "This is the Real Power of Johto..."

holy shit



You're wrong, BTW.

I'm not saying they are the best. I had thoe most fun with those games though because it was the first of it's kind.

Silver gold and crystal are obviously the better game and a more developed version of Gen 1. Gen 3 felt like a lesser version of the ones that came before it, and diamond and pearl have my least favorite mons and felt stale.

B/W gen V has my favorite new pokemon since Gen I and Gen II and the first games B/W felt like a hreat refresh on the series.
I'm going to use Bianca as my avatar until I stop finding her weird.

Can someone explain how RBY are the worst? I'm confused since the entire series and ,mechanics spawn from that game.

I do like BW best currently so I agree with that.

They were great for their time and are extremely nostalgic and historically significant, but the games are archaic, buggy messes nowadays that I and many others find very hard to go back to for anything other than fond memories.


Can someone explain how RBY are the worst? I'm confused since the entire series and ,mechanics spawn from that game.

I do like BW best currently so I agree with that.

Hmm They're the first games.. Had many glitches...some good, many bad, one that screwed everything up....and a random mew under a truck :p

Basically each gen is better than the last...Opinion wise anyway lol
They were great for their time and are extremely nostalgic and historically significant, but the games are archaic, buggy messes nowadays that I and many others find very hard to go back to for anything other than fond memories.

I disagree. Conversely, I find B/W to be very boring with a confusing shift in difficulty during the post-E4 campaign. The Pokemon designs aren't as good as previous gens, either.
They were great for their time and are extremely nostalgic and historically significant, but the games are archaic, buggy messes nowadays that I and many others find very hard to go back to for anything other than fond memories.

Hmm They're the first games.. Had many glitches...some good, many bad, one that screwed everything up....and a random mew under a truck :p

Basically each gen is better than the last...Opinion wise anyway lol

I can appreciate that.

I cant play red and blue but I loved my recent time with Fire Red amd Leaf Green. I also had an amazing time with Heart Gold amd Soul Silver, is it the remakes that made those experiances better?

I know it's not nostalgia for G/S since I never played them until HG/SS.

I can understand the weak mechanics, the engine it runs on and issues with the game and balance. I don't like gen iV much at all though. That may have to do with the pokemon though. I like Gen V a lot, so I have really high hopes for the first 3DS and Gen VI games.


I like RSE, but my main problems with it are:

1.) Too many HMs, ironically I remember my HM Slave Gyarados was actually the strongest on my team haha.
2.) The rival is lame, he doesn't even fully evolve his starter.
3.) Lamest batch of E4 members.
4.) Speaking of E4, the game doesn't really give you enough strong trainers to fight against. I fight every trainer and am still highly underleveled for the E4.
5.) Wally...what is up with this dude?

But I like the music and legendaries in this game.

Stage On

I like RSE, but my main problems with it are:

1.) Too many HMs, ironically I remember my HM Slave Gyarados was actually the strongest on my team haha.
2.) The rival is lame, he doesn't even fully evolve his starter.
3.) Lamest batch of E4 members.
4.) Speaking of E4, the game doesn't really give you enough strong trainers to fight against. I fight every trainer and am still highly underleveled for the E4.
5.) Wally...what is up with this dude?

But I like the music and legendaries in this game.

What would you change for a remake?


What would you change for a remake?

1.) Actually the Water HM thing isn't too big of a deal as the Waterfall is no longer completely outclassed by Surf as a move. But I'd at least alter Victory Road so I don't need Flash.
2.) Either have only 1 rival, or have more focus on them. In the original Brendan doesnt fully evolve his starter and Wally goes MIA until the end of Victory Road. BW did a good job on having 2 rivals, so I think a remake could do it as well.
3.) More strong trainers to face so you have enough EXP to fight the E4 when ready, and not just grinding against 2343434 Golbats in the cave.
4.) Also, if Wallace is 8th gym leader again, give him his Emerald team again instead of RS.


I think I just expected more out of gens 3 and 4 after the majesty that was gens 1 and 2.

I didn't get it, so I shit on those games (more than I probably should). They did very good with BW, so I know they're capable, they just dropped the ball.

I'm sure if gen 3 or 4 came first, I'd love them. But the bottom line is... they didn't. In a post gen 1 and 2 world, they fucked up. RSE and DPP didn't grab me at all, forgettable characters/pokemon/region/music, bad pacing... I have no desire to return to them. I've already played through Black 3 times!

For me, unless BW2 becomes a total disappointment later on. I don't know why I don't like DPP, I just find it so unmemorable, but to rank it higher or lower than HGSS doesn't really make sense. As a game, it's virtually equal. FRLG are really good homages to the originals.
If you remove the nostalgia from them though, it really doesn't make sense to rank them anywhere but the bottom. They are so baron and lacking of life in comparison to the newer games. Don't get me wrong, they're incredible and provided me with some of my best childhood memories, but Pokemon has really only gotten better as time has gone on. There's so much to do in BW2 I feel like I might need to read some manuals to figure it all out.

For me, unless BW2 becomes a total disappointment later on. I don't know why I don't like DPP, I just find it so unmemorable, but to rank it higher or lower than HGSS doesn't really make sense. As a game, it's virtually equal. FRLG are really good homages to the originals.
If you remove the nostalgia from them though, it really doesn't make sense to rank them anywhere but the bottom. They are so baron and lacking of life in comparison to the newer games. Don't get me wrong, they're incredible and provided me with some of my best childhood memories, but Pokemon has really only gotten better as time has gone on. There's so much to do in BW2 I feel like I might need to read some manuals to figure it all out.

You I like. It's so nice to see that we're adding so many Gen V supporters to our ranks :)
Did you play R/B when it first came out or after you had played newer Pokemon games? It wasn't that bad. I don't think Yellow was that drastically better than R/B either.

First games.

I played them.

I refuse to go back to the originals after all these years. Can't give up Gen III changes.
Did you play R/B when it first came out or after you had played newer Pokemon games? It wasn't that bad. I don't think Yellow was that drastically better than R/B either.

Blue was my first ever game and I've played through it dozens of times, but I agree with CO's ranking (although with HGSS and Platinum swapped around). There are some things which nostalgia simply can't mask, and the shoddiness of RB is one of them.


i don't get how platinum could be so dramatically better than dp, or emerald rs or yellow rb

And I thought B2 was really bad. what's the consensus on GAF?

Everything is better than DP, and B2W2 is the best Pokemon game yet.

DP were really slow. Platinum improved things there, and going back to DP after playing Platinum is torture.
Hmm They're the first games.. Had many glitches...some good, many bad, one that screwed everything up....and a random mew under a truck :p

Basically each gen is better than the last...Opinion wise anyway lol

The glitches are what made the game take off. MissingNo, Mew, and many more. They fed the hype that made the game what it is today.

Yellow, and Soul Silver I love. BW1/2 are also very good. I have yet to play the others.


I wish the Kanto remakes changed some more changes in what Pokemon the foes use, seriously why is Bruno using a Pokemon that the first gym leader used? If he wanted a Flying counter, at least use Golem.

Hell, this would be my 3rd Gen Bruno:
~ Bulk Up
~ Brick Break
~ Rock Slide
~ Earthquake

~ Sky Uppercut
~ Mach Punch
~ Counter
~ Rock Slide

~ Endure
~ Reversal
~ Hi Jump Kick
~ Foresight

~ Hypnosis
~ Focus Punch
~ Ice Beam
~ Hydro Pump

~ Cross Chop
~ Rock Slide
~ Earthquake
~ Fire Blast

Even cooler is that they all have different fighting moves.
I wondered where all of the talk about Elesa's feet and fuzzly Joltik went. Poor guy went posting possible spoilers about a movie that hasn't even come out yet. :/

Two thirds of Hoenn is easily the best region. Varied, interesting terrain, loads of unique towns, great stuff.

Unfortunately, the other third is ocean. Dull, crappy ocean. Such a waste.

And, while we're doing this...

BW2 > Platinum > BW > Emerald > DP > RS > FRLG > HGSS > Yellow > RB > Crystal > GS.
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