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Pokémon Community Thread 2: "This is the Real Power of Johto..."



How can I love you, DS graphics?
Sure why not if it's not piracy related.

Okay. I just don't wanna get banned. I have my copy of HG/SS and i'm wondering if anyone here has an action replay for a ds? Im looking for a level 5 celebi to run through the game with along with a naive/naughty horsea with dragon dance. Im so specific lol.
What's wrong with gen II pokemon? It's the only gen where I can't name a bad one off the top of my head.


Depending on your point of view; Dunsparce (even if all who oppose it are WRONG)

I honestly think that there are more silly designs in Gen II than bad ones, like Natu ('S JUST A LIL BIRD) and Slugma (pretty sure I saw a few of those in OoT's Fire Temple...)



Depending on your point of view; Dunsparce (even if all who oppose it are WRONG)

I honestly think that there are more silly designs in Gen II than bad ones, like Natu ('S JUST A LIL BIRD) and Slugma (pretty sure I saw a few of those in OoT's Fire Temple...)

Hey man I like Corsola.


rarity = good
twilight = good
spike = ....hmm maybe
pinkie pie....yeahhh no...or maybe?
rainbow dash could have been a shiny flygon
fluttershy...i get the idea but no. A pink haired gardevoir would have been cool.
Applejack.... It......works so well o_O

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I guess I wouldn't mind it if they made it so that Aracanine's head isn't facing to the front.

And wut, I said no O:


Oh, I totally agree regarding Arcanine. It's one of my favourite Pokemon but man is he let down by some subpar artwork and sprites.

There are some okay ones, but on the whole I don't think they do him justice. Last good one was Ruby/Sapphire.
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